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Evaluating the Securitized Migration Policy of the European Union in the Context of Border Security

Yıl 2024, , 35 - 56, 29.01.2024


The securitization theory, formulated by the Copenhagen School, has become one of the most widely used approaches to explain the relationship between migration and security. This study focuses on the reflections of the European Union’s (EU) securitized migration policy on the influence of border policies within the framework of securitization theory. In other words, the securitization of migration in the EU has been examined in terms of rising walls and technological developments at the borders of the member states. During the surge in migration flows to the EU, the evolution of border security in countries has been scrutinized. As a result of research, similar practices in border security have been identified in member states. In this study, firstly, it has been revealed that the EU has laid the groundwork for the development of security-focused policies in border security by providing financial and technical assistance, as well as offering training and equipment support to member states. Secondly, the study emphasizes the EU’s ability to devise border security strategies that are both productive and enduring. Furthermore, it raises critical questions about the implementation of extraordinary measures under the guise of security and the consequences of securitization on border policies.


  • Adamson, F. B. (2006). Crossing Borders: International Migration and National Security. MIT Press, 31(1), 165-199.
  • Andersson, R. (2015). Hardwiring the frontier? The politics of security technology in Europe’s ‘fight against illegal migration. Security Dialogue, 47(1), 22-39. DOI: 10.1177/0967010615606044
  • Angeli, D., Triandafyllidou, A. & Dimitriadi, A. (2014, October). Assessing the cost-effectiveness of irregular migration control policies in Greece. MIDAS Report.
  • Ayed, N. (2019, January 18). Walled world: Lessons from Europe’s border barriers. CBCNews.
  • Baczynska, G. & Ledwith, S. (2016, April 4). How Europe built fences to keep people out. Reuters Europe News.
  • Beaudouin, C. (2009). Immigration policy: From loss of sovereignty to loss of identity? In K. Heeger, K. Lorant (Eds.), The EU from a critical perspective: A Selection of articles from EU Watch (pp.274-283). European Parliament.
  • Berberakis, S. (2022, May 31). Yunanistan, Türkiye sınırındaki çelik duvarı üç misline çıkarmakta kararlı. BBC News.
  • Besenyo, J. (2017). Fences and border protection: The question of establishing technical barriers in Europe. Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science, 16(16), 77-87. DOI: 10.32565/aarms.2017.1.7
  • Booth, K., Dardiry, S., Grant, L., & Others. (2013). Yunanistan ve Türkiye arasında Frontex: Geri çevrilme sınırı. Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Federasyonu.
  • Brunnersum, S. (2023, August 21). Bulgaria migrant pushbacks: What’s behind the rise in violence at the Bulgarian-Turkish border? Infomigrants.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O. & Wilde, J. de. (1998). Security: A new framework for analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. (2003). Regions and powers. Cambridge University Press.
  • Carling, J. (2007). Migration control and migrant fatalities at the Spanish-African borders. The International Migration Review, 41(2), 316-343.
  • Carrera, S. (2007). The EU border management strategy: Frontex and the challenges of irregular immigration in the Canary Islands. CEPS Working Documents, No. 261. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1338019
  • Ceyhan, A. (2008): Technologization of security: Management of uncertainty and risk in the age of biometrics. Surveillance & Society, 5(2),102-123. DOI: 10.24908/ss.v5i2.3430
  • Council of the European Union. (2002). Seville European Council. Council of the European Union Website.
  • Çakı, C. & Topbaş, H. (2018). Almanya İçin Alternatif Partisi’nin göçmen karşıtı propaganda faaliyetlerini 2017 Alman Federal Seçimleri üzerinden okumak. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 5(4), 59-74. DOI: 10.17680/erciyesiletisim.391632
  • Duszczyk, M. & Kaczmaczyk, P. (2022). The war in Ukraine and migration to Poland: Outlook and challenges. Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy, (57)3. 164-170. DOI: 10.1007/s10272-022-1053-6
  • Dumbrava, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence at EU borders: Overview of applications and key issues. European Parliamentary Research Service.
  • Eris Unal, O. & Oner, S. (2021). Securitization of migration and the rising influence of populist radical right parties in European politics. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 20(1), 161–193. DOI: 10.32450/aacd.995924
  • Euronews. (2017, April 28). Macaristan, Sırbistan sınırına ‘akıllı tel örgü’ çekti. Euronews.
