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Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçlarında Pazarlamanın Rolü ve Sorumlulukları

Yıl 2024, , 727 - 747, 31.12.2024


Sürdürülebilirlik çabalarında pazarlama disiplinin rolü ve sorumluluklarına ilişkin görüşler farklı perspektiflerde kutuplaşmış durumdadır. Birinci grupta pazarlama, sürdürülebilirliğin önündeki bir engel (hastalığın nedeni) olarak konumlanmakta, ikinci grupta ise sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe erişmede yegâne bir araç (tedavinin parçası) olarak kabul edilmektedir. Üçüncü grup, iki karşıt alanda kutuplaşan görüşlerin ılımlı bir birleşimi ortaya koymaktadır. Buna göre pazarlama ne doğrudan sürdürülebilirliğin karşıtıdır ne de sürdürülebilir bir geleceği tek başına inşa edebilecek yegâne bir kurtarıcıdır. Çalışmada sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçlarında (bundan sonra SKA) pazarlama disiplininin potansiyel rolü ve sorumluluklarına ilişkin bir çerçeve oluşturularak okuyuculara eleştirel bir bakış açısı kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda pazarlamada yazınındaki sürdürülebilirlik odağı tarihsel gelişim içinde ve baskın sosyal paradigma bağlamında incelenmiştir. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma gündeminin temelini oluşturan ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel sorunların çözümünde küresel bir mutabakatla disiplinler arası iş birliğine ve pazarlamada alanında dönüştürücü yaklaşımlara olan ihtiyaç vurgulanmıştır.

Etik Beyan

Çalışma etik kurul izni gerektirmemektedir.


