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Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products

Yıl 2016, , 0 - 0, 02.12.2016


Odun çok önemli bir doğal kaynaktır ve dünyadaki yenilenebilir kaynaklardan olan selüloz, selülozik olmayan polisakkaritler (hemiselüloz ve pektin) ve lignini içeren heterojen doğal bir malzemedir. Selüloz, suyla birleştiği zaman özgün fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinden dolayı uygun bir gıda katkı maddesi olmaktadır. Selüloz ve fiziksel ve kimyasal türevleri gıda imalatında uzun yıllardır kullanılmaktadır. Fiziksel olarak modifiye edilmiş selüloz, düşük kalorili yiyecekler, alkollü içeceklerde tatlandırıcı yada yapay tatlandırıcılar gibi toptan gıda özelliklerinin arzulandığı pek çok üründe kullanışlı olmaktadır. Ayrıca selüloz hem yoğunlaştırma hem de emülsiyon reaksiyonlarına katılmaktadır. Gıdalardaki selüloz türevleri reolojik özelliklerin düzenlenmesinde, emülsiyonlaştırma, köpük stabilizasyonu, buz kristallerinin modifikasyonu ve su bağlama kapasitesinde kullanılmaktadır. 


  • Alyanak, D. 2004. Water vapour permeable edible membranes. A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences of Izmir Institute of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of science in Biotechnology and Bioengineering Program. January.
  • Anonymous, 1966. Imperial chemical industries PLC, Manchester, England (EMC — Edifas A.).
  • Anonymous, 1981. Hercules Inc., Klucel, Hydroxypropylcellulose.
  • Anonymous, 1966. Food chemicals codex, 3rd ed., National Academy Press, Washington.
  • Aruna, D., Sasikala, P., Lavanya, R., Kavitha, V., Yazhini, G, M., Shakila, B. 2012. Edible films from polysaccharides. Food Science and Quality Management. Vol 3.
  • Augustin, L.S., Franceschi, S., Jenkins, D.J.A., Kendall, C.W.C., La Vecchi, C. 2002. Glycemic index in chronic disease: A review, Eurpean Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 56(11), 1049-1071.
  • Bell, D.A. 1990. Methylcellulose as a structure enhancer in bread baking, Cereal Foods World, 35(10), 1001.
  • Barthel, S., Heinze, T. 2006. Acylation and carbanilation of cellulose in ionic liquids, Green Chemistry, 8, 301.
  • Coffey, D.G., Bell, D.A., Henderson, A. 1995. Cellulose and cellulose derivatives, food polysaccharides and their applications, A.M. Stephen, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 123–153.
  • Camacho Gómez, J., Erler, U., Klemm, D. 1996. 4-methoxy substituted trityl groups in 6-O protection of cellulose: Homogeneous synthesis, characterization, detritylation. Macromolecular Chemistry Physics, 197(3), 953-964.
  • Dawsey, T., McCormick, C. 1990. The lıthıum chlorıde/dımethylacetamıde solvent for cellulose: A lıterature revıew. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Polymer Review, 3, 405-440.
  • Einfeldt, L., Guenther, W., Klemm, D., Heublein, B. 2005. Peracetylated cellulose: End group modification and structural analysis by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy, Cellulose, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 12(1), 15-24.
  • Erdmenger, T., Haensch, C., Hoogenboom, R., Schubert, U. 2007. Homogeneous tritylation of cellulose in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. Macromolecular Bioscience, 7(4), 440-445.
  • Fengel, D., Wegener, G. 1979. Hydrolysis of polysaccharides with trifluoroacetic acid and its application to rapid wood and pulp analysis. hydrolysis of cellulose: Mechanism of enzymatic and acid catalysis ed. J. Brown, R.D., Jurasek, L. Vol. 181: ACS. 145.
  • Fleming, S.E., Rodriguez, M.A. 1983. Influence of dietary fiber on fecal excretion of volatile fattyacids by human adults, The Journal Nutrition, 113(8), 1613-1625.
  • Fleming, S.E., Gill, R. 1997. Aging stimulates fatty acid oxidation in rat colonoytes but does not influence the response to dietary fiber. The Journal Of Gerontology. A, Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 52, B310.
  • Garcia, M.A., Ferrero, C., Bertola, N., Martino, M., Zaritzky, N. 2002. Edible coatings from cellulose derivatives to reduce oil uptake in fried products. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 3(4), 391-397.
  • Graenacher, C. 1934. Cellulose solution. US patent, 1943176.
  • Hart, M.R., Graham, R.P., Gee, M., Morgan, A.I. 1970. Bread from sorghum and barley flours. J. Food Sci. 35(5), 661-665.
  • Heinze, T., Schwikai, K., Barthel, S. 2005. Ionic liquids as reaction medium in cellulose functionalization. Macromolecular. Bioscience. 5(6), 520-525.
  • Heinze, T., Liebert, T., Klüfers, P., Meister, F. 1999. Carboxymethylation of cellulose in unconventional media. Cellulose, 6(2), 153-165.
  • Helferich, B., Koester, H. 1924. Äther des triphenyl-carbinols mit cellulose und stärke. Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 57, 587.
  • Hearon, W., Hiatt, G., Fordyce, C. 1943. Cellulose trityl ether. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 65, 2449.
  • Imeson, A. 2010. Food stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, UK, by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Ink, S.L., Hurt, D.H. 1987. Nutritional implications of gums, Food Technologies. 41(1), 77.
  • Jacobs, V. 2015. Development of electrospun cellulose acetate nanofiber based membranes for filtration application. Master of Science in Engineering Technology Materials Technology.
  • Jorgensen, J.R., Fitch, M.D., Mortensen, P.B., Fleming, S.E. 2001. In vivo absorption of medium chain fatty acids by the rat colon exceeds that of short-chain fatty acids. Gastroenterology, 120(5), 11521161.
  • Jorgensen, J.R., Fitch, M.D., Mortensen, P.B., Fleming, S.E. 2002. Absorption and metabolism of octanoate by the rat colon in vivo; Concentration dependency and influence of alternative fuels. Gut, 51, 76-81.
  • Khan, M. I., Adrees, M. N., Tariq, M. R., Sohaib, M. 2013. Application of edible coating for improving meat quality: A review. Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences. 23(2), 71-79
  • Klemm, D., Philipp, B., Heinze, T., Heinze, U., Wagenknecht, W. 1998. Comprehensive cellulose chemistry: fundamentals and analytical methods. 1(1), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
  • Klemm, D., Heublein, B., Fink, H.P., Bohn, A. 2005.Cellulose: Fascinating biopolymer and sustainable raw material, angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44:3358.
  • Koh, M. H. 2013. Preparation and characterization of carboxy methyl cellulose from sugarcane bagasse. A project report submitted to the Department of Chemical Science Faculty of Science University Tunku Abdul Rahman. In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Chemistry May.
  • Kontturi, E. 2014. Cellulose chemical modification advanced biomaterial chemistry and techenology, Aalto University School of Chemical Technology.
  • Labafzadeh, S. R. 2015. Cellulose-based materials, Academic dissertation, Faculty of Science University of Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki.
  • Lewin, M. 2006. Handbook of fiber chemistry, CRC Press.
  • Magdy, M. H., Senna, K. M. A., Abdullah, S. A. 2014. Edible coating for shelf- life extinsion of fresh banana fruit based on gamma irridiated plasticized poly (venyl alcohol)-carboxymethyl cellulose-tannin composites. Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications. 5(6), 21.
  • Majewicz, T.G., Polas, T.J. 1993. Cellulose ethers, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4(5), 541–563.
  • Marchessault, R.H., Sundararajan, P.R. 1983, Cellulose and the polysaccharides, 2, 11.
  • Margreate, E. C. 2012. Chemical constituents of some tropical timpers Nigeria. Doctor Of Philophy (PhD) Thesis Degree. Nnamdi Azikiwe Universty, Anabra State.
  • Marzieh, K. E., Ataye, S., Mustafa S. N. 2015. Investigation on the effect of carboxymethyl cellulose and carrageenan on the rheological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate drink powder. Journal of Applied. Environmental Biological Science, 4(11), 165-173.