  • Euronews. (2022a, November 17). AB’yi göçle mücadelede yetersiz bulan Avusturya, Macaristan ve Sırbistan pakt kurdu. Euronews.
  • Euronews. (2022b, January 26). Poland starts construction of €350 million border fence with Belarus.
  • European Commission. (2015a). Keynote speech of Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos at the first European Migration Forum. Euronews.
  • European Commission. (2015b). Managing migration better in all aspects: A European agenda on migration.
  • European Commission. (2018). Report From the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, on the evaluation of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR).
  • European Commission. (2020a). Remarks by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, Andrej Plenkovic, Prime Minister of Croatia, President Sassoli and President Michel.
  • European Commission. (2020b). Border management: Commission approves extra funding to Greece and Bulgaria. European Commission Website.
  • European Commission. (2021). Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders.
  • European Commission. (2022). SIS II - Second generation Schengen Information System.
  • European Commission. (2023a). Commission welcomes the major progress achieved by Parliament and Council on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. European Commission Website.
  • European Commission. (2023b). Commission staff working document, Ukraine 2023 report. Ukraine report.pdf
  • European Commission. (2023c). Letter from Ursula von der Leyen to the European Council. European Council. (1999). Tampere European Council presidency conclusions.
  • European Council. (2006). Parliamentary Assembly, Resolution 1509 (2006) on the human rights of irregular migrants.
  • European Council. (2013). European Council 19/20 December 2013. European Council Website.
  • European Council. (2018). Speech by President Donald Tusk at the EPP Helsinki summit 2018. European Council Website.
  • European Council. (2021). European Council meeting (21 and 22 October 2021)-Conclusions. European Council Website.
  • EU-Lisa. (2019a). Exchanging visa data between Schengen states.
  • EU-Lisa. (2019b). Information on European Asylum Applications.
  • European Parliament. (2000). Crowd control technologies. European Parliament Directorate General for Research Directorate A The STOA Programme, STOA Panel.
  • European Parliament. (2009). Draft report on the proposal for adoption of a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (COM(2009)0508 – C7-0244/2009 – 2009/0136(CNS).
  • European Parliament. (2014). Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
  • European Parliament. (2016). Speech at the European Council by Martin Schulz.
  • European Parliament. (2018a). Speech by the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, at the European Council.
  • European Parliament. (2018b). Speech by the President of the European Parliament to the European Council meeting on June 28, 2018.
  • Eurostat. (2024). Asylum and first-time asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded). Eurostat. DOI: 10.15166/2499-8249/648
  • Forti, M. (2023). Belarus-sponsored migration movements and the response by Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland: A Critical Appraisal. European Papers, 8(1), 227-238.
  • FRONTEX. (2021a, July 01). Frontex provides support for Lithuania, Latvia at their borders with Belarus. FRONTEX News.
  • FRONTEX. (2021b, January 29). Frontex continues its support for Spain. FRONTEX News.
  • Genç, D. (2010). A paradox in EU migration management. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, 13(2), 181-192. DOI: 10.5771/9783845279398-237
  • Gulina, O. (2022). Fences on the border can’t be Europe’s future. IPS Journal.
  • Herszenhorn, M. D. & Baume, M. (2021, August 18). Afghan refugees should be shared ‘equally,’ says EU Parliament president. Politico.
  • Huber, K. (2015). The European Parliament as an actor in EU border policies: Its role, relations with other EU institutions, and impact. European Security, 24(3), 420-437. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2015.1028188
  • Jandl, M. (2007). Irregular Migration, Human Smuggling and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union. Center for Migration Studies of New York, 41(2), 291-315. DOI:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2007.00069.x
  • Jimenez, P. G. & Caraballo, S. (2018). Immigration and integration management in Spain. Friedrich Ebert Stıftung.
  • Jordan, J. & Horsburgh, N. (2006). Spain and Islamist terrorism: Analysis of the threat and response 1995 – 2005. Mediterranean Politics, 11(2), 209-229. DOI:10.1080/13629390600682933
  • Josipovic, I. & Reeger, U. (2019). Border management and migration controls in Austria, country report.
  • Kingsley, P. (2015, September 16). Refugees enter Croatia from Serbia after Hungary blocks border. The Guardian.
  • Kirisçi, K. (2004, October 12-12). Turkey’s pre-accession and immigration issues. [Paper presentation]. Conference on Population Challenges, International Migration and Reproductive Health in Turkey and the European Union: Issues and Policy Implications. Istanbul.
