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Voxel Based Morphometric Analysis of Regional Gray Matter Alterations Related with Duration of Illness, Number of Psychotic Episodes, Lifetime Antipsychotics Use in Patient with Schizophrenia

Yıl 2022, , 112 - 122, 15.07.2022


Objective: Schizophrenia is known to be quite a heterogeneous disorder in terms of etiological factors, clinical features and, treatment response. Changes in gray matter areas with structural imaging studies seem to be a reflection of this diversity. The relationship of duration of illness, active psychosis periods,
and antipsychotic treatment with structural changes in the brain has not been clarified yet. The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of the disease and disease-related processes (duration of illness, antipsychotic treatment, number of the psychotic episodes) on the brain structures.
Material and Methods: Thirty three schizophrenic patients and 35 age, gender and education matched healthy volunteers participated in our study. Life-time antipsychotic exposure determined for the patients and inverted dose/year unit over equivalent chlorpromazine doses. Magnetic resonance images were acquired with a 3 Tesla-powered imaging unit. By using Statistical Parametric Mapping 8, images were compared with voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis. Independent samples t-test for statistical evaluation based on the data characteristics were used. By using the general linear model (GLM) age, gender, and total brain volume were included as confounding factors in the analyze matrix in VBM. In GLM, t-test was used to compare two groups and to investigate disease process-related GM changes, multiple regression analysis were applied. In VBM, p values of less than 0.001 and areas with a minimum expected number of voxels per cluster of 50 are required.
Results: Compared to controls, patients showed decrements in gray matter density in the right middle and inferior temporal gyrus, bilateral middle frontal gyrus, left cingulate gyrus, left precentral gyrus, left supramarginal gyrus. Nevertheless, patients showed increased GM density in the right uncus, left caudate, and left posterior cingulate cortex as compared to controls. In the patient group, duration of illness was negatively associated with GM density in the left precentral gyrus and left postcentral gyrus. The lifetime exposure to antipsychotics correlated negatively and positively with gray matter density in, respectively; left inferior frontal gyrus and right precuneus. The number of psychotic episodes was positively associated with GM density in the left medial frontal gyrus, right precentral gyrus and left paracentral lobule whereas negatively in the uvula (cerebellum).
Conclusion: It can be said that GM deficits in schizophrenic patients are prominent in frontal and temporal areas. Besides illness duration, antipsychotic treatment, and number of psychotic episodes seem to be associated with changes in brain GM. Further studies are needed to clarify the increase in the limbic lobe GM density.



