Ortaokul 7. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Matematiksel Modelleme Süreçlerinde Problem Çözme Stratejilerinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2024,
, 427 - 445, 31.12.2024
Nur Sırmacı
Zeynep Esra Uyar
This study is aimed at investigating the problem solving strategies of seventh-grade students in mathematical modelling. This study was carried out using case study method which is one of the qualitative research methods. In case study, model eliciting activities lasting a total of 22 hours were implemented for six weeks Participants were eight students who were selected among fifteen seventh-grade students by purposive sampling method. Data collection tool observation. Descriptive analysis was used for data analysis.
The most commonly used strategy in mathematical modelling was “Establishing Equation and Inequality”. The participants never used “Working Backward.
Etik Beyan
- Altun, M.(2002).Teaching mathematics at the second level of primary education Erkam Publishing.
- Ang, K. C.(2009). Mathematical modelling and real life problem solving. In B. Kaur,B.H.
- Ang, K.C.(2010). Teaching and learning mathematical modelling with technology. http://atcm.mathandtech.org/ep2010/invited/3052010_18134.pdf
- Arslan, Ç. & Altun, M. (2007). Learning to solve non-routine mathematical problems. Elementary Education Online, 6(1), 50-61.
- Baykul, Y.(2014). Teaching mathematics in secondary school. Pegem Academy.
- Berry, J. & Houston, K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd.
- Bukova Güzel, E. (Ed.). (2016). Mathematical modelling in mathematics education. Pegem Academy.
- Çelebioğlu, B. (2009). The level of using problem solving strategies of primary school first grade students. Master’s thesis, Uludağ University.
- Doruk, B. K.(2010). The effects of mathematical modelling on transferring mathematics into daily life. Phd dissertation, Hacettepe University.
- Durmaz, B.(2014). Learning levels of problem solving strategies of the gifted elementary students. Phd dissertation, Uludağ University.
- English, L. D.(2003). Mathematical modelling with young learners. Horwood Publishing.
- English, L. D. & Watters, J. J.(2004). Mathematical modelling with young children.. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- English, L. D. & Watters, J. J. (2005). Mathematical modelling in the early school years. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16(3), 58–79.
- Esteban-Guitart, M. & Moll, L. (2014). Funds of identity. A new concept based on the funds of knowledge approach. Culture & Psychology, 20(1), 31-48.
- Gliner, J. A., Morgan, G. A. & Leech, N. L.(2015). Research Methods in Applied Settings An Integrated Approach To Design and Analysis. Nobel Publishing.
- Greefrath, G. & Vorhölter, K. (2016). Teaching and learning mathematical modelling: approaches and developments from German speaking countries. ICME-13 Topical Surveys.
- Güler, H. K. & Didiş Kabar, M. G.(2017). Investigation of middle-grade students’ problem solving processes and problem solving strategies for solving daıiy life problems. Journal Of Research in Education and Teaching, 6(4), 147-154.
- Haines, C. & Crouch, R. (2007). Mathematical modelling and applications: Ability and competence frameworks. Springer.
- Han, S. & Kim, H. M.(2020). Components of Mathematical Problem Solving Competence and
Mediation Effects of Instructional Strategies for Mathematical Modelling. Education and Science
45(202), 93-111.
- Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N. (2012). Analysing mathematical modelling problems solving processes in the technology-aided environment: An explanation on approaches and thought processes. Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University.
- Hıdıroğlu , Ç. N. & Hıdıroğlu,Y.Ö.(2017). Real World Problem Situation’s Models Created by 6th Grade Students in Mathematical Modelling. Elementary Education Online, 16(4), 1702-1731.
- Jacobs, G. J. & Durandt, R. (2017). Attitudes of pre-service mathematics teachers towards modelling: A South African Inquiry. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(1), 61-84.
- Kal, F. M.(2013). The impact of mathematical modelling activities to the attitude of primary school 6th grade students in solving maths problems. Master’s thesis, Kocaeli University.