  • Marthinsen, D., Fleming, S.E. 1982.Excretion of breath and flatus gases by humans consuming highfiber diets. J. Nutr. 112(6), 11331143.
  • Mikkola, J. P., Kirilin, A., Tuuf, J. C., Pranovich, A., Holmbom, B., Kustov, L., Murzina, D., Salmia, T. 2007. Ultrasound enhancement of cellulose processing in ionic liquids: from dissolution towards functionalization. Green Chemistry. 9, 1229-1237.
  • Myllymäki, V., Aksela, R. 2005. Depolymerization method. WO patent, 054298.
  • Mohammed, S., Asmal, R., Siti, R., Azizan A., Nor, S. M. 2014. Biopolymer electrolyte based on derivatives of cellulose from kenaf bast fiber, Journal of Polymers Physics. 6(9), 2371-2385.
  • Mormann, W., Kucketz, C. 2002. Isocyanatocyanates and (iso)cyanatocyanurates synthesis and liquid crystal thermosets, Macromolecular Symposia, 181(1), 113-122.
  • Murray, J.C.F. 2000. Cellulosics, Handbook of Hydrocolloids (G.O. Phillips and P.A. Williams, Eds.), Wood head Publishers, Cambridge, U.K.. 219–230.
  • Murzina, D., Salmia T. 2007. Green Chemistry, 9, 1229.
  • Naruenartwongsakul, S., Chinnan, M. S., Bhumiratana, S., Yoovidhaya, T. 2004. Pasting characteristics of wheat-flour based batters containing cellulose ethers, Lebens.-Wissenschaft und — Technologie, Food Science and Technology 87(4), 489-495.
  • Nishita, K. D., Roberts, R. L., Bean, M. M., Kennedy, B.M. 1976. Development of a yeast-leavened rice-bread formula. Cereal Chemistry. 53(5):626-635.
  • Nilsson, S., Sundelöf, L., Porsch, B. 1995. On The Characterization principles of some technically important water soluble non-ionic cellulose derivatives, Carbonhydrate Polymers, 28, 265-215.
  • Paunonen, S. 2013. Strength and barrier enhancements of cellophane and cellulose derivatives films: A review. Cellulose Derivatives: Review Bio Resources, 8(2), 3098-3121.
  • Pauline, L. N., Frédéric, P., Joana, L. M. S., Maria, E. R., Duarte, M. D. N., Marguerite R. 2015. Methylcellulose a cellulose derivative with original physical properties and extended, applications. Polymers. 7(5), 777-803.
  • Portal, R., Rossi-Marquez, G., Mariniello, L., Sorrentino, A. C., Giosafatto, V. L., Esposito, M., Di Pierro, P. 2013. Edible coating as packaging strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut- fruits and vegetables. Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials. 3(4), 1-3.
  • Rahdar, E., Salehi, E. E., Najafi, M. A. 2014. Effect of sourdough and the addition of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum on the sensorial attributes and shelf life of barley bread. Journal of Novel Applied Sciences. 1228-1236.
  • Ragab, A. 2012. Advanced cellulose composites; preparation and properties, universite de grenoble, Helwan University, Egypt.
  • Schlufter, K., Schmauder, H-P., Dorn, S., Heinze, T. 2006. Efficient homogeneous chemical modification of bacterial cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 27(19), 1670-1676.
  • Setser, C.S., Racette, W.L. 1992. Macromolecule replacers is food products, Critical Reviews Food Science Nutrition 32(3), 275-297.
  • Sherif, M. K. 2014. Bacterial cellulose production and its industrial applications, J. Bioprocessing and Biotechniques. 4(2). 1-10.
  • Sonam, J., Premjeet, S. S., Reetesh, M., Babita, G. 2013. Cellulose derivatives as thermoresponsive polymer: an overview, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 3(12), 139-144.
  • Stephen, A. M., Phillips, G. O., Williams, P. A. 2006. Food polysaccharides and their application. Second Edition.
