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Fonksiyonel Bir Gıda: Üzüm Meyveleri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 34 - 44, 31.12.2023


Hastalıklar direnç kazanarak kendini yenilerken, sağlıklı beslenmenin önemi daha çok anlaşılıyor. Sağlıklı beslenmede belirtilen en önemli besin grubu meyvelerdir. Antioksidan zengini en önemli besin gruplarından biri de mor, mavi ve kırmızı renkleri ve antosiyaninleri ile berry grubudur. Bu meyve grubu kendine özgü tadı, dokusu, kokusu ve yapısı ile öne çıkmaktadır. Konaklama sektöründe görsellik ve lezzet müşteriler için çekici faktörlerdir. Sağlığa faydaları ve çekici rengi sayesinde küçük meyveler dünya çapında giderek daha fazla üretilmekte ve ihraç edilmektedir. Bu durum üzümsü meyveler üzerine yapılan araştırmaların çeşitlendirilmesi için çalışmaların artmasını teşvik etmektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, nitel analiz yöntemlerinden biri olan derleme tekniği kullanılarak üzümsü meyvelerin sağlık ilişkileri ve tüketim alanları ele alınmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda dut meyveleri ile ilgili mevcut bilgilerin yetersiz olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında meyveler ile ilgili güncel çalışmaların yapılması önerilmektedir.


  • Ağaoğlu, Y.S. (1986). Bramble Fruits. Ankara University Agriculture Publications: 984 Ankara: Lesson Book: 290, p.377.
  • Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Çelik, M. and Atila, S.P. (2003). Preliminary evaluations on the adaptation of some raspberry (R. İdeabatus L.) cultivars in cultivars in Ayaş (Ankara) conditions. The First National Kiwifruit and Bramble Fruits Symposium, of the 23-25 October in 2003, 330-336p, Ordu.
  • Akgün, S. (2021). Kuşburnu, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Anadolu haber ajansı (2022). Kızılcık, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Ataseven, Z. (2021). Tarım ürünleri piyasaları.,, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel araştırma süreci: Nitel bir araştırma nasıl yapılır?. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Bayram, S. E., Özeker, E., & Elmacı, Ö. L. (2013). Fonksiyonel gıdalar ve çilek. Akademik Gıda, 11(2), 131-137. Böğürtlen, (20.07.2023). Retrieved from date
  • Brazelton, C. (2013). World blueberry acreage & production. Folsom: USHBC, 353, 880-886.
  • Camire, M. E. (2000). Bilberries and blueberries as functional foods and nutraceuticals. Functional Foods: Herbs, Botanicals and Teas. Lancaster: Technomic Publishing, 289-319.
  • Chandler, C. K., Folta, K., Dale, A., Whitaker, V. M., & Herrington, M. (2012). Strawberry. Fruit breeding, p.305-325. Chang, Q., Zuo, Z., Harrison, F., & Chow, M. S. S. (2002). Hawthorn. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(6), 605-612.
  • Chang, W. T., Dao, J., & Shao, Z. H. (2005). Hawthorn: potential roles in cardiovascular disease. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 33(01), 1-10.
  • Conde, C., Silva, P., Fontes, N., Dias, A. C. P., Tavares, R. M., Sousa, M. J., ... & Gerós, H. (2007). Biochemical changes throughout grape berry development and fruit and wine quality. Food, 1(1), 1-22.
  • Çağlar, M., & Demirci, M. (2017). Üzümsü meyvelerde bulunan fenolik bileşikler ve beslenmedeki önemi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(11), 18-26.
  • Dahmer, S., & Scott, E. (2010). Health effects of hawthorn. American Family Physician, 81(4), 465-468.
  • Davis, T. M., Denoyes-Rothan, B., & Lerceteau-Köhler, E. (2007). Strawberry. In Fruits and nuts (p.189-205). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Donno, D., Beccaro, G. L., Mellano, M. G., Cerutti, A. K., & Bounous, G. (2015). Goji berry fruit (Lycium spp.): Antioxidant compound fingerprint and bioactivity evaluation. Journal of functional foods, 18, 1070-1085.
  • Fong, H. H., & Bauman, J. L. (2002). Hawthorn. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(4), 1-8.
  • Galletta, G. J., & Maas, J. L. (1990). Strawberry genetics. HortScience, 25(8), 871-879.
