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Yıl 2015, , 11 - 33, 17.09.2015


Первые систематические почтовые связи были установлены д.н.э. в Персидской
империи 550-ом году. После этого, по сей день способы и обстановка почтовых отношений
были развиты и изменены. После изобретения интернета в конце двадцатого века и развитие
технологической медии, односторонная связь уступила место двусторонному. Такое положение
послужило свободному интернетсообщению между потребителями. Революция, которую
произвели интернет и медия в сфере почтовых отношений, глубоко изменили ежедневную
жизннь индивидов и самого общества в разных секторах бытия. Среди них можно отметить
туристический сектор. Социальная медия даёт возможность туристам быстрее найти
информацию. Сегодня интернет и социальная медия стали основными средствами связи
для привлечения туристов. Основная цель статьи, эмпирическое исследование сути решения
иностранных туристов отдохнуть в Турции и уровень применения социальной медии для этих
целей. Данная статья построена по принципу case study. Полученные данные анкетированы и
проонализированы по принципу программы SPSS. Таким образом, было установлено влияние
средств массовой информации над выбором иностранных туристов. Были набраны анкетные
данные с 390 иностранных туристов. По итогам опроса, было установлено, что иностранные
туристы часто применяют социальную медию и с помощью его выбирают место отдыха. 


  • ABRATT, Russell ve MOFOKENG, T. Nsenki: (2001). Development and Management of Corporate Image in South Africa. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 35(3/4). ss.368-386.
  • ALTUNAY, Alper: (2012). Geleneksel Medyadan Yeni Medyaya: Görüntü Yüzeyi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. Vol. 27. ss. 33 – 44
  • ANDREASSEN, T. Wallin ve LİNDESTAD, Bodil: (1998). Customer Loyalty and Complex Services. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 9(1). ss.7-23. AYMANKUY,
  • Yusuf., SOYDAŞ, M. Emin ve SAÇLI,
  • Çağrı: (2013). Sosyal
  • medya kullanımının turistik tüketicilerin tatil kararlarına etkisi: Akademik personel
  • üzerinde bir uygulama. International Journal of Human Sciences. Vol. 10(1). ss. 376-397.
  • AZIZ, Aysel: (2010). İletişime Giriş. 3. baskı. İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları
  • BALCI, Ali. (2010). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma, Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler. 8. Baskı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • BAŞ, Türker: (2006). Anket nasıl hazırlanır?, Anket nasıl uygulanır?, Anket nasıl değerlendirilir? Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • BOYD, Danah: (2007). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning – Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume. İçinde. D Buckingham (Ed). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • BOYD, Danah ve ELLISON, Nicole B.: (2008). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol.13. ss.210- 230
  • BOZART, Jane (2010). Social Media For Trainers: Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.
  • BUHALİS, Dimitros, LEUNG, Daniel ve LAW, Raw: (2011). eTourism: Critical Information and Communication Technologies for Tourism Destinations, Destination marketing and management: theories and applications. İçinde Y.Wanf ve A. Pizam (Eds). Destination marketing and management: Theories and aplications. Wallingford: CAB International. ss. 205-224.
  • BUHLER, Joe: (2011). Social Media in Travel Planning, PhoCusWright Inc.: ABD.
  • CASTELLS, Mannuel: (2010). The Rise Of The Network Society: Volume I: The Information Age: Economy, Society, And Culture. 2. Baskı. West Sussex: Wiley- Blackwell
  • COHEN, L. S. (2009). Is There A Difference Between Social Media And Social Networking?. and-social-networking/ (30 Ekim 2014)
  • COHEN, Lon S: (2009). Is There A Difference Between Social Media And Social Networking?. and-social-networking/ (19 Şubat 2015)
  • DINA, Răzvan ve SABOU, Gabriel: (2012). Influence of social media in choice of touristic
  • EŞITTI, Şakir (2013). Gözetim Toplumunda Sinoptikon ve Sosyal Medya. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İletişim Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı
  • FOTİS, John, BUHALIS, Dimitros ve ROSSIDES, Nicos: (2012). Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process. İçinde: Fuchs, M.,Ricci, F. ve Cantoni, L., (eds). Information and Communication Technologies inTourism. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag. ss. 13-24
  • FUCHS, Christian: (2011). New Media, Web 2.0. and Surveillance. Sociology Compass. Vol.5(2). ss. 134 – 147
  • GRETZEL, Ulrike, YOO, Kyung. H. ve PURIFOY, Melanie (2007). Online Travel Review Study: Role ve Impact of Online Travel Reviews , Laboratory for Intelligent System in Tourism, . (09 Temmuz 2015)
  • INTERNET WORLD STATS USAGE AND POPULATİON STATİCTİCS (2014) Internet Users in the World Distribution by World Regions - 2014 Q4. Online Kaynak: (21 Haziran 2015) INTERNET WORLD STATS. (2012). Usage and Population Statistics. (09 Temmuz 2015)
  • İSLAMOĞLU, A. Hamdi: (2009). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemler SPSS Uygulamalı. 2. Baskı. İzmit: Beta Yanınları
  • İŞÇİL, Necati: (1973). İstatistik Metotları ve Uygulamaları, AITIA Yayınları: Ankara
  • IVY, Johathan: (2001). Higher education institution image: a correspondence analysis approach. International Journal of Educational Management. Vol.15 (6). ss. 276- 82.
  • KANDAMPULLY, Jay ve SUHARTANTO, Dwi: (2000). Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Image. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 12(6). ss.346-351.
  • KAPLAN, Andreas M. ve HAENLEİN, Mitcheal: (2010). Users of the World, Unite The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media, Bussiness Horisons, Vol. 53, s. 59 – 68 (12 Ekim 2014)
  • KIRÁĽOVÁ, A Alžbeta ve PAVLÍČEKA, Antonin: (2015) Development of Social Media Strategies in Tourism Destination. International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175. Ss. 358 – 366
  • KOTLER, Philip, BOWEN, John T. ve MAKENS, James C: (2003). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall.
  • LEE, Woojin, TYRRELL, Timothy ve ERDEM, Mehmet: (2013). Exploring the behavioral aspects of adopting technology: Meeting planners' use of social network media and the impact of perceived critical mass. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology . Vol. 4(1). ss. 6-22.
  • LI, Charlene ve BERNOFF, Josh: (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. New York: Harvard Business Press.