- Keskin, Ö. Ö.(2008). A research of developıng the pre-servıce secondary mathematıcs teachers’ mathematıcal modellıng performance. Phd dissertation, Gazi University.
- Lingefjärd, T. (2007). Mathematical modelling in teacher education-necessity or unnecessarily. Springer.
- Lesh, R., Hoover, M., Hole, B., Kelly, A. & Post, T. (2000). Principles for developing thought-revealing activities for students and teachers. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Lesh, R. & Doerr, H. M.(2003). Foundations of a models and modelling perspective on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. Lawrence. Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- Ludwig, M. & Xu, B(2010).Comrarative study of modelling competencies among chinese and german students. Journal for Didactics of Mathematics, 31(1), 77-97.
- Maaß, K. (2006). What are modelling competencies?. ZDM, 38(2), 113-142.
- Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M.(1994). Qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook. Sage Publications.
Mousoulides, N., Christou, C. & Sriraman, B. (2008). From problem solving to modelling- A meta-analysis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254102378_From_Problem_Solving_to_Modelling_A_meta-analysis .
- Noble, R. D.(1982). Mathematical modelling in the context of problem solving. Mathematical Modelling, 3, 215-219.
- Özdemir, M.(2010). Qualİtatİve data analysis: a study on methodology problem in social sciences. Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 323-343.
- Özturan Sağırlı, M.(2010). The effects of mathematical modelling method on derıvative topic on secondary education students’ academic achievements and self-regulation skills Phd dissertation, Atatürk University.
- Posamentier, A. S. & Krulik, S.(2016). Problem solving in mathematics grades 3-6. Pegem Academy.
- Sağıroğlu, D.(2018). Investigation of mathematics teachers’ Processes of creating and implementing activities for mathematical modelling. Master’s thesis, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University.
- Sandalcı, Y.(2013). The effect of teaching algebra by mathematical modelling on students' academic success and relating mathematics to daily life. Master’s thesis, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University.
- Stender, P. (2019). Heuristic strategies as a toolbox in complex modelling problems. Springer.
- Stender, P. & Kaiser, G. (2017). The use of heuristic strategies in modelling activities. Proceedings of CERME 10.
- Taşpınar, Z.(2011). Determining of problem solving strategies used by primary 8. grade students? in mathematics clas. Master’s thesis, Gazi University.
- Taşpınar Şener, Z.(2017). The examination of preservice middle school mathematics teahers’ model eliciting activities and their opinions on the use of these activities in the teaching process Phd dissertation, Gazi University.
- Tekin, A.(2012). Mathematics teachers? views concerning model eliciting activities, developmental process and the activities themselves .Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University.
- Thomas, G. B., Weir, M. D. & Giordano, F. R. (2004). Thomas calculus.Addison Wesley.
- Ünveren, E. N.(2010). .An observİng on the candidates of the primary mathematics teachers’ attitudes towards proof in mathematical modelling process .Master’s thesis, Balıkesir University.
- Van De Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M.(2016).Elementary and middle school mathematics teaching developmentally. Nobel Academy Publishing.
- Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Lasure, S., Van Vaerenbergh, G., Bogaerts, H. & Ratinckx, E.(1999). Learning to solve mathematical application problems: A design experiment with fifth graders. Mathematical Thinking and Learning,1(3), 195–229.
- Woodward, J., Beckmann, S., Driscoll, M., Franke, M., Herzig, P., Jitendra, A & Ogbuehi, P.(2012). Improving mathematical problem solving in grades 4 through 8: A practice guide https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/mps_pg_052212.pdf
- Yazgan, Y. (2007). Observations about fourth and fifth grade students’ strategies to solve non-routine problems . Elementary Education Online, 6(2), 249-263.
