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The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers

Yıl 2021, , 30 - 40, 03.04.2021


Aim of study: The basis for sustainable conservation of any protected forest area is determined by the services it provides to the ecosystem and immediate communities. This study seeks to evaluate the services provided by the Okomu Forest Reserve that should warrant its conservation.
Area of study: The study was conducted in Okomu Forest Reserve in Edo State, Southern Nigeria. The major practices of farmers in the surrounding communities are sole cassava and intercropping cassava with maize, melon and groundnut.
Material and methods: The function system was used to evaluate the Okomu Forest Reserve, using a questionnaire containing a checklist of ecosystem functions. Respondents for the rural survey were crop farmers, while the urban survey were tourists from urban centres.
Main results: Results showed that rural dwellers' important functions were food/nutrition, fuel energy, and fishing with mean values of 2.81, 2.49 and 2.04 respectively, while the urban dwellers’ important functions were recreation/tourism, educational/scientific information and nature protection with mean values of 2.82, 2.76 and 2.72 respectively.
Highlights: The order of importance of forest functions as perceived by the urban respondents from the highest was carrier, information, regulation and least with production. The rural dwellers' perception from the highest was carrier, production and information functions as least.


  • Ajayi, O.O. & Eveso, J.O. (2017). Ecotourism in Nigeria: The Okomu National Park Context. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports 28, 22-33.
  • Akinsorotan, O.A., Ogunjemite, B.G. & Afolayan, T.A. (2011). Assessment of the large mammals of Arakhuan range, Okomu National Park, Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 4(3), 25-37.
  • Aku, R.T. (2003). Theoretical issues and the new definition of development. In Iyoha F. E., Aghayere V. O. and Oviasuyi P. O. (eds.). Governance and Development in the 21st. Century.
  • Ambe, G. & Malaisse, F. (2001). How Ivory Coast’s Malinke Ethnic Group Select the Most Beneficial Wild Fruits. Agroforestry Today, 13(1-2), 2-6.
  • Aregbeyen, J.B.O. & Adeoye, B.W. (2006). The Economics of Sustainable Environmental Development in Nigeria. In Ivbijaro, M. F. A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Azeez, I.O., Ikponmwonba, O.S., Popoola, L. & Amusa, T.O. (2010). Land Use Activities among Forest Environments’ Dwellers in Edo State, Nigeria: Implications for Livelihood and Sustainable Forest Management, International Journal of Social Forestry, 3(2), 164-187.
  • Chomitz, K. M., Buys, P., De Luca, G., Thomas, T.S. & Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S. (2007). Over at Loggerheads? Agricultural Expansion, Poverty Reduction and Environment in Tropical Forests. Washington D.C.: World Bank
  • De Groot, R.S. (1992). Functions of nature: evaluation of nature in. environmental planning, management and decision-making. Groningen, the Netherlands: Wolters Noordhoff, B.V.
  • De Groot, R.S. (1994). Functions and values of protected areas: A comprehensive framework for assessing the benefits of protected areas to human society. In Munasinghe, M and McNeely, J(eds.) Protected Area Economics and Policy-Linking Conservation and Sustainable Development. Washington D.C. World Bank.
  • Digun-Aweto, O., Fawole, O.P. & Der Merwe, V.P. (2019). Nature tourism satisfaction in Okomu National Park, Edo state, Nigeria, Polish Journal of Sport Tourism, 26(4), 32-37.
  • Digun-Aweto, O., Fawole, F. P. & Ayodele, I. A. (2015) Attitude of Local Dwellers towards Ecotourism in the Okomu National Park, Edo State Nigeria Czech Journal of Tourism, 4(2), 103-115
  • Enaruvbe, G.O. (2018). A systematic assessment of plantation expansion In Okomu Forest Reserve, Edo State, Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 3(1), 39-47.
  • Famuyide, O., Agun, J.O. & Abu, J.E. (2000). Sociocultural and economic studies of Okomu Forest Reserve: Ecology and Management. Ibadan: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,
