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Yıl 2022, , 234 - 262, 01.05.2022


Araştırmanın amacı, bir İngilizce öğretmeni tarafından çevrimiçi ortamlar aracılığıyla 9. sınıfın bir dönemlik İngilizce öğretim programına yönelik materyallerin geliştirilmesi sürecinin ve geliştirilen materyallerin öğretme–öğrenme sürecinde kullanılma durumlarının incelenmesidir. Çalışmada kuramsal temel olarak seçilen Teknoloji Entegrasyonunu Planlama Modeli aşamaları doğrultusunda veri toplama süreci gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri çevrimiçi ortam öğretimi ve çevrimiçi öğretim materyali geliştirme süreçlerinin video kayıtları, araştırmacı ve öğretmen günlükleri, öğretmen yazılı görüşme formları, yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve ses kayıtlarından oluşmaktadır. Toplanan nitel veriler içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Öğretmen araştırma sonucunda hem teknoloji yeterliği açısından hem de akademik alanda gelişim göstermiştir. Araştırma süreci boyunca teknik aksaklıklar ve bağlantı sorunları olmuş, öğretmenin bu sorunlara çözüm bulma konusunda da gelişim gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Araştırmada, mesleki gelişim etkinliklerinin bireyin istek, gereksinim, beklenti ve hazırbulunuşluğu göz önünde bulundurulduğunda daha başarılı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Mesleki gelişim etkinliklerinin öğretmen özelliklerine, olanaklarına ve gereksinimlerine göre tasarlanmalarının öğretmenin motivasyon ve verimliliğine katkısı bulunduğu da ulaşılan sonuçlardandır.


  • Akman, O . (2018). Examining the in-service needs of social studies teachers in the field of teaching technology. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 327-330. Retrieved, March 28, 2021, from
  • Altın, H. M., ve Kalelioğlu, F. (2015). FATİH projesi ile ilgili öğrenci ve öğretmen görüşleri [Perceptions of students and teachers about FATİH project]. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2(1), 89-105.
  • An, Y. J., Aworuwa, B., Ballard, G., & Williams, K. (2010). Teaching with Web 2.0 technologies: Benefits, barriers and best practices. In M. Simonson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Vol. 1. Louisville, KY. North Miami Beach, FL: Nova Southeastern University.
  • Bajrami, L., & Ismaili, M. (2016). The role of video materials in EFL classrooms. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 502-506.
  • Ban, R., & Summers, R. (2010). Using Web 2.0 tools for English as a foreign language teacher reflective practice. Mextesol Journal, 34(2), 113-122.
  • Banoğlu, K., Madenoğlu, C., Uysal, Ş., ve Dede, A. (2014). FATİH projesine yönelik öğretmen görüşlerinin incelenmesi (Eskişehir ili örneği) [An investigation of teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of the FATIH project (Eskisehir province case)]. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi [Journal of Educational Sciences Research], 4(1), 39-58.
  • Başal, A. (2016). DIJMAT Projesi. İngilize öğretmenlerinin dijital ders materyali geliştirme algıları. [Project of DIJMAT. English teachers’ perceptions on digital teaching material development]. 25th International Conference on Educational Sciences, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Brünner, I. (2013, March). Using language learning resources on You-Tube. Paper presented at The International Conference for Language Learning. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from
  • Bümen, N. T. (2009). Possible effects of professional development on Turkish teachers’ self-efficacy and classroom practice. Professional Development in Education, 35(2), 261-278.
  • Bümen, N. T., Ateş, A., Çakar, E., Ural, G., ve Acar, V. (2012). Türkiye bağlamında öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi: Sorunlar ve öneriler [Teachers' professional development in Turkish context: Issues and suggestions]. Milli Eğitim Dergisi [The Journal of National Education], 41(194), 31-50.
  • Cesur, E., ve Yelken, T. (2015). Teachers’ opinions about intel teacher programme in-service training with face to face education and distance education. The Journal of International Social Research, 8(38), 673-688.
  • Çakır, İ. (2006). The use of video as an audio-visual material in foreign language teaching classroom. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(4), 1-6.
  • Çalık, T., ve Sezgin, F. (2005). Küreselleşme, bilgi toplumu ve eğitim [Globalization, information society, and education]. Kastamonu Education Journal, 13(1), 55-66.