  • Delvecchio G, Lorandi A, Perlini C, Barillari M, Ruggeri M, Altamura AC et al. Brain anatomy of symptom stratification in schizophrenia: A voxel-based morphometry study. Nord J Psychiatry 2017;71:348-354.
  • van Haren NE, Hulshoff Pol HE, Schnack HG, Cahn W, Brans R, Carati I et al. Progressive brain volume loss in schizophrenia over the course of the illness: evidence of maturational abnormalities in early adulthood. Biol Psychiatry 2008;63:106–113.
  • Shenton ME, Dickey CC, Frumin M, McCarley RW. A review of MRI findings in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res 2001;49:1–52.
  • Szendi I, Szabó N, Domján N, Kincses ZT, Palkó A, Vécsei L, et al. A new division of schizophrenia revealed expanded bilateral brain structural abnormalities of the association cortices. Front Psychiatry 2017;8:127.
  • Torres US, Duran FL, Schaufelberger MS, Crippa JA, Louzã MR, Sallet PC et al. Patterns of regional gray matter loss at different stages of schizophrenia: A multisite, cross-sectional VBM study in first-episode and chronic illness. Neuroimage Clin 2016;12:1-15.
  • Zhao C, Zhu J, Liu X, Pu C, Lai Y, Chen L et al. Structural and functional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study at different stages of the disease. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2018;83:27-32.
  • Seok Jeong B, Kwon JS, Yoon Kim S, Lee C, Youn T, Moon CH et al. Functional imaging evidence of the relationship between recurrent psychotic episodes and neurodegenerative course in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2005;139:219–228.
  • Dazzan P, Morgan KD, Orr K, Hutchinson G, Chitnis X, Suckling J, et al. Different effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics on grey matter in first episode psychosis: the AESOP study. Neuropsychopharmacology 2005;30:765–774.
  • Lieberman JA, Tollefson GD, Charles C, Zipursky R, Sharma T, Kahn RS, Keefe RS, et al. Antipsychotic drug effects on brain morphology in first-episode psychosis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2005;62:361–370.
  • Chakos M, Lieberman J, Bilder RM, Borenstein M, Lerner G, Bogerts B et al. Increase in caudate nuclei volumes of first-episode schizophrenic patients taking antipsychotic drugs. Am J Psychiatry 1994;151:1430-1436.
  • Garver DL, Holcomb JA, Christensen JD. Cerebral cortical gray expansion associated with two second-generation antipsychotics. Biol Psychiatry 2005;58:62–66.
  • Yue Y, Kong L, Wang J, Li C, Tan L, Su H et al. Regional abnormality of grey matter in schizophrenia: Effect from the illness or treatment? PLoS One 2016;11:e0147204.
  • Andreasen N, Pressler M, Nopoulos P, Miller D, Ho BC. Antipsychotic dose equivalents and dose-years: a standardized method for comparing exposure to different drugs. Biol Psychiatry 2010;67:255–262
  • Spitzer RL, Williams JB, Gibbon M, First MB. The structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R (SCID). I: History, rationale, and description. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1992;49:624-629.
  • Özkürkçügil A, Aydemir Ö, Yıldız M, Danacı AE, Köroğlu E. DSM-IV eksen I bozuklukları için yapılandırılmış klinik görüşmenin Türkçeye uyarlanması ve güvenilirlik çalışması. İlaç ve Tedavi Derg 1999;12:233–236.
  • Kay S, Flszbein A, Opfer L. The positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) for schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 1987;13:261- 276
  • Kostakoğlu A, Batur S, Tiryaki A, Göğüş A. Pozitif ve negatif sendrom ölçeğinin (PANSS) Türkçe uyarlamasının geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Psikol Derg 1999;14:23–32.
  • American psychiatric association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Washington DC; American Psychiatric Pub: 2013
  • Guy W. The Clinical Global Impression Scale. ECDEU Assessment Manual For Psychophramacology, Revised Rockville: National Institute of Mental Health. 1976:218–222.
  • SPM 8. Date of access: June 2020, Available from: URL: http://
  • Kubicki M, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, Hirayasu Y, Kasai K, Kikinis R et al. Voxel-based morphometric analysis of gray matter in first episode schizophrenia. Neuroimage 2002;17:1711–1719.
  • Glahn DC, Laird AR, Ellison-Wright I, Thelen SM, Robinson JL, Lancaster JL et al. Meta-analysis of gray matter anomalies in schizophrenia: Application of anatomic likelihood estimation and network analysis. Biol Psychiatry 2008;64:774–781.
  • Zhou S-Y, Suzuki M, Hagino H, Takahashi T, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M et al. Volumetric analysis of sulci/gyri-defined in vivo frontal lobe regions in schizophrenia: Precentral gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and prefrontal region. Psychiatry Res 2005;139:127– 139.
  • García-Martí G, Aguilar EJ, Martí-Bonmatí L, Escartí MJ, Sanjuán J. Multimodal morphometry and functional magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations. World J Radiol 2012;4:159–166.
  • Lennox BR, Park SB, Medley I, Morris PG, Jones PB. The functional anatomy of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2000;100:13–20.
  • Tek C, Gold J, Blaxton T, Wilk C, McMahon RP, Buchanan RW. Visual perceptual and working memory impairments in schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002;59:146–153.
  • Baiano M, David A, Versace A, Churchill R, Balestrieri M, Brambilla P. Anterior cingulate volumes in schizophrenia: A systematic review and a meta-analysis of MRI studies. Schizophr Res 2007;93:1–12.
  • Zhou S-Y, Suzuki M, Takahashi T, Hagino H, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M et al. Parietal lobe volume deficits in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophr Res 2007;89:35–48.
  • Lieberman J, Chakos M, Wu H, Alvir J, Hoffman E, Robinson D et al. Longitudinal study of brain morphology in first episode schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2001;49:487–499.
  • Ellison-Wright I, Glahn DC, Laird AR, Thelen SM, Bullmore E. The anatomy of first-episode and chronic schizophrenia: an anatomical likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Am J Psychiatry 2008;165:1015–1023.
  • Stip E, Mancini-Marïe A, Letourneau G, Fahim C, Mensour B, Crivello F, Dollfus S. Increased grey matter densities in schizophrenia patients with negative symptoms after treatment with quetiapine: A voxel-based morphometry study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2009;24:34–41.
  • Tomelleri L, Jogia J, Perlini C, Bellani M, Ferro A, Rambaldelli G, Tansella M et al. Neuroimaging Network of the ECNP networks initiative. Brain structural changes associated with chronicity and antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2009;19:835–840.

