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Do it yourself furniture: Part A - Designing fittings for an easy to manufacture hybrid chair

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 50 - 60, 30.06.2022


Traditional productions of goods are being changed by technological advances. Furniture production also takes its portion from this either positive or negative manner. Because either traditional wood material preparing ways or design and manufacturing of fittings are being changed by the technological software and hardware. The do-it-yourself perspective of additive manufacturing applications emerges as a reflection of these advances and changes. Different types of connectors were designed and manufactured for a specific joint of a chair by previously published studies. However, in this study, four different connector types were designed for properly assemble of a chair instead of element joint in accordance with the do-it-yourself perspective. CATIA software was used for three-dimensional modeling and assembly. Dowels were applied to each joint for strengthening chair construction. Wooden elements were designed without curves to provide easy-to-manufacture chairs for end-users who have limited knowledge about wood joinery. Views and sections were included for presenting the assembly details. Some construction add-ons such as an upholstery seat and a backrest with a proper slope were offered to improve the comfort issue that arises from the straight-line design approach.


  • Akkaş, G., Andaç Güzel, T., (2021), Strength of a chair renovated with additive production systems and reverse engineering approach. European Journal of Science and Technology, 32, 1150–1155.
  • Ansari, S., Nikpay, A., Varmazyar, S., (2018), Design and development of an ergonomic chair for students in educational settings. Health Scope, 7(4), 1-9.
  • Aydın, M., (2015), Additive Manufacturing: Is it a new era for furniture production? Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 5(6), 338–347.
  • Aydın, M., Yılmaz Aydın, T., (2017), Finite element analysis of chair frame using CATIA. In A. Aytin, S. Çiftçi, and İ. Baykal (Eds.), 4th International Furniture and Decoration Congress (pp. 22–32). Düzce: Düzce Üniversitesi.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A., Heer, B., (2018), Additive manufacturing of multi-material structures. Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, 129, 1–16.
  • Barros, M., Duarte, J. P., Chaparro, B., (2011), Thonet chair design grammar: A step towards the mass customization of furniture. Designing Together: CAADFutures 2011 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 181–200.
  • Bhooshan, V., Fuchs, M., Bhooshan, S., (2017), 3d-printing, topology optimization and statistical learning: A case study. Simulation Series, 49(11), 88–95.
  • Binti Mohd Ali, N. A., (2010), Risk of muscula-skeletal disorders and the development of ergonomic furniture for primary school children in Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  • Buna, Z., Badiu, I., Eles, A., (2015). On using parametric modeling in furniture design. Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, 58(2), 239–244.
  • Butnar, L. A., Basarman, A. P., Tranisan, D. I., Cioban, H. A., (2016), Von mises stress anallysing of the polyurethane armchair seat. Materiale Plastice, 53(4), 678–680.
  • Çevik, G., (2010), American style or Turkish chair: The triumph of bodily comfort. Journal of Design History, 23(4), 367–385.
  • Chen, B., Xia, H., Hu, W., (2022), The design and evaluation of three-dimensional corner joints used in wooden furniture frames: Experimental and numerical. BioResources, 17(2), 2143–2156.
  • Dainoff, M., Mark, L., Ye, L., Petrovic, M., (2007), Forget about aesthetics in chair design: Ergonomics should provide the basis for comfort. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4566 LNCS, 19–25.
  • Demirel,S., Bas, S., (2021), Evaluation of creep characteristics of singlestaple furniture joints made of different wood species. Drvna industrija, 72(2), 179-186.
  • Demirel,S., Kalayci, G., (2020), Measuring and estimating shear force of one stapled and one-row multi stapled wood joints. Maderas ciencia y tecnología, 22(3), 395-404.