  • Dağ, F. (2016). Yaşam boyu öğrenme bağlamında Türkiye’de öğretmenlerin teknolojik yeterliliklerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik mesleki gelişim çalışmalarının incelenmesi [Examination of the professional development studies for the development of technological competence of teachers in Turkey in the context of lifelong learning]. International Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 90-111.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • Design Based Research Collective. (2003). Design-based research: An emerging paradigm for educational inquiry. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 5-8.
  • Djiwandono, P. I. (2019). How language teachers perceive information and communication technology. Indonesian Journal Of Applied Linguistics, 8(3), 607-615. doi: 10.17509/ijal.v8i3.15260. Retrieved May 20, 2021, from
  • Ekşi, G. (2010). An assessment of the professional development needs of English language instructors working at a state university (Unpublished Master’s thesis). Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
  • Elçiçek, Z., ve Yaşar, M . (2016). Türkiye’de ve dünyada öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi. Electronic Journal of Education Sciences , 5 (9), 12-19.
  • Elmas, R., ve Geban, Ö. (2012). 21. Yüzyıl öğretmenleri için Web 2.0 araçları [Web 2.0 Tools for 21st Century Teachers]. International Online Journal of Education Sciences, 4(1), 243-254.
  • Eren, A., Özen, R., ve Karabacak, K. (2007). Yapılandırmacı bakış açısıyla hizmet içi eğitim: İhtiyaç, kariyer, öğrenme ve motivasyon boyutları [In-service Education through constructivist viewpoint: Need, career, learning, and motivation dimensions]. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi [Bogazici University Journal of Education], 24(2), 29-48.
  • Eroğlu, M., ve Özbek, R. (2020). Etkili öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi . Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1 (37), 73-92. adresinden 20.05.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Girgin, E. G. (2011). A Web 2.0 tool for language teaching with flash content. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 627-631.
  • Göçen, A., Eral S.H., & Bücük, M.H. (2020). Teacher perceptions of a 21st century classroom. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 85-98. DOI:
  • İşman, A., Yaratan, H., ve Caner, H. (2007). How technology is integrated into science education in a developing country North Cyprus case. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 1-7.
  • Karlin, M., Özoğul, G., Miles, S., & Heide, S. (2016). The practical application of e-portfolios in K-12 classrooms: an exploration of three Web 2.0 tools by three teachers. Tech Trends, 60(4), 374-380.
  • Kaya, M. (2020). MEB Öğretmen Yetiştirme Genel Müdürlüğü’nün Hizmet İçi Eğitim Faaliyetleri: Katılımcılar, Eğitim Durumları, Eğitim Konuları. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 10 (1), 183-193. DOI: 10.24315/tred.562063 adresinden 09.03.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Keleş, E., Öksüz, B. D., ve Bahçekapılı, T. (2013). Teknolojinin eğitimde kullanılmasına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri: FATİH projesi örneği [Teachers’ opinions regarding the use of technology in education: FATİH project example]. Gaziantep University Journal of Sciences, 12(2), 353-366.
  • Kovalik, C., Kuo, C., Cummins, M., Dipzinski, E., Joseph, P., & Laskey, S. (2014). Implementing Web 2.0 tools in the classroom: four teachers’ accounts. Tech Trends, 58(5), 91-95.
  • Kurt, A. A., Kuzu, A., Dursun, Ö. Ö., Güllüpınar, F., ve Gültekin, M. (2013). FATİH projesinin pilot uygulama sürecinin değerlendirilmesi: Öğretmen görüşleri [Evaluation of the Pilot Application Process of FATIH Project: Teachers’ Views]. Journal of Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education, 1(2), 1-23.
  • Luo, T. (2013). Web 2.0 for Language learning: Benefits and challenges for educators. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 3(3), 1-17.
  • Mandinach, E., & Cline, H. (1992). The impact of technological curriculum innovation on teaching and learning activities. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the American educational research association, San Francisco, California.
  • Martin, K., Miyashiro, D., & Baird, T. (2015). Technology integration in diverse contexts: models of competency-based professional learning in three school districts. In T. Brown & H. van der Merwe (Eds.), The Mobile Learning Voyage – From Small Ripples to Massive Open Waters (pp. 15-30). Cham: Springer.