  • Alshubiri, F. (2020). Investment obstacles to sustainable development and competitiveness index. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(2), 234-248.
  • AMA. (2021). Journal of Marketing Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World. Geliş tarihi 02 Şubat 2023, gönderen American Marketing Association website: issue-better-marketing-for-a-better-world/
  • Anwar, Y. ve El-Bassiouny. (2020). Marketing and Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs): A review and Research Agenda. içinde S. O. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, ve L. Zu (Ed.), The Future of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Business Perspectives for Global Development in 2030. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Belz, F.-M. ve Peattie, K. (2012). Sustainability marketing: A global perspective. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
  • Blake, J. (1999). Overcoming the ‘value‐action gap’ in environmental policy: Tensions between national policy and local experience. Local Environment, 4(3), 257-278.
  • Blythe, J. (2005). Essentials of marketing. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Boenigk, S., Fisk, R., Kabadayi, S., Alkire, L., Cheung, L., Corus, C., … Smidt, N. (2021). Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 165-183.
  • Bolton, R. N. (2022). The Convergence of Sustainability and Marketing: Transforming Marketing to Respond to a New World. Australasian Marketing Journal, 30(2), 107-112.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our Common Future—Call for Action. Environmental Conservation, 14(4), 291-294.
  • Bublitz, M. G., Chaplin, L. N., Peracchio, L. A., Cermin, A. D., Dida, M., Escalas, J. E., … Miller, E. G. (2021). Rise Up: Understanding Youth Social Entrepreneurs and Their Ecosystems. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 206-225.
  • Canhoto, A. I. (2021). Leveraging machine learning in the global fight against money laundering and terrorism financing: An affordances perspective | Elsevier Enhanced Reader. Journal of Business Research, (131), 441-452.
  • Chakravorti, B. (2017, 14 Mart). How Companies Can Champion Sustainable Development. Harvard Business Review.
  • Charter, M., Peattie, K., Ottman, J. ve Polonsky, M. J. (2022). Marketing and sustainability. Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS) in Association with The Centre for Sustainable Design.
  • Claro, P. B. de O. ve Esteves, N. R. (2021). Sustainability-oriented strategy and Sustainable Development Goals. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(4), 613-630.
  • Cohen, M. J. (2005). Sustainable consumption in national context: An introduction to the special issue. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 1(1), 22-28.
  • Crane, A. (2000). Facing the backlash: Green marketing and strategic reorientation in the 1990s. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 8(3), 277-296.
  • D’Attoma, I. ve Ieva, M. (2022). The role of marketing strategies in achieving the environmental benefits of innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 342, 130957.
  • de Villiers, C., Kuruppu, S. ve Dissanayake, D. (2021). A (new) role for business – Promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through the internet-of-things and blockchain technology. Journal of Business Research, 131, 598-609.
  • Dünya Doğayı Koruma Vakfı. (2023). Fight climate change by preventing food waste.
  • Ecevit, M. Z. (2018). Yeşil Göz Boyamanın Markalar ve Yeşil Tüketicilik Üzerindeki Olumsuz Etkisi. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(27), 3122-3133.
  • Eweje, G., Sajjad, A., Nath, S. D. ve Kobayashi, K. (2020). Multi-stakeholder partnerships: A catalyst to achieve sustainable development goals. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(2), 186-212.
  • Ferro, C., Padin, C., Høgevold, N., Svensson, G. ve Sosa, V. J. C. (2019). Validating and expanding a framework of a triple bottom line dominant logic for business sustainability through time and across contexts. Journal of Business ve Industrial Marketing, 34(1), 95-116.
  • FOCUS2030. (2019). What are the Sustainable Development Goals? Geliş tarihi 07 Mart 2023, gönderen
  • Ghauri, P. N. (2022). The Role of Multinational Enterprises in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. AIB Insights, 22(1).
  • Gollnhofer, J. F. ve Schouten, J. W. (2017). Complementing the Dominant Social Paradigm with Sustainability. Journal of Macromarketing, 37(2), 143-152.
  • Gordon, R., Carrigan, M. ve Hastings, G. (2011). A Framework For Sustainable Marketing. Marketing Theory, 11(2), 143-163.
  • Harris, L. C. ve Ogbonna, E. (1999). Developing a Market Oriented Culture: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Management Studies, 36(2), 177-196.
  • Jaafar, S. B. ve Battikh, J. Y. (2021, Eylül 13). 5 ways multinationals can have a greater impact on the SDGs. impact-on-the-sdgs-sustainable-development-goals-mncs/
  • Jones, P., Comfort, D. ve Hillier, D. (2018). Common Ground: The sustainable development goals and the marketing and advertising industry: Common Ground: The Sustainable Development Goals and the marketing and advertising industry. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(2), e1619.
  • Karki, S. T., Bennett, A. C. T. ve Mishra, J. L. (2021). Reducing food waste and food insecurity in the UK: The architecture of surplus food distribution supply chain in addressing the sustainable development goals (Goal 2 and Goal 12.3) at a city level. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 563-577.
  • Kartikawangi, D. (2017). Symbolic convergence of local wisdom in cross–cultural collaborative social responsibility: Indonesian case. Public Relations Review, 43(1), 35-45.
  • Kemper, J. A. ve Ballantine, P. W. (2019). What do we mean by sustainability marketing? Journal of Marketing Management, 35(3-4), 277-309.
  • Kemper, J. A., Ballantine, P. W. ve Hall, C. M. (2018). Global warming and sustainability: Understanding the beliefs of marketing faculty. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(4), e1664.
  • Kemper, J. A., Hall, C. ve Ballantine, P. (2019). Marketing and Sustainability: Business as Usual or Changing Worldviews? Sustainability, 11(3), 780.
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  • Kilbourne, W. E. (2004). Sustainable Communication and the Dominant Social Paradigm: Can They Be Integrated? Marketing Theory, 4(3), 187-208.
  • Kilbourne, W. E. (2010). An institutional approach to sustainable marketing. M. J. Baker ve M. Saren (Ed.), Marketing theory: A student text içinde. Los Angeles: SAGE.
  • Kilbourne, W. E., McDonagh, P. ve Prothero, A. (1997). Sustainable Consumption and the Quality of Life: Macromarketing Challenge to the Dominant Social Paradigm. Journal of Macromarketing, 17(1), 4-24.
  • Kipnis, E., Demangeot, C., Pullig, C., Cross, S. N. N., Cui, C. C., Galalae, C., … Williams, J. D. (2021). Institutionalizing Diversity-and-Inclusion-Engaged Marketing for Multicultural Marketplace Well-Being. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 143-164.
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Yıl 2024, , 727 - 747, 31.12.2024


