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Antioxidant Analysis Methods and Some Non-Wood Forest Plant Products as Sources of Antioxidants in Eastern Black Sea Region

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 48 - 59, 01.03.2013


Eastern Black Sea region has wide genetically plant diversity due to physical and different climatic characteristic. These plants, which are potential source of antioxidants, prevent the oxidative stres caused by oxygen and photons at the same time. Interest of antioxidant compound has been increased for last years. The reason of this, it is believed that an increased intake of food, which is rich in natural antioxidant, is associated with a lower risk of degenerative diseases. In this study, 10 plants, which are sources of antioxidant and marketable in Eastern Black Sea region, were chosen. Antioxidant activity and potentials use area of these plants were examined. Moreover, antioxidant compounds and determination of antioxidant activity methods were discussed


  • Agbar Z.A., Shakya A.K., Khalaf N., Haroon M.,2008.Comparative antioksidant activity of some edible plants. Turk J Biol 32:193-196
  • Alarcṍn E., Campos A.M., Edwards E.L., Alarcṍn C., 2008. Antioxidant capacity of herbal infusions and tea extracts: A comparison of ORAC-fluorescein and ORAC-pyrogallol red methodologies. Food Chemistry, 107:1114-1119
  • Albayrak S., Sağdıç O., Aksoy A., 2010. Bitkisel ürünlerin ve gıdaların antioksidan kapasitelerinin yöntemler. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri. Enstitüsü Dergisi 26(4):401-409. kullanılan
  • Ali S.S., Kasoju N., Luthra A., Singh A., Sharanabasava H., Sahu A., Bora U., 2008. Indian Medicinal herbs as sources of antioxidants. Science Direct, Food Research, 41:1-15.
  • Ammara B.R., Bhouri W., Sghaier B.M., Boubaker J., Skandrani I., Neffati A., Bouhlel I., Kilani S., Mariotte M.A., Ghedira C.L., Dijoux G.M, Ghedira K., 2009. Antioxidant and free radical-scavenging properties of three flavonoids isolated from leaves od Rhamnus alaternus L. (Rhamnaceae): A structure- activity relationship study, Food Chemistry, 116:258-264.
  • Anonim-1, 2011. Odun dışı orman ürünleri sektör raporu. Orta Anadolu Ağaç Mamulleri ve Orman Ürünleri İhracatçılar Birliği Ankara. Anonim-2, 2002. Taraxacum officinale. Alternative Medicine Review Monographs. 400- 404. URL-1,2012 C4%B1, Giriş tarihi: 31.03.2012
  • Anşin R., Okatan A., Özkan Z., 1994. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinin önemli yan ürün veren odunsu ve otsu bitkileri. TÜBİTAK TOAG-903.
  • Apak R., Güçlü K., Demirata B., Özyürek M., Çelik E.S., Bektaşoğlu B., Berker I.K. ve Özyurt D. 2007. Comparative Evaluation of Various Total Antioxidant Capacity Assays Applied to Phenolic Compounds with the CUPRAC Assay. Molecules, 12:1496-1547.
  • Apak R., Güçlü K., Özyürek M., Karademir S.E, 2004. Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC Method, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 (26) 7970-7981.
  • Bortolomeazzi R., Sebastianutto N., Toniolo R., Pizzariello A., 2007. Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of smoke flavouring phenols by crocin bleaching inhibition, DPPH radical scavening and oxidaton potential. Food Chem. 100:1481-1489.
  • Cız M., Cızova H., Denev P., Kratchanova M., Slavov A., Lojek A., 2010. Different methods for control and comparison of the antioxidant properties of vegetables. Food Cont. 21:518-523.
  • Çelik S., Bakırcı I., Şat I.G., 2006 Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of yogurt with cornelian cherry paste. Int. Journal of. Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 49:3515-3521
  • Dara R., 2006. Vefalı Dostlarım Şifalı Otlarım. Alfa Yayınları, No:1665, İstanbul.
  • Davis P.H, 1978. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Edinburg Univ. Press. Cilt:6, pp:89-108.