  • Mazman, G. ve Usluel, Y.K. (2011). Gender differences in using social networks. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10 (2), 133-139.
  • McLoughlin, C., & Lee, M. J. V. (2007). Social Software and participatory learning Pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the Web 2.0 era. In R. Atkinson, C. McBeath, S.-K. Alan Soong, & C. Cheers (Eds.), Proceedings ascilite Singapore (pp. 664-675). Singapore: Centre for Educational Development, Nanyang Technological University.
  • Medic, B., & Xiaohui, S. (2021). The impact of web 2.0 technologies on students' language skills. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 9699-9704. DOI:
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2009). Öğretmenlikte mesleki gelişimin kuramsal ve kavramsal yapısı [Theoretical and conceptual structure of professional development in teaching.]. In I. K. Yurdakul (Ed.), Öğretmenlikte mesleki gelişim [Professional development in teaching] (pp. 60-74). Eskisehir: Anadolu University, Faculty of Open Education Publishing.
  • Orhan Göksün, D., Filiz, O. ve Kurt, A. A. (2018). Eğitim Çantası: Web 2.0 araçlarını kategori bazlı sunan sosyal bir web sitesinin geliştirilmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 19 (2), 505-533 . DOI: 10.12984/egeefd.437670
  • Özcan, H., ve Düzgünoğlu, H. (2017). Fen Bilimleri dersi 2017 taslak öğretim programına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri [Teachers' views on science draft curriculum 2017]. International Journal of Active Learning, 2(2), 28-48.
  • Özoğlu, M. (2010). Hizmet-içi eğitimde sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri [In-service training for teachers: Problems and solution suggestions]. Paper presented at the Restructuring In-Service Training in the Ministry of National Education panel and workshop, Ankara.
  • Palaigeorgiou, G., & Grammatikopoulou, A. (2016). Benefits, barriers and prerequisites for Web 2.0 learning activities in the classroom. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 13(1), 2-18.
  • Parlar, H. (2012). Bilgi toplumu, değişim ve yeni eğitim paradigması [Information society, change and new educational paradigm]. Yalova Journal of Social Sciences, 4, 193-209.
  • Perikos, I., Grivokostopoulou, F., Kovas, K., & Hatzilygeroudis, I. (2015). Assisting tutors to utilize Web 2.0 tools in education. In C. Watson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference e-Learning (pp. 121-128). Academic Conferences.
  • Rezvani, E., & Ketabi, S. (2011). On the effectiveness of using web - and print - based materials in teaching grammar to Iranian EFL learners. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 376-381.
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  • Somyürek, S., ve Karabulut Çoşkun, B. (2013). Digital competence: Is it an innate talent of the new generation or an ability that must be developed? British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(5), 163-166.
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Yıl 2022, , 234 - 262, 01.05.2022


The purpose of this study is to analyze an English teacher’s material development process within the ninth-grade English language curriculum in Turkey using an online environment. The data collection process was applied based on the Technology Integration Planning Model, which was selected on a theoretical basis. Data of this study consists of video recordings of teaching in the online environment and the online teaching material development process, as well as a researcher’s diary and a teacher’s diary, a semi-structured interview form, and audio recordings. The collected qualitative data were analyzed using the content analysis method. At the end of the study, the teacher had shown development in both technological competence and their academic field. During the research period, there were some technical and connectivity problems experienced, and it was observed that the teacher showed development in finding solutions to resolve these issues. The research found occupational development activities to be more successful when desire, requirement, expectation and readiness of individual learners were considered. The findings of this study include designing occupational development activities for teacher properties, opportunities and requirements that contribute to teacher motivation and efficiency.


  • Akman, O . (2018). Examining the in-service needs of social studies teachers in the field of teaching technology. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 327-330. Retrieved, March 28, 2021, from
  • Altın, H. M., ve Kalelioğlu, F. (2015). FATİH projesi ile ilgili öğrenci ve öğretmen görüşleri [Perceptions of students and teachers about FATİH project]. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2(1), 89-105.
  • An, Y. J., Aworuwa, B., Ballard, G., & Williams, K. (2010). Teaching with Web 2.0 technologies: Benefits, barriers and best practices. In M. Simonson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Vol. 1. Louisville, KY. North Miami Beach, FL: Nova Southeastern University.