- Yazgan, Y. &Arslan, Ç.(2017). Mathematical unconventional problem solving strategies and examples. Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Zawojewski, J. S. & Lesh, R. (2003). A models and modelling perspective on problem solving. Beyond constructivism: A models & modelling perspective on mathematics problem solving, learning & teaching. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers
The Investigation of Problem Solving Strategies in Mathematical Modelling of Middle School Seventh-Grade Students
Yıl 2024,
, 427 - 445, 31.12.2024
Nur Sırmacı
Zeynep Esra Uyar
This study is aimed at investigating the problem solving strategies of seventh-grade students in mathematical modelling. This study was carried out using case study method which is one of the qualitative research methods. In case study, model eliciting activities lasting a total of 22 lesson hours were implemented for six weeks Participants were eight students who were selected among fifteen seventh-grade students by purposive sampling method. Observation method was used in the research.Descriptive analysis was used for data analysis. The most commonly used strategy in mathematical modelling was “Establishing Equation and Inequality”. The participants never used “Working Backward.
- Altun, M.(2002).Teaching mathematics at the second level of primary education Erkam Publishing.
- Ang, K. C.(2009). Mathematical modelling and real life problem solving. In B. Kaur,B.H.
- Ang, K.C.(2010). Teaching and learning mathematical modelling with technology. http://atcm.mathandtech.org/ep2010/invited/3052010_18134.pdf
- Arslan, Ç. & Altun, M. (2007). Learning to solve non-routine mathematical problems. Elementary Education Online, 6(1), 50-61.
- Baykul, Y.(2014). Teaching mathematics in secondary school. Pegem Academy.
- Berry, J. & Houston, K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd.
- Bukova Güzel, E. (Ed.). (2016). Mathematical modelling in mathematics education. Pegem Academy.
- Çelebioğlu, B. (2009). The level of using problem solving strategies of primary school first grade students. Master’s thesis, Uludağ University.
- Doruk, B. K.(2010). The effects of mathematical modelling on transferring mathematics into daily life. Phd dissertation, Hacettepe University.
- Durmaz, B.(2014). Learning levels of problem solving strategies of the gifted elementary students. Phd dissertation, Uludağ University.
- English, L. D.(2003). Mathematical modelling with young learners. Horwood Publishing.
- English, L. D. & Watters, J. J.(2004). Mathematical modelling with young children.. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- English, L. D. & Watters, J. J. (2005). Mathematical modelling in the early school years. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16(3), 58–79.
- Esteban-Guitart, M. & Moll, L. (2014). Funds of identity. A new concept based on the funds of knowledge approach. Culture & Psychology, 20(1), 31-48.
- Gliner, J. A., Morgan, G. A. & Leech, N. L.(2015). Research Methods in Applied Settings An Integrated Approach To Design and Analysis. Nobel Publishing.
- Greefrath, G. & Vorhölter, K. (2016). Teaching and learning mathematical modelling: approaches and developments from German speaking countries. ICME-13 Topical Surveys.
- Güler, H. K. & Didiş Kabar, M. G.(2017). Investigation of middle-grade students’ problem solving processes and problem solving strategies for solving daıiy life problems. Journal Of Research in Education and Teaching, 6(4), 147-154.
- Haines, C. & Crouch, R. (2007). Mathematical modelling and applications: Ability and competence frameworks. Springer.
- Han, S. & Kim, H. M.(2020). Components of Mathematical Problem Solving Competence and
Mediation Effects of Instructional Strategies for Mathematical Modelling. Education and Science
45(202), 93-111.
- Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N. (2012). Analysing mathematical modelling problems solving processes in the technology-aided environment: An explanation on approaches and thought processes. Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University.
- Hıdıroğlu , Ç. N. & Hıdıroğlu,Y.Ö.(2017). Real World Problem Situation’s Models Created by 6th Grade Students in Mathematical Modelling. Elementary Education Online, 16(4), 1702-1731.
- Jacobs, G. J. & Durandt, R. (2017). Attitudes of pre-service mathematics teachers towards modelling: A South African Inquiry. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(1), 61-84.
- Kal, F. M.(2013). The impact of mathematical modelling activities to the attitude of primary school 6th grade students in solving maths problems. Master’s thesis, Kocaeli University.
- Keskin, Ö. Ö.(2008). A research of developıng the pre-servıce secondary mathematıcs teachers’ mathematıcal modellıng performance. Phd dissertation, Gazi University.