  • Eti Proto, M., Koç Sağlam, C., (2021), Furniture design education with 3D printing technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 240, 97–105.
  • Hajash, K., Sparrman, B., Guberan, C., Laucks, J., Tibbits, S., (2017), Large-scale rapid liquid printing. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 4(3), 123–131.
  • Haraga, G., Goantǎ, A. M., (2017), FEA analysis and design optimization for a multifunctional piece of furniture. MATEC Web of Conferences, 112.
  • Home-Douglas, P., (1994), The art of woodworking: Building chairs. Richmond, Virginia: Time-Life Books.
  • Kariz, M., Kuzman, M. K., Sernek, M., (2017), Adhesive bonding of 3D-printed ABS parts and wood. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 31(15), 1683–1690.
  • Kim, G. H., Choi, K. R., Sung, Y. J., (2011), A study on versatile chair design reflecting users’ behavior. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society, 22(3), 151–159.
  • Magrisso, S., Zoran, A., (2019), Digital joinery for hybrid carpentry. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 24, 441–461.
  • Mahantesh, M. M., Rao, K. V. S. R., Mandal, J., (2021), Human digital modeling and RULA analysis for an office chair user in computer work environment - A case study in Indian context. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2316.
  • Malik, S. L., Jurgens, H. W., Helbig, K., (1984), Designing a chair: A scientific perspective. Indian Anthropologist, 14(1), 41–61.
  • Maradei García, F., Galindo Estupiñan, Z., Castellanos Olarte, J., (2017), Comfort testing in office chair design. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(1), 69–74.
  • Sarı, M.İ, Şahin, İ., (2019), Ergonomic analysis based on digital human modelling: adjustable school furniture design for secondary school students. Journal of Polytechnic, 0900(4), 1097–1110.
  • Nicolau, A., Alin Pop, M., Coşereanu, C., (2022), 3D printing application inwood furniture components assembling. Materials, 15(2907), 1–15.
  • Noshin, L., Sen Gupta, H., Kibria, M. G., (2018), Office chair design: a systematic approach of ergonomic design based on the anthropometric measurement of Bangladeshi people. International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 7(2), 224–234. Retrieved from
  • Paloma, M. F., (2018), Redesign of a classroom chair from the campus of Parma. Universita di Parma, Italy.
  • Peters, S., Drewes, D., (2019), Additive production and 3d printing. In S. Peters and D. Drewes (Eds.), Materials in Progress: Innovations for Designers and Architects (pp. 158–193). Berlin: Birkhäuser.
  • Sperling, L., Kristav, P., Olander, E., Eriksson, J., Lekeberg, H., (2006), Exploring emotions for design of your future chair. Proceedings from the 5th Conference on Design and Emotion 2006.
  • Top, N., (2019), Ergonomic analysis and redesign of operational office furniture design by RULA method. Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(3), 290–299.
  • Uludüz, Ç., Aydın, Ç., (2022), Machine as the designer of generative solutions in chair design. Journal of Computational Design, 3(1), 81–104. 10.53710/jcode.1070450
  • Uysal, M., Haviarova, E., Eckelman, C. A., (2015), A comparison of the cyclic durability, ease of disassembly, repair, and reuse of parts of wooden chair frames. Materials and Design, 87, 75–81.
  • Valiyousefi, M., Alihedarloo, A., (2019). Study the impact of 3D-printed joints on the complex wooden structures. International Congress on Science and Engineering. Tokyo: University of Tokyo.
  • Yılmaz Aydın, T., Güntekin, E., Aydın, M., (2016), Finite element (FE) analysis of chair frames constructed with Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 1919–1925. Adana: Çukurova University.
  • Yulvan, Y., Sunarmi, S., (2019), Technology of 3D Printing in the creation of design by Interior Design Students, In: SEWORD FRESSH 2019, 27 April 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • Yusuff, R. M., Ny, Y. S., Aziz, F. A., (2008), Ergonomics evaluation of school furniture design for primary school children in Malaysia. The 9th Southeast Asian Ergonomics Society Conference, (1992), 1–9.
  • Začal, J., Dostál, P., Šustr, M., Barboutis, I. A., (2016), Design and testing of low cost chair with round mortise and tenon joints. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 64(2), 567–572.