  • Giampieri, F., Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Mazzoni, L., Romandini, S., Bompadre, S., Diamanti, J.,... & Battino, M. (2013). The potential impact of strawberry on human health. Natural product research, 27(4-5), 448-455.
  • Golovinskaia, O., & Wang, C. K. (2021). Review of functional and pharmacological activities of berries. Molecules, 26(13), 3904.
  • Habertürk, (2021). Frenk üzümü, nelerdir-frenk-uzumu-yararlari-ve-zararlari-n1-2951364, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Habertürk, (2023)., 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Hatipler, M. (2017). Postmodernizm, tüketim, popüler kültür ve medya. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1, 32-50.
  • Helkar, P. B., Sahoo, A. K., & Patil, N. J. (2016). Review: Food industry by-products used as a functional food ingredients. International journal of waste resources, 6(3), 1-6.
  • Hürriyet (2018). Kurt üzümünün faydaları nelerdir?, 3.7.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Jeszka-Skowron, M., Zgoła-Grześkowiak, A., Stanisz, E., & Waśkiewicz, A. (2017). Potential health benefits and quality of dried fruits: Goji fruits, cranberries and raisins. Food Chemistry, 221, 228-236.
  • Kanellis, A. K., & Roubelakis-Angelakis, K. A. (1993). Grape. In Biochemistry of fruit ripening (p.189-234). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
  • Keipert, K. (1981). Beerenobst. Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Stutgart.
  • Koca, A. F., Koca, İ., Anıl, M., & Karadeniz, B. (2006). Kızılcık tarhanasının fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri. Gıda Kongresi, 377-380.
  • Koca, İ., Koca, A. F., & Yolcu, H. (2008). Fonksiyonel gıda olarak kuşburnu. Türkiye, 10, 295- 298.
  • Larson, K. D. (2018). Strawberry. In Handbook of environmental physiology of fruit crops (p.271-297). CRC Press.
  • Ma, Z. F., Zhang, H., Teh, S. S., Wang, C. W., Zhang, Y., Hayford, F., ... & Zhu, Y. (2019). Goji berries as a potential natural antioxidant medicine: An insight into their molecular mechanisms of action. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2019.
  • Maas, J. L. (2004). Strawberry disease management. Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Volume II: Diagnosis and Management, 441-483.
  • Milliyet (2023)., 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Norberto, S., Silva, S., Meireles, M., Faria, A., Pintado, M., & Calhau, C. (2013). Blueberry anthocyanins in health promotion: A metabolic overview. Journal of Functional Foods, 5(4), 1518-1528.
  • Ntv Haber, (2023). Yaban mersini nedir? Yaban mersininin faydaları nelerdir?, nelerdir, Erişim Tarihi: 3.7.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Pehluvan, M., & Güleryüz, M. (2004). Ahududu ve böğürtlenlerin insan sağlığı açısından önemi. Bahçe, 33(1), 51-57. Patel, S. (2014). Blueberry as functional food and dietary supplement: The natural way toensure holistic health. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(2), 133-143.
  • Phillips, J. L., & Currow, D. C. (2010). Cancer as a chronic disease. Collegian, 17(2), 47-50.
  • Poling, E. B. (2012). Strawberry plant structure and growth habit. New York State Berry Growers Association. Berry EXPO.
  • Potterat, O., & Hamburger, M. (2008). Goji juice: A novel miraculous cure for longevity and well-being? A review on composition, pharmacology, health-related claims and benefits.Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin, 20(7-8), 399-405.
  • Radovanović, B. C., Anđelković, S. M., Radovanović, A. B., & Anđelković, M. Z. (2013).Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of polyphenol extracts from wild berry fruits grown in southeast Serbia. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(5), 813-819.
  • Rao, A. V., & Snyder, D. M. (2010). Raspberries and human health: a review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(7), 3871-3883.
  • Reisch, B. I., Owens, C. L., & Cousins, P. S. (2012). Grape. Fruit breeding, 225-262.
  • Rigelsky, J. M., & Sweet, B. V. (2002). Hawthorn: pharmacology and therapeutic uses. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 59(5), 417-422.
  • Rowland, L. J., Hancock, J. F., & Bassil, N. V. (2016). Blueberry. In Genetics, genomics and breeding of berries (pp. 27-66). CRC Press.
