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An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]

Yıl 2019, , 272 - 283, 23.12.2019


Aim of study: The adsorption properties of the samples of full-dry Eastern Spruce (ES) [Picea orientalis (L). Link.] with 12.5 mm, 25 mm, 37.5 mm and 50 mm thick is to determine under the climate conditions with 42%, 65% and % 78 of relative humidity and at a constant temperature of 20 °C.
Material and method: The wood samples used in this study were the Eastern Spruce woods which were obtained from Forestry Process Management in the city of Trabzon/Turkey. With regard to mathematical modeling used to determine the wood moisture content (MC), the equation constants in case of adsorption was determined. Experiments were conducted at three different equilibrium moisture content (EMC); 8%, 12% and 16%.
Main results: Cross section had no crucial effect on the rate of accessibility to the final MC. However, EMC and thickness have been effective.
Research highlights: In practice, since dried wood is kept at outside weather conditions for a certain time before operation, an increase can be observed in the wood MC. It is practically important that under the influence of climate conditions until its utilization, the tendency of water adsorption of wood is determined as a function of time.


  • Akyüz, M. (2004). Heartwood, sapwood, shell thickness, and the annual ring width of Eastern Spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link). Journal of Forestry Research Institute of the Eastern Black Sea. Ministry of environment and forestry publication No: 231, DKOA Pub. No: 21, Trabzon.
  • Ay, N. & Sahin, H. (1998). Investigation of inner morphological properties of Spruce (Picea orientalis) sap and hard wood. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 203-207.
  • Baronas, R., Ivanauskas, F., Juodeikiene, I. & Kajalavičius, A. (2001). Modelling of moisture movement in wood during outdoor storage, nonlinear analysis: Modelling and Control, 6(2), 3-14.
  • Khazaei, J. (2008). Water absorption characteristics of three wood varieties. Cer Agro Moldava, 41, 5-16.
  • Liu, Q. & Bakker-Arkema, F. W. (1997). Stochastic modelling of grain drying: Part 2. Model development, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 66, 275-280.
  • Ma, E., Nakao, T. & Zhao, G. (2009). Adsorption rate of wood during moisture sorption processes, Wood Research, 54, 3, 13-23.
  • Majka, J., Olek, W. & Kudła-Chwiłowicz, Z. (2014). Determination of moisture content changes in Kiln-Dried Scots Pine timber during storage, Drewno, 578(191), 45-53.
  • Olgun, H. & Rzayev, P. (2000). Drying the Hazelnut with three different solar systems. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24, 1-14.
  • Tırıs, C., Ozbalta, N., Tırıs, M. & Dinçer, I. (1994). Experimental testing of a new solar dryer. International Journal of Energy Research, 18, 483-490. DOI: 10.1002/er.4440180407.
  • TS 2470. 1976. Sampling methods for physical and mechanical tests and features in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • TS 2471. 1976. Determination of moisture for physical and mechanical tests in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • TS 2472. 1976. Determination of density for physical and mechanical tests in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • Turhan, M., Sayar, S. & Gunasekaran, S. (2002). Application of Peleg Model to study water absorption in Chickpea during soaking. Journal of Food Engineering, 53, 153-159.
  • Türk Toğrul, İ. & Pehlivan, D. (2003). Modelling of drying kinetics of single apricot, Journal of Food Engineering, 58, 23-32.
  • Ucuncu, K. (2007). Adsorption properties of full dry Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis) wood. Faculty of Forestry J- B 57, 45-59.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tasdemir, T. (2005). Adsorption properties of full dry Walnut (Juglans regia L.) wood. Bartın University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry, 7, 27-36.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tasdemir, T. (2010). Adsorption properties of full dry Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cemaldulensis) wood. 3rd National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 20-22 May 2010, Proceedings of Vol V, 1712- 1721, Artvin.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tiryaki, S. (2016). Adsorption properties of Chestnut (Castanea Sativa Mill.) wood, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, December, 36-43. Walker, J. C. F. (2006). Primary wood processing: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Springer, Dordrecht, 596.
  • Wiedenbeck, J. K., Hofmann, K., Peralta, P., Skaar, C. & Koch, R. (1990). Air permeability, shrinkage, and moisture sorption of Lodgepole Pine Stemwood. Wood and Fiber Science, 22, 229-245.
  • Wu, Q. (1999). Application of Nelson’s Sorption Isotherm to wood composites and overlays. Wood and Fiber Science, 31, 187-191.
  • Wu, Q. & Suchsland, O. (1996). Prediction of moisture content and moisture gradient of an overlaid particleboard, Wood and Fiber Science, 28(2), 227-239.
  • Zaihan, J., Hill, C. A. S & Curling, S. (2009). Moisture adsorption isotherms of wood studied using a dynamic vapour sorption apparatus, International Research Group on Wood Protection 40th Annual Conference, 24-28 May 2009, Beijing, China.