The views on the role and responsibilities of the marketing discipline in sustainability efforts are polarized from different perspectives. In the first group, marketing is positioned as an obstacle to sustainability (the cause of the disease), while in the second group, it is accepted as the only tool (part of the treatment) for achieving a sustainable future. The third group presents a moderate combination of polarized views in two opposing areas. Accordingly, marketing is neither directly opposed to sustainability nor the only savior that can build a sustainable future. The study aims to provide readers with a critical perspective by creating a framework regarding the potential role and responsibilities of the marketing discipline in sustainable development goals (SDGs). In this context, the focus on sustainability in marketing literature is examined within historical development and the dominant social paradigm. The need for interdisciplinary cooperation with a global consensus in solving economic, social, and environmental problems that form the basis of the sustainable development agenda and transformative approaches in marketing is emphasized.


  • Alshubiri, F. (2020). Investment obstacles to sustainable development and competitiveness index. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(2), 234-248.
  • AMA. (2021). Journal of Marketing Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World. Geliş tarihi 02 Şubat 2023, gönderen American Marketing Association website: issue-better-marketing-for-a-better-world/
  • Anwar, Y. ve El-Bassiouny. (2020). Marketing and Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs): A review and Research Agenda. içinde S. O. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, ve L. Zu (Ed.), The Future of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Business Perspectives for Global Development in 2030. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Belz, F.-M. ve Peattie, K. (2012). Sustainability marketing: A global perspective. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
  • Blake, J. (1999). Overcoming the ‘value‐action gap’ in environmental policy: Tensions between national policy and local experience. Local Environment, 4(3), 257-278.
  • Blythe, J. (2005). Essentials of marketing. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Boenigk, S., Fisk, R., Kabadayi, S., Alkire, L., Cheung, L., Corus, C., … Smidt, N. (2021). Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 165-183.
  • Bolton, R. N. (2022). The Convergence of Sustainability and Marketing: Transforming Marketing to Respond to a New World. Australasian Marketing Journal, 30(2), 107-112.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our Common Future—Call for Action. Environmental Conservation, 14(4), 291-294.
  • Bublitz, M. G., Chaplin, L. N., Peracchio, L. A., Cermin, A. D., Dida, M., Escalas, J. E., … Miller, E. G. (2021). Rise Up: Understanding Youth Social Entrepreneurs and Their Ecosystems. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 206-225.
  • Canhoto, A. I. (2021). Leveraging machine learning in the global fight against money laundering and terrorism financing: An affordances perspective | Elsevier Enhanced Reader. Journal of Business Research, (131), 441-452.
  • Chakravorti, B. (2017, 14 Mart). How Companies Can Champion Sustainable Development. Harvard Business Review.
  • Charter, M., Peattie, K., Ottman, J. ve Polonsky, M. J. (2022). Marketing and sustainability. Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS) in Association with The Centre for Sustainable Design.
  • Claro, P. B. de O. ve Esteves, N. R. (2021). Sustainability-oriented strategy and Sustainable Development Goals. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(4), 613-630.
  • Cohen, M. J. (2005). Sustainable consumption in national context: An introduction to the special issue. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 1(1), 22-28.
  • Crane, A. (2000). Facing the backlash: Green marketing and strategic reorientation in the 1990s. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 8(3), 277-296.
  • D’Attoma, I. ve Ieva, M. (2022). The role of marketing strategies in achieving the environmental benefits of innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 342, 130957.
  • de Villiers, C., Kuruppu, S. ve Dissanayake, D. (2021). A (new) role for business – Promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through the internet-of-things and blockchain technology. Journal of Business Research, 131, 598-609.
