Repeat Breeder Gözlenen İneklerde Farklı İntrauterin Tedavi Yöntemlerinin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 476 - 481, 31.12.2022
Muhammet Hikmet Ak
Duygu Baki Acar
İneklerde repeat breeder olgularının ciddi ekonomik kayıplara denen olduğu bilinmektedir. Çalışmada repeat breeder tanısı konulan ineklerde subklinik genital kanal enfeksiyonlarına yönelik intrauterin uygulamalarda farklı tedavi seçeneklerinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Sunulan çalışmada 2-8 yaş aralığında 75 adet Holstein-Fleckvieh ırkı inek kullanıldı. Çalışmanın materyalini oluşturan inekler rastlantısal olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. İntrauterin yolla bir gün ara ile üç kez 10 ml sefkuinom sülfat + 5 ml deksametazon sodyum fosfat + 10 ml %30 dekstroz Grup I’e; 100 mg rifaksimin ihtiva eden (13,4 gram) sprey Grup II’ye uygulandı. Grup III’teki hayvanlara herhangi bir tedavi prosedürü uygulanmadı, kontrol grubu olarak değerlendirildi. İntrauterin uygulamalardan sonra ilk suni tohumlamaların gebelik oran sonuçları Grup I’de %32 (8/25), Grup II’de %20 (5/25) ve Grup III’de %20 (5/25) olarak belirlendi (P>0,05). Çalışmamızda elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, repeat breeder tanısı konulan hayvanlarda intrauterin yolla uygulanan sefkuinom sülfat + deksametazon sodyum fosfat + dekstroz kombinasyonunun sayısal olarak gebelik oranları ve fertilite üzerine olumlu etkisi olacağı kanısına varıldı. Bu çalışmada uygulanan intrauterin ilaç kombinasyonunun daha fazla inek üzerinde ve repeat breeder nedeni olan farklı faktörler de değerlendirilerek daha kapsamlı şekilde araştırılmasının faydalı olacağı sonucuna varıldı.
Çalışmanın yapılmasındaki katkılarından ve yardımlarından dolayı Vet. Hek. Kamil Özceylan’a teşekkür ederiz.
- Abdisa T. Review on the Reproductive Health Problem of Dairy Cattle. JDVS, 2018; 5(1): JDVS.MS.ID.555655.
- Ahmed FO, Elsheikh AS. Intrauterine Infusion of Lugol’s Iodine Improves the Reproductive Traits of Postpartum Infected Dairy Cows. IOSR-JAVS, 2013; 5(2): 89-94.
- Aköz M, Dinç DA. Döl Tutmayan (Repeat Breeder) İneklerde PGF2α ve İntrauterin Köpük Sprey (Rifaximina) Uygulamalarının Gebe Kalma Oranı Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 2001; 11(2): 51-55.
- Arlas TR, Wolf CA, Petrucci BPL, Estanislau JF, Gregory RM, Jobim MIM, Mattos RC. Proteomics of endometrial fluid after dexamethasone treatment in mares susceptible to endometritis. Theriogenology, 2015; 84: 617–623
- Bogado Pascottini O, Hostens M, Opsomer G. Cytological endometritis diagnosed at artificial insemination in repeat breeder dairy cows. Reprod Dom Anim. 2018; 53: 559–561.
- Brick TA, Schuenemann GM, Bas S, Daniels JB, Pinto CR, Rings DM, Rajala-Schultz PJ. Effect of intrauterine dextrose or antibiotic therapy on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows diagnosed with clinical endometritis. J Dairy Sci, 2012; 95: 1894-1905.
- Dinç DA. Döl tutmayan (repeat breeder) hayvanlar. In: Theriogenoloji. Eds: Alaçam E. Nurol Matbaası, Ankara, 1990; p. 233-40.
- El-Khadmwy HH, Ahmed WM, Hanafi M. Observations on repeat breeding in farm animals with emphasis on its control. J Reprod Infert, 2011; 2(1): 1-7.
- Erdoğan G, Alaçam E. Aile tipi sütçü inek işletmelerinde kontrollü tohumlama ile fertilitenin yükseltilmesine ilişkin girişimler. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2003; 50: 187-193.
- Gümen A, Yılmazbaş Mecitoğlu G, Keskin A, Karakaya E, Alkan A, Taşdemir U, Okut H. The effect of intrauterine cephapirin treatment after insemination on conception rate in repeat breeder dairy cows subjected to the progesterone-based Ovsynch protocol. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2012; 36(6): 622-627.
- King SS, Young DA, Nequin LG, Carnevale EM. Use of specific sugars to inhibit bacterial adherence to equine endometrium in vitro. Am J Vet Res. 2000; 61: 446–449.
Lafi SQ, Kaneene JB. Risk factors and associated economic effects of the repeat breeder syndrome in dairy cattle. Vet BuIlt, 1988; 58 (11): 891-902.
- Lehimcioğlu NC, Öztürkler Y, Yıldız S, Arı UÇ. The Effect of Intrauterine Infusion of Carvacrol After Insemination on Conception Rate in Repeat Breeder Cows Subjected to Progesteron Based Estrus Synchronization Protocol. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 2019; 25(5): 633-638.
- Lopez-Gaitus F, Garcia-Ispierto I. Treatment with an elevated dose of the GnRH analogue dephereline in the early luteal phase improves pregnancy rates in repeat-breeder dairy cows. Theriogenology, 2020; 155: 12-16.
- Mellado M, Zuniga A, Veliz FG, de Santiago A, Garcia JE, Mellado J. Factors influencing pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat-breeder cows induced to ovulate with a CIDR- based protocol. Anim Reprod Sci, 2012; 134(3-4): 105-111.
- Öztürkler Y, Uçar Ö, Lehimcioğlu NL. İneklerde sun'i tohumlamayı takiben intrauterin ilaç uygulamasının gebelik oranları üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2001; 7(2): 197-200.
- Öztürkler Y, Uçar Ö. İneklerde suni tohumlama başarısını artırıcı uygulamalar. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2003; 9(2): 219-222
- Perez-Marin CC, Moreno LM, Calero GV. Clinical approach to the repeat breeder cow syndrome. A Bird's-Eye View of Veterinary Medicine, InTech Open, 2012.
- Pothmann H, Prunner I, Wagener K, Jaureguiberry M, de la Sota RL, Erber R, Aurich C, Ehling-Schulz M, Drillich M. The prevalance of subclinical endometritis and intrauterine infections in repeat breeder cows. Theriogenology, 2015; 83: 1249-1253.
- Purohit GN. Recent developments in the diagnosis and therapy of repeat breeding cows and buffaloes. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science. Nutr and Nat Res, 2008; 3(62): 1-34.
- Roh S, Kim SW, Jung YG, Park JI. Improvement of pregnancy rate by intrauterine administration of dexamethasone and recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor at the time of embryo transfer in cattle. J Vet Sci, 2016; 17(4): 569-576.
- Salasel B, Mokhtari A, Taktaz T. Prevalance, risk factors for and impact of subclinical endometritis in repeat breeder dairy cows. Theriogenology, 2010; 74: 1271-1278.
- Sarıbay MK, Köse AM, Yılmaz MA. Repeat breeder ineklerin tedavisinde GnRH ve Gonadotropinlerin (LH, hCG, PMSG) kullanımı. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg. 2018; 58(1): 34-41.
- Sharma S, Singh M, Vasishta NK. Isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility of aerobic bacteria recovered from the uteri of dairy cows suffering from endometritis. Indian J Anim Sci, 2009; 79: 278-282.
- Singh M, Sharma A, Sharma A, Kumar P. Repeat breeding and its treatment in dairy cattle of Himachal Pradesh (İndia) - A review. Indian J Anim Reprod, 2017; 38(2): 1-5.
- Singh M. Antibiogram of bacteria isolated from repeat breeder cows suffering from endometritis in Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Vet J, 1998; 2: 37-38.
The Comparison of Two Different Intrauterine Treatment Efficiency in Repeat Breeder Cows
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 476 - 481, 31.12.2022
Muhammet Hikmet Ak
Duygu Baki Acar
It is known that repeat breeder cases in cows cause severe economic losses. This study was purposed to evaluate the efficacy of different treatment protocols in intrauterine applications for subclinical genital tract infections in repeat breeder cows. In the present study, 75 Holstein-Fleckvieh cows were used. Cows that constitute the material of the study were divided into three groups randomly; 10 ml of cefquinom sulfate + 5 ml of dexamethasone sodium phosphate + 10 ml of 30% dextrose three times with an interval of one day by intrauterine route in Group I; spray containing 100 mg of rifaximin (13.4 grams) was applied to Group II. Animals in Group III did not undergo any treatment procedures and were evaluated as a control group. The pregnancy rate results of the first artificial insemination performed after intrauterine applications were determined as 32% (8/25) in Group I, 20% (5/25) in Group II and 20% (5/25) in Group III (P>0.05). It was concluded that it would be appropriate to investigate the intrauterine drug combination used in the presented study more thoroughly by increasing the number of animal materials and evaluating different factors affecting the repeat breeder case.
- Abdisa T. Review on the Reproductive Health Problem of Dairy Cattle. JDVS, 2018; 5(1): JDVS.MS.ID.555655.
- Ahmed FO, Elsheikh AS. Intrauterine Infusion of Lugol’s Iodine Improves the Reproductive Traits of Postpartum Infected Dairy Cows. IOSR-JAVS, 2013; 5(2): 89-94.
- Aköz M, Dinç DA. Döl Tutmayan (Repeat Breeder) İneklerde PGF2α ve İntrauterin Köpük Sprey (Rifaximina) Uygulamalarının Gebe Kalma Oranı Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 2001; 11(2): 51-55.