  • Bajrami, L., & Ismaili, M. (2016). The role of video materials in EFL classrooms. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 502-506.
  • Ban, R., & Summers, R. (2010). Using Web 2.0 tools for English as a foreign language teacher reflective practice. Mextesol Journal, 34(2), 113-122.
  • Banoğlu, K., Madenoğlu, C., Uysal, Ş., ve Dede, A. (2014). FATİH projesine yönelik öğretmen görüşlerinin incelenmesi (Eskişehir ili örneği) [An investigation of teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of the FATIH project (Eskisehir province case)]. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi [Journal of Educational Sciences Research], 4(1), 39-58.
  • Başal, A. (2016). DIJMAT Projesi. İngilize öğretmenlerinin dijital ders materyali geliştirme algıları. [Project of DIJMAT. English teachers’ perceptions on digital teaching material development]. 25th International Conference on Educational Sciences, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Brünner, I. (2013, March). Using language learning resources on You-Tube. Paper presented at The International Conference for Language Learning. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from
  • Bümen, N. T. (2009). Possible effects of professional development on Turkish teachers’ self-efficacy and classroom practice. Professional Development in Education, 35(2), 261-278.
  • Bümen, N. T., Ateş, A., Çakar, E., Ural, G., ve Acar, V. (2012). Türkiye bağlamında öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi: Sorunlar ve öneriler [Teachers' professional development in Turkish context: Issues and suggestions]. Milli Eğitim Dergisi [The Journal of National Education], 41(194), 31-50.
  • Cesur, E., ve Yelken, T. (2015). Teachers’ opinions about intel teacher programme in-service training with face to face education and distance education. The Journal of International Social Research, 8(38), 673-688.
  • Çakır, İ. (2006). The use of video as an audio-visual material in foreign language teaching classroom. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(4), 1-6.
  • Çalık, T., ve Sezgin, F. (2005). Küreselleşme, bilgi toplumu ve eğitim [Globalization, information society, and education]. Kastamonu Education Journal, 13(1), 55-66.
  • Dağ, F. (2016). Yaşam boyu öğrenme bağlamında Türkiye’de öğretmenlerin teknolojik yeterliliklerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik mesleki gelişim çalışmalarının incelenmesi [Examination of the professional development studies for the development of technological competence of teachers in Turkey in the context of lifelong learning]. International Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 90-111.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • Design Based Research Collective. (2003). Design-based research: An emerging paradigm for educational inquiry. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 5-8.
  • Djiwandono, P. I. (2019). How language teachers perceive information and communication technology. Indonesian Journal Of Applied Linguistics, 8(3), 607-615. doi: 10.17509/ijal.v8i3.15260. Retrieved May 20, 2021, from
  • Ekşi, G. (2010). An assessment of the professional development needs of English language instructors working at a state university (Unpublished Master’s thesis). Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
  • Elçiçek, Z., ve Yaşar, M . (2016). Türkiye’de ve dünyada öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi. Electronic Journal of Education Sciences , 5 (9), 12-19.
  • Elmas, R., ve Geban, Ö. (2012). 21. Yüzyıl öğretmenleri için Web 2.0 araçları [Web 2.0 Tools for 21st Century Teachers]. International Online Journal of Education Sciences, 4(1), 243-254.
  • Eren, A., Özen, R., ve Karabacak, K. (2007). Yapılandırmacı bakış açısıyla hizmet içi eğitim: İhtiyaç, kariyer, öğrenme ve motivasyon boyutları [In-service Education through constructivist viewpoint: Need, career, learning, and motivation dimensions]. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi [Bogazici University Journal of Education], 24(2), 29-48.
  • Eroğlu, M., ve Özbek, R. (2020). Etkili öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi . Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1 (37), 73-92. adresinden 20.05.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Girgin, E. G. (2011). A Web 2.0 tool for language teaching with flash content. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 627-631.
  • Göçen, A., Eral S.H., & Bücük, M.H. (2020). Teacher perceptions of a 21st century classroom. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 85-98. DOI:
  • İşman, A., Yaratan, H., ve Caner, H. (2007). How technology is integrated into science education in a developing country North Cyprus case. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 1-7.
