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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 52 - 55, 27.01.2025


AMAÇ: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipteki çalışma ile Covid-19 pandemisi sürecinde kronik bir hastalık olan osteoporozun artan vakalarını ve buna bağlı olarak osteoporozun neden olduğu vertebral kırıklarda kifoplasti/vertebroplasti sayısındaki artışı incelemektir.
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Bu çalışmada, 2016 ile 2022 yılları arasında vertebral kırık nedeniyle kifoplasti ve vertebroplasti uygulanan toplam 250 hastanın retrospektif analizi yapıldı. Salgın öncesi ve sonrası dönemlerde cerrahi müdahale sayıları karşılaştırıldı. Etik kurul onayı alındıktan sonra veriler toplandı ve analiz edildi.
BULGULAR: İncelenen 250 hastanın %64.4'ünün kadın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Hastaların %40.8'i pandemi öncesi döneme, %59.2'si ise pandemi sonrası döneme aittir. Kifoplasti/vertebroplasti uygulanan hastaların %51.6'sında travma dışı nedenlere bağlı kırık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Osteoporoz tanısı konulan 101 hastanın %31.6'sı pandemi öncesi döneme, %68.4'ü ise pandemi sonrası döneme aittir. Tedavi alan hastaların %48.9'u pandemi sonrası döneme aittir.
SONUÇ: Bu çalışma, COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında osteoporoz tanısı alan hastalarda vertebral kırıkların arttığını ve tedaviye olan erişimin azaldığını ortaya koymaktadır. Salgın döneminde aktivite eksikliği ve tedaviye olan erişimin kısıtlanması, osteoporozla ilişkili vertebral kırıkların artmasına yol açmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, pandemi sürecinde osteoporoz tanısı alan kişi sayısının arttığı ve buna bağlı oluşan kırıklar sonucunda kifoplasti oranlarında artış olduğu görülmüştür.


  • 1. Kumar A, Singh R, Kaur J, Pandey S, Sharma V, Thakur L, et al. Wuhan to World: The COVID-19 Pandemic. Vol. 11, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Frontiers Media SA. 2021;30(11):596201.
  • 2. Khan N, Faisal S. Epıdemıology Of Corona Vırus In The World And Its Effects On The Chına Economy [Internet]. Available from:
  • 3. Anderson L, Schmitz E, Polgreen PM, Beekmann SE, Safdar N. Discontinuation of isolation precautions for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022;43(1):109–13.
  • 4. Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T, et al. Sarcopenia during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. Geroscience. 2020;42(6):1547–78.
  • 5. Tison GH, Avram R, Kuhar P, Abreau S, Marcus GM, Pletcher MJ, et al. Worldwide effect of COVID-19 on physical activity: A descriptive study. Vol. 173, Annals of Internal Medicine. American College of Physicians. 2020;173(9):767-70.
  • 6. Salari N, Hosseinian-Far A, Jalali R, Vaisi-Raygani A, Rasoulpoor S, Mohammadi M, et al. Prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression among the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vol. 16, Globalization and Health. BioMed Central. 2020;16(1):57.
  • 7. Saqib MAN, Siddiqui S, Qasim M, Jamil MA, Rafique I, Awan UA, et al. Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on patients with chronic diseases. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. 2020;14(6):1621–3.
  • 8. Sozen T, Ozisik L, Calik Basaran N. An overview and management of osteoporosis. Eur J Rheumatol. 2017;4(1):46–56.
  • 9. van der Voort DJM, Geusens PP, Dinant GJ. Risk Factors for Osteoporosis Related to their Outcome: Fractures. Osteoporosis International [Internet]. 2001;12(8):630–38.
  • 10. Unnanuntana A, Gladnick BP, Donnelly E, Lane JM. The assessment of fracture risk. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2010;92(3):743-53.
  • 11. Gaetano A. Relationship between physical inactivity and effects on individual health status. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2016;16(2):1069–74.
  • 12. Tang J. COVID-19 Pandemic and Osteoporosis in Elderly Patients. Aging Dis. 2022;13(4):960–69.
  • 13. Atıcı E, Girgin N, Çevik Saldıran T. The effects of social isolation due to COVID-19 on the fear of movement, falling, and physical activity in older people. Australas J Ageing. 2022;41(3):407–13.
  • 14. Upadhyaya GK, Iyengar K, Jain VK, Vaishya R. Challenges and strategies in management of osteoporosis and fragility fracture care during COVID-19 pandemic. Vol. 21, Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020:2(21):287-90.
  • 15. Lotan R, Prosso I, klatzkin L, Hershkovich O. The Covid 19 Pandemic Effect on the Epidemiology of Thoracolumbar Fractures Presenting to the Emergency Department in Patients Above 65 years Old. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2022;23(13):21514593221098828.
  • 16. Özdemir Ö, Diren F, Boyalı O, Kahraman M, Kabataş S, Civelek E. The Effect Of Covıd-19 Pandemıc On The Frequency Of Spınal Trauma: An Epıdemıologıcal Study. Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery. 2022;33(1):36–40.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 52 - 55, 27.01.2025