  • Idu, M. & Osemwegie, O.O. (2007). Some medicinal flora of Okomu Forest Reserve in Southern Nigeria. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 1, 29-31.
  • Imasuen, O.I., Oshodi, J.N. & Onyeobi, T.U.S. (2013) Protected areas for environmental sustainability in Nigeria Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management 17 (1): 53-58
  • IUCN (1988). Nigeria: Conservation of Biological Diversity, Cambridge, England. World Conservation Monitoring Centre, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
  • Isikhuemen, E.M. & Ikponmwonba O.S. (2020). Okomu plateau forest and associated wetlands in southern Nigeria: status, threats and significance. International Journal of Hydrology 4(1), 31-40.
  • Kramer, R., Munasinghe, M., Sharma, N., Mercer, E. & Shyamsundar, P. (1994). Valuing A Protected Tropical Forest: A Case Study in Madagascar. In Munasinghe, M and McNeelyj (eds.) Protected Area Economics and Policy-Linking Conservation And Sustainable Development Washington D.C.: World Bank.
  • Kuiper, B. (1997). Yukon protected areas strategy: Discussion paper. Yukon Government Press, Whitehouse, Canada.
  • Macdicken, K., Jonsson, Ö., Piña, L., Maulo, S., Adikari, Y., Garzuglia, M., Lindquist, E., Reams, G.D. & Annunzio, R. (2015). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: how are the world’s forests changing. FAO, Roma, 3-4.
  • Marisol, T., Lourens, P., Marielos, P., Alfredo, A., Julio, B., Claudio, L., Juan, C.L., Oscar, L., Vincent, V., Pieter, Z. & Frans, B. (2011). Climate is a stronger driver of tree and forest growth rates than soil and disturbance, Journal of Ecology, (99), 254-264.
  • Momoh, Z.O. (2002). “Forestry and Environmental Quality: The vital link”. In: L. Popoola (ed.) Forest, People and the Environments, proceeding of a National Workshop organised by FAN Consult and Edo State Chapter of FAN, Benin City. 5-6 September, 132.
  • NCF, (1996). Conservation Education Centre Okomu. Lagos: Nigerian Conservation Foundation, Nigeria.
  • Nwosu, K.I. (2005). Agricultural rebirth for ımproved production in Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 39th annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
  • Ogwumike, F.O. (2006). Poverty in the Nigerian Environment: In Ivbijaro, M.F. A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Otegbeye, G.O. & Onyeanusi, A.E. (2006). The ımpact of deforestation on soil erosion and on the socio-economic life of nigerians. In vbijaro, M.F.A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Otegbeye, G.O & Otegbeye, E.Y. (2003). Development of apisilviculture for poverty meviafion: A case study of Katsina State of Nigeria. Annual Conference of Nigerian Statistical Association, September 23-27, Kaduna.
  • Onyeabor, E.N. & Alimba, J.O. (2008). Potentials of agro-tourism for agricultural and rural development, Journal of Agricultural Research and Policies 3(2),70-75.
  • Ozturk, A., Saglam, B. & Barli, O. (2010). Attitudes and perceptions of rural people towards forest protection within the scope of participatory forest management: A case study from Artvin, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(12), 1399-1411.
  • Smith, Y. K. (1990). Can we Measure the Economic V alues of Environmental Amenities?, Southern Economic Journal, 56(4), 19-32.
  • UNDP, (2006). Niger Delta human development report-Nigeria. United Nation Development Programme, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • von Hellermann, P. (2011). Things fall apart? Management, environment and Taungya farming in Edo State, southern Nigeria. Africa, 77(3), 371-392.
  • World Bank, (2004). Sustaining forests: A Development Strategy. Washington D.C., World Bank.
  • World Agroforestry Centre, (2013). Strategy 2013-2022: transforming lives and landscapes with trees, World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi.

Nijerya’nın Nijer Delta Bölgesindeki Okomu Orman Rezervinin Ekosisteme ve Küçük Ölçekli Çiftçilere Olan Hizmetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2021, , 30 - 40, 03.04.2021