  • Kokkinidi, T. (2021, August 22). Greece completes 40-km fence at border with Turkey. Greek Reporter.
  • Kostopoulos, C. & Mylonas, Y. (2022). Framing migration in the Greek press; An analysis of the ‘Evros events’ in left, liberal, and far-right newspapers. Journalism, 25(1), 158-179. DOI: 10.1177/14648849221134000
  • Liboreiro, J. (2023, June 06). Von der Leyen and Michel praise new EU deal on migration while Viktor Orban calls it ‘unacceptable’. Euronews.
  • Lodge, J. & Bayburtlu, M. (2002). Avrupa Birliği’nin adalet ve içişleri alanındaki müktesebatı ve Türkiye’nin uyumu. İKV Yayınları.
  • Lyman, R. (2015, April 05). Bulgaria puts up a new wall, but this one keeps people out. The New York Times.
  • Macdonald, A., & Baczynska, G. (2016, September 14). EU’s Juncker promises tougher controls on external borders. Reuters Europe News.
  • Mills, C. Stefano, F., Philip, L. & Butchard, P. (2021, November 26). Belarus/EU migrant crisis. Commons Library Research Briefing.
  • Murphy, F. (2015, November 13). Austria plans border fence to manage migrant flow. Reuters Europe News.
  • Neal, W. A. (2009). Securitization and Risk at the EU Border: The Origins of FRONTEX. Journal of Common Market Studies, 47(2). 333-356. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2009.00807.x
  • NTV. (2017). Macaristan sınıra ördüğü çitin parasını AB’den istedi. NTV.,-L0CvQchFEKRBuET5AXh5w#
  • Özdemir, Y. (2022). “Avrupa Kalesi”ne sığınmak mı? Teori ve Eylem, Sosyalist Teori ve Politika Dergisi, (57).
  • Özer Yeşer, Y. (2011). Yasadışı göçün kontrolünde destekleyici düzenlemelerin rolü: AB ve Türkiye örnekleri. In Demir, O. Ö., & Sever, M. (Eds.), Örgütlü suçlar ve yeni trendler (pp. 197-2016). Polis Akademisi Yayınları.
  • Palagiannis, V. (2016). Europeanization and de-Europeanization of migration policies in times of crisis: The case of Greece [Master’s thesis, Universiteit Leiden].
  • Papageorgiou, I. (2013). The Europeanization of immigration and asylum in Greece (1990–2012). International Journal of Sociology, 43(3), 72-90. DOI: 10.2753/IJS0020-7659430304
  • Patton, F. D. (2017). The Alternative for Germany’s radicalization in historical-comparative perspective. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 25(2), 163-180. DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2017.1399512
  • Pınar, Ö. (2016, April 27). İtalya ve Avusturya arasında sınır gerginliği. BBC News.
  • Pinos, C. J. (2009). Building Fortress Europe? Schengen and the cases of Ceuta and Melilla. Centre for International Border Research, 1-29.
  • Pollet, K & Mouzourakis, M. (2015). Crossing boundaries: The new asylum procedure at the border and restrictions to accessing protection in Hungary. European Council on Refugees and Exiles.
  • Presidency of Strategy and Budget of the Republic of Turkey. (2021). 2022 yılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yıllık Programı.
  • Ptak, A. (2023, October 25). Tusk meets von der Leyen in Brussels, pledging to restore rule of law and unblock frozen EU funds. Notes From Poland.
  • Rigby, J. & Crisp, J. (2021). Fortress Europe. Telegraph Media Group.
  • Sandford, A. (2017). Hungary says it has finished building a second fence on the border with Serbia to keep migrants out.
  • Sierakowski, S. (2022, March 22). Poland’s refugee crisis in waiting. The Jordan Times.ławomir-sierakowski/polands-refugee-crisis-waiting
  • Smith, H. (2020, January 30). Greece plans to build sea barrier off Lesbos to deter migrants. The Guardian.
  • Stickings, T. (2021, June 9). Greece defends use of ‘sound cannon’ to deter migrants. The National News.
  • Sunar, F. (2018). Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde sınır yönetimi. İdarecinin sesi Dergisi, (185), 37-42.İdarecinin Sesi/185/fatih_sunar.pdf
  • The Brussels Times News. (2022, August 24). Greece decides to tighten up its border with Turkey. The Brussels Times News.
  • Tondo, L. (2022, January 27). Poland starts building wall through protected forest at Belarus border. The Guardian.