- Arlas TR, Wolf CA, Petrucci BPL, Estanislau JF, Gregory RM, Jobim MIM, Mattos RC. Proteomics of endometrial fluid after dexamethasone treatment in mares susceptible to endometritis. Theriogenology, 2015; 84: 617–623
- Bogado Pascottini O, Hostens M, Opsomer G. Cytological endometritis diagnosed at artificial insemination in repeat breeder dairy cows. Reprod Dom Anim. 2018; 53: 559–561.
- Brick TA, Schuenemann GM, Bas S, Daniels JB, Pinto CR, Rings DM, Rajala-Schultz PJ. Effect of intrauterine dextrose or antibiotic therapy on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows diagnosed with clinical endometritis. J Dairy Sci, 2012; 95: 1894-1905.
- Dinç DA. Döl tutmayan (repeat breeder) hayvanlar. In: Theriogenoloji. Eds: Alaçam E. Nurol Matbaası, Ankara, 1990; p. 233-40.
- El-Khadmwy HH, Ahmed WM, Hanafi M. Observations on repeat breeding in farm animals with emphasis on its control. J Reprod Infert, 2011; 2(1): 1-7.
- Erdoğan G, Alaçam E. Aile tipi sütçü inek işletmelerinde kontrollü tohumlama ile fertilitenin yükseltilmesine ilişkin girişimler. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2003; 50: 187-193.
- Gümen A, Yılmazbaş Mecitoğlu G, Keskin A, Karakaya E, Alkan A, Taşdemir U, Okut H. The effect of intrauterine cephapirin treatment after insemination on conception rate in repeat breeder dairy cows subjected to the progesterone-based Ovsynch protocol. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 2012; 36(6): 622-627.
- King SS, Young DA, Nequin LG, Carnevale EM. Use of specific sugars to inhibit bacterial adherence to equine endometrium in vitro. Am J Vet Res. 2000; 61: 446–449.
Lafi SQ, Kaneene JB. Risk factors and associated economic effects of the repeat breeder syndrome in dairy cattle. Vet BuIlt, 1988; 58 (11): 891-902.
- Lehimcioğlu NC, Öztürkler Y, Yıldız S, Arı UÇ. The Effect of Intrauterine Infusion of Carvacrol After Insemination on Conception Rate in Repeat Breeder Cows Subjected to Progesteron Based Estrus Synchronization Protocol. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 2019; 25(5): 633-638.
- Lopez-Gaitus F, Garcia-Ispierto I. Treatment with an elevated dose of the GnRH analogue dephereline in the early luteal phase improves pregnancy rates in repeat-breeder dairy cows. Theriogenology, 2020; 155: 12-16.
- Mellado M, Zuniga A, Veliz FG, de Santiago A, Garcia JE, Mellado J. Factors influencing pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat-breeder cows induced to ovulate with a CIDR- based protocol. Anim Reprod Sci, 2012; 134(3-4): 105-111.
- Öztürkler Y, Uçar Ö, Lehimcioğlu NL. İneklerde sun'i tohumlamayı takiben intrauterin ilaç uygulamasının gebelik oranları üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2001; 7(2): 197-200.
- Öztürkler Y, Uçar Ö. İneklerde suni tohumlama başarısını artırıcı uygulamalar. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2003; 9(2): 219-222
- Perez-Marin CC, Moreno LM, Calero GV. Clinical approach to the repeat breeder cow syndrome. A Bird's-Eye View of Veterinary Medicine, InTech Open, 2012.
- Pothmann H, Prunner I, Wagener K, Jaureguiberry M, de la Sota RL, Erber R, Aurich C, Ehling-Schulz M, Drillich M. The prevalance of subclinical endometritis and intrauterine infections in repeat breeder cows. Theriogenology, 2015; 83: 1249-1253.
- Purohit GN. Recent developments in the diagnosis and therapy of repeat breeding cows and buffaloes. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science. Nutr and Nat Res, 2008; 3(62): 1-34.
- Roh S, Kim SW, Jung YG, Park JI. Improvement of pregnancy rate by intrauterine administration of dexamethasone and recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor at the time of embryo transfer in cattle. J Vet Sci, 2016; 17(4): 569-576.
- Salasel B, Mokhtari A, Taktaz T. Prevalance, risk factors for and impact of subclinical endometritis in repeat breeder dairy cows. Theriogenology, 2010; 74: 1271-1278.
- Sarıbay MK, Köse AM, Yılmaz MA. Repeat breeder ineklerin tedavisinde GnRH ve Gonadotropinlerin (LH, hCG, PMSG) kullanımı. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg. 2018; 58(1): 34-41.
- Sharma S, Singh M, Vasishta NK. Isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility of aerobic bacteria recovered from the uteri of dairy cows suffering from endometritis. Indian J Anim Sci, 2009; 79: 278-282.
- Singh M, Sharma A, Sharma A, Kumar P. Repeat breeding and its treatment in dairy cattle of Himachal Pradesh (İndia) - A review. Indian J Anim Reprod, 2017; 38(2): 1-5.
- Singh M. Antibiogram of bacteria isolated from repeat breeder cows suffering from endometritis in Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Vet J, 1998; 2: 37-38.