  • Ercetin T., Senol S.F., Orhan E.I., ve Toker G, 2012. Comparative assessment of antioxidant and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of the marigold extracts from Calendula arvensis L. and Calendula officinalis L. Industrial Crops and Products, 36:203-208.
  • Fidan M.S, Komut O., Öz M., Yaşar M., 2011. Gümüşhane ili florasında bulunan tıbbi bitkiler ve kullanım alanları. II. Uluslararası Odun Dışı Orman Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Isparta, pp 219-228.
  • Gruenwald J., Brendler T., Jaenicke C., 2007. PDR for herbal medicines fourth edition. Thomson.
  • Hanachi P., Sh G., 2009. Using HPLC to Determination the Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Berberis vulgaris. European Journ. Of Scientific Research, 29:47-54. Hu C., Kitts D.D., (Taraxacum officinale) flower extract suppresses both reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide and prevents lipid oxidation in vitro. Phytomedicine 12:588-597.
  • Huang D., Ou B., Prior R.L., 2005. The chemistry behind antioxidant capacity assays. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry 53:4303- 4310
  • Karadağ R., 2007. Doğal Boyamacılık. Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları. Ankara, syf 34- 35.
  • Kremer D., Kosalec I., Locatelli M., Epifano F., Genovese S., Carlucci G., Končić Z.M., 2012. Anthraquinone antimicrobial properties of Frangula rupestris (Scop.) Schur and Frangula alnus Mill. Bark. Food Chem.131:1714-1180. antioxidant and
  • Kücük M., Çetiner Ş., Ulu F. 2000. Medicinal and aromatic commercial native plants in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Harvesting Of Non-Wood Forest Products, Menemen İzmir, pp 33-40
  • Lussignoli S., Fraccarolli M., Andriolli G., Brocco G., Bellavite P., 1999. A microplate- based colorimetric assay of the total peroxyl radical trapping capability of human plasma, Analytic Biochemistry, 269:38-44.
  • Magalhaes L.M., Segundo M.A., Reis S., Lima J.L.F.C., 2008. Methodological aspects about properties. Anal. Chim. Acta., 613;1-19. of antioxidant
  • Meliani N., Dib A.E.M., Allali H., Boufeldja T., 2011. Hypoglycaemic effect of Berberis vulgaris L. in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, Asian Pacific Jor. of Tropical Biomedicine.468-471.
  • Mercan U., 2004. Toksikolojide serbest radikallerin önemi. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 15 (1- 2):91-96.
  • Miller N.J., Rice E.C., Davies M.J., Gopinathan V., and Milner A., 1993. A novel method for measuring antioxidant capacity and its application to monitoring the antioxidant status in premature neonates. Cilinical Science, 84:407- 412.
  • Mot C.A., Dumitrescu S.R., Sarbu C., 2011. Rapid and effective evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of propolis extracts using DPPH bleaching kinetic profiles, FT-IR and UV-VIS spectroscopic data, Journal of Food Composite and Analysis, 24:516-522.
  • Nakajima J., Tanaka I.S.S., Yamazaki M., and Saito K.. 2004. LC/PDA/ESI-MS Profiling and Radical Scavenging Activity of Anthocyanins in Various Berries, Journal of Biomedicinal. Biotechnolgy, 5; 241-247
  • Oliveira I., Baptista P., Malheiro R., Casal S., Bento A., Pereira A.J., 2011. Influence of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit ripening stage on chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Food Res. Int., 44:1401-1407.
  • Orhan I.E., ve Akkol E.K., 2011. Estimation of neuroprotective effects of Laurocerasus officinallis Roem. (Cherry laurel) by in vitro methods. Food Res. Int. 44:818-822.
  • Özyürek M., Güçlü K., ve Apak R., 2011 The main and modified CUPRAC methods of antioxidant measurement. Trends in Analy. Chem., vol:30, 4:652-664.
  • Pallauf K., Rivas-Gonzalo J.C., Del Castillo M.D, Cano M.P., Pascual-Teresa S., 2008. Characterization of the antioxidant composition of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruits. Journal of Food Comp. and Analy. 21:273-281.