  • LITVIN, Stephen. W., GOLDSMITH, Ronald E. ve PAN, Bing: (2008). Electronic word-of- mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, Vol. 29, ss.458-468.
  • MANAP, KhairulHilmi A. ve ADZHARUDIN, N. Azura: (2013). The Role of User Generated Content (UGC) in Social Media for Tourism Sector. The West East Institute. The 2013 WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings. 2013 İstanbul, Türkiye. ss. 52-58.
  • MAYFIELD, Antony: (2010). What is Social Media, iCrossing, elektronik kitap, ssing_ebook.pdf (15 Eylül 2014)
  • NEUMAN, Marco ve HOGAN, Deirde ve MACDONAILL, Ciaran: (2005). Semantic Social Network Portal for Collaborative Online Communities. Journal of European Industrial Training. Vol. 29(6) ss.472-481
  • NGUYEN, Nha. ve LEBLANC, Gaston: (2002). Contact Personnel, Physical Environment and the Perceived Corporate Image of Intangible Services by New Clients. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 13(3), ss.242- 262.
  • OKAY, Ayla ve OKAY, Aydemir: (2001), Halkla İlişkiler Kavram, Strateji ve Uygulamaları. Der Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • OXFORD DICTIONARIES (2015) (12 Haziran 2015)
  • ÖRER, Lale: (2006). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi’nin kurumsal imajının öğrenciler açısından ölçülmesi üzerine bir alan çalışması. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • ÖZEL, Elif Korap: (2014). Çalışanların Twitter Kullanımının, Kurum İmajına Etkisi: Türkiye’de Bir Anket Çalışması. Journal of Yasar University . Vol. 9(35). ss. 6138- 6158
  • PALACIO, Asuncion, B., MENESES, Gonzalo D., ve PEREZ, Pedro J. P: (2002). The configuration of the university image and its relationship with the satisfaction of students. Journal of Educational Administration. Vol. 40 (5), ss. 486-505
  • PAN, Bing, ve FESENMAİER, Daniel R. (2006). Online information search: Vacation planning process. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 33(3): 809-32.
  • PARKER, Richard D: (2012). The Evolving Dynamics of Social Media in Internet Tourism Marketing. Tourism Research & Hospitality. Vol.1(1). doi:10.4172/2324- 8807.1000e102
  • PELTEKOĞLU, Filiz B: (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Nedir. Gen. 2.baskı, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş: İstanbul.
  • SCOTT, R. Peter, JACKA, J. Mike: (2011) Auditing social media – a governance and risk guide. John Wiley and Sons: United States of America.
  • SİPAHİ, Beril., YURTKORU, E. Serra. ve ÇİNKO, Murat: (2010). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi.3. Baskı. İstanbul, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • SOTIRIADIS, Mitros D. ve VAN ZYL, Cina: (2013). Electronic word-of-mouth and online reviews in tourism services: the use of twitter by tourists. Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 13(1). s. 103-124.
  • STATİSTA (2014). Number of Social Network Users Worldwide from 2010 to 2017. Retrieved from: social-network-users/.
  • STATISTICBRAIN SOCIAL NETWORKING STATISTICS. (2015). Social Networking Statictis. (20 Haziran 2015)
  • STİKKY MEDIA (2014). 2012 & 2013 Social Media and Tourism Industry Statistics. Retrieved from: social-media-and- tourism-industry-statistics#sthash.cLRCPkvd.dpuf
  • TOKGÖZ - BAKIROĞLU, Cemile: (2011) Bilişim Çağında Toplumsal Denetim Aracı Olarak Gözetim Olgusu ve Yeni İletişim Ortamlarında Bireyin Gözetim Farkındalığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi SBE.
  • TRİPADVİSOR (2013). Social Media, Smartphones ve Tablets Now Essential Travel Tools for U.S. Travelers, According to New TripAdvisor Survey of Mobile ve Social Trends. (10. 07. 2015)
  • TROTTİER, Daniel: (2012) Social Media as Surveillance. Surrey: Ashgate Publising
  • TUİK, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu 2014 Yılı Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması (02 Şubat 2015)
  • VANCE, Ashlee: (2012). Facebook: The Making of 1 Billion Users. Bloomberg Businessweek. making-of-1-billion-users (10 Aralık 2012) WORLD TRAVEL MARKET INDUSTRY REPORT (2014). Industry-Report-2014.pdf (10 Aralık 2014)
  • YE, Qiang, GU, Bin, CHEN, Wei. ve LAW, Rob: (2008). Measuring the Value of Managerial Responses to Online Reviews - A Natural Experiment of Two Online Travel Agencies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Paris, Fransa, ss.14-17.
  • YILDIRIM, Nevzat: (2007). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı okullarda kurum imajı ve halkla ilişkiler çalışmaları “Malatya örneği”. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Malatya.
  • ZENG, Benxiang. ve GERRİTSEN, Rolf: (2014). What do we know about social media in tourism? A review. Tourism Management Perspectives. Vol.10 ss. 27–36


