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One Step Further to Unsustainability: Effects of the International Crisis on Antalya Housing Market

Yıl 2024, , 263 - 278, 27.10.2024


One of the cities affected most by the war between Ukraine and Russia has undoubtedly been Antalya, which hosted many Russian and Ukrainian tourists for years. After the war broke out, those who came to this city, known by both countries’ citizens who were not subject to any restrictions, were no longer tourists but settled there and became long-term residents. The increase in sales and rentals to foreigners has affected the owner-occupied and rental housing markets in many ways. These sales and increased demand have directly caused the prices of housing units to rise and the number of rental housing units to become insufficient. This paper highlights the process and changes in the housing market in Antalya during the international crisis between Russia and Ukraine. The main findings revealed that the increasing number and prices of housing for sale in the central districts negatively affect the rental sector and limited housing provision in the face of an increase in recorded population during the periods examined. These unregulated and unsustainable housing markets result in various risks and consequences, especially for residing households, many occupational classes and development scenarios of the city. To overcome these problems, regulations on legal and policy perspectives and considering a foreign residency policy together with housing policy in Türkiye are highlighted.


  • Aksoy Khurami, E. (2022). Housing and Living Conditions of Turkish Households. In: Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı, Esma Aksoy Khurami, Nil Uzun (Eds.), Housing in Turkey: Policy, Planning, Practice (p. 48-63). London: Routledge.
  • Aksu Kargın, İ. (2018). An Assessment of the Refugees' Access to Labor and Housing Markets and Healthcare Services in Turkey from Syrian Refugees' Perspective. Border Crossing, 8(1), 220-236.
  • Alhawarin, I., Assaad, R. and Elsayed, A. (2021). Migration shocks and housing: Short-run impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. Journal of Housing Economics, 53, 101761.
  • Alkan, U. (2022). Main Determinants of House Prices: Effects of Construction Cost and House Sales to Foreigners. Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(4), 1512-1528.
  • Alkan Gökler, L. (2021). Foreign demand and high-rise luxury housing projects in two Turkish cities: Ankara and Trabzon. Land Use Policy, 103, 105318.
  • Asal, M. (2017). Long-run drivers and short-term dynamics of Swedish real house prices. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 11(1), 45-72.
  • Aslan, A. S. (2023). Türkiye’de Yabancıların Mülk Edinimi: Yalova Konut Sektörü Örneği. Kent Akademisi Dergisi, 16, 616-633.
  • Building and Housing Qualifications Survey. (2021). Micro Data Set. Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Chao, C.C. and Yu, E.S.H. (2015). Housing markets with foreign buyers. J Real Estate Finan Econ, 50, 207-218.
  • Construction and Housing Statistics. (2023). Retrieved August 10, 2023, from
  • DİSK-AR. (2024). Asgari Ücret Araştırması 2024 Raporu. İstanbul: Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from
  • Gluszak, M. and Trojanek, R. (2023). War in Ukraine, Refugee Crisis, and Housing Market in Poland. Social Science Research Network. Retrieved September 10, 2023, from
  • Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. (2022). Mahalle Kapatma Duyurusu hk. Retrieved September 10, 2023, from
  • Görer Tamer, N., Erdoğanaras, F., Yüksel, Ü. and Güzey, Ö. (2010). Türkiye’de yabancı gerçek kişilere mülk satışının niceliksel, niteliksel boyutları ve mekansal etkileri üzerine bir değerlendirme. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 5(12), 120-141.
  • Gözkaman, A. (2024). Avrupa Birliği, Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve İnsan Hakları. EURO Politika, 1(20), 5-22.
  • Guest, R. and Rohde, N. (2017). The contribution of foreign real estate investment to housing price growth in Australian capital cities. ABACUS, 53(3), 304-318.
  • Habertürk. (2022). Retrieved August 10, 2023, from
  • Housing Price Index. (2023). Retrieved July 22, 2023, from
  • Özdemir Sarı, Ö.B. (2019). Redefining the Housing Challenges in Turkey: An Urban Planning Perspective. In: Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı, Suna Senem Özdemir, Nil Uzun (Eds.), Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey (p. 167-184). The Urban Book Series, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Population and Demography Statistics. (2023). Retrieved October 12, 2023, from
  • Rodriguez, C. and Bustillo, R. (2010). Modeling foreign real estate investment: the Spanish case. J Real Estate Finan Econ, 41, 354-367.
  • Saiz, A. (2003). Room in the Kitchen for the Melting Pot: Immigration and Rental Prices. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(3), 502-521.
  • Salami, M. A., Tanrivermis, H. and Aliefendioğlu, Y. (2023). Interdependence between foreigner housing acquisitions and housing price increase in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic era. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 16(3), 575-597.
  • Short, J. (2016). Attracting Wealth: Crafting Immigration Policy to Attract the Rich. In: I. Hay, J. Beaverstock (Eds.), Handbook on Wealth and the Super-rich (p. 363-380). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Stillman, S., and Mare, D. C. (2008). Housing Markets and Migration: Evidence from New Zealand. Motu Working Paper 08-06, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Retrieved September 2, 2023, from
  • Survey of Income and Living Conditions. (2020). Micro Data Set. Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • TCMB. (2024). Gösterge Niteliğindeki Merkez Bankası Kurları. Retrieved May 15, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2021). Evlenme ve Boşanma İstatistikleri. Retrieved August 25, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2022). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları. Retrieved August 24, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2023). 2022 International Migration Statistics. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from C3% BCrkiye'den%20yurt%20d%C4%B1%C5%9F%C4%B1na%20g%C3%B6%C3%A7,%C3%BCn %C3%BC%20ise%20yabanc%C4%B1%20uyruklular%20olu%C5%9Fturdu
  • TÜROB. (2022). 2022 Antalya Tourism Statistics. Retrieved October 20, 2023, from
  • Wind, B. and Ibrahim, B. (2020). The war-time urban development of Damascus: How the geography and political economy of warfare affects housing patterns. Habitat International, 96, 102109.

Sürdürülemezliğe Bir Adım Daha: Uluslararası Krizin Antalya Konut Piyasasına Etkileri

Yıl 2024, , 263 - 278, 27.10.2024


Ukrayna ve Rusya arasındaki savaştan en çok etkilenen şehirlerden biri de şüphesiz yıllardır çok sayıda Rus ve Ukraynalı turisti ağırlayan Antalya olmuştur. Her iki ülke vatandaşlarının da yakinen bildiği ve herhangi bir kısıtlamaya tâbi olmayan bu şehre, savaş çıktıktan sonra gelenler artık turist değil, kente yerleşerek uzun süreli sakinler haline gelmiştir. Bu hareketlilikle beraber yabancılara yapılan satış ve kiralamalardaki artış, satılık ve kiralık konut piyasasını birçok yönden etkilemiştir. Bu satışlar ve artan talep, halihazırda pek çok sorun barındıran konut piyasasında konut fiyatlarının artmasına ve kiralık konut sayısının yetersiz kalmasına neden olmuştur. Bu makale, Rusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki uluslararası kriz sırasında Antalya konut piyasasındaki süreç ve değişimlere ışık tutmaktadır. Temel bulgular, merkez ilçelerde artan satılık konut adeti ve fiyatlarının kiralık konut sektörünü olumsuz etkilediği ve incelenen dönemlerde kayıtlı nüfus artışı karşısında konut sunumunun sınırlı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Antalya örneğinde olduğu gibi düzenlenmeyen ve sürdürülemez nitelik taşıyan bir konut piyasası, özellikle yerel hane halkları, kent için hayati sayılabilecek pek çok meslek grubu ve kalkınma senaryoları açısından çeşitli risklere ve sonuçlara yol açmaktadır. Bu sorunların üstesinden gelmek için yasal ve politik perspektiflere ve Türkiye'de konut politikasıyla birlikte yabancı ikamet politikasının da dikkate alınmasına ilişkin düzenlemeler vurgulanmaktadır.


  • Aksoy Khurami, E. (2022). Housing and Living Conditions of Turkish Households. In: Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı, Esma Aksoy Khurami, Nil Uzun (Eds.), Housing in Turkey: Policy, Planning, Practice (p. 48-63). London: Routledge.
  • Aksu Kargın, İ. (2018). An Assessment of the Refugees' Access to Labor and Housing Markets and Healthcare Services in Turkey from Syrian Refugees' Perspective. Border Crossing, 8(1), 220-236.
  • Alhawarin, I., Assaad, R. and Elsayed, A. (2021). Migration shocks and housing: Short-run impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. Journal of Housing Economics, 53, 101761.
  • Alkan, U. (2022). Main Determinants of House Prices: Effects of Construction Cost and House Sales to Foreigners. Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(4), 1512-1528.
  • Alkan Gökler, L. (2021). Foreign demand and high-rise luxury housing projects in two Turkish cities: Ankara and Trabzon. Land Use Policy, 103, 105318.
  • Asal, M. (2017). Long-run drivers and short-term dynamics of Swedish real house prices. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 11(1), 45-72.
  • Aslan, A. S. (2023). Türkiye’de Yabancıların Mülk Edinimi: Yalova Konut Sektörü Örneği. Kent Akademisi Dergisi, 16, 616-633.
  • Building and Housing Qualifications Survey. (2021). Micro Data Set. Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Chao, C.C. and Yu, E.S.H. (2015). Housing markets with foreign buyers. J Real Estate Finan Econ, 50, 207-218.
  • Construction and Housing Statistics. (2023). Retrieved August 10, 2023, from
  • DİSK-AR. (2024). Asgari Ücret Araştırması 2024 Raporu. İstanbul: Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from
  • Gluszak, M. and Trojanek, R. (2023). War in Ukraine, Refugee Crisis, and Housing Market in Poland. Social Science Research Network. Retrieved September 10, 2023, from
  • Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. (2022). Mahalle Kapatma Duyurusu hk. Retrieved September 10, 2023, from
  • Görer Tamer, N., Erdoğanaras, F., Yüksel, Ü. and Güzey, Ö. (2010). Türkiye’de yabancı gerçek kişilere mülk satışının niceliksel, niteliksel boyutları ve mekansal etkileri üzerine bir değerlendirme. Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 5(12), 120-141.
  • Gözkaman, A. (2024). Avrupa Birliği, Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve İnsan Hakları. EURO Politika, 1(20), 5-22.
  • Guest, R. and Rohde, N. (2017). The contribution of foreign real estate investment to housing price growth in Australian capital cities. ABACUS, 53(3), 304-318.
  • Habertürk. (2022). Retrieved August 10, 2023, from
  • Housing Price Index. (2023). Retrieved July 22, 2023, from
  • Özdemir Sarı, Ö.B. (2019). Redefining the Housing Challenges in Turkey: An Urban Planning Perspective. In: Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı, Suna Senem Özdemir, Nil Uzun (Eds.), Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey (p. 167-184). The Urban Book Series, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Population and Demography Statistics. (2023). Retrieved October 12, 2023, from
  • Rodriguez, C. and Bustillo, R. (2010). Modeling foreign real estate investment: the Spanish case. J Real Estate Finan Econ, 41, 354-367.
  • Saiz, A. (2003). Room in the Kitchen for the Melting Pot: Immigration and Rental Prices. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(3), 502-521.
  • Salami, M. A., Tanrivermis, H. and Aliefendioğlu, Y. (2023). Interdependence between foreigner housing acquisitions and housing price increase in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic era. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 16(3), 575-597.
  • Short, J. (2016). Attracting Wealth: Crafting Immigration Policy to Attract the Rich. In: I. Hay, J. Beaverstock (Eds.), Handbook on Wealth and the Super-rich (p. 363-380). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Stillman, S., and Mare, D. C. (2008). Housing Markets and Migration: Evidence from New Zealand. Motu Working Paper 08-06, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Retrieved September 2, 2023, from
  • Survey of Income and Living Conditions. (2020). Micro Data Set. Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • TCMB. (2024). Gösterge Niteliğindeki Merkez Bankası Kurları. Retrieved May 15, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2021). Evlenme ve Boşanma İstatistikleri. Retrieved August 25, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2022). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları. Retrieved August 24, 2024, from
  • TURKSTAT. (2023). 2022 International Migration Statistics. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from C3% BCrkiye'den%20yurt%20d%C4%B1%C5%9F%C4%B1na%20g%C3%B6%C3%A7,%C3%BCn %C3%BC%20ise%20yabanc%C4%B1%20uyruklular%20olu%C5%9Fturdu
  • TÜROB. (2022). 2022 Antalya Tourism Statistics. Retrieved October 20, 2023, from
  • Wind, B. and Ibrahim, B. (2020). The war-time urban development of Damascus: How the geography and political economy of warfare affects housing patterns. Habitat International, 96, 102109.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Konut Piyasası, Kalkınma ve Yönetim
Bölüm Tüm Makaleler

Esma Aksoy Khurami 0000-0002-5931-5547

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy Khurami, E. (2024). One Step Further to Unsustainability: Effects of the International Crisis on Antalya Housing Market. Kent Akademisi, 17(Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve Kent), 263-278.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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