  • Piccaglia R., Marotti M., Chavari G., and Gandini N., 1997., Effect of harvesting date and climate on flavanoid and carotenoid contents of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Vol. 12, 85-90.
  • Prior R.L., Wu X., Karen S., 2005. Standardized Methods for the Determination of Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolics in Food and Dietary Supplements. Journal of Agriculture. Food Chemistry, 53:4290-4302.
  • Ratnam V.D, Ankola D.D, Bhardwaj D.K, Sahana M.N.V., Ravi K., 2006. Role of antioxidants in prophylaxis and therapy: A pharmaceutical perspective. Journal of Control Release 113:189-207.
  • Re R., Pellegrini N., Proteggente A., Pannala A., Yang M., ve Rice E.C., 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radicale Biology and Medicine. 26: 1231-1237.
  • Samuelsen A.B., 2000. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago Ethnopharmacology. 71:1-21.
  • Seeram N.P., Schutzki R., Chandra A., Nair M.G., 2002. Characterization quantification and bioactivities of anthocyanins in Cornus species. Journal of Agriculture Food and Chemistry .50:2519-2523.
  • Somogyi A., Rosta K., Pusztai P., Tulassay Z., ve Nagy G., 2007. Antioxidant measurements, Physiol. Meas., 28:41-55.
  • Şeker M., Yücel Z., ve Nurdan E., 2004. Çanakkale yöresi doğal florasında bulunan Kocayemiş (Arbutus unedo L.) populasyonunun morfolojik incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 4:422-427. özelliklerinin
  • Thomas R.H., Bernards M.A., Drake E.E., Guglielmo G.C., 2010. Changes in the antioxidant activities of seven herb- and spice-based marinating sauces after cooking. Journal of Food Composite and Analysis, 23:244-252.
  • Tomosaka H., Chin W.Y., Salim A.A., Keller J.W., Chai H., Kinghorn D.A., 2008. Antioxidant and cytoprotective compounds from Berberis vulgaris (Barberry). Phytotherapy Research, 22:979-981.
  • Tural S., Koca I., 2008. Physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.) grown in Turkey. Sci. Horticulturae 116:362-366. Valkonen M., Kuusi T.., 1997. Spectrophometric assay for total radical-trapping antioxidant potential in human serum. Journal of Lipid Research, 38:823-833.
  • Vitalini S., Flamini G., Valaguzza A., Rodondi G., Iriti M., and Fico G., 2011. Primula spectabilis Tratt. Aerial parts: Morphology, volite compounds and flavanoids. Phytochemistry 72:1371-1378.
  • Winston G.W., Regoli F., Dugas A.J., Fong J. H., Blanchard K.A., 1998. A rapid gas chromatographic assay for determining oxiradical scavening capacity of antioxidants anf biological fluids. Free Radical Biology Mededicinal, 24:480-493.
  • Wootton C.P., ve Ryan L., 2011. Improving public health? : The role of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetable beverages. Food Research,. 44:3135-3148.
  • Yaldız G., Yüksek T., Şekeroğlu N., 2010. Rize ili florasında bulunan tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler ve kullanım alanları. III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Artvin, pp 1100-1114.
  • Yıldız L., 2007. Bazı bitki örneklerinde antioksidan kapasitenin spektrofotometrik ve kromatografik tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi.

Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 48 - 59, 01.03.2013


Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi fiziksel ve farklı iklimsel özellikleri sebebiyle büyük bir genetik bitki çeşitliliğine sahiptir. Bu bitkiler, oksijen ve fotonların sebep olduğu oksidatif stresi önleyen potansiyel antioksidan kaynaklarıdır. Antioksidan bileşenlere ilgi son yıllarda artmıştır. Bunun sebebi, antioksidanlarca zengin gıdaların tüketme miktarı artırıldığında farklı dejeneretif hastalıklara yakalanma riskinin azaltılacağına inanılmasıdır. Bu çalışmada Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde antioksidan kaynağı olarak kullanılabilecek ve ticareti yapılan 10 adet bitki seçilmiştir. Bu bitkilerin antioksidan aktiviteleri ile beraber potansiyel kullanım alanları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca antioksidan aktiviteye sebep olan bileşenler ile antioksidan tayin yöntemleri de tartışılmıştır


  • Agbar Z.A., Shakya A.K., Khalaf N., Haroon M.,2008.Comparative antioksidant activity of some edible plants. Turk J Biol 32:193-196
  • Alarcṍn E., Campos A.M., Edwards E.L., Alarcṍn C., 2008. Antioxidant capacity of herbal infusions and tea extracts: A comparison of ORAC-fluorescein and ORAC-pyrogallol red methodologies. Food Chemistry, 107:1114-1119
  • Albayrak S., Sağdıç O., Aksoy A., 2010. Bitkisel ürünlerin ve gıdaların antioksidan kapasitelerinin yöntemler. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri. Enstitüsü Dergisi 26(4):401-409. kullanılan
  • Ali S.S., Kasoju N., Luthra A., Singh A., Sharanabasava H., Sahu A., Bora U., 2008. Indian Medicinal herbs as sources of antioxidants. Science Direct, Food Research, 41:1-15.
  • Ammara B.R., Bhouri W., Sghaier B.M., Boubaker J., Skandrani I., Neffati A., Bouhlel I., Kilani S., Mariotte M.A., Ghedira C.L., Dijoux G.M, Ghedira K., 2009. Antioxidant and free radical-scavenging properties of three flavonoids isolated from leaves od Rhamnus alaternus L. (Rhamnaceae): A structure- activity relationship study, Food Chemistry, 116:258-264.
  • Anonim-1, 2011. Odun dışı orman ürünleri sektör raporu. Orta Anadolu Ağaç Mamulleri ve Orman Ürünleri İhracatçılar Birliği Ankara. Anonim-2, 2002. Taraxacum officinale. Alternative Medicine Review Monographs. 400- 404. URL-1,2012 C4%B1, Giriş tarihi: 31.03.2012
  • Anşin R., Okatan A., Özkan Z., 1994. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinin önemli yan ürün veren odunsu ve otsu bitkileri. TÜBİTAK TOAG-903.
  • Apak R., Güçlü K., Demirata B., Özyürek M., Çelik E.S., Bektaşoğlu B., Berker I.K. ve Özyurt D. 2007. Comparative Evaluation of Various Total Antioxidant Capacity Assays Applied to Phenolic Compounds with the CUPRAC Assay. Molecules, 12:1496-1547.
  • Apak R., Güçlü K., Özyürek M., Karademir S.E, 2004. Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC Method, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 (26) 7970-7981.
  • Bortolomeazzi R., Sebastianutto N., Toniolo R., Pizzariello A., 2007. Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of smoke flavouring phenols by crocin bleaching inhibition, DPPH radical scavening and oxidaton potential. Food Chem. 100:1481-1489.
  • Cız M., Cızova H., Denev P., Kratchanova M., Slavov A., Lojek A., 2010. Different methods for control and comparison of the antioxidant properties of vegetables. Food Cont. 21:518-523.
  • Çelik S., Bakırcı I., Şat I.G., 2006 Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of yogurt with cornelian cherry paste. Int. Journal of. Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 49:3515-3521
  • Dara R., 2006. Vefalı Dostlarım Şifalı Otlarım. Alfa Yayınları, No:1665, İstanbul.
  • Davis P.H, 1978. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Edinburg Univ. Press. Cilt:6, pp:89-108.
  • Ercetin T., Senol S.F., Orhan E.I., ve Toker G, 2012. Comparative assessment of antioxidant and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of the marigold extracts from Calendula arvensis L. and Calendula officinalis L. Industrial Crops and Products, 36:203-208.
  • Fidan M.S, Komut O., Öz M., Yaşar M., 2011. Gümüşhane ili florasında bulunan tıbbi bitkiler ve kullanım alanları. II. Uluslararası Odun Dışı Orman Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Isparta, pp 219-228.