Çalışmanın amacı: Herhangi bir korunan orman alanının sürdürülebilir korumasının temeli, ekosisteme ve yakın topluluklara sağladığı hizmetler tarafından belirlenir. Bu çalışma, Okomu Orman Koruma Alanı tarafından sağlanan ve korunmasını garanti altına alan hizmetleri değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Çalışma alanı: Çalışma, Güney Nijerya, Edo Eyaletindeki Okomu Orman Koruma Alanı'nda gerçekleştirildi. Çevreleyen topluluklardaki çiftçilerin başlıca uygulamaları tek manyok ve manyokun mısır, kavun ve yer fıstığı ile karıştırılmasıdır.
Materyal ve yöntem: Fonksiyon sistemi, ekosistem fonksiyonlarının bir kontrol listesini içeren bir anket kullanılarak Okomu Orman Rezervini değerlendirmek için kullanıldı. Kırsal ankete yanıt verenler mahsul çiftçileri iken, kentsel anket kent merkezlerinden turistlerdi.
Temel sonuçlar: Sonuçlar, kırsal kesimde yaşayanların önemli işlevlerinin sırasıyla 2.81, 2.49 ve 2.04 ortalama değerlerle gıda / beslenme, yakıt enerjisi ve balıkçılık olduğunu, kent sakinlerinin önemli işlevlerinin ise rekreasyon / turizm, eğitim / bilimsel bilgi ve doğa olduğunu göstermiştir. Sırasıyla 2.82, 2.76 ve 2.72 ortalama değerlerle koruma.
Araştırma vurguları: Kentsel katılımcılar tarafından en yüksekten algılanan orman işlevlerinin önem sırası, taşıyıcı, bilgi, düzenleme ve en az üretimle idi. Kırsal kesimde yaşayanların en yüksek algısı taşıyıcı, üretim ve en az bilgi işlevleri idi.


  • Ajayi, O.O. & Eveso, J.O. (2017). Ecotourism in Nigeria: The Okomu National Park Context. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports 28, 22-33.
  • Akinsorotan, O.A., Ogunjemite, B.G. & Afolayan, T.A. (2011). Assessment of the large mammals of Arakhuan range, Okomu National Park, Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 4(3), 25-37.
  • Aku, R.T. (2003). Theoretical issues and the new definition of development. In Iyoha F. E., Aghayere V. O. and Oviasuyi P. O. (eds.). Governance and Development in the 21st. Century.
  • Ambe, G. & Malaisse, F. (2001). How Ivory Coast’s Malinke Ethnic Group Select the Most Beneficial Wild Fruits. Agroforestry Today, 13(1-2), 2-6.
  • Aregbeyen, J.B.O. & Adeoye, B.W. (2006). The Economics of Sustainable Environmental Development in Nigeria. In Ivbijaro, M. F. A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Azeez, I.O., Ikponmwonba, O.S., Popoola, L. & Amusa, T.O. (2010). Land Use Activities among Forest Environments’ Dwellers in Edo State, Nigeria: Implications for Livelihood and Sustainable Forest Management, International Journal of Social Forestry, 3(2), 164-187.
  • Chomitz, K. M., Buys, P., De Luca, G., Thomas, T.S. & Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S. (2007). Over at Loggerheads? Agricultural Expansion, Poverty Reduction and Environment in Tropical Forests. Washington D.C.: World Bank
  • De Groot, R.S. (1992). Functions of nature: evaluation of nature in. environmental planning, management and decision-making. Groningen, the Netherlands: Wolters Noordhoff, B.V.
  • De Groot, R.S. (1994). Functions and values of protected areas: A comprehensive framework for assessing the benefits of protected areas to human society. In Munasinghe, M and McNeely, J(eds.) Protected Area Economics and Policy-Linking Conservation and Sustainable Development. Washington D.C. World Bank.
  • Digun-Aweto, O., Fawole, O.P. & Der Merwe, V.P. (2019). Nature tourism satisfaction in Okomu National Park, Edo state, Nigeria, Polish Journal of Sport Tourism, 26(4), 32-37.
  • Digun-Aweto, O., Fawole, F. P. & Ayodele, I. A. (2015) Attitude of Local Dwellers towards Ecotourism in the Okomu National Park, Edo State Nigeria Czech Journal of Tourism, 4(2), 103-115
  • Enaruvbe, G.O. (2018). A systematic assessment of plantation expansion In Okomu Forest Reserve, Edo State, Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 3(1), 39-47.
  • Famuyide, O., Agun, J.O. & Abu, J.E. (2000). Sociocultural and economic studies of Okomu Forest Reserve: Ecology and Management. Ibadan: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,
  • Idu, M. & Osemwegie, O.O. (2007). Some medicinal flora of Okomu Forest Reserve in Southern Nigeria. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 1, 29-31.
  • Imasuen, O.I., Oshodi, J.N. & Onyeobi, T.U.S. (2013) Protected areas for environmental sustainability in Nigeria Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management 17 (1): 53-58
  • IUCN (1988). Nigeria: Conservation of Biological Diversity, Cambridge, England. World Conservation Monitoring Centre, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
  • Isikhuemen, E.M. & Ikponmwonba O.S. (2020). Okomu plateau forest and associated wetlands in southern Nigeria: status, threats and significance. International Journal of Hydrology 4(1), 31-40.