  • Karlin, M., Özoğul, G., Miles, S., & Heide, S. (2016). The practical application of e-portfolios in K-12 classrooms: an exploration of three Web 2.0 tools by three teachers. Tech Trends, 60(4), 374-380.
  • Kaya, M. (2020). MEB Öğretmen Yetiştirme Genel Müdürlüğü’nün Hizmet İçi Eğitim Faaliyetleri: Katılımcılar, Eğitim Durumları, Eğitim Konuları. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 10 (1), 183-193. DOI: 10.24315/tred.562063 adresinden 09.03.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Keleş, E., Öksüz, B. D., ve Bahçekapılı, T. (2013). Teknolojinin eğitimde kullanılmasına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri: FATİH projesi örneği [Teachers’ opinions regarding the use of technology in education: FATİH project example]. Gaziantep University Journal of Sciences, 12(2), 353-366.
  • Kovalik, C., Kuo, C., Cummins, M., Dipzinski, E., Joseph, P., & Laskey, S. (2014). Implementing Web 2.0 tools in the classroom: four teachers’ accounts. Tech Trends, 58(5), 91-95.
  • Kurt, A. A., Kuzu, A., Dursun, Ö. Ö., Güllüpınar, F., ve Gültekin, M. (2013). FATİH projesinin pilot uygulama sürecinin değerlendirilmesi: Öğretmen görüşleri [Evaluation of the Pilot Application Process of FATIH Project: Teachers’ Views]. Journal of Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education, 1(2), 1-23.
  • Luo, T. (2013). Web 2.0 for Language learning: Benefits and challenges for educators. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 3(3), 1-17.
  • Mandinach, E., & Cline, H. (1992). The impact of technological curriculum innovation on teaching and learning activities. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the American educational research association, San Francisco, California.
  • Martin, K., Miyashiro, D., & Baird, T. (2015). Technology integration in diverse contexts: models of competency-based professional learning in three school districts. In T. Brown & H. van der Merwe (Eds.), The Mobile Learning Voyage – From Small Ripples to Massive Open Waters (pp. 15-30). Cham: Springer.
  • Mazman, G. ve Usluel, Y.K. (2011). Gender differences in using social networks. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10 (2), 133-139.
  • McLoughlin, C., & Lee, M. J. V. (2007). Social Software and participatory learning Pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the Web 2.0 era. In R. Atkinson, C. McBeath, S.-K. Alan Soong, & C. Cheers (Eds.), Proceedings ascilite Singapore (pp. 664-675). Singapore: Centre for Educational Development, Nanyang Technological University.
  • Medic, B., & Xiaohui, S. (2021). The impact of web 2.0 technologies on students' language skills. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 9699-9704. DOI:
  • Odabaşı, H. F. (2009). Öğretmenlikte mesleki gelişimin kuramsal ve kavramsal yapısı [Theoretical and conceptual structure of professional development in teaching.]. In I. K. Yurdakul (Ed.), Öğretmenlikte mesleki gelişim [Professional development in teaching] (pp. 60-74). Eskisehir: Anadolu University, Faculty of Open Education Publishing.
  • Orhan Göksün, D., Filiz, O. ve Kurt, A. A. (2018). Eğitim Çantası: Web 2.0 araçlarını kategori bazlı sunan sosyal bir web sitesinin geliştirilmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 19 (2), 505-533 . DOI: 10.12984/egeefd.437670
  • Özcan, H., ve Düzgünoğlu, H. (2017). Fen Bilimleri dersi 2017 taslak öğretim programına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri [Teachers' views on science draft curriculum 2017]. International Journal of Active Learning, 2(2), 28-48.
  • Özoğlu, M. (2010). Hizmet-içi eğitimde sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri [In-service training for teachers: Problems and solution suggestions]. Paper presented at the Restructuring In-Service Training in the Ministry of National Education panel and workshop, Ankara.
  • Palaigeorgiou, G., & Grammatikopoulou, A. (2016). Benefits, barriers and prerequisites for Web 2.0 learning activities in the classroom. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 13(1), 2-18.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Betül Uluuysal

Adile Aşkım Kurt

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Uluuysal, B., & Kurt, A. A. (2022). ANALYSIS OF A TEACHER’S ONLINE TEACHING MATERIAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES: ENGLISH LESSON EXAMPLE. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(62), 234-262.

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