  • Smith, M. A. L., Marley, K. A., Seigler, D., Singletary, K. W., & Meline, B. (2000). Bioactive properties of wild blueberry fruits. Journal of Food Science, 65(2), 352-356.
  • Szajdek, A., & Borowska, E. J. (2008). Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of berry fruits: a review. Plant foods for human nutrition, 63, 147-156.
  • Onur, C., N. Türemiş, K. Derin, T. Cincaner, Y.S. Ağaoğlu, et al. (1999). Evaluation of some currant (Ribes spp.), raspberry and blackberry (Rubus spp.) cultivars. Horticultural Congress of Turkey III National. p.772-775.
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı (2021). Çilek üretimi. 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Tosun, İ., &Yüksel, S. (2003). Üzümsü meyvelerin antioksidan kapasitesi. Gıda, 28(3), 305-311.
  • Van de Wiel, A., Van Golde, P. H. M., & Hart, H. C. (2001). Blessings of the grape. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 12(6), 484-489.
  • Vidović, B. B., Milinčić, D. D., Marčetić, M. D., Djuriš, J. D., Ilić, T. D., Kostić, A. Ž., & Pešić, M. B. (2022). Health benefits and applications of goji berries in functional food products development: A review. Antioxidants, 11(2), 248.
  • Wenli, S., Shahrajabian, M. H., & Qi, C. (2021). Health benefits of wolfberry (Gou Qi Zi, Fructus barbarum L.) on the basis of ancient Chineseherbalism and Western modern medicine. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 11(2), 109.
  • Yang, W., Guo, Y., Liu, M., Chen, X., Xiao, X., Wang, S., ... & Chen, F. (2022). Structure and function of blueberry anthocyanins: A review of recent advances. Journal of Functional Foods, 88, 104864.
  • Yang, B., & Kortesniemi, M. (2015). Clinical evidence on potential health benefits of berries. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2, 36-42.
  • Yang, J., & Xiao, Y. Y. (2013). Grape phytochemicals and associated health benefits. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 53(11), 1202-1225.
  • Williams, L. E., Dokoozlian, N. K., & Wample, R. (2018). Grape. In Handbook ofenvironmental physiology of fruit crops (p.85-133). CRC Press.

A Functional Food: Grape Fruits

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 34 - 44, 31.12.2023


While diseases renew themselves by gaining resistance, the importance of healthy nutrition is understood more. The most important food group indicated in a healthy diet is fruit. One of the most important antioxidant-rich food groups is the berry group with purple, blue and red colors and anthocyanins. This fruit group stands out with its unique taste, texture, smell and structure. In the hospitality industry, visuality and taste are attractive factors for customers. Thanks to its health benefits and attractive color, small fruits are produced and exported more and more around the world. This situation encourages the increase of studies to diversify the researches on berry fruits. For this reason, in this study, the health relations and consumption areas of berry fruits were discussed by using the compilation technique, which is one of the qualitative analysis methods. As a result of the literature review, it was seen that current information about mulberry fruits was insufficient. Within the scope of the study, it is recommended to conduct current studies on fruits.


  • Ağaoğlu, Y.S. (1986). Bramble Fruits. Ankara University Agriculture Publications: 984 Ankara: Lesson Book: 290, p.377.
  • Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Çelik, M. and Atila, S.P. (2003). Preliminary evaluations on the adaptation of some raspberry (R. İdeabatus L.) cultivars in cultivars in Ayaş (Ankara) conditions. The First National Kiwifruit and Bramble Fruits Symposium, of the 23-25 October in 2003, 330-336p, Ordu.
  • Akgün, S. (2021). Kuşburnu, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Anadolu haber ajansı (2022). Kızılcık, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Ataseven, Z. (2021). Tarım ürünleri piyasaları.,, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel araştırma süreci: Nitel bir araştırma nasıl yapılır?. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Bayram, S. E., Özeker, E., & Elmacı, Ö. L. (2013). Fonksiyonel gıdalar ve çilek. Akademik Gıda, 11(2), 131-137. Böğürtlen, (20.07.2023). Retrieved from date
  • Brazelton, C. (2013). World blueberry acreage & production. Folsom: USHBC, 353, 880-886.
  • Camire, M. E. (2000). Bilberries and blueberries as functional foods and nutraceuticals. Functional Foods: Herbs, Botanicals and Teas. Lancaster: Technomic Publishing, 289-319.