Şizofreni Tanılı Hastalarda Hastalık Süresi, Psikotik Atak Sayısı, Yaşam Boyu Antipsikotik Kullanımıyla İlişkili Bölgesel Gri Madde Değişikliklerinin Voksel Tabanlı Morfometrik Analizi

Yıl 2022, , 112 - 122, 15.07.2022


Amaç: Etiyolojik etmenler, klinik görünümler ve tedavi yanıtı açısından şizofreninin oldukça ayrışık bir bozukluk olduğu bilinmektedir. Yapısal görüntüleme çalışmalarında gri madde değişikliği olan alanlar, bu çeşitliliğin bir yansıması olarak görünmektedir. Hastalık süresi, antipsikotik tedavisi ve aktif psikoz dönemlerinin, beyindeki yapısal değişikliklerle ilişkisi henüz netlik kazanmamıştır. Çalışmamızın amacı hastalığın ve hastalıkla ilgili süreçlerin (hastalık süresi, ilaç kullanımı, psikotik atak sayısı) beyin yapısına etkisini araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza 33 şizofrenili hasta ile yaş, cinsiyet ve eğitim süreleri açısından eşleştirilmiş 35 sağlıklı gönüllü katıldı. Hastaların yaşam boyu antipsikotik maruziyeti belirlendi ve klorpromazin eşdeğer dozları üzerinden doz-yıl birimine çevrildi. Olguların manyetik rezonans görüntüleri (MRG) 3 Tesla gücündeki cihaz ile elde edildi. Görüntüler İstatistiksel Parametrik Haritalama 8 programı kullanılarak voksel tabanlı morfometri (VTM) yöntemiyle karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel değerlendirmelerde veri özelliklerine göre bağımsız gruplar t testi kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi çift yönlü p≤0.05 olarak
kabul edildi. VTM’de genel lineer model (GLM) kullanılarak yaş, cinsiyet ve toplam beyin hacmi karıştırıcı etkenler olarak analiz matriksinde yer aldı. GLM’de iki grup karşılaştırmasında t-testi ve hastalık süreciyle ilişkili GM değişikliklerini araştırmada çoklu regresyon çözümlemesi yapıldı. VTM’de p değerinin 0.001’in altında ve küme oluşturan alanların 50 voksel üstünde olması koşulu arandı.
Bulgular: Sağlıklı kontrollerle karşılaştırıldığında hastalarda GM yoğunluğunda sağ orta temporal ve inferior temporal girus, bilateral orta frontal girus, sol singulat girus, sol prosentral girus ve sol supramarginal girus’ta azalma saptandı. Kontrollerle karşılaştırıldığında hastalarda GM yoğunluğunda sağ uncus, sol kaudat ve sol posterior singulat korteks’te artış saptandı. Hasta grubunda hastalık süresiyle sol presentral girus ve sol postsentral girus GM yoğunluğu arasında negatif ilişkili bulundu. Yaşam boyu APİ (Antipsikotik ilaç) kullanımıyla pozitif ve negatif ilişkili alanlar sırasıyla; sol inferior frontal girus ve sağ precuneus’tu. Psikotik atak sayısıyla sol medial frontal girus, sağ presentral girus ve sol parasentral lobül GM yoğunluğu arasında pozitif ilişki saptanırken uvula (serebellum) GM yoğunluğu arasında negatif ilişki saptandı.
Sonuç: Şizofrenili hastalarda GM eksikliğinin frontal ve temporal alanlarda ön planda olduğu söynenebilir. Ayrıca hastalık süresi, antipsikotik tedavisi, psikotik atak sayısı beyindeki GM değişiklikleriyle ilişkili görünmektedir. Limbik lobta GM yoğunluğundaki artışı açıklamak için ileri araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır.