Yıl 2015, , 11 - 33, 17.09.2015


Postal service, which is the first step of the systematic communication, founded in 550 BC by the Persian Empire, since than communication tools and mediums has developed and evolved gradually over the time. At the end of the twentieth century, with the impact of the invention of the internet and social media technologies that developed in the continuation of it, one-way communication was replaced by the two-way communication which has enabled people to communicate with each other interactively. The revolution in the communication atmosphere that was created by the Internet and social media tools, as well as the daily lives of the individuals and societies also affected the several business sectors deeply. At the outsets of these sectors, tourism sector come.Internet and social media provide important opportunities for tourists in terms of information searching about their destinations and accommodation choices. Nowadays the internet and social media emerge as an important means of mass communication medium for tourism enterprises in terms of reaching their target audiences and for tourists in terms of their accommodation destination choices. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to find out the impact of social media to the decision-making process of foreign tourists who choose Turkey as a destination and put forward empirically how they are affected by the information they receive from social media, also to make some suggestions to the tourism enterprises about the importance of their image on social media. In this perspective the study designed as a quantitative case study, the data collected by using a survey technique and the obtained data is analyzed by SPSS program. Thus, social media usage trends of foreign tourists and if social media affects them prior to the selection of their destinations were determined. In the study, one of the most popular tourist areas of Turkey, Izmir and Istanbul provinces chosen as the research universe and 390 tourists were interviewed accordingly. According to the obtained data, tourists use social media before deciding their holiday destinations and they gather information about the destination and accommodation places they intend to go.According to findings of the study, foreign tourists to use social media effectively, and it is determined that tourists change their destinations or accommodation places according to the information obtained from social media