Doğu Ladini Odununun [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.] Rutubet Adsorpsiyonu Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2019, , 272 - 283, 23.12.2019


Çalışmanın amacı: Tam kuru Doğu ladini [Picea orientalis (L). Link.] örneklerinin 12.5 mm, 25 mm, 37.5 mm ve 50 mm kalınlıkta, 20 ° C sabit bir sıcaklıkta ve % 42 ,% 65 ve %78 farklı bağıl nem koşullarında adsorpsiyon özelliklerini belirlemektir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada Maçka Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü’nden alınan Doğu Ladini örnekleri kullanılmıştır. Odun rutubet içeriğini belirlemek için kullanılan matematik modelleme ile adsorpsiyon durumunda denklem sabitleri belirlenmiştir. Deneyler, % 8, % 12 ve % 16 olmak üzere üç lif doygunluk noktası için gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Sonuçlar: Kesitin, denge rutubetine erişilebilirlik oranı üzerinde önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı, bununla birlikte denge rutubet miktarı ve kalınlığın etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Araştırma vurguları: Kurutulmuş odunun, kullanım öncesinde belirli bir süre dış hava şartlarında tutulduğunda rutubet içeriğinde bir artış gözlemlenebilir. Kullanıma kadar iklim koşullarının etkisi altında, odunun rutubet alma eğiliminin zamanın bir fonksiyonu olarak belirlenmesi pratik olarak önemlidir.


