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Yıl 2022, , 190 - 205, 16.06.2022


Based on Upper Echelons Theory, the aim of this study is to reveal whether CEOs (Chief Executive Officer) or general managers, who are the top managers of firms, are generalists or specialists in terms of managerial skills and how these characteristics are distributed according to sectors, based on their experiences throughout their careers. The managerial skills of the managers of the firms traded in the BIST 100 Index were evaluated with the General Skills Index developed by Custodio et al. (2013). Findings revealed that there are equal numbers of generalists (45) and specialist (45) CEOs. When the distribution of CEOs by sectors is examined, it is seen that the manufacturing sector is dominated by specialists and the financial institutions sector is dominated by generalist CEOs. 


  • Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 70(5, Part 2), 9-49.
  • Bertrand, M. (2009). CEOs. Annual Review of Economics, 1(1), 121-150.
  • Brockman, P., Lee, H. S. G., & Salas, J. M. (2016). Determinants of CEO compensation: Generalist–specialist versus insider–outsider attributes. Journal of Corporate Finance, 39, 53-77.
  • Carpenter, M. A., Sanders, W. G., & Gregersen, H. B. (2001). Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay. Academy of Management Journal, 44(3), 493-511.
  • Carpenter, M.A., Geletkanycz, M.A., & Sanders, WG. (2004). Upper echelons research revisited: Antecedents, elements, and consequences of top management team composition. Journal of Management, 30(6), 749-778.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S., Meyer‐Doyle, P., & Mindruta, D. (2021). Generalist vs. specialist CEOs and acquisitions: Two‐sided matching and the impact of CEO characteristics on firm outcomes. Strategic Management Journal, 42, 1184-1214.
  • Custódio, C., Ferreira, M. A., & Matos, P. (2013). Generalists versus specialists: Lifetime work experience and chief executive officer pay. Journal of Financial Economics, 108(2), 471-492.
  • Dursun, İ.T., & Köseoğlu, Y. (2016). Üst kademe teorisini yeniden düşünmek: Üst yönetim ekiplerinin bilişsel özellikleri & teorik açıdan kapsamı ve önemi. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(4): 117-133.
  • Goodall, A. H. (2012). A theory of expert leadership, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 6566, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn.
  • Gounopoulos, D., & Pham, H. (2018). Specialist CEOs and IPO survival. Journal of Corporate Finance, 48, 217-243.
  • Hambrick, D.C. (2007). Upper echelons theory: An update. Academy of Management Review, 32(2): 334-343.
  • Hambrick, D.C., & Mason, P.A. (1984). Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers. Academy of Management Review, 9(2): 193-206.
  • Hannan, M. T., & Freeman, J. (1977). The population ecology of organizations. American Journal of Sociology, 82(5), 929-964.
  • Harris, D., & Helfat, C. (1997). Specificity of CEO human capital and compensation. Strategic Management Journal, 18(11), 895-920.
  • Haynes, K. T., & Hillman, A. (2010). The effect of board capital and CEO power on strategic change. Strategic Management Journal, 31(11), 1145-1163.
  • Kaur, R., & Singh, B. (2018). CEOs’ characteristics and firm performance: A study of Indian firms. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 11(2), 1-16.
  • Lunkes, R. J., Pereira, B.S., Santos, E.A., & Rosa, F. S. (2019). Analysis of the relationship between the observable characteristics of CEOs and organizational performance. Contaduríay Administración, 64 (4), 1-22.
  • Meyer, J. W., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2), 340-363.
  • Mishra, D. R. (2014). The dark side of CEO ability: CEO general managerial skills and cost of equity capital. Journal of Corporate Finance, 29, 390-409.
  • Mumford, M., Zaccaro, S., Connelly, M., & Marks, M. (2000). Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions. Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 155-170.
  • Murphy, K., & Zabojnik, J. (2006). Managerial capital and the market for CEOs, Queen's Economics Department Working Paper, No. 1110, Queen's University, Department of Economics, Kingston (Ontario).
  • Li, M., & Patel, P. (2019). CEO generalist experience and firm performance, The Leadership Quarterly, 30, 320-334.
  • Wood, J., & Vilkinas, T. (2005). Characteristics associated with success: CEOs’ perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(3), 186-196.
  • Xuan, Y. (2009). Empire-building or bridge-building? Evidence from new CEOs’ internal capital allocation decisions. The Review of Financial Studies, 22(12), 4919-4948.


Yıl 2022, , 190 - 205, 16.06.2022


Çalışmanın amacı, Üst Kademe Teorisi (Upper Echelons Theory) kapsamında, firmaların en üst kademe yöneticisi konumundaki CEO (Chief Executive Officer) veya genel müdürlerin kariyerleri boyunca kazandıkları deneyimlere dayanarak, yönetsel becerileri açısından genelci mi yoksa uzman mı olduğunu ve sektörlere göre bu özelliklerin nasıl dağılım gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma kapsamında, BIST 100 Endeksi’nde işlem gören firmaların yöneticilerinin yönetsel becerileri, Custodio ve diğerleri (2013) tarafından geliştirilen Genel Beceri Endeksi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, BIST 100 kapsamında eşit sayıda genelci (45) ve uzman (45) CEO bulunduğunu ortaya koymuştur. CEO’ların sektörlere dağılımı incelendiğinde, imalat sektörünün uzman, mali kuruluşlar sektörünün ise genelci CEO’ların hakimiyetinde olduğu görülmektedir. 


  • Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 70(5, Part 2), 9-49.
  • Bertrand, M. (2009). CEOs. Annual Review of Economics, 1(1), 121-150.
  • Brockman, P., Lee, H. S. G., & Salas, J. M. (2016). Determinants of CEO compensation: Generalist–specialist versus insider–outsider attributes. Journal of Corporate Finance, 39, 53-77.
  • Carpenter, M. A., Sanders, W. G., & Gregersen, H. B. (2001). Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay. Academy of Management Journal, 44(3), 493-511.
  • Carpenter, M.A., Geletkanycz, M.A., & Sanders, WG. (2004). Upper echelons research revisited: Antecedents, elements, and consequences of top management team composition. Journal of Management, 30(6), 749-778.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S., Meyer‐Doyle, P., & Mindruta, D. (2021). Generalist vs. specialist CEOs and acquisitions: Two‐sided matching and the impact of CEO characteristics on firm outcomes. Strategic Management Journal, 42, 1184-1214.
  • Custódio, C., Ferreira, M. A., & Matos, P. (2013). Generalists versus specialists: Lifetime work experience and chief executive officer pay. Journal of Financial Economics, 108(2), 471-492.
  • Dursun, İ.T., & Köseoğlu, Y. (2016). Üst kademe teorisini yeniden düşünmek: Üst yönetim ekiplerinin bilişsel özellikleri & teorik açıdan kapsamı ve önemi. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(4): 117-133.
  • Goodall, A. H. (2012). A theory of expert leadership, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 6566, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn.
  • Gounopoulos, D., & Pham, H. (2018). Specialist CEOs and IPO survival. Journal of Corporate Finance, 48, 217-243.
  • Hambrick, D.C. (2007). Upper echelons theory: An update. Academy of Management Review, 32(2): 334-343.
  • Hambrick, D.C., & Mason, P.A. (1984). Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers. Academy of Management Review, 9(2): 193-206.
  • Hannan, M. T., & Freeman, J. (1977). The population ecology of organizations. American Journal of Sociology, 82(5), 929-964.
  • Harris, D., & Helfat, C. (1997). Specificity of CEO human capital and compensation. Strategic Management Journal, 18(11), 895-920.
  • Haynes, K. T., & Hillman, A. (2010). The effect of board capital and CEO power on strategic change. Strategic Management Journal, 31(11), 1145-1163.
  • Kaur, R., & Singh, B. (2018). CEOs’ characteristics and firm performance: A study of Indian firms. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 11(2), 1-16.
  • Lunkes, R. J., Pereira, B.S., Santos, E.A., & Rosa, F. S. (2019). Analysis of the relationship between the observable characteristics of CEOs and organizational performance. Contaduríay Administración, 64 (4), 1-22.
  • Meyer, J. W., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2), 340-363.
  • Mishra, D. R. (2014). The dark side of CEO ability: CEO general managerial skills and cost of equity capital. Journal of Corporate Finance, 29, 390-409.
  • Mumford, M., Zaccaro, S., Connelly, M., & Marks, M. (2000). Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions. Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 155-170.
  • Murphy, K., & Zabojnik, J. (2006). Managerial capital and the market for CEOs, Queen's Economics Department Working Paper, No. 1110, Queen's University, Department of Economics, Kingston (Ontario).
  • Li, M., & Patel, P. (2019). CEO generalist experience and firm performance, The Leadership Quarterly, 30, 320-334.
  • Wood, J., & Vilkinas, T. (2005). Characteristics associated with success: CEOs’ perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(3), 186-196.
  • Xuan, Y. (2009). Empire-building or bridge-building? Evidence from new CEOs’ internal capital allocation decisions. The Review of Financial Studies, 22(12), 4919-4948.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dursun Bingöl 0000-0002-3988-4347

Pelin Erden Çevik 0000-0002-0997-2813

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Haziran 2022
Kabul Tarihi 28 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Bingöl, D., & Erden Çevik, P. (2022). GENELCİ Mİ, UZMAN MI? ÜST KADEME YÖNETİCİLERİN YÖNETSEL BECERİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(Kongre Özel Sayısı), 190-205.

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