  • ABRATT, Russell ve MOFOKENG, T. Nsenki: (2001). Development and Management of Corporate Image in South Africa. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 35(3/4). ss.368-386.
  • ALTUNAY, Alper: (2012). Geleneksel Medyadan Yeni Medyaya: Görüntü Yüzeyi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. Vol. 27. ss. 33 – 44
  • ANDREASSEN, T. Wallin ve LİNDESTAD, Bodil: (1998). Customer Loyalty and Complex Services. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 9(1). ss.7-23. AYMANKUY,
  • Yusuf., SOYDAŞ, M. Emin ve SAÇLI,
  • Çağrı: (2013). Sosyal
  • medya kullanımının turistik tüketicilerin tatil kararlarına etkisi: Akademik personel
  • üzerinde bir uygulama. International Journal of Human Sciences. Vol. 10(1). ss. 376-397.
  • AZIZ, Aysel: (2010). İletişime Giriş. 3. baskı. İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları
  • BALCI, Ali. (2010). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma, Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler. 8. Baskı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • BAŞ, Türker: (2006). Anket nasıl hazırlanır?, Anket nasıl uygulanır?, Anket nasıl değerlendirilir? Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • BOYD, Danah: (2007). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning – Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume. İçinde. D Buckingham (Ed). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • BOYD, Danah ve ELLISON, Nicole B.: (2008). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol.13. ss.210- 230
  • BOZART, Jane (2010). Social Media For Trainers: Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.
  • BUHALİS, Dimitros, LEUNG, Daniel ve LAW, Raw: (2011). eTourism: Critical Information and Communication Technologies for Tourism Destinations, Destination marketing and management: theories and applications. İçinde Y.Wanf ve A. Pizam (Eds). Destination marketing and management: Theories and aplications. Wallingford: CAB International. ss. 205-224.
  • BUHLER, Joe: (2011). Social Media in Travel Planning, PhoCusWright Inc.: ABD.
  • CASTELLS, Mannuel: (2010). The Rise Of The Network Society: Volume I: The Information Age: Economy, Society, And Culture. 2. Baskı. West Sussex: Wiley- Blackwell
  • COHEN, L. S. (2009). Is There A Difference Between Social Media And Social Networking?. and-social-networking/ (30 Ekim 2014)
  • COHEN, Lon S: (2009). Is There A Difference Between Social Media And Social Networking?. and-social-networking/ (19 Şubat 2015)
  • DINA, Răzvan ve SABOU, Gabriel: (2012). Influence of social media in choice of touristic
  • EŞITTI, Şakir (2013). Gözetim Toplumunda Sinoptikon ve Sosyal Medya. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. İletişim Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı
  • FOTİS, John, BUHALIS, Dimitros ve ROSSIDES, Nicos: (2012). Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process. İçinde: Fuchs, M.,Ricci, F. ve Cantoni, L., (eds). Information and Communication Technologies inTourism. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag. ss. 13-24
  • FUCHS, Christian: (2011). New Media, Web 2.0. and Surveillance. Sociology Compass. Vol.5(2). ss. 134 – 147
  • GRETZEL, Ulrike, YOO, Kyung. H. ve PURIFOY, Melanie (2007). Online Travel Review Study: Role ve Impact of Online Travel Reviews , Laboratory for Intelligent System in Tourism, . (09 Temmuz 2015)
  • INTERNET WORLD STATS USAGE AND POPULATİON STATİCTİCS (2014) Internet Users in the World Distribution by World Regions - 2014 Q4. Online Kaynak: (21 Haziran 2015) INTERNET WORLD STATS. (2012). Usage and Population Statistics. (09 Temmuz 2015)
  • İSLAMOĞLU, A. Hamdi: (2009). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemler SPSS Uygulamalı. 2. Baskı. İzmit: Beta Yanınları
  • İŞÇİL, Necati: (1973). İstatistik Metotları ve Uygulamaları, AITIA Yayınları: Ankara
  • IVY, Johathan: (2001). Higher education institution image: a correspondence analysis approach. International Journal of Educational Management. Vol.15 (6). ss. 276- 82.
  • KANDAMPULLY, Jay ve SUHARTANTO, Dwi: (2000). Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Image. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 12(6). ss.346-351.
  • KAPLAN, Andreas M. ve HAENLEİN, Mitcheal: (2010). Users of the World, Unite The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media, Bussiness Horisons, Vol. 53, s. 59 – 68 (12 Ekim 2014)
  • KIRÁĽOVÁ, A Alžbeta ve PAVLÍČEKA, Antonin: (2015) Development of Social Media Strategies in Tourism Destination. International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 175. Ss. 358 – 366
  • KOTLER, Philip, BOWEN, John T. ve MAKENS, James C: (2003). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall.
  • LEE, Woojin, TYRRELL, Timothy ve ERDEM, Mehmet: (2013). Exploring the behavioral aspects of adopting technology: Meeting planners' use of social network media and the impact of perceived critical mass. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology . Vol. 4(1). ss. 6-22.
  • LI, Charlene ve BERNOFF, Josh: (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. New York: Harvard Business Press.