  • Delvecchio G, Lorandi A, Perlini C, Barillari M, Ruggeri M, Altamura AC et al. Brain anatomy of symptom stratification in schizophrenia: A voxel-based morphometry study. Nord J Psychiatry 2017;71:348-354.
  • van Haren NE, Hulshoff Pol HE, Schnack HG, Cahn W, Brans R, Carati I et al. Progressive brain volume loss in schizophrenia over the course of the illness: evidence of maturational abnormalities in early adulthood. Biol Psychiatry 2008;63:106–113.
  • Shenton ME, Dickey CC, Frumin M, McCarley RW. A review of MRI findings in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res 2001;49:1–52.
  • Szendi I, Szabó N, Domján N, Kincses ZT, Palkó A, Vécsei L, et al. A new division of schizophrenia revealed expanded bilateral brain structural abnormalities of the association cortices. Front Psychiatry 2017;8:127.
  • Torres US, Duran FL, Schaufelberger MS, Crippa JA, Louzã MR, Sallet PC et al. Patterns of regional gray matter loss at different stages of schizophrenia: A multisite, cross-sectional VBM study in first-episode and chronic illness. Neuroimage Clin 2016;12:1-15.
  • Zhao C, Zhu J, Liu X, Pu C, Lai Y, Chen L et al. Structural and functional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study at different stages of the disease. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2018;83:27-32.
  • Seok Jeong B, Kwon JS, Yoon Kim S, Lee C, Youn T, Moon CH et al. Functional imaging evidence of the relationship between recurrent psychotic episodes and neurodegenerative course in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2005;139:219–228.
  • Dazzan P, Morgan KD, Orr K, Hutchinson G, Chitnis X, Suckling J, et al. Different effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics on grey matter in first episode psychosis: the AESOP study. Neuropsychopharmacology 2005;30:765–774.
  • Lieberman JA, Tollefson GD, Charles C, Zipursky R, Sharma T, Kahn RS, Keefe RS, et al. Antipsychotic drug effects on brain morphology in first-episode psychosis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2005;62:361–370.
  • Chakos M, Lieberman J, Bilder RM, Borenstein M, Lerner G, Bogerts B et al. Increase in caudate nuclei volumes of first-episode schizophrenic patients taking antipsychotic drugs. Am J Psychiatry 1994;151:1430-1436.
  • Garver DL, Holcomb JA, Christensen JD. Cerebral cortical gray expansion associated with two second-generation antipsychotics. Biol Psychiatry 2005;58:62–66.
  • Yue Y, Kong L, Wang J, Li C, Tan L, Su H et al. Regional abnormality of grey matter in schizophrenia: Effect from the illness or treatment? PLoS One 2016;11:e0147204.
  • Andreasen N, Pressler M, Nopoulos P, Miller D, Ho BC. Antipsychotic dose equivalents and dose-years: a standardized method for comparing exposure to different drugs. Biol Psychiatry 2010;67:255–262
  • Spitzer RL, Williams JB, Gibbon M, First MB. The structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R (SCID). I: History, rationale, and description. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1992;49:624-629.
  • Özkürkçügil A, Aydemir Ö, Yıldız M, Danacı AE, Köroğlu E. DSM-IV eksen I bozuklukları için yapılandırılmış klinik görüşmenin Türkçeye uyarlanması ve güvenilirlik çalışması. İlaç ve Tedavi Derg 1999;12:233–236.
  • Kay S, Flszbein A, Opfer L. The positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) for schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 1987;13:261- 276
  • Kostakoğlu A, Batur S, Tiryaki A, Göğüş A. Pozitif ve negatif sendrom ölçeğinin (PANSS) Türkçe uyarlamasının geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Psikol Derg 1999;14:23–32.
  • American psychiatric association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Washington DC; American Psychiatric Pub: 2013