  • Topak, E. Ö. (2014). The biopolitical border in practice: Surveillance and death at the Greece–Turkey borderzones. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32(5), 815-833. DOI: 10.1068/d13031p
  • UNHCR. (2022). Operational data portal Greece sea and land arrivals.
  • Valcarcel, A. (2022, June 01). Out of Sight – Refugees and migrants at the Belarus-Poland border. Jesuit Refugee Service.
  • Yavaş, G. (2017). Border management of the European Union: The case of the Arab uprisings. Marmara Journal of European Studies, 25(2), 82–83.
  • Waever, O. (2003). Securitisation: Taking stock of a research programme in security studies. Unpublished manuscript, Chicago PIPES.
Yıl 2024, , 35 - 56, 29.01.2024



  • Adamson, F. B. (2006). Crossing Borders: International Migration and National Security. MIT Press, 31(1), 165-199.
  • Andersson, R. (2015). Hardwiring the frontier? The politics of security technology in Europe’s ‘fight against illegal migration. Security Dialogue, 47(1), 22-39. DOI: 10.1177/0967010615606044
  • Angeli, D., Triandafyllidou, A. & Dimitriadi, A. (2014, October). Assessing the cost-effectiveness of irregular migration control policies in Greece. MIDAS Report.
  • Ayed, N. (2019, January 18). Walled world: Lessons from Europe’s border barriers. CBCNews.
  • Baczynska, G. & Ledwith, S. (2016, April 4). How Europe built fences to keep people out. Reuters Europe News.
  • Beaudouin, C. (2009). Immigration policy: From loss of sovereignty to loss of identity? In K. Heeger, K. Lorant (Eds.), The EU from a critical perspective: A Selection of articles from EU Watch (pp.274-283). European Parliament.
  • Berberakis, S. (2022, May 31). Yunanistan, Türkiye sınırındaki çelik duvarı üç misline çıkarmakta kararlı. BBC News.
  • Besenyo, J. (2017). Fences and border protection: The question of establishing technical barriers in Europe. Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science, 16(16), 77-87. DOI: 10.32565/aarms.2017.1.7
  • Booth, K., Dardiry, S., Grant, L., & Others. (2013). Yunanistan ve Türkiye arasında Frontex: Geri çevrilme sınırı. Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Federasyonu.
  • Brunnersum, S. (2023, August 21). Bulgaria migrant pushbacks: What’s behind the rise in violence at the Bulgarian-Turkish border? Infomigrants.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O. & Wilde, J. de. (1998). Security: A new framework for analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. (2003). Regions and powers. Cambridge University Press.
  • Carling, J. (2007). Migration control and migrant fatalities at the Spanish-African borders. The International Migration Review, 41(2), 316-343.
  • Carrera, S. (2007). The EU border management strategy: Frontex and the challenges of irregular immigration in the Canary Islands. CEPS Working Documents, No. 261. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1338019
  • Ceyhan, A. (2008): Technologization of security: Management of uncertainty and risk in the age of biometrics. Surveillance & Society, 5(2),102-123. DOI: 10.24908/ss.v5i2.3430
  • Council of the European Union. (2002). Seville European Council. Council of the European Union Website.
  • Çakı, C. & Topbaş, H. (2018). Almanya İçin Alternatif Partisi’nin göçmen karşıtı propaganda faaliyetlerini 2017 Alman Federal Seçimleri üzerinden okumak. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 5(4), 59-74. DOI: 10.17680/erciyesiletisim.391632
  • Duszczyk, M. & Kaczmaczyk, P. (2022). The war in Ukraine and migration to Poland: Outlook and challenges. Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy, (57)3. 164-170. DOI: 10.1007/s10272-022-1053-6
  • Dumbrava, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence at EU borders: Overview of applications and key issues. European Parliamentary Research Service.
  • Eris Unal, O. & Oner, S. (2021). Securitization of migration and the rising influence of populist radical right parties in European politics. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 20(1), 161–193. DOI: 10.32450/aacd.995924
  • Euronews. (2017, April 28). Macaristan, Sırbistan sınırına ‘akıllı tel örgü’ çekti. Euronews.
  • Euronews. (2022a, November 17). AB’yi göçle mücadelede yetersiz bulan Avusturya, Macaristan ve Sırbistan pakt kurdu. Euronews.
  • Euronews. (2022b, January 26). Poland starts construction of €350 million border fence with Belarus.