  • LITVIN, Stephen. W., GOLDSMITH, Ronald E. ve PAN, Bing: (2008). Electronic word-of- mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, Vol. 29, ss.458-468.
  • MANAP, KhairulHilmi A. ve ADZHARUDIN, N. Azura: (2013). The Role of User Generated Content (UGC) in Social Media for Tourism Sector. The West East Institute. The 2013 WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings. 2013 İstanbul, Türkiye. ss. 52-58.
  • MAYFIELD, Antony: (2010). What is Social Media, iCrossing, elektronik kitap, ssing_ebook.pdf (15 Eylül 2014)
  • NEUMAN, Marco ve HOGAN, Deirde ve MACDONAILL, Ciaran: (2005). Semantic Social Network Portal for Collaborative Online Communities. Journal of European Industrial Training. Vol. 29(6) ss.472-481
  • NGUYEN, Nha. ve LEBLANC, Gaston: (2002). Contact Personnel, Physical Environment and the Perceived Corporate Image of Intangible Services by New Clients. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Vol. 13(3), ss.242- 262.
  • OKAY, Ayla ve OKAY, Aydemir: (2001), Halkla İlişkiler Kavram, Strateji ve Uygulamaları. Der Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • OXFORD DICTIONARIES (2015) (12 Haziran 2015)
  • ÖRER, Lale: (2006). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi’nin kurumsal imajının öğrenciler açısından ölçülmesi üzerine bir alan çalışması. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • ÖZEL, Elif Korap: (2014). Çalışanların Twitter Kullanımının, Kurum İmajına Etkisi: Türkiye’de Bir Anket Çalışması. Journal of Yasar University . Vol. 9(35). ss. 6138- 6158
  • PALACIO, Asuncion, B., MENESES, Gonzalo D., ve PEREZ, Pedro J. P: (2002). The configuration of the university image and its relationship with the satisfaction of students. Journal of Educational Administration. Vol. 40 (5), ss. 486-505
  • PAN, Bing, ve FESENMAİER, Daniel R. (2006). Online information search: Vacation planning process. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 33(3): 809-32.
  • PARKER, Richard D: (2012). The Evolving Dynamics of Social Media in Internet Tourism Marketing. Tourism Research & Hospitality. Vol.1(1). doi:10.4172/2324- 8807.1000e102
  • PELTEKOĞLU, Filiz B: (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Nedir. Gen. 2.baskı, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş: İstanbul.
  • SCOTT, R. Peter, JACKA, J. Mike: (2011) Auditing social media – a governance and risk guide. John Wiley and Sons: United States of America.
  • SİPAHİ, Beril., YURTKORU, E. Serra. ve ÇİNKO, Murat: (2010). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi.3. Baskı. İstanbul, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • SOTIRIADIS, Mitros D. ve VAN ZYL, Cina: (2013). Electronic word-of-mouth and online reviews in tourism services: the use of twitter by tourists. Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 13(1). s. 103-124.
  • STATİSTA (2014). Number of Social Network Users Worldwide from 2010 to 2017. Retrieved from: social-network-users/.
  • STATISTICBRAIN SOCIAL NETWORKING STATISTICS. (2015). Social Networking Statictis. (20 Haziran 2015)
  • STİKKY MEDIA (2014). 2012 & 2013 Social Media and Tourism Industry Statistics. Retrieved from: social-media-and- tourism-industry-statistics#sthash.cLRCPkvd.dpuf
  • TOKGÖZ - BAKIROĞLU, Cemile: (2011) Bilişim Çağında Toplumsal Denetim Aracı Olarak Gözetim Olgusu ve Yeni İletişim Ortamlarında Bireyin Gözetim Farkındalığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi SBE.
  • TRİPADVİSOR (2013). Social Media, Smartphones ve Tablets Now Essential Travel Tools for U.S. Travelers, According to New TripAdvisor Survey of Mobile ve Social Trends. (10. 07. 2015)
  • TROTTİER, Daniel: (2012) Social Media as Surveillance. Surrey: Ashgate Publising
  • TUİK, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu 2014 Yılı Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması (02 Şubat 2015)
  • VANCE, Ashlee: (2012). Facebook: The Making of 1 Billion Users. Bloomberg Businessweek. making-of-1-billion-users (10 Aralık 2012) WORLD TRAVEL MARKET INDUSTRY REPORT (2014). Industry-Report-2014.pdf (10 Aralık 2014)
  • YE, Qiang, GU, Bin, CHEN, Wei. ve LAW, Rob: (2008). Measuring the Value of Managerial Responses to Online Reviews - A Natural Experiment of Two Online Travel Agencies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Paris, Fransa, ss.14-17.
  • YILDIRIM, Nevzat: (2007). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı okullarda kurum imajı ve halkla ilişkiler çalışmaları “Malatya örneği”. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Malatya.
  • ZENG, Benxiang. ve GERRİTSEN, Rolf: (2014). What do we know about social media in tourism? A review. Tourism Management Perspectives. Vol.10 ss. 27–36