  • Chandler, C. K., Folta, K., Dale, A., Whitaker, V. M., & Herrington, M. (2012). Strawberry. Fruit breeding, p.305-325. Chang, Q., Zuo, Z., Harrison, F., & Chow, M. S. S. (2002). Hawthorn. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(6), 605-612.
  • Chang, W. T., Dao, J., & Shao, Z. H. (2005). Hawthorn: potential roles in cardiovascular disease. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 33(01), 1-10.
  • Conde, C., Silva, P., Fontes, N., Dias, A. C. P., Tavares, R. M., Sousa, M. J., ... & Gerós, H. (2007). Biochemical changes throughout grape berry development and fruit and wine quality. Food, 1(1), 1-22.
  • Çağlar, M., & Demirci, M. (2017). Üzümsü meyvelerde bulunan fenolik bileşikler ve beslenmedeki önemi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(11), 18-26.
  • Dahmer, S., & Scott, E. (2010). Health effects of hawthorn. American Family Physician, 81(4), 465-468.
  • Davis, T. M., Denoyes-Rothan, B., & Lerceteau-Köhler, E. (2007). Strawberry. In Fruits and nuts (p.189-205). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Donno, D., Beccaro, G. L., Mellano, M. G., Cerutti, A. K., & Bounous, G. (2015). Goji berry fruit (Lycium spp.): Antioxidant compound fingerprint and bioactivity evaluation. Journal of functional foods, 18, 1070-1085.
  • Fong, H. H., & Bauman, J. L. (2002). Hawthorn. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(4), 1-8.
  • Galletta, G. J., & Maas, J. L. (1990). Strawberry genetics. HortScience, 25(8), 871-879.
  • Giampieri, F., Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Mazzoni, L., Romandini, S., Bompadre, S., Diamanti, J.,... & Battino, M. (2013). The potential impact of strawberry on human health. Natural product research, 27(4-5), 448-455.
  • Golovinskaia, O., & Wang, C. K. (2021). Review of functional and pharmacological activities of berries. Molecules, 26(13), 3904.
  • Habertürk, (2021). Frenk üzümü, nelerdir-frenk-uzumu-yararlari-ve-zararlari-n1-2951364, 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Habertürk, (2023)., 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Hatipler, M. (2017). Postmodernizm, tüketim, popüler kültür ve medya. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1, 32-50.
  • Helkar, P. B., Sahoo, A. K., & Patil, N. J. (2016). Review: Food industry by-products used as a functional food ingredients. International journal of waste resources, 6(3), 1-6.
  • Hürriyet (2018). Kurt üzümünün faydaları nelerdir?, 3.7.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Jeszka-Skowron, M., Zgoła-Grześkowiak, A., Stanisz, E., & Waśkiewicz, A. (2017). Potential health benefits and quality of dried fruits: Goji fruits, cranberries and raisins. Food Chemistry, 221, 228-236.
  • Kanellis, A. K., & Roubelakis-Angelakis, K. A. (1993). Grape. In Biochemistry of fruit ripening (p.189-234). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
  • Keipert, K. (1981). Beerenobst. Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Stutgart.
  • Koca, A. F., Koca, İ., Anıl, M., & Karadeniz, B. (2006). Kızılcık tarhanasının fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri. Gıda Kongresi, 377-380.
  • Koca, İ., Koca, A. F., & Yolcu, H. (2008). Fonksiyonel gıda olarak kuşburnu. Türkiye, 10, 295- 298.
  • Larson, K. D. (2018). Strawberry. In Handbook of environmental physiology of fruit crops (p.271-297). CRC Press.
  • Ma, Z. F., Zhang, H., Teh, S. S., Wang, C. W., Zhang, Y., Hayford, F., ... & Zhu, Y. (2019). Goji berries as a potential natural antioxidant medicine: An insight into their molecular mechanisms of action. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2019.
  • Maas, J. L. (2004). Strawberry disease management. Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Volume II: Diagnosis and Management, 441-483.
  • Milliyet (2023)., 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Norberto, S., Silva, S., Meireles, M., Faria, A., Pintado, M., & Calhau, C. (2013). Blueberry anthocyanins in health promotion: A metabolic overview. Journal of Functional Foods, 5(4), 1518-1528.