  • Subhas, C. S. 2014. Edible polymers: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Polymers. 13.
  • Swatloski, R., Holbrey, J., Spear, S., Rogers, R. 2002. Dissolution of cellose with ionic liquids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124(18). 4974-4975.
  • Terbojevich, M., Cosani, A., Camilot, M., Focher, B. 1995. Solution studies of cellulose tricarbanilates obtained in homogeneous phase. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 55(12), 1663-1671.
  • Towle, G.A. 1996. Stabilization of chilled and frozen foods, gums and stabilisers for the food industry (G.O. Phillips, P.A. Williams, and D.J. Wedlock, Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference, Wrexham, 79.
  • URL-1. /cellulose-medical-pharmaceutical-and-electro nic-applications/cellulose-and-its-derivatives-use-in-the-pharmaceutical-compounding-pra ctice. Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2015.
  • Wang, Z. M., Li, L., Xiao, K. J., Wu, J. Y. 2008. Homogeneous sulfation of bagasse cellulose in an ionic liquid and anticoagulation activity, Bioresource Technology. 100(4), 1687-1690.
  • Wikström, L. 2014. Surface treatment of cellulose ethers. Högskolani Borås Institution Ingenjörshögskolan.
  • Wu, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., He, J., Ren, Q., Guo, M. 2004. Homogeneous acetylation of cellulose in a new ionic liquid, Biomacromolecules, 5(2), 266-268.
  • Xuan, Y. 2014. Hydrogels and aerogels based on chemically cross-linked cellulose nanocrystals, Master Thesis Of Applied Science (Chemical Engineering) McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario.
  • Yashima, E., Naguchi, J., Okamoto, Y. 1995. Photocontrolled chiral recognition by [4-(phenylazo)phenyl]carbamoylated cellulose and amylose membranes. Macromolecules, 28(24), 8368-8374.
  • Zugenmaier, P., Schmidt, K., Hildebrandt, F. 1999. Investigations on cellulose-carbanilates and cellulose-carbanilate-acetates in dilute solutions, ACS Symposium Series. 737,127.
Yıl 2016, , 0 - 0, 02.12.2016



  • Alyanak, D. 2004. Water vapour permeable edible membranes. A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences of Izmir Institute of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of science in Biotechnology and Bioengineering Program. January.
  • Anonymous, 1966. Imperial chemical industries PLC, Manchester, England (EMC — Edifas A.).
  • Anonymous, 1981. Hercules Inc., Klucel, Hydroxypropylcellulose.
  • Anonymous, 1966. Food chemicals codex, 3rd ed., National Academy Press, Washington.
  • Aruna, D., Sasikala, P., Lavanya, R., Kavitha, V., Yazhini, G, M., Shakila, B. 2012. Edible films from polysaccharides. Food Science and Quality Management. Vol 3.
  • Augustin, L.S., Franceschi, S., Jenkins, D.J.A., Kendall, C.W.C., La Vecchi, C. 2002. Glycemic index in chronic disease: A review, Eurpean Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 56(11), 1049-1071.
  • Bell, D.A. 1990. Methylcellulose as a structure enhancer in bread baking, Cereal Foods World, 35(10), 1001.
  • Barthel, S., Heinze, T. 2006. Acylation and carbanilation of cellulose in ionic liquids, Green Chemistry, 8, 301.
  • Coffey, D.G., Bell, D.A., Henderson, A. 1995. Cellulose and cellulose derivatives, food polysaccharides and their applications, A.M. Stephen, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 123–153.
  • Camacho Gómez, J., Erler, U., Klemm, D. 1996. 4-methoxy substituted trityl groups in 6-O protection of cellulose: Homogeneous synthesis, characterization, detritylation. Macromolecular Chemistry Physics, 197(3), 953-964.
  • Dawsey, T., McCormick, C. 1990. The lıthıum chlorıde/dımethylacetamıde solvent for cellulose: A lıterature revıew. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Polymer Review, 3, 405-440.
  • Einfeldt, L., Guenther, W., Klemm, D., Heublein, B. 2005. Peracetylated cellulose: End group modification and structural analysis by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy, Cellulose, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 12(1), 15-24.