Yıl 2015, , 11 - 33, 17.09.2015


Sistematik iletişimin ilk adımı olan posta servisi, Pers İmparatorluğu tarafından milattan önce 550 yılında kurulmuş, bu tarihten günümüze kadar iletişimin araç ve ortamları, zaman içinde giderek gelişip, dönüşmüştür. Yirminci yüzyılın sonunda internetin icadı ve onun devamında geliştirilen sosyal medya gibi yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin etkisiyle tek yönlü iletişim yerini iki yönlü iletişime bırakmış, bu durum internet kullanıcılarının birbirleriyle etkileşimli bir şekilde iletişim kurmalarını sağlamıştır. İnternet ve sosyal medyanın iletişim alanında yarattığı bu devrim, bireylerin ve toplumların günlük yaşamlarını olduğu kadar birçok iş sektörünü de derinden etkilemiştir. Bu sektörlerin başında turizm sektörü gelmektedir. Sosyal medya, turistlerin destinasyon seçimleri hakkında bilgi aramalarına ve konaklayacakları yerleri seçmelerine önemli imkanlar vermektedir. Günümüzde internet ve sosyal medya, turizm işletmelerinin hedef kitlelerine ulaşmaları açısından ve turistler tarafından konaklama destinasyonlarının tercih edilmesi bakımından da önemli bir kitle iletişim aracı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.


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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


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