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this descriptive and cross-sectional study is to examine the increasing cases of osteoporosis, a chronic disease, during the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting increase in the number of kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty in vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, a retrospective analysis was performed of a total of 250 patients who underwent kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty due to vertebral fractures between 2016 and 2022. The number of surgical interventions before and after the epidemic was compared. After ethics committee approval was obtained, data were collected and analyzed.
RESULTS: It was determined that 64.4% of the 250 patients examined were women. 40.8% of the patients belong to the pre-pandemic period and 59.2% belong to the post-pandemic period. It was determined that 51.6% of the patients who underwent kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty had fractures due to reasons other than trauma. Of the 101 patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, 31.6% belong to the pre-pandemic period and 68.4% belong to the post-pandemic period. 48.9% of patients receiving treatment belong to the post-pandemic period.
CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that vertebral fractures have increased and access to treatment has decreased in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lack of activity and limited access to treatment during the epidemic lead to an increase in osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures. As a result, it has been observed that the number of people diagnosed with osteoporosis increased during the pandemic period leading to a rise in kyphoplasty rates due to resulting fractures.


  • 1. Kumar A, Singh R, Kaur J, Pandey S, Sharma V, Thakur L, et al. Wuhan to World: The COVID-19 Pandemic. Vol. 11, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Frontiers Media SA. 2021;30(11):596201.
  • 2. Khan N, Faisal S. Epıdemıology Of Corona Vırus In The World And Its Effects On The Chına Economy [Internet]. Available from:
  • 3. Anderson L, Schmitz E, Polgreen PM, Beekmann SE, Safdar N. Discontinuation of isolation precautions for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022;43(1):109–13.
  • 4. Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T, et al. Sarcopenia during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. Geroscience. 2020;42(6):1547–78.
  • 5. Tison GH, Avram R, Kuhar P, Abreau S, Marcus GM, Pletcher MJ, et al. Worldwide effect of COVID-19 on physical activity: A descriptive study. Vol. 173, Annals of Internal Medicine. American College of Physicians. 2020;173(9):767-70.
  • 6. Salari N, Hosseinian-Far A, Jalali R, Vaisi-Raygani A, Rasoulpoor S, Mohammadi M, et al. Prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression among the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vol. 16, Globalization and Health. BioMed Central. 2020;16(1):57.
  • 7. Saqib MAN, Siddiqui S, Qasim M, Jamil MA, Rafique I, Awan UA, et al. Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on patients with chronic diseases. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. 2020;14(6):1621–3.
  • 8. Sozen T, Ozisik L, Calik Basaran N. An overview and management of osteoporosis. Eur J Rheumatol. 2017;4(1):46–56.
  • 9. van der Voort DJM, Geusens PP, Dinant GJ. Risk Factors for Osteoporosis Related to their Outcome: Fractures. Osteoporosis International [Internet]. 2001;12(8):630–38.
  • 10. Unnanuntana A, Gladnick BP, Donnelly E, Lane JM. The assessment of fracture risk. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2010;92(3):743-53.
  • 11. Gaetano A. Relationship between physical inactivity and effects on individual health status. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2016;16(2):1069–74.
  • 12. Tang J. COVID-19 Pandemic and Osteoporosis in Elderly Patients. Aging Dis. 2022;13(4):960–69.
  • 13. Atıcı E, Girgin N, Çevik Saldıran T. The effects of social isolation due to COVID-19 on the fear of movement, falling, and physical activity in older people. Australas J Ageing. 2022;41(3):407–13.
  • 14. Upadhyaya GK, Iyengar K, Jain VK, Vaishya R. Challenges and strategies in management of osteoporosis and fragility fracture care during COVID-19 pandemic. Vol. 21, Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020:2(21):287-90.
  • 15. Lotan R, Prosso I, klatzkin L, Hershkovich O. The Covid 19 Pandemic Effect on the Epidemiology of Thoracolumbar Fractures Presenting to the Emergency Department in Patients Above 65 years Old. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2022;23(13):21514593221098828.
  • 16. Özdemir Ö, Diren F, Boyalı O, Kahraman M, Kabataş S, Civelek E. The Effect Of Covıd-19 Pandemıc On The Frequency Of Spınal Trauma: An Epıdemıologıcal Study. Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery. 2022;33(1):36–40.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi (Nöroşirurji)
Bölüm Makaleler-Araştırma Yazıları

İlker Kiraz 0000-0002-8393-9886

Nazar Çiltemek 0009-0000-1900-8166

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 13 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kiraz, İ., & Çiltemek, N. (2025). COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 26(1), 52-55.
AMA Kiraz İ, Çiltemek N. COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ. KTD. Ocak 2025;26(1):52-55. doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.1405464
Chicago Kiraz, İlker, ve Nazar Çiltemek. “COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 26, sy. 1 (Ocak 2025): 52-55.
EndNote Kiraz İ, Çiltemek N (01 Ocak 2025) COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 26 1 52–55.
IEEE İ. Kiraz ve N. Çiltemek, “COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ”, KTD, c. 26, sy. 1, ss. 52–55, 2025, doi: 10.18229/kocatepetip.1405464.
ISNAD Kiraz, İlker - Çiltemek, Nazar. “COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 26/1 (Ocak 2025), 52-55.
MLA Kiraz, İlker ve Nazar Çiltemek. “COVİD PANDEMİSİNDE OSTEOPOROZA BAĞLI VERTEBRAL FRAKTÜRLERDEKİ ARTIŞ”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 52-55, doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.1405464.

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