  • Erdmenger, T., Haensch, C., Hoogenboom, R., Schubert, U. 2007. Homogeneous tritylation of cellulose in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. Macromolecular Bioscience, 7(4), 440-445.
  • Fengel, D., Wegener, G. 1979. Hydrolysis of polysaccharides with trifluoroacetic acid and its application to rapid wood and pulp analysis. hydrolysis of cellulose: Mechanism of enzymatic and acid catalysis ed. J. Brown, R.D., Jurasek, L. Vol. 181: ACS. 145.
  • Fleming, S.E., Rodriguez, M.A. 1983. Influence of dietary fiber on fecal excretion of volatile fattyacids by human adults, The Journal Nutrition, 113(8), 1613-1625.
  • Fleming, S.E., Gill, R. 1997. Aging stimulates fatty acid oxidation in rat colonoytes but does not influence the response to dietary fiber. The Journal Of Gerontology. A, Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 52, B310.
  • Garcia, M.A., Ferrero, C., Bertola, N., Martino, M., Zaritzky, N. 2002. Edible coatings from cellulose derivatives to reduce oil uptake in fried products. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 3(4), 391-397.
  • Graenacher, C. 1934. Cellulose solution. US patent, 1943176.
  • Hart, M.R., Graham, R.P., Gee, M., Morgan, A.I. 1970. Bread from sorghum and barley flours. J. Food Sci. 35(5), 661-665.
  • Heinze, T., Schwikai, K., Barthel, S. 2005. Ionic liquids as reaction medium in cellulose functionalization. Macromolecular. Bioscience. 5(6), 520-525.
  • Heinze, T., Liebert, T., Klüfers, P., Meister, F. 1999. Carboxymethylation of cellulose in unconventional media. Cellulose, 6(2), 153-165.
  • Helferich, B., Koester, H. 1924. Äther des triphenyl-carbinols mit cellulose und stärke. Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 57, 587.
  • Hearon, W., Hiatt, G., Fordyce, C. 1943. Cellulose trityl ether. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 65, 2449.
  • Imeson, A. 2010. Food stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, UK, by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Ink, S.L., Hurt, D.H. 1987. Nutritional implications of gums, Food Technologies. 41(1), 77.
  • Jacobs, V. 2015. Development of electrospun cellulose acetate nanofiber based membranes for filtration application. Master of Science in Engineering Technology Materials Technology.
  • Jorgensen, J.R., Fitch, M.D., Mortensen, P.B., Fleming, S.E. 2001. In vivo absorption of medium chain fatty acids by the rat colon exceeds that of short-chain fatty acids. Gastroenterology, 120(5), 11521161.
  • Jorgensen, J.R., Fitch, M.D., Mortensen, P.B., Fleming, S.E. 2002. Absorption and metabolism of octanoate by the rat colon in vivo; Concentration dependency and influence of alternative fuels. Gut, 51, 76-81.
  • Khan, M. I., Adrees, M. N., Tariq, M. R., Sohaib, M. 2013. Application of edible coating for improving meat quality: A review. Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences. 23(2), 71-79
  • Klemm, D., Philipp, B., Heinze, T., Heinze, U., Wagenknecht, W. 1998. Comprehensive cellulose chemistry: fundamentals and analytical methods. 1(1), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
  • Klemm, D., Heublein, B., Fink, H.P., Bohn, A. 2005.Cellulose: Fascinating biopolymer and sustainable raw material, angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44:3358.
  • Koh, M. H. 2013. Preparation and characterization of carboxy methyl cellulose from sugarcane bagasse. A project report submitted to the Department of Chemical Science Faculty of Science University Tunku Abdul Rahman. In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Chemistry May.
  • Kontturi, E. 2014. Cellulose chemical modification advanced biomaterial chemistry and techenology, Aalto University School of Chemical Technology.
  • Labafzadeh, S. R. 2015. Cellulose-based materials, Academic dissertation, Faculty of Science University of Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki.
  • Lewin, M. 2006. Handbook of fiber chemistry, CRC Press.