  • Guy W. The Clinical Global Impression Scale. ECDEU Assessment Manual For Psychophramacology, Revised Rockville: National Institute of Mental Health. 1976:218–222.
  • SPM 8. Date of access: June 2020, Available from: URL: http://
  • Kubicki M, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, Hirayasu Y, Kasai K, Kikinis R et al. Voxel-based morphometric analysis of gray matter in first episode schizophrenia. Neuroimage 2002;17:1711–1719.
  • Glahn DC, Laird AR, Ellison-Wright I, Thelen SM, Robinson JL, Lancaster JL et al. Meta-analysis of gray matter anomalies in schizophrenia: Application of anatomic likelihood estimation and network analysis. Biol Psychiatry 2008;64:774–781.
  • Zhou S-Y, Suzuki M, Hagino H, Takahashi T, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M et al. Volumetric analysis of sulci/gyri-defined in vivo frontal lobe regions in schizophrenia: Precentral gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and prefrontal region. Psychiatry Res 2005;139:127– 139.
  • García-Martí G, Aguilar EJ, Martí-Bonmatí L, Escartí MJ, Sanjuán J. Multimodal morphometry and functional magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations. World J Radiol 2012;4:159–166.
  • Lennox BR, Park SB, Medley I, Morris PG, Jones PB. The functional anatomy of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2000;100:13–20.
  • Tek C, Gold J, Blaxton T, Wilk C, McMahon RP, Buchanan RW. Visual perceptual and working memory impairments in schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002;59:146–153.
  • Baiano M, David A, Versace A, Churchill R, Balestrieri M, Brambilla P. Anterior cingulate volumes in schizophrenia: A systematic review and a meta-analysis of MRI studies. Schizophr Res 2007;93:1–12.
  • Zhou S-Y, Suzuki M, Takahashi T, Hagino H, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M et al. Parietal lobe volume deficits in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophr Res 2007;89:35–48.
  • Lieberman J, Chakos M, Wu H, Alvir J, Hoffman E, Robinson D et al. Longitudinal study of brain morphology in first episode schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2001;49:487–499.
  • Ellison-Wright I, Glahn DC, Laird AR, Thelen SM, Bullmore E. The anatomy of first-episode and chronic schizophrenia: an anatomical likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Am J Psychiatry 2008;165:1015–1023.
  • Stip E, Mancini-Marïe A, Letourneau G, Fahim C, Mensour B, Crivello F, Dollfus S. Increased grey matter densities in schizophrenia patients with negative symptoms after treatment with quetiapine: A voxel-based morphometry study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2009;24:34–41.
  • Tomelleri L, Jogia J, Perlini C, Bellani M, Ferro A, Rambaldelli G, Tansella M et al. Neuroimaging Network of the ECNP networks initiative. Brain structural changes associated with chronicity and antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2009;19:835–840.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Celaleddin Turgut 0000-0002-9706-1322

Mustafa Yıldız 0000-0003-0769-1628

Nermin Gündüz 0000-0002-0188-6232

Yonca Akgoz Anık Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6768-2574

Burcu Özkul 0000-0002-3181-4483

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 19 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

AMA Turgut C, Yıldız M, Gündüz N, Anık YA, Özkul B. Voxel Based Morphometric Analysis of Regional Gray Matter Alterations Related with Duration of Illness, Number of Psychotic Episodes, Lifetime Antipsychotics Use in Patient with Schizophrenia. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Temmuz 2022;17(2):112-122. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.878543