  • Gruenwald J., Brendler T., Jaenicke C., 2007. PDR for herbal medicines fourth edition. Thomson.
  • Hanachi P., Sh G., 2009. Using HPLC to Determination the Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Berberis vulgaris. European Journ. Of Scientific Research, 29:47-54. Hu C., Kitts D.D., (Taraxacum officinale) flower extract suppresses both reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide and prevents lipid oxidation in vitro. Phytomedicine 12:588-597.
  • Huang D., Ou B., Prior R.L., 2005. The chemistry behind antioxidant capacity assays. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry 53:4303- 4310
  • Karadağ R., 2007. Doğal Boyamacılık. Döner Sermaye İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları. Ankara, syf 34- 35.
  • Kremer D., Kosalec I., Locatelli M., Epifano F., Genovese S., Carlucci G., Končić Z.M., 2012. Anthraquinone antimicrobial properties of Frangula rupestris (Scop.) Schur and Frangula alnus Mill. Bark. Food Chem.131:1714-1180. antioxidant and
  • Kücük M., Çetiner Ş., Ulu F. 2000. Medicinal and aromatic commercial native plants in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Harvesting Of Non-Wood Forest Products, Menemen İzmir, pp 33-40
  • Lussignoli S., Fraccarolli M., Andriolli G., Brocco G., Bellavite P., 1999. A microplate- based colorimetric assay of the total peroxyl radical trapping capability of human plasma, Analytic Biochemistry, 269:38-44.
  • Magalhaes L.M., Segundo M.A., Reis S., Lima J.L.F.C., 2008. Methodological aspects about properties. Anal. Chim. Acta., 613;1-19. of antioxidant
  • Meliani N., Dib A.E.M., Allali H., Boufeldja T., 2011. Hypoglycaemic effect of Berberis vulgaris L. in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, Asian Pacific Jor. of Tropical Biomedicine.468-471.
  • Mercan U., 2004. Toksikolojide serbest radikallerin önemi. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 15 (1- 2):91-96.
  • Miller N.J., Rice E.C., Davies M.J., Gopinathan V., and Milner A., 1993. A novel method for measuring antioxidant capacity and its application to monitoring the antioxidant status in premature neonates. Cilinical Science, 84:407- 412.
  • Mot C.A., Dumitrescu S.R., Sarbu C., 2011. Rapid and effective evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of propolis extracts using DPPH bleaching kinetic profiles, FT-IR and UV-VIS spectroscopic data, Journal of Food Composite and Analysis, 24:516-522.
  • Nakajima J., Tanaka I.S.S., Yamazaki M., and Saito K.. 2004. LC/PDA/ESI-MS Profiling and Radical Scavenging Activity of Anthocyanins in Various Berries, Journal of Biomedicinal. Biotechnolgy, 5; 241-247
  • Oliveira I., Baptista P., Malheiro R., Casal S., Bento A., Pereira A.J., 2011. Influence of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit ripening stage on chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Food Res. Int., 44:1401-1407.
  • Orhan I.E., ve Akkol E.K., 2011. Estimation of neuroprotective effects of Laurocerasus officinallis Roem. (Cherry laurel) by in vitro methods. Food Res. Int. 44:818-822.
  • Özyürek M., Güçlü K., ve Apak R., 2011 The main and modified CUPRAC methods of antioxidant measurement. Trends in Analy. Chem., vol:30, 4:652-664.
  • Pallauf K., Rivas-Gonzalo J.C., Del Castillo M.D, Cano M.P., Pascual-Teresa S., 2008. Characterization of the antioxidant composition of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruits. Journal of Food Comp. and Analy. 21:273-281.
  • Piccaglia R., Marotti M., Chavari G., and Gandini N., 1997., Effect of harvesting date and climate on flavanoid and carotenoid contents of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Vol. 12, 85-90.
  • Prior R.L., Wu X., Karen S., 2005. Standardized Methods for the Determination of Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolics in Food and Dietary Supplements. Journal of Agriculture. Food Chemistry, 53:4290-4302.
  • Ratnam V.D, Ankola D.D, Bhardwaj D.K, Sahana M.N.V., Ravi K., 2006. Role of antioxidants in prophylaxis and therapy: A pharmaceutical perspective. Journal of Control Release 113:189-207.
  • Re R., Pellegrini N., Proteggente A., Pannala A., Yang M., ve Rice E.C., 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radicale Biology and Medicine. 26: 1231-1237.
  • Samuelsen A.B., 2000. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago Ethnopharmacology. 71:1-21.
  • Seeram N.P., Schutzki R., Chandra A., Nair M.G., 2002. Characterization quantification and bioactivities of anthocyanins in Cornus species. Journal of Agriculture Food and Chemistry .50:2519-2523.
  • Somogyi A., Rosta K., Pusztai P., Tulassay Z., ve Nagy G., 2007. Antioxidant measurements, Physiol. Meas., 28:41-55.
  • Şeker M., Yücel Z., ve Nurdan E., 2004. Çanakkale yöresi doğal florasında bulunan Kocayemiş (Arbutus unedo L.) populasyonunun morfolojik incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 4:422-427. özelliklerinin
  • Thomas R.H., Bernards M.A., Drake E.E., Guglielmo G.C., 2010. Changes in the antioxidant activities of seven herb- and spice-based marinating sauces after cooking. Journal of Food Composite and Analysis, 23:244-252.
  • Tomosaka H., Chin W.Y., Salim A.A., Keller J.W., Chai H., Kinghorn D.A., 2008. Antioxidant and cytoprotective compounds from Berberis vulgaris (Barberry). Phytotherapy Research, 22:979-981.
  • Tural S., Koca I., 2008. Physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.) grown in Turkey. Sci. Horticulturae 116:362-366. Valkonen M., Kuusi T.., 1997. Spectrophometric assay for total radical-trapping antioxidant potential in human serum. Journal of Lipid Research, 38:823-833.
  • Vitalini S., Flamini G., Valaguzza A., Rodondi G., Iriti M., and Fico G., 2011. Primula spectabilis Tratt. Aerial parts: Morphology, volite compounds and flavanoids. Phytochemistry 72:1371-1378.
  • Winston G.W., Regoli F., Dugas A.J., Fong J. H., Blanchard K.A., 1998. A rapid gas chromatographic assay for determining oxiradical scavening capacity of antioxidants anf biological fluids. Free Radical Biology Mededicinal, 24:480-493.
  • Wootton C.P., ve Ryan L., 2011. Improving public health? : The role of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetable beverages. Food Research,. 44:3135-3148.
  • Yaldız G., Yüksek T., Şekeroğlu N., 2010. Rize ili florasında bulunan tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler ve kullanım alanları. III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Artvin, pp 1100-1114.
  • Yıldız L., 2007. Bazı bitki örneklerinde antioksidan kapasitenin spektrofotometrik ve kromatografik tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Onur Tolga Okan

Hülya Varlıbaş This is me

Mehmet Öz

İlhan Deniz This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Okan, O. T., Varlıbaş, H., Öz, M., Deniz, İ. (2013). Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 13(1), 48-59.
AMA Okan OT, Varlıbaş H, Öz M, Deniz İ. Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. March 2013;13(1):48-59.
Chicago Okan, Onur Tolga, Hülya Varlıbaş, Mehmet Öz, and İlhan Deniz. “Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri Ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13, no. 1 (March 2013): 48-59.
EndNote Okan OT, Varlıbaş H, Öz M, Deniz İ (March 1, 2013) Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13 1 48–59.
IEEE O. T. Okan, H. Varlıbaş, M. Öz, and İ. Deniz, “Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 48–59, 2013.
ISNAD Okan, Onur Tolga et al. “Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri Ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 13/1 (March 2013), 48-59.
JAMA Okan OT, Varlıbaş H, Öz M, Deniz İ. Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2013;13:48–59.
MLA Okan, Onur Tolga et al. “Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri Ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, pp. 48-59.
Vancouver Okan OT, Varlıbaş H, Öz M, Deniz İ. Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2013;13(1):48-59.

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