  • Ntv Haber, (2023). Yaban mersini nedir? Yaban mersininin faydaları nelerdir?, nelerdir, Erişim Tarihi: 3.7.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Pehluvan, M., & Güleryüz, M. (2004). Ahududu ve böğürtlenlerin insan sağlığı açısından önemi. Bahçe, 33(1), 51-57. Patel, S. (2014). Blueberry as functional food and dietary supplement: The natural way toensure holistic health. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(2), 133-143.
  • Phillips, J. L., & Currow, D. C. (2010). Cancer as a chronic disease. Collegian, 17(2), 47-50.
  • Poling, E. B. (2012). Strawberry plant structure and growth habit. New York State Berry Growers Association. Berry EXPO.
  • Potterat, O., & Hamburger, M. (2008). Goji juice: A novel miraculous cure for longevity and well-being? A review on composition, pharmacology, health-related claims and benefits.Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin, 20(7-8), 399-405.
  • Radovanović, B. C., Anđelković, S. M., Radovanović, A. B., & Anđelković, M. Z. (2013).Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of polyphenol extracts from wild berry fruits grown in southeast Serbia. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(5), 813-819.
  • Rao, A. V., & Snyder, D. M. (2010). Raspberries and human health: a review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(7), 3871-3883.
  • Reisch, B. I., Owens, C. L., & Cousins, P. S. (2012). Grape. Fruit breeding, 225-262.
  • Rigelsky, J. M., & Sweet, B. V. (2002). Hawthorn: pharmacology and therapeutic uses. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 59(5), 417-422.
  • Rowland, L. J., Hancock, J. F., & Bassil, N. V. (2016). Blueberry. In Genetics, genomics and breeding of berries (pp. 27-66). CRC Press.
  • Smith, M. A. L., Marley, K. A., Seigler, D., Singletary, K. W., & Meline, B. (2000). Bioactive properties of wild blueberry fruits. Journal of Food Science, 65(2), 352-356.
  • Szajdek, A., & Borowska, E. J. (2008). Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of berry fruits: a review. Plant foods for human nutrition, 63, 147-156.
  • Onur, C., N. Türemiş, K. Derin, T. Cincaner, Y.S. Ağaoğlu, et al. (1999). Evaluation of some currant (Ribes spp.), raspberry and blackberry (Rubus spp.) cultivars. Horticultural Congress of Turkey III National. p.772-775.
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı (2021). Çilek üretimi. 20.07.2023 Retrieved from date.
  • Tosun, İ., &Yüksel, S. (2003). Üzümsü meyvelerin antioksidan kapasitesi. Gıda, 28(3), 305-311.
  • Van de Wiel, A., Van Golde, P. H. M., & Hart, H. C. (2001). Blessings of the grape. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 12(6), 484-489.
  • Vidović, B. B., Milinčić, D. D., Marčetić, M. D., Djuriš, J. D., Ilić, T. D., Kostić, A. Ž., & Pešić, M. B. (2022). Health benefits and applications of goji berries in functional food products development: A review. Antioxidants, 11(2), 248.
  • Wenli, S., Shahrajabian, M. H., & Qi, C. (2021). Health benefits of wolfberry (Gou Qi Zi, Fructus barbarum L.) on the basis of ancient Chineseherbalism and Western modern medicine. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 11(2), 109.
  • Yang, W., Guo, Y., Liu, M., Chen, X., Xiao, X., Wang, S., ... & Chen, F. (2022). Structure and function of blueberry anthocyanins: A review of recent advances. Journal of Functional Foods, 88, 104864.
  • Yang, B., & Kortesniemi, M. (2015). Clinical evidence on potential health benefits of berries. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2, 36-42.
  • Yang, J., & Xiao, Y. Y. (2013). Grape phytochemicals and associated health benefits. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 53(11), 1202-1225.
  • Williams, L. E., Dokoozlian, N. K., & Wample, R. (2018). Grape. In Handbook ofenvironmental physiology of fruit crops (p.85-133). CRC Press.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Fonksiyonel Gıdalar
Bölüm Derlemeler

Duygu Kırmızıkuşak 0000-0002-7686-1160

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kırmızıkuşak, D. (2023). Fonksiyonel Bir Gıda: Üzüm Meyveleri. Kahramanmaraş İstiklal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 34-44.