  • Magdy, M. H., Senna, K. M. A., Abdullah, S. A. 2014. Edible coating for shelf- life extinsion of fresh banana fruit based on gamma irridiated plasticized poly (venyl alcohol)-carboxymethyl cellulose-tannin composites. Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications. 5(6), 21.
  • Majewicz, T.G., Polas, T.J. 1993. Cellulose ethers, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4(5), 541–563.
  • Marchessault, R.H., Sundararajan, P.R. 1983, Cellulose and the polysaccharides, 2, 11.
  • Margreate, E. C. 2012. Chemical constituents of some tropical timpers Nigeria. Doctor Of Philophy (PhD) Thesis Degree. Nnamdi Azikiwe Universty, Anabra State.
  • Marzieh, K. E., Ataye, S., Mustafa S. N. 2015. Investigation on the effect of carboxymethyl cellulose and carrageenan on the rheological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate drink powder. Journal of Applied. Environmental Biological Science, 4(11), 165-173.
  • Marthinsen, D., Fleming, S.E. 1982.Excretion of breath and flatus gases by humans consuming highfiber diets. J. Nutr. 112(6), 11331143.
  • Mikkola, J. P., Kirilin, A., Tuuf, J. C., Pranovich, A., Holmbom, B., Kustov, L., Murzina, D., Salmia, T. 2007. Ultrasound enhancement of cellulose processing in ionic liquids: from dissolution towards functionalization. Green Chemistry. 9, 1229-1237.
  • Myllymäki, V., Aksela, R. 2005. Depolymerization method. WO patent, 054298.
  • Mohammed, S., Asmal, R., Siti, R., Azizan A., Nor, S. M. 2014. Biopolymer electrolyte based on derivatives of cellulose from kenaf bast fiber, Journal of Polymers Physics. 6(9), 2371-2385.
  • Mormann, W., Kucketz, C. 2002. Isocyanatocyanates and (iso)cyanatocyanurates synthesis and liquid crystal thermosets, Macromolecular Symposia, 181(1), 113-122.
  • Murray, J.C.F. 2000. Cellulosics, Handbook of Hydrocolloids (G.O. Phillips and P.A. Williams, Eds.), Wood head Publishers, Cambridge, U.K.. 219–230.
  • Murzina, D., Salmia T. 2007. Green Chemistry, 9, 1229.
  • Naruenartwongsakul, S., Chinnan, M. S., Bhumiratana, S., Yoovidhaya, T. 2004. Pasting characteristics of wheat-flour based batters containing cellulose ethers, Lebens.-Wissenschaft und — Technologie, Food Science and Technology 87(4), 489-495.
  • Nishita, K. D., Roberts, R. L., Bean, M. M., Kennedy, B.M. 1976. Development of a yeast-leavened rice-bread formula. Cereal Chemistry. 53(5):626-635.
  • Nilsson, S., Sundelöf, L., Porsch, B. 1995. On The Characterization principles of some technically important water soluble non-ionic cellulose derivatives, Carbonhydrate Polymers, 28, 265-215.
  • Paunonen, S. 2013. Strength and barrier enhancements of cellophane and cellulose derivatives films: A review. Cellulose Derivatives: Review Bio Resources, 8(2), 3098-3121.
  • Pauline, L. N., Frédéric, P., Joana, L. M. S., Maria, E. R., Duarte, M. D. N., Marguerite R. 2015. Methylcellulose a cellulose derivative with original physical properties and extended, applications. Polymers. 7(5), 777-803.
  • Portal, R., Rossi-Marquez, G., Mariniello, L., Sorrentino, A. C., Giosafatto, V. L., Esposito, M., Di Pierro, P. 2013. Edible coating as packaging strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut- fruits and vegetables. Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials. 3(4), 1-3.
  • Rahdar, E., Salehi, E. E., Najafi, M. A. 2014. Effect of sourdough and the addition of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose gum on the sensorial attributes and shelf life of barley bread. Journal of Novel Applied Sciences. 1228-1236.