  • Kramer, R., Munasinghe, M., Sharma, N., Mercer, E. & Shyamsundar, P. (1994). Valuing A Protected Tropical Forest: A Case Study in Madagascar. In Munasinghe, M and McNeelyj (eds.) Protected Area Economics and Policy-Linking Conservation And Sustainable Development Washington D.C.: World Bank.
  • Kuiper, B. (1997). Yukon protected areas strategy: Discussion paper. Yukon Government Press, Whitehouse, Canada.
  • Macdicken, K., Jonsson, Ö., Piña, L., Maulo, S., Adikari, Y., Garzuglia, M., Lindquist, E., Reams, G.D. & Annunzio, R. (2015). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: how are the world’s forests changing. FAO, Roma, 3-4.
  • Marisol, T., Lourens, P., Marielos, P., Alfredo, A., Julio, B., Claudio, L., Juan, C.L., Oscar, L., Vincent, V., Pieter, Z. & Frans, B. (2011). Climate is a stronger driver of tree and forest growth rates than soil and disturbance, Journal of Ecology, (99), 254-264.
  • Momoh, Z.O. (2002). “Forestry and Environmental Quality: The vital link”. In: L. Popoola (ed.) Forest, People and the Environments, proceeding of a National Workshop organised by FAN Consult and Edo State Chapter of FAN, Benin City. 5-6 September, 132.
  • NCF, (1996). Conservation Education Centre Okomu. Lagos: Nigerian Conservation Foundation, Nigeria.
  • Nwosu, K.I. (2005). Agricultural rebirth for ımproved production in Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 39th annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
  • Ogwumike, F.O. (2006). Poverty in the Nigerian Environment: In Ivbijaro, M.F. A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Otegbeye, G.O. & Onyeanusi, A.E. (2006). The ımpact of deforestation on soil erosion and on the socio-economic life of nigerians. In vbijaro, M.F.A, Akintola, F and Okechuchuwu, R.U. (eds.) Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria.
  • Otegbeye, G.O & Otegbeye, E.Y. (2003). Development of apisilviculture for poverty meviafion: A case study of Katsina State of Nigeria. Annual Conference of Nigerian Statistical Association, September 23-27, Kaduna.
  • Onyeabor, E.N. & Alimba, J.O. (2008). Potentials of agro-tourism for agricultural and rural development, Journal of Agricultural Research and Policies 3(2),70-75.
  • Ozturk, A., Saglam, B. & Barli, O. (2010). Attitudes and perceptions of rural people towards forest protection within the scope of participatory forest management: A case study from Artvin, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(12), 1399-1411.
  • Smith, Y. K. (1990). Can we Measure the Economic V alues of Environmental Amenities?, Southern Economic Journal, 56(4), 19-32.
  • UNDP, (2006). Niger Delta human development report-Nigeria. United Nation Development Programme, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • von Hellermann, P. (2011). Things fall apart? Management, environment and Taungya farming in Edo State, southern Nigeria. Africa, 77(3), 371-392.
  • World Bank, (2004). Sustaining forests: A Development Strategy. Washington D.C., World Bank.
  • World Agroforestry Centre, (2013). Strategy 2013-2022: transforming lives and landscapes with trees, World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Frank Oroka Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4665-4689

Nelly Ureıgho Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4724-1958

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Oroka, F., & Ureıgho, N. (2021). The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 21(1), 30-40.
AMA Oroka F, Ureıgho N. The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Nisan 2021;21(1):30-40. doi:10.17475/kastorman.908613
Chicago Oroka, Frank, ve Nelly Ureıgho. “The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating Its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 21, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 30-40.
EndNote Oroka F, Ureıgho N (01 Nisan 2021) The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 21 1 30–40.
IEEE F. Oroka ve N. Ureıgho, “The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 30–40, 2021, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.908613.
ISNAD Oroka, Frank - Ureıgho, Nelly. “The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating Its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 21/1 (Nisan 2021), 30-40.
JAMA Oroka F, Ureıgho N. The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2021;21:30–40.
MLA Oroka, Frank ve Nelly Ureıgho. “The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating Its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 21, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 30-40, doi:10.17475/kastorman.908613.
Vancouver Oroka F, Ureıgho N. The Okomu Forest Reserve in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Evaluating its Services to Ecosystem and Small Holder Crop Farmers. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2021;21(1):30-4.

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