  • European Commission. (2015a). Keynote speech of Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos at the first European Migration Forum. Euronews.
  • European Commission. (2015b). Managing migration better in all aspects: A European agenda on migration.
  • European Commission. (2018). Report From the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, on the evaluation of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR).
  • European Commission. (2020a). Remarks by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, Andrej Plenkovic, Prime Minister of Croatia, President Sassoli and President Michel.
  • European Commission. (2020b). Border management: Commission approves extra funding to Greece and Bulgaria. European Commission Website.
  • European Commission. (2021). Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders.
  • European Commission. (2022). SIS II - Second generation Schengen Information System.
  • European Commission. (2023a). Commission welcomes the major progress achieved by Parliament and Council on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. European Commission Website.
  • European Commission. (2023b). Commission staff working document, Ukraine 2023 report. Ukraine report.pdf
  • European Commission. (2023c). Letter from Ursula von der Leyen to the European Council. European Council. (1999). Tampere European Council presidency conclusions.
  • European Council. (2006). Parliamentary Assembly, Resolution 1509 (2006) on the human rights of irregular migrants.
  • European Council. (2013). European Council 19/20 December 2013. European Council Website.
  • European Council. (2018). Speech by President Donald Tusk at the EPP Helsinki summit 2018. European Council Website.
  • European Council. (2021). European Council meeting (21 and 22 October 2021)-Conclusions. European Council Website.
  • EU-Lisa. (2019a). Exchanging visa data between Schengen states.
  • EU-Lisa. (2019b). Information on European Asylum Applications.
  • European Parliament. (2000). Crowd control technologies. European Parliament Directorate General for Research Directorate A The STOA Programme, STOA Panel.
  • European Parliament. (2009). Draft report on the proposal for adoption of a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (COM(2009)0508 – C7-0244/2009 – 2009/0136(CNS).
  • European Parliament. (2014). Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
  • European Parliament. (2016). Speech at the European Council by Martin Schulz.
  • European Parliament. (2018a). Speech by the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, at the European Council.
  • European Parliament. (2018b). Speech by the President of the European Parliament to the European Council meeting on June 28, 2018.
  • Eurostat. (2024). Asylum and first-time asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded). Eurostat. DOI: 10.15166/2499-8249/648
  • Forti, M. (2023). Belarus-sponsored migration movements and the response by Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland: A Critical Appraisal. European Papers, 8(1), 227-238.
  • FRONTEX. (2021a, July 01). Frontex provides support for Lithuania, Latvia at their borders with Belarus. FRONTEX News.
  • FRONTEX. (2021b, January 29). Frontex continues its support for Spain. FRONTEX News.
  • Genç, D. (2010). A paradox in EU migration management. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, 13(2), 181-192. DOI: 10.5771/9783845279398-237
  • Gulina, O. (2022). Fences on the border can’t be Europe’s future. IPS Journal.
  • Herszenhorn, M. D. & Baume, M. (2021, August 18). Afghan refugees should be shared ‘equally,’ says EU Parliament president. Politico.
  • Huber, K. (2015). The European Parliament as an actor in EU border policies: Its role, relations with other EU institutions, and impact. European Security, 24(3), 420-437. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2015.1028188
  • Jandl, M. (2007). Irregular Migration, Human Smuggling and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union. Center for Migration Studies of New York, 41(2), 291-315. DOI:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2007.00069.x
  • Jimenez, P. G. & Caraballo, S. (2018). Immigration and integration management in Spain. Friedrich Ebert Stıftung.
  • Jordan, J. & Horsburgh, N. (2006). Spain and Islamist terrorism: Analysis of the threat and response 1995 – 2005. Mediterranean Politics, 11(2), 209-229. DOI:10.1080/13629390600682933
  • Josipovic, I. & Reeger, U. (2019). Border management and migration controls in Austria, country report.
  • Kingsley, P. (2015, September 16). Refugees enter Croatia from Serbia after Hungary blocks border. The Guardian.
  • Kirisçi, K. (2004, October 12-12). Turkey’s pre-accession and immigration issues. [Paper presentation]. Conference on Population Challenges, International Migration and Reproductive Health in Turkey and the European Union: Issues and Policy Implications. Istanbul.
  • Kokkinidi, T. (2021, August 22). Greece completes 40-km fence at border with Turkey. Greek Reporter.