Kendin yap mobilya: Bölüm A – Kolay imal edilebilir melez sandalye için bağlantı elemanları tasarımı

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 50 - 60, 30.06.2022


Teknolojik gelişimlerle birlikte ürünlerin geleneksel imalat şekilleri değişmektedir. Mobilya imalatı da bundan olumlu ya da olumsuz anlamda payını almaktadır. Çünkü gerek geleneksel ahşap malzeme hazırlama gerekse de bağlantı elemanı tasarım ve üretimi teknolojik yazılım ve donanımlarla değişime ve gelişime uğramaktadır. Eklemeli imalat ile kendin yap anlayışı da bu gelişim ve değişimin yansımalarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Önceki çalışmalarda genellikle sandalyenin belli bir bağlantısı için farklı tip elemanlar tasarlanıp üretilmiştir. Fakat bu çalışmada, kendin yap anlayışı doğrultusunda bir sandalye montajının tam olarak yapılmasını sağlamak için dört farklı bağlantı elemanı tasarlanmıştır. Üç boyutlu modelleme ve montaj için CATIA yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Sandalye konstrüksiyonunu güçlendirmek için her bir bağlantı noktasına kavelalar uygulanmıştır. Ahşap parçalar, ahşap doğramacılığı hakkında kısıtlı bilgiye sahip olan nihai kullanıcıların bir sandalyeyi rahatlıkla imal edebilmesi için herhangi bir kavis olmadan tasarlanmıştır. Sandalye montaj detaylarını göstermek için görünüşler ve kesitlere yer verilmiştir. Uygun eğimlere sahip takılıp çıkarılabilir döşemeli oturak ve sırtlık gibi bazı konstrüksiyon eklentileri düz hatlı tasarım yaklaşımı nedeni ile ortaya çıkan konfor meselesini iyileştirmek için önerilmiştir.