  • Ragab, A. 2012. Advanced cellulose composites; preparation and properties, universite de grenoble, Helwan University, Egypt.
  • Schlufter, K., Schmauder, H-P., Dorn, S., Heinze, T. 2006. Efficient homogeneous chemical modification of bacterial cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 27(19), 1670-1676.
  • Setser, C.S., Racette, W.L. 1992. Macromolecule replacers is food products, Critical Reviews Food Science Nutrition 32(3), 275-297.
  • Sherif, M. K. 2014. Bacterial cellulose production and its industrial applications, J. Bioprocessing and Biotechniques. 4(2). 1-10.
  • Sonam, J., Premjeet, S. S., Reetesh, M., Babita, G. 2013. Cellulose derivatives as thermoresponsive polymer: an overview, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 3(12), 139-144.
  • Stephen, A. M., Phillips, G. O., Williams, P. A. 2006. Food polysaccharides and their application. Second Edition.
  • Subhas, C. S. 2014. Edible polymers: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Polymers. 13.
  • Swatloski, R., Holbrey, J., Spear, S., Rogers, R. 2002. Dissolution of cellose with ionic liquids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124(18). 4974-4975.
  • Terbojevich, M., Cosani, A., Camilot, M., Focher, B. 1995. Solution studies of cellulose tricarbanilates obtained in homogeneous phase. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 55(12), 1663-1671.
  • Towle, G.A. 1996. Stabilization of chilled and frozen foods, gums and stabilisers for the food industry (G.O. Phillips, P.A. Williams, and D.J. Wedlock, Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference, Wrexham, 79.
  • URL-1. /cellulose-medical-pharmaceutical-and-electro nic-applications/cellulose-and-its-derivatives-use-in-the-pharmaceutical-compounding-pra ctice. Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2015.
  • Wang, Z. M., Li, L., Xiao, K. J., Wu, J. Y. 2008. Homogeneous sulfation of bagasse cellulose in an ionic liquid and anticoagulation activity, Bioresource Technology. 100(4), 1687-1690.
  • Wikström, L. 2014. Surface treatment of cellulose ethers. Högskolani Borås Institution Ingenjörshögskolan.
  • Wu, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., He, J., Ren, Q., Guo, M. 2004. Homogeneous acetylation of cellulose in a new ionic liquid, Biomacromolecules, 5(2), 266-268.
  • Xuan, Y. 2014. Hydrogels and aerogels based on chemically cross-linked cellulose nanocrystals, Master Thesis Of Applied Science (Chemical Engineering) McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario.
  • Yashima, E., Naguchi, J., Okamoto, Y. 1995. Photocontrolled chiral recognition by [4-(phenylazo)phenyl]carbamoylated cellulose and amylose membranes. Macromolecules, 28(24), 8368-8374.
  • Zugenmaier, P., Schmidt, K., Hildebrandt, F. 1999. Investigations on cellulose-carbanilates and cellulose-carbanilate-acetates in dilute solutions, ACS Symposium Series. 737,127.
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Saim Ateş

Ekrem Durmaz

Ahmed Hamad Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateş, S., Durmaz, E., & Hamad, A. (2016). Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 16(2).
AMA Ateş S, Durmaz E, Hamad A. Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Aralık 2016;16(2). doi:10.17475/kastorman.289749
Chicago Ateş, Saim, Ekrem Durmaz, ve Ahmed Hamad. “Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 16, sy. 2 (Aralık 2016).
EndNote Ateş S, Durmaz E, Hamad A (01 Aralık 2016) Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 16 2
IEEE S. Ateş, E. Durmaz, ve A. Hamad, “Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 16, sy. 2, 2016, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.289749.
ISNAD Ateş, Saim vd. “Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 16/2 (Aralık 2016).
JAMA Ateş S, Durmaz E, Hamad A. Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2016;16. doi:10.17475/kastorman.289749.
MLA Ateş, Saim vd. “Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 16, sy. 2, 2016, doi:10.17475/kastorman.289749.
Vancouver Ateş S, Durmaz E, Hamad A. Evaluation Possibilities of Cellulose Derivatives in Food Products. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2016;16(2).

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