  • Kostopoulos, C. & Mylonas, Y. (2022). Framing migration in the Greek press; An analysis of the ‘Evros events’ in left, liberal, and far-right newspapers. Journalism, 25(1), 158-179. DOI: 10.1177/14648849221134000
  • Liboreiro, J. (2023, June 06). Von der Leyen and Michel praise new EU deal on migration while Viktor Orban calls it ‘unacceptable’. Euronews.
  • Lodge, J. & Bayburtlu, M. (2002). Avrupa Birliği’nin adalet ve içişleri alanındaki müktesebatı ve Türkiye’nin uyumu. İKV Yayınları.
  • Lyman, R. (2015, April 05). Bulgaria puts up a new wall, but this one keeps people out. The New York Times.
  • Macdonald, A., & Baczynska, G. (2016, September 14). EU’s Juncker promises tougher controls on external borders. Reuters Europe News.
  • Mills, C. Stefano, F., Philip, L. & Butchard, P. (2021, November 26). Belarus/EU migrant crisis. Commons Library Research Briefing.
  • Murphy, F. (2015, November 13). Austria plans border fence to manage migrant flow. Reuters Europe News.
  • Neal, W. A. (2009). Securitization and Risk at the EU Border: The Origins of FRONTEX. Journal of Common Market Studies, 47(2). 333-356. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2009.00807.x
  • NTV. (2017). Macaristan sınıra ördüğü çitin parasını AB’den istedi. NTV.,-L0CvQchFEKRBuET5AXh5w#
  • Özdemir, Y. (2022). “Avrupa Kalesi”ne sığınmak mı? Teori ve Eylem, Sosyalist Teori ve Politika Dergisi, (57).
  • Özer Yeşer, Y. (2011). Yasadışı göçün kontrolünde destekleyici düzenlemelerin rolü: AB ve Türkiye örnekleri. In Demir, O. Ö., & Sever, M. (Eds.), Örgütlü suçlar ve yeni trendler (pp. 197-2016). Polis Akademisi Yayınları.
  • Palagiannis, V. (2016). Europeanization and de-Europeanization of migration policies in times of crisis: The case of Greece [Master’s thesis, Universiteit Leiden].
  • Papageorgiou, I. (2013). The Europeanization of immigration and asylum in Greece (1990–2012). International Journal of Sociology, 43(3), 72-90. DOI: 10.2753/IJS0020-7659430304
  • Patton, F. D. (2017). The Alternative for Germany’s radicalization in historical-comparative perspective. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 25(2), 163-180. DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2017.1399512
  • Pınar, Ö. (2016, April 27). İtalya ve Avusturya arasında sınır gerginliği. BBC News.
  • Pinos, C. J. (2009). Building Fortress Europe? Schengen and the cases of Ceuta and Melilla. Centre for International Border Research, 1-29.
  • Pollet, K & Mouzourakis, M. (2015). Crossing boundaries: The new asylum procedure at the border and restrictions to accessing protection in Hungary. European Council on Refugees and Exiles.
  • Presidency of Strategy and Budget of the Republic of Turkey. (2021). 2022 yılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yıllık Programı.
  • Ptak, A. (2023, October 25). Tusk meets von der Leyen in Brussels, pledging to restore rule of law and unblock frozen EU funds. Notes From Poland.
  • Rigby, J. & Crisp, J. (2021). Fortress Europe. Telegraph Media Group.
  • Sandford, A. (2017). Hungary says it has finished building a second fence on the border with Serbia to keep migrants out.
  • Sierakowski, S. (2022, March 22). Poland’s refugee crisis in waiting. The Jordan Times.ławomir-sierakowski/polands-refugee-crisis-waiting
  • Smith, H. (2020, January 30). Greece plans to build sea barrier off Lesbos to deter migrants. The Guardian.
  • Stickings, T. (2021, June 9). Greece defends use of ‘sound cannon’ to deter migrants. The National News.
  • Sunar, F. (2018). Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde sınır yönetimi. İdarecinin sesi Dergisi, (185), 37-42.İdarecinin Sesi/185/fatih_sunar.pdf
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Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa ve Bölge Çalışmaları, Avrupa Birliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Çılga Altunbaş 0000-0003-3756-8508

Fulya Memisoglu 0000-0001-8113-813X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 24 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Altunbaş, Ç., & Memisoglu, F. (2024). Evaluating the Securitized Migration Policy of the European Union in the Context of Border Security. Lectio Socialis, 8(1), 35-56.

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