- Lingefjärd, T. (2007). Mathematical modelling in teacher education-necessity or unnecessarily. Springer.
- Lesh, R., Hoover, M., Hole, B., Kelly, A. & Post, T. (2000). Principles for developing thought-revealing activities for students and teachers. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Lesh, R. & Doerr, H. M.(2003). Foundations of a models and modelling perspective on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. Lawrence. Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- Ludwig, M. & Xu, B(2010).Comrarative study of modelling competencies among chinese and german students. Journal for Didactics of Mathematics, 31(1), 77-97.
- Maaß, K. (2006). What are modelling competencies?. ZDM, 38(2), 113-142.
- Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M.(1994). Qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook. Sage Publications.
Mousoulides, N., Christou, C. & Sriraman, B. (2008). From problem solving to modelling- A meta-analysis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254102378_From_Problem_Solving_to_Modelling_A_meta-analysis .
- Noble, R. D.(1982). Mathematical modelling in the context of problem solving. Mathematical Modelling, 3, 215-219.
- Özdemir, M.(2010). Qualİtatİve data analysis: a study on methodology problem in social sciences. Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 323-343.
- Özturan Sağırlı, M.(2010). The effects of mathematical modelling method on derıvative topic on secondary education students’ academic achievements and self-regulation skills Phd dissertation, Atatürk University.
- Posamentier, A. S. & Krulik, S.(2016). Problem solving in mathematics grades 3-6. Pegem Academy.
- Sağıroğlu, D.(2018). Investigation of mathematics teachers’ Processes of creating and implementing activities for mathematical modelling. Master’s thesis, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University.
- Sandalcı, Y.(2013). The effect of teaching algebra by mathematical modelling on students' academic success and relating mathematics to daily life. Master’s thesis, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University.
- Stender, P. (2019). Heuristic strategies as a toolbox in complex modelling problems. Springer.
- Stender, P. & Kaiser, G. (2017). The use of heuristic strategies in modelling activities. Proceedings of CERME 10.
- Taşpınar, Z.(2011). Determining of problem solving strategies used by primary 8. grade students? in mathematics clas. Master’s thesis, Gazi University.
- Taşpınar Şener, Z.(2017). The examination of preservice middle school mathematics teahers’ model eliciting activities and their opinions on the use of these activities in the teaching process Phd dissertation, Gazi University.
- Tekin, A.(2012). Mathematics teachers? views concerning model eliciting activities, developmental process and the activities themselves .Master’s thesis, Dokuz Eylül University.
- Thomas, G. B., Weir, M. D. & Giordano, F. R. (2004). Thomas calculus.Addison Wesley.
- Ünveren, E. N.(2010). .An observİng on the candidates of the primary mathematics teachers’ attitudes towards proof in mathematical modelling process .Master’s thesis, Balıkesir University.
- Van De Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M.(2016).Elementary and middle school mathematics teaching developmentally. Nobel Academy Publishing.
- Verschaffel, L., De Corte, E., Lasure, S., Van Vaerenbergh, G., Bogaerts, H. & Ratinckx, E.(1999). Learning to solve mathematical application problems: A design experiment with fifth graders. Mathematical Thinking and Learning,1(3), 195–229.
- Woodward, J., Beckmann, S., Driscoll, M., Franke, M., Herzig, P., Jitendra, A & Ogbuehi, P.(2012). Improving mathematical problem solving in grades 4 through 8: A practice guide https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/mps_pg_052212.pdf
- Yazgan, Y. (2007). Observations about fourth and fifth grade students’ strategies to solve non-routine problems . Elementary Education Online, 6(2), 249-263.
- Yazgan, Y. &Arslan, Ç.(2017). Mathematical unconventional problem solving strategies and examples. Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Zawojewski, J. S. & Lesh, R. (2003). A models and modelling perspective on problem solving. Beyond constructivism: A models & modelling perspective on mathematics problem solving, learning & teaching. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers