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Morfolojik ve Moleküler Verilerle Türkiye'den Yeni Bildirilen İki Agaricales Türü

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 260 - 280, 24.12.2024


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Agaricales takımı içinde yeni belgelenen iki türü tanıtarak Türkiye fungal çeşitliliğine katkıda bulunmaktır.
Çalışma alanı: Yeni rapor edilen türe ait örnekler Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Kampüsü (Ankara)’nde ağaçlarının altından ve Bolu şehir merkezine 10 km mesafede bulunan At Yaylası'ndaki göknar ormanından toplanmıştır.
Materyal ve yöntem: Örnekler, hem morfolojik değerlendirme hem de nrITS rDNA bölgesi ve TEF1α geninin DNA dizilimi dahil olmak üzere ayrıntılı analize tabi tutulmuştur. Bu süreç, filogenetik analiz yapmak için hem mikroskobik hem de makroskobik özelliklerin incelenmesini içermektedir.
Temel sonuçlar: Arazi çalışmaları ve laboratuvar araştırmaları ile Agaricales takımına ait Agaricus nevoi Wasser ve Hygrophorus abieticola Krieglst. ex Gröger & Bresinsky türleri Türkiye'den ilk kez rapor edilmiştir.
Araştırma vurguları: Mevcut çalışma, Türkiye'de yeni kaydedilen bir Agaricales türünü tanıtarak, Agaricus ve Hygrophorus cinslerinin Türkiye’deki bilinen toplam tür sayısını sırasıyla 37 ve 31'e çıkarmaktadır.


  • Acar, İ & Dizkırıcı, A. (2023). Agaricus micromegethus, a new record for Turkish Mycobiota. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 7(2), 128-130.
  • Akata, I. (2017). Macrofungal Diversity of Belgrad Forest (İstanbul). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(1), 150-164.
  • Akata, I., Kabaktepe, Ş., Sevindik, M., & Akgül, H. (2018). Macrofungi determined in Yuvacık Basin (Kocaeli) and its close environs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(2), 152-163.
  • Akata, I., Kumru, E., Ediş, G., Özbey, B.G., Şahin, E. (2023). Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(3), 250-263.
  • Akata, I., Kumru, E., Sahin, E., Acar, I., Kaya, A. (2024a). Amanita vidua: A new record for Turkish Amanita Section Phalloideae based on morphological and molecular data. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 25(1), 97-110.
  • Akata, I., Ediş, G., Kumru, E., Acar, İ. & Şahin, E. (2024b). Initial Report of Inocybe costinitii in Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 27 (6), 1304-1312.
  • Akata, I., Ediş, G., Kumru, E., Acar, İ., & Sahin, E. (2024c). Taxonomic Studies on Rhodocybe asyae Specimens Discovered in a New Location. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 27 ((Suppl 1), 124-132.
  • Bellanger, J.M., Lebeuf, R., Sesli, E., et al. (2021). Hygrophorus sect. Olivaceoumbrini: new boundaries, extended biogeography and unexpected diversity unravelled by transatlantic studies. Persoonia, 46, 272-312.
  • Bresinsky, A. (2008). Belträge zu einer Mykoflora Deutschlands (2): Die Gattungen Hydropus bis Hypsizygus mit Angaben zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Arten. Regensburger Mykol Schriften, 15,1-304.
  • Cappelli A (1984) Agaricus L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Libreria editrice Biella Giovanna, Saronno, p 558.
  • Didukh, M., Vilgalys, R., Wasser, S. P., Isikhuemhen, O. S. & Nevo, E. (2005). Notes on Agaricus section Duploannulati using molecular and morphological data. Mycological Research, 109(6), 729-740.
  • Halıcı, M. G., Güllü, M. A. (2023). A macrofungus taxon that is commonly eaten by the folk in Central Anatolia but never reported from Türkiye: Agaricus pequinii (Boud.) Konrad & Maubl. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 17, 1, 1-6.
  • He, M.Q., Zhao, R.L., Hyde, K.D., Begerow, D., Kemler, M., Yurkov, A., et al. (2019). Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity, 99 (1), 105-367.
  • Kalichman, J., Kirk, P. M. & Matheny, P. B. (2020). A compendium of generic names of agarics and Agaricales. Taxon, 69(3), 425-447.
  • Karunarathna, S. C., Chen, J., Mortimer, P. E., Xu, J. C., Zhao, R. L., Callac, P. & Hyde, K. D. (2016). Mycosphere Essay 8: A review of genus Agaricus in tropical and humid subtropical regions of Asia. Mycosphere, 7(4), 417-439.
  • Larsson, E., Jacobsson, S. (2014). Vilken vaxskivling var det som Fries beskrev som Agaricus pudorinus. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift, 35(2), 5-9.
  • Larsson, E., Campo, E. & Carbone, M. (2014). Hygrophorus exiguus, a new species in subgenus Colorati section Olivaceoumbrini, subsection Tephroleuci. Karstenia, 54(2), 41-48.
  • Lebel, T. (2013). Two new species of sequestrate Agaricus (section Minores) from Australia. Mycological progress, 12(4), 699-707.
  • Lebel, T. & Syme, A. (2012). Sequestrate species of Agaricus and Macrolepiota from Australia: new species and combinations and their position in a calibrated phylogeny. Mycologia, 104(2), 496-520.
  • Lodge, D.J., Padamsee, M., Matheny, P.B., Aime, M.C., Cantrell, S.A., Boertmann, D., et al. (2014). Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal Diversity, 64,1-99.
  • Luna-Fontalvo, J. A., Barrios, A., Abaunza, C., Ramírez-Roncallo, K. & Negritto, M. A. (2021). New records of Agaricaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Colombia. Check List, 17(5), 1383-1393.
  • Marian, I. M., Valdes, I. D., Hayes, R. D., LaButti, K., Duffy, K., Chovatia, M., et al. (2024). High phenotypic and genotypic plasticity among strains of the mushroom-forming fungus Schizophyllum commune. bioRxiv, 2024-02.
  • Medel-Ortiz, R., Garibay-Orijel, R., Argüelles-Moyao, A., Mata, G., Kerrigan, R.W., Bessette, A.E., et al. (2022). Agaricus macrochlamys, a New Species from the (Sub)tropical Cloud Forests of North America and the Caribbean, and Agaricus fiardii, a New Synonym of Agaricus subrufescens. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8, 664.
  • Nauta, M. M. (2001). Agaricus L. and Allopsalliota Nanta et Bas. In Flora Agaricina Neerlandica, Critical monographs on families of Agarics and Boleti occurring in the Netherlands. Vol. 5 Family Agaricaceae. (M. E. Noordeloos, Th. W. Kyuper & E. C. Vellinga, eds), 23-62. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse.
  • Raja, H.A., Miller, A.N., Pearce, C.J. & Oberlies, N.H. (2017). Fungal identification using molecular tools: a primer for the natural products research community. Journal of Natural Products, 80(3), 756-770.
  • Sahin, E., Akata, I. & Keskin, E. (2021). Molecular characterization of a new endornavirus inhabiting the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hygrophorus penarioides. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 52(3), 1167-1172.
  • Saini, M. K., Harwinder, K. & Malik, N. A. (2018). The genus Agaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from India-a checklist. Kavaka, 51, 49-58.
  • Sesli, E, Antonin, V. & Contu, M. (2018). A new species of Hygrophorus, H. yadigarii sp. nov. (Hygrophoraceae), with an isolated systematic position within the genus from the Colchic part of Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(2), 224-232.
  • Sesli, E., Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Arabacı Günyar, Ö., Akata, I., Akgül, H., Aktaş, S., Alkan, S., Allı, H., Aydoğdu, H., Berikten, D., Demirel, K., Demirel, R., Doğan, H.H., Erdoğdu, M., Ergül, C.C., Eroğlu, G., Giray, G.., Halik Uztan, A., Kabaktepe, Ş., Kadaifçiler, D., Kalyoncu, F., Karaltı, İ., Kaşık, G., Kaya, A., Keleş, A., Kırbağ, S., Kıvanç, M., Ocak, İ., Ökten, S., Özkale, E., Öztürk, C., Sevindik, M., Şen, B., Şen, İ., Türkekul, İ., Ulukapı, M., Uzun, Ya., Uzun, Yu., Yoltaş, A. (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi. Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 1177 pp.
  • Tarafder, E., Dutta, A. K. & Acharya, K. (2022). New species and new record in Agaricus subg. Minores from India. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(2), 183-195.
  • Wang, C.Q., Li, T.H., Zhang, M., He, X.L., Qin, W.Q., Liu, T.Z., et al. (2020). Hygrophorus subsection Hygrophorus (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales) in China. MycoKeys, 68, 49-73.
  • Wang, C. Q., Li, T. H., Wang, X. H., Wei, T. Z., Zhang, M. & He, X. L. (2021). Hygrophorus annulatus, a new edible member of H. olivaceoalbus-complex from southwestern China. Mycoscience, 62(2), 137-142.
  • Wang, C.Q., Zhang, M., He, X.L., Liu, J.W., Wei, T.Z., Liu, T.Z., et al. (2023). Species diversity of Hygrophorus in China and a phylogenetic study of the genus. Mycosphere, 14(1), 1742-1834.
  • Wasser, S.P. (1995). New and noteworthy species of the genus Agaricus L.:Fr. emend. Karst. from Israel. Documents Mycologiques, 25, 469-478.
  • Wasser, S. P. (1996). New, remarkable and rare higher Basidiomycetes from Israel. Czech Mycology, 48(4), 237-250.
  • Wasser, S. P. (2000). A contribution to the taxonomy and species diversity of the Agariceae tribe (Higher Basidiomycetes) of Israel mycobiota. Flora Mediterr, 10, 191-221.
  • Wasser, S. P., Lewinsohn, D. & Duckman, I. (2002). Catalog of Cultures of Higher Basidiomycetes of Haifa University. Peldfus Publishing House, Haifa.
  • Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Al-Ani, L.K.T., Tedersoo, L., Haelewaters, D., Rajeshkumar, K.C., et al. (2020). Outline of Fungi and funguslike taxa. Mycosphere, 11 (1), 1060-1456.

Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 260 - 280, 24.12.2024


Aim of study: The main aim of this study is to contribute to the fungal diversity of Türkiye by presenting two newly documented species within the order of Agaricales.
Area of study: The samples of the newly reported species were collected under pine trees in Ankara Üniversitesi Beşevler 10. Yıl Campus, Ankara, and in fir forest at At Plateau, located 10 km from Bolu city center.
Material and method: The samples underwent detailed analysis, including morphological evaluation and DNA sequencing of the nrITS rDNA region and the TEF1α gene. This process involves examining both microscopic and macroscopic characteristics to perform phylogenetic analysis.
Main results: Fieldwork and laboratory analysis have led to the first report of the species Agaricus nevoi Wasser and Hygrophorus abieticola Krieglst. ex Gröger & Bresinsky, both belonging to the order Agaricales, from Türkiye.
Research highlights: The current study introduces a newly recorded Agaricales species in Türkiye, bringing the total number of known genera Agaricus and Hygrophorus species in Türkiye to 37 and 31, respectively.


  • Acar, İ & Dizkırıcı, A. (2023). Agaricus micromegethus, a new record for Turkish Mycobiota. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 7(2), 128-130.
  • Akata, I. (2017). Macrofungal Diversity of Belgrad Forest (İstanbul). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 17(1), 150-164.
  • Akata, I., Kabaktepe, Ş., Sevindik, M., & Akgül, H. (2018). Macrofungi determined in Yuvacık Basin (Kocaeli) and its close environs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(2), 152-163.
  • Akata, I., Kumru, E., Ediş, G., Özbey, B.G., Şahin, E. (2023). Three New Records For Turkish Agaricales Inhabiting Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Area. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(3), 250-263.
  • Akata, I., Kumru, E., Sahin, E., Acar, I., Kaya, A. (2024a). Amanita vidua: A new record for Turkish Amanita Section Phalloideae based on morphological and molecular data. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 25(1), 97-110.
  • Akata, I., Ediş, G., Kumru, E., Acar, İ. & Şahin, E. (2024b). Initial Report of Inocybe costinitii in Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 27 (6), 1304-1312.
  • Akata, I., Ediş, G., Kumru, E., Acar, İ., & Sahin, E. (2024c). Taxonomic Studies on Rhodocybe asyae Specimens Discovered in a New Location. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 27 ((Suppl 1), 124-132.
  • Bellanger, J.M., Lebeuf, R., Sesli, E., et al. (2021). Hygrophorus sect. Olivaceoumbrini: new boundaries, extended biogeography and unexpected diversity unravelled by transatlantic studies. Persoonia, 46, 272-312.
  • Bresinsky, A. (2008). Belträge zu einer Mykoflora Deutschlands (2): Die Gattungen Hydropus bis Hypsizygus mit Angaben zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Arten. Regensburger Mykol Schriften, 15,1-304.
  • Cappelli A (1984) Agaricus L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Libreria editrice Biella Giovanna, Saronno, p 558.
  • Didukh, M., Vilgalys, R., Wasser, S. P., Isikhuemhen, O. S. & Nevo, E. (2005). Notes on Agaricus section Duploannulati using molecular and morphological data. Mycological Research, 109(6), 729-740.
  • Halıcı, M. G., Güllü, M. A. (2023). A macrofungus taxon that is commonly eaten by the folk in Central Anatolia but never reported from Türkiye: Agaricus pequinii (Boud.) Konrad & Maubl. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 17, 1, 1-6.
  • He, M.Q., Zhao, R.L., Hyde, K.D., Begerow, D., Kemler, M., Yurkov, A., et al. (2019). Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity, 99 (1), 105-367.
  • Kalichman, J., Kirk, P. M. & Matheny, P. B. (2020). A compendium of generic names of agarics and Agaricales. Taxon, 69(3), 425-447.
  • Karunarathna, S. C., Chen, J., Mortimer, P. E., Xu, J. C., Zhao, R. L., Callac, P. & Hyde, K. D. (2016). Mycosphere Essay 8: A review of genus Agaricus in tropical and humid subtropical regions of Asia. Mycosphere, 7(4), 417-439.
  • Larsson, E., Jacobsson, S. (2014). Vilken vaxskivling var det som Fries beskrev som Agaricus pudorinus. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift, 35(2), 5-9.
  • Larsson, E., Campo, E. & Carbone, M. (2014). Hygrophorus exiguus, a new species in subgenus Colorati section Olivaceoumbrini, subsection Tephroleuci. Karstenia, 54(2), 41-48.
  • Lebel, T. (2013). Two new species of sequestrate Agaricus (section Minores) from Australia. Mycological progress, 12(4), 699-707.
  • Lebel, T. & Syme, A. (2012). Sequestrate species of Agaricus and Macrolepiota from Australia: new species and combinations and their position in a calibrated phylogeny. Mycologia, 104(2), 496-520.
  • Lodge, D.J., Padamsee, M., Matheny, P.B., Aime, M.C., Cantrell, S.A., Boertmann, D., et al. (2014). Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal Diversity, 64,1-99.
  • Luna-Fontalvo, J. A., Barrios, A., Abaunza, C., Ramírez-Roncallo, K. & Negritto, M. A. (2021). New records of Agaricaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Colombia. Check List, 17(5), 1383-1393.
  • Marian, I. M., Valdes, I. D., Hayes, R. D., LaButti, K., Duffy, K., Chovatia, M., et al. (2024). High phenotypic and genotypic plasticity among strains of the mushroom-forming fungus Schizophyllum commune. bioRxiv, 2024-02.
  • Medel-Ortiz, R., Garibay-Orijel, R., Argüelles-Moyao, A., Mata, G., Kerrigan, R.W., Bessette, A.E., et al. (2022). Agaricus macrochlamys, a New Species from the (Sub)tropical Cloud Forests of North America and the Caribbean, and Agaricus fiardii, a New Synonym of Agaricus subrufescens. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8, 664.
  • Nauta, M. M. (2001). Agaricus L. and Allopsalliota Nanta et Bas. In Flora Agaricina Neerlandica, Critical monographs on families of Agarics and Boleti occurring in the Netherlands. Vol. 5 Family Agaricaceae. (M. E. Noordeloos, Th. W. Kyuper & E. C. Vellinga, eds), 23-62. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse.
  • Raja, H.A., Miller, A.N., Pearce, C.J. & Oberlies, N.H. (2017). Fungal identification using molecular tools: a primer for the natural products research community. Journal of Natural Products, 80(3), 756-770.
  • Sahin, E., Akata, I. & Keskin, E. (2021). Molecular characterization of a new endornavirus inhabiting the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hygrophorus penarioides. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 52(3), 1167-1172.
  • Saini, M. K., Harwinder, K. & Malik, N. A. (2018). The genus Agaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from India-a checklist. Kavaka, 51, 49-58.
  • Sesli, E, Antonin, V. & Contu, M. (2018). A new species of Hygrophorus, H. yadigarii sp. nov. (Hygrophoraceae), with an isolated systematic position within the genus from the Colchic part of Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(2), 224-232.
  • Sesli, E., Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Arabacı Günyar, Ö., Akata, I., Akgül, H., Aktaş, S., Alkan, S., Allı, H., Aydoğdu, H., Berikten, D., Demirel, K., Demirel, R., Doğan, H.H., Erdoğdu, M., Ergül, C.C., Eroğlu, G., Giray, G.., Halik Uztan, A., Kabaktepe, Ş., Kadaifçiler, D., Kalyoncu, F., Karaltı, İ., Kaşık, G., Kaya, A., Keleş, A., Kırbağ, S., Kıvanç, M., Ocak, İ., Ökten, S., Özkale, E., Öztürk, C., Sevindik, M., Şen, B., Şen, İ., Türkekul, İ., Ulukapı, M., Uzun, Ya., Uzun, Yu., Yoltaş, A. (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi. Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 1177 pp.
  • Tarafder, E., Dutta, A. K. & Acharya, K. (2022). New species and new record in Agaricus subg. Minores from India. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(2), 183-195.
  • Wang, C.Q., Li, T.H., Zhang, M., He, X.L., Qin, W.Q., Liu, T.Z., et al. (2020). Hygrophorus subsection Hygrophorus (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales) in China. MycoKeys, 68, 49-73.
  • Wang, C. Q., Li, T. H., Wang, X. H., Wei, T. Z., Zhang, M. & He, X. L. (2021). Hygrophorus annulatus, a new edible member of H. olivaceoalbus-complex from southwestern China. Mycoscience, 62(2), 137-142.
  • Wang, C.Q., Zhang, M., He, X.L., Liu, J.W., Wei, T.Z., Liu, T.Z., et al. (2023). Species diversity of Hygrophorus in China and a phylogenetic study of the genus. Mycosphere, 14(1), 1742-1834.
  • Wasser, S.P. (1995). New and noteworthy species of the genus Agaricus L.:Fr. emend. Karst. from Israel. Documents Mycologiques, 25, 469-478.
  • Wasser, S. P. (1996). New, remarkable and rare higher Basidiomycetes from Israel. Czech Mycology, 48(4), 237-250.
  • Wasser, S. P. (2000). A contribution to the taxonomy and species diversity of the Agariceae tribe (Higher Basidiomycetes) of Israel mycobiota. Flora Mediterr, 10, 191-221.
  • Wasser, S. P., Lewinsohn, D. & Duckman, I. (2002). Catalog of Cultures of Higher Basidiomycetes of Haifa University. Peldfus Publishing House, Haifa.
  • Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Al-Ani, L.K.T., Tedersoo, L., Haelewaters, D., Rajeshkumar, K.C., et al. (2020). Outline of Fungi and funguslike taxa. Mycosphere, 11 (1), 1060-1456.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ormancılık (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

İlgaz Akata

Eda Kumru

Gülce Ediş

İsmail Acar

Ergin Sahin

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 14 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Akata, İ., Kumru, E., Ediş, G., Acar, İ., vd. (2024). Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 24(3), 260-280.
AMA Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Acar İ, Sahin E. Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Aralık 2024;24(3):260-280. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1599952
Chicago Akata, İlgaz, Eda Kumru, Gülce Ediş, İsmail Acar, ve Ergin Sahin. “Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye With Morphological and Molecular Data”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 24, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 260-80.
EndNote Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Acar İ, Sahin E (01 Aralık 2024) Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 24 3 260–280.
IEEE İ. Akata, E. Kumru, G. Ediş, İ. Acar, ve E. Sahin, “Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 24, sy. 3, ss. 260–280, 2024, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1599952.
ISNAD Akata, İlgaz vd. “Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye With Morphological and Molecular Data”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 24/3 (Aralık 2024), 260-280.
JAMA Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Acar İ, Sahin E. Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2024;24:260–280.
MLA Akata, İlgaz vd. “Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye With Morphological and Molecular Data”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 24, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 260-8, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1599952.
Vancouver Akata İ, Kumru E, Ediş G, Acar İ, Sahin E. Two Newly Reported Agaricales Species from Türkiye with Morphological and Molecular Data. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2024;24(3):260-8.

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