  • Akyüz, M. (2004). Heartwood, sapwood, shell thickness, and the annual ring width of Eastern Spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link). Journal of Forestry Research Institute of the Eastern Black Sea. Ministry of environment and forestry publication No: 231, DKOA Pub. No: 21, Trabzon.
  • Ay, N. & Sahin, H. (1998). Investigation of inner morphological properties of Spruce (Picea orientalis) sap and hard wood. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 203-207.
  • Baronas, R., Ivanauskas, F., Juodeikiene, I. & Kajalavičius, A. (2001). Modelling of moisture movement in wood during outdoor storage, nonlinear analysis: Modelling and Control, 6(2), 3-14.
  • Khazaei, J. (2008). Water absorption characteristics of three wood varieties. Cer Agro Moldava, 41, 5-16.
  • Liu, Q. & Bakker-Arkema, F. W. (1997). Stochastic modelling of grain drying: Part 2. Model development, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 66, 275-280.
  • Ma, E., Nakao, T. & Zhao, G. (2009). Adsorption rate of wood during moisture sorption processes, Wood Research, 54, 3, 13-23.
  • Majka, J., Olek, W. & Kudła-Chwiłowicz, Z. (2014). Determination of moisture content changes in Kiln-Dried Scots Pine timber during storage, Drewno, 578(191), 45-53.
  • Olgun, H. & Rzayev, P. (2000). Drying the Hazelnut with three different solar systems. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24, 1-14.
  • Tırıs, C., Ozbalta, N., Tırıs, M. & Dinçer, I. (1994). Experimental testing of a new solar dryer. International Journal of Energy Research, 18, 483-490. DOI: 10.1002/er.4440180407.
  • TS 2470. 1976. Sampling methods for physical and mechanical tests and features in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • TS 2471. 1976. Determination of moisture for physical and mechanical tests in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • TS 2472. 1976. Determination of density for physical and mechanical tests in wood. Turkish Standards Institute.
  • Turhan, M., Sayar, S. & Gunasekaran, S. (2002). Application of Peleg Model to study water absorption in Chickpea during soaking. Journal of Food Engineering, 53, 153-159.
  • Türk Toğrul, İ. & Pehlivan, D. (2003). Modelling of drying kinetics of single apricot, Journal of Food Engineering, 58, 23-32.
  • Ucuncu, K. (2007). Adsorption properties of full dry Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis) wood. Faculty of Forestry J- B 57, 45-59.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tasdemir, T. (2005). Adsorption properties of full dry Walnut (Juglans regia L.) wood. Bartın University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry, 7, 27-36.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tasdemir, T. (2010). Adsorption properties of full dry Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cemaldulensis) wood. 3rd National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 20-22 May 2010, Proceedings of Vol V, 1712- 1721, Artvin.
  • Ucuncu, K., Aydın, A. & Tiryaki, S. (2016). Adsorption properties of Chestnut (Castanea Sativa Mill.) wood, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, December, 36-43. Walker, J. C. F. (2006). Primary wood processing: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Springer, Dordrecht, 596.
  • Wiedenbeck, J. K., Hofmann, K., Peralta, P., Skaar, C. & Koch, R. (1990). Air permeability, shrinkage, and moisture sorption of Lodgepole Pine Stemwood. Wood and Fiber Science, 22, 229-245.
  • Wu, Q. (1999). Application of Nelson’s Sorption Isotherm to wood composites and overlays. Wood and Fiber Science, 31, 187-191.
  • Wu, Q. & Suchsland, O. (1996). Prediction of moisture content and moisture gradient of an overlaid particleboard, Wood and Fiber Science, 28(2), 227-239.
  • Zaihan, J., Hill, C. A. S & Curling, S. (2009). Moisture adsorption isotherms of wood studied using a dynamic vapour sorption apparatus, International Research Group on Wood Protection 40th Annual Conference, 24-28 May 2009, Beijing, China.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Kemal Üçüncü Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6294-6112

Aytaç Aydın 0000-0001-7460-9618

Samet Demirel Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4842-7073

Sebahattin Tiryaki Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Üçüncü, K., Aydın, A., Demirel, S., Tiryaki, S. (2019). An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 19(3), 272-283.
AMA Üçüncü K, Aydın A, Demirel S, Tiryaki S. An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Aralık 2019;19(3):272-283. doi:10.17475/kastorman.662451
Chicago Üçüncü, Kemal, Aytaç Aydın, Samet Demirel, ve Sebahattin Tiryaki. “An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea Orientalis (L.) Link.]”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 19, sy. 3 (Aralık 2019): 272-83.
EndNote Üçüncü K, Aydın A, Demirel S, Tiryaki S (01 Aralık 2019) An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 19 3 272–283.
IEEE K. Üçüncü, A. Aydın, S. Demirel, ve S. Tiryaki, “An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 19, sy. 3, ss. 272–283, 2019, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.662451.
ISNAD Üçüncü, Kemal vd. “An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea Orientalis (L.) Link.]”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 19/3 (Aralık 2019), 272-283.
JAMA Üçüncü K, Aydın A, Demirel S, Tiryaki S. An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2019;19:272–283.
MLA Üçüncü, Kemal vd. “An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea Orientalis (L.) Link.]”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 19, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 272-83, doi:10.17475/kastorman.662451.
Vancouver Üçüncü K, Aydın A, Demirel S, Tiryaki S. An Investigation on the Moisture Adsorption of Eastern Spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.]. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2019;19(3):272-83.

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