  • Dünya Doğayı Koruma Vakfı. (2023). Fight climate change by preventing food waste.
  • Ecevit, M. Z. (2018). Yeşil Göz Boyamanın Markalar ve Yeşil Tüketicilik Üzerindeki Olumsuz Etkisi. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(27), 3122-3133.
  • Eweje, G., Sajjad, A., Nath, S. D. ve Kobayashi, K. (2020). Multi-stakeholder partnerships: A catalyst to achieve sustainable development goals. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 39(2), 186-212.
  • Ferro, C., Padin, C., Høgevold, N., Svensson, G. ve Sosa, V. J. C. (2019). Validating and expanding a framework of a triple bottom line dominant logic for business sustainability through time and across contexts. Journal of Business ve Industrial Marketing, 34(1), 95-116.
  • FOCUS2030. (2019). What are the Sustainable Development Goals? Geliş tarihi 07 Mart 2023, gönderen
  • Ghauri, P. N. (2022). The Role of Multinational Enterprises in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. AIB Insights, 22(1).
  • Gollnhofer, J. F. ve Schouten, J. W. (2017). Complementing the Dominant Social Paradigm with Sustainability. Journal of Macromarketing, 37(2), 143-152.
  • Gordon, R., Carrigan, M. ve Hastings, G. (2011). A Framework For Sustainable Marketing. Marketing Theory, 11(2), 143-163.
  • Harris, L. C. ve Ogbonna, E. (1999). Developing a Market Oriented Culture: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Management Studies, 36(2), 177-196.
  • Jaafar, S. B. ve Battikh, J. Y. (2021, Eylül 13). 5 ways multinationals can have a greater impact on the SDGs. impact-on-the-sdgs-sustainable-development-goals-mncs/
  • Jones, P., Comfort, D. ve Hillier, D. (2018). Common Ground: The sustainable development goals and the marketing and advertising industry: Common Ground: The Sustainable Development Goals and the marketing and advertising industry. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(2), e1619.
  • Karki, S. T., Bennett, A. C. T. ve Mishra, J. L. (2021). Reducing food waste and food insecurity in the UK: The architecture of surplus food distribution supply chain in addressing the sustainable development goals (Goal 2 and Goal 12.3) at a city level. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 563-577.
  • Kartikawangi, D. (2017). Symbolic convergence of local wisdom in cross–cultural collaborative social responsibility: Indonesian case. Public Relations Review, 43(1), 35-45.
  • Kemper, J. A. ve Ballantine, P. W. (2019). What do we mean by sustainability marketing? Journal of Marketing Management, 35(3-4), 277-309.
  • Kemper, J. A., Ballantine, P. W. ve Hall, C. M. (2018). Global warming and sustainability: Understanding the beliefs of marketing faculty. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(4), e1664.
  • Kemper, J. A., Hall, C. ve Ballantine, P. (2019). Marketing and Sustainability: Business as Usual or Changing Worldviews? Sustainability, 11(3), 780.
  • Kilbourne, W. E. (1998). Green Marketing: A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(6), 641-655.
  • Kilbourne, W. E. (2004). Sustainable Communication and the Dominant Social Paradigm: Can They Be Integrated? Marketing Theory, 4(3), 187-208.
  • Kilbourne, W. E. (2010). An institutional approach to sustainable marketing. M. J. Baker ve M. Saren (Ed.), Marketing theory: A student text içinde. Los Angeles: SAGE.
  • Kilbourne, W. E., McDonagh, P. ve Prothero, A. (1997). Sustainable Consumption and the Quality of Life: Macromarketing Challenge to the Dominant Social Paradigm. Journal of Macromarketing, 17(1), 4-24.
  • Kipnis, E., Demangeot, C., Pullig, C., Cross, S. N. N., Cui, C. C., Galalae, C., … Williams, J. D. (2021). Institutionalizing Diversity-and-Inclusion-Engaged Marketing for Multicultural Marketplace Well-Being. Journal of Public Policy ve Marketing, 40(2), 143-164.
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Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Pazarlama Teorisi, Sosyal Pazarlama
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Meziyet Uyanık

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Uyanık, M. (2024). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçlarında Pazarlamanın Rolü ve Sorumlulukları. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26(47), 727-747.

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