  • Akkaş, G., Andaç Güzel, T., (2021), Strength of a chair renovated with additive production systems and reverse engineering approach. European Journal of Science and Technology, 32, 1150–1155.
  • Ansari, S., Nikpay, A., Varmazyar, S., (2018), Design and development of an ergonomic chair for students in educational settings. Health Scope, 7(4), 1-9.
  • Aydın, M., (2015), Additive Manufacturing: Is it a new era for furniture production? Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 5(6), 338–347.
  • Aydın, M., Yılmaz Aydın, T., (2017), Finite element analysis of chair frame using CATIA. In A. Aytin, S. Çiftçi, and İ. Baykal (Eds.), 4th International Furniture and Decoration Congress (pp. 22–32). Düzce: Düzce Üniversitesi.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A., Heer, B., (2018), Additive manufacturing of multi-material structures. Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, 129, 1–16.
  • Barros, M., Duarte, J. P., Chaparro, B., (2011), Thonet chair design grammar: A step towards the mass customization of furniture. Designing Together: CAADFutures 2011 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 181–200.
  • Bhooshan, V., Fuchs, M., Bhooshan, S., (2017), 3d-printing, topology optimization and statistical learning: A case study. Simulation Series, 49(11), 88–95.
  • Binti Mohd Ali, N. A., (2010), Risk of muscula-skeletal disorders and the development of ergonomic furniture for primary school children in Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  • Buna, Z., Badiu, I., Eles, A., (2015). On using parametric modeling in furniture design. Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, 58(2), 239–244.
  • Butnar, L. A., Basarman, A. P., Tranisan, D. I., Cioban, H. A., (2016), Von mises stress anallysing of the polyurethane armchair seat. Materiale Plastice, 53(4), 678–680.
  • Çevik, G., (2010), American style or Turkish chair: The triumph of bodily comfort. Journal of Design History, 23(4), 367–385.
  • Chen, B., Xia, H., Hu, W., (2022), The design and evaluation of three-dimensional corner joints used in wooden furniture frames: Experimental and numerical. BioResources, 17(2), 2143–2156.
  • Dainoff, M., Mark, L., Ye, L., Petrovic, M., (2007), Forget about aesthetics in chair design: Ergonomics should provide the basis for comfort. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4566 LNCS, 19–25.
  • Demirel,S., Bas, S., (2021), Evaluation of creep characteristics of singlestaple furniture joints made of different wood species. Drvna industrija, 72(2), 179-186.
  • Demirel,S., Kalayci, G., (2020), Measuring and estimating shear force of one stapled and one-row multi stapled wood joints. Maderas ciencia y tecnología, 22(3), 395-404.
  • Eti Proto, M., Koç Sağlam, C., (2021), Furniture design education with 3D printing technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 240, 97–105.
  • Hajash, K., Sparrman, B., Guberan, C., Laucks, J., Tibbits, S., (2017), Large-scale rapid liquid printing. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 4(3), 123–131.
  • Haraga, G., Goantǎ, A. M., (2017), FEA analysis and design optimization for a multifunctional piece of furniture. MATEC Web of Conferences, 112.
  • Home-Douglas, P., (1994), The art of woodworking: Building chairs. Richmond, Virginia: Time-Life Books.
  • Kariz, M., Kuzman, M. K., Sernek, M., (2017), Adhesive bonding of 3D-printed ABS parts and wood. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 31(15), 1683–1690.
  • Kim, G. H., Choi, K. R., Sung, Y. J., (2011), A study on versatile chair design reflecting users’ behavior. Journal of the Korea Furniture Society, 22(3), 151–159.
  • Magrisso, S., Zoran, A., (2019), Digital joinery for hybrid carpentry. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 24, 441–461.
  • Mahantesh, M. M., Rao, K. V. S. R., Mandal, J., (2021), Human digital modeling and RULA analysis for an office chair user in computer work environment - A case study in Indian context. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2316.
  • Malik, S. L., Jurgens, H. W., Helbig, K., (1984), Designing a chair: A scientific perspective. Indian Anthropologist, 14(1), 41–61.
  • Maradei García, F., Galindo Estupiñan, Z., Castellanos Olarte, J., (2017), Comfort testing in office chair design. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(1), 69–74.
  • Sarı, M.İ, Şahin, İ., (2019), Ergonomic analysis based on digital human modelling: adjustable school furniture design for secondary school students. Journal of Polytechnic, 0900(4), 1097–1110.
  • Nicolau, A., Alin Pop, M., Coşereanu, C., (2022), 3D printing application inwood furniture components assembling. Materials, 15(2907), 1–15.
  • Noshin, L., Sen Gupta, H., Kibria, M. G., (2018), Office chair design: a systematic approach of ergonomic design based on the anthropometric measurement of Bangladeshi people. International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 7(2), 224–234. Retrieved from
  • Paloma, M. F., (2018), Redesign of a classroom chair from the campus of Parma. Universita di Parma, Italy.
  • Peters, S., Drewes, D., (2019), Additive production and 3d printing. In S. Peters and D. Drewes (Eds.), Materials in Progress: Innovations for Designers and Architects (pp. 158–193). Berlin: Birkhäuser.
  • Sperling, L., Kristav, P., Olander, E., Eriksson, J., Lekeberg, H., (2006), Exploring emotions for design of your future chair. Proceedings from the 5th Conference on Design and Emotion 2006.
  • Top, N., (2019), Ergonomic analysis and redesign of operational office furniture design by RULA method. Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(3), 290–299.
  • Uludüz, Ç., Aydın, Ç., (2022), Machine as the designer of generative solutions in chair design. Journal of Computational Design, 3(1), 81–104. 10.53710/jcode.1070450
  • Uysal, M., Haviarova, E., Eckelman, C. A., (2015), A comparison of the cyclic durability, ease of disassembly, repair, and reuse of parts of wooden chair frames. Materials and Design, 87, 75–81.
  • Valiyousefi, M., Alihedarloo, A., (2019). Study the impact of 3D-printed joints on the complex wooden structures. International Congress on Science and Engineering. Tokyo: University of Tokyo.
  • Yılmaz Aydın, T., Güntekin, E., Aydın, M., (2016), Finite element (FE) analysis of chair frames constructed with Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 1919–1925. Adana: Çukurova University.
  • Yulvan, Y., Sunarmi, S., (2019), Technology of 3D Printing in the creation of design by Interior Design Students, In: SEWORD FRESSH 2019, 27 April 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • Yusuff, R. M., Ny, Y. S., Aziz, F. A., (2008), Ergonomics evaluation of school furniture design for primary school children in Malaysia. The 9th Southeast Asian Ergonomics Society Conference, (1992), 1–9.
  • Začal, J., Dostál, P., Šustr, M., Barboutis, I. A., (2016), Design and testing of low cost chair with round mortise and tenon joints. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 64(2), 567–572.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kereste, Hamur ve Kağıt
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuğba Yılmaz Aydın 0000-0002-6792-9602

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Haziran 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Haziran 2022
Kabul Tarihi 22 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz Aydın, T. (2022). Do it yourself furniture: Part A - Designing fittings for an easy to manufacture hybrid chair. Mobilya Ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 50-60.

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