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Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu

Yıl 2023, , 155 - 166, 30.12.2023


Tel erozyonla işlemede (WEDM) son kesim işlemi, ana kesim işleminden sonra elde edilen yüzeyden çok az miktarda talaş kaldırarak yüzey özelliklerini ve geometrik doğruluğu iyileştirmek için olası bir çözüm olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, SAE 1080 karbon çeliğinin tel erozyon tezgâhında kesilmesi sırasında oluşan ortalama yüzey pürüzlülüğü (Ra), kuadratik ortalama pürüzlülük (Rq) ve maksimum pürüzlülük (Rz) kriterlerine kesme parametrelerinin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kontrol faktörleri, tezgâh değişkenlerinden vurum süresi (Ton), tabla ilerleme hızı (TS) ve vurum bekleme süresi (Toff) olarak belirlenmiştir. Deneyler, Taguchi L9 ortogonal dizisine göre yapılmıştır. Ra, Rq ve Rz pürüzlülük kriterleri üzerinde kontrol faktörlerinin etki düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, ana kesim ve son kesim uygulamaları için “en küçük en iyi” yaklaşımı kullanılarak parametre optimizasyonu yapılmıştır. ANOVA sonuçlarına göre, değerlendirilen yüzey pürüzlülük kriterleri üzerinde en etkin kesme parametresini ana kesim ve son kesimde vurum süresi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, son kesim işleminin ana kesim işlemine göre Ra, Rq ve Rz için sırasıyla ortalama %21.5, %10.5 ve %12.5’lik bir iyileşme elde edildiği görülmüştür.


  • 1. A.S.S. Balan, A, Giridharan, A progress review in wire electrical discharge machining process, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 14(2): 4097-4124, 2017.
  • 2. K.T. Chiang, F.P. Chang, Optimization of the WEDM process of particle-reinforced material with multiple performance characteristics using grey relational analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 180: 96–101, 2006.
  • 3. K. Ukey, A.R. Sahu, S.S. Gajghate, A.K. Behera, C. Limbadri, H. Majumder, Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) review on current optimization research trends, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023. 4. R. Vijayakumar, N. Srirangarajalu, M. Santhanakumar, R. Adalarasan, Investigation in μ-WEDM of Inconel 625 superalloy using RSM-CCD technique, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 38(4): 449–460, 2023.
  • 5. A. Johny, C. Thiagarajan, Investigation of surface integrity and it’s optimization on pure titanium using molybdenum wire by reciprocated travelling WEDM A review, Materials Today: Proceedings 33: 2581–2584, 2020.
  • 6. T. Jadam, S. Datta, M. Masanta, Study of surface integrity and machining performance during main/ rough cut and trim/finish cut mode of WEDM on Ti–6Al–4V: effects of wire material, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41: 151, 2019.
  • 7. M. Rehan, S.A. Khan, R. Naveed, M. Usman, S. Anwar, A.Y. AlFaify, C.I. Pruncu, L. Lamberti, Experimental investigation of the influence of wire offset and composition on complex profile WEDM of Ti6Al4V using trim pass strategy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 127: 1209–1224, 2023.
  • 8. M. Usman, K. Ishfaq, M. Rehan, A. Raza, J. Mumtaz, An in depth evaluation of surface characteristics and key machining responses in WEDM of aerospace alloy under varying electric discharge environments, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 124: 2437–2449, 2023.
  • 9. A. Goswami, J. Kumar, Trim cut machining and surface integrity analysis of Nimonic 80A alloy using wire cut EDM, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 20: 175–186, 2017.
  • 10. K.K. Jangra, V. Kumar, V. Kumar, An experimantal and comparative study on rough and trim cutting operation in WEDM of hard to machine materials, Procedia Materials Science, 5: 1603 –1612, 2014.
  • 11. P. Sharma, D. Chakradhar, S. Narendranath, Precision manufacturing of turbine wheel slots by trim-offset approach of WEDM, Precision Engineering, 71: 293–303, 2021.
  • 12. V.K. Rohilla, R. Goyal, A. Kumar, Y.K. Singla, N. Sharma, Surface integrity analysis of surfaces of nickel-based alloys machined with distilled water and aluminium powder-mixed dielectric fluid after WEDM, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 116: 2467–2472, 2021.
  • 13. T. Bergsa, M. Olivier, A. Gommeringer, F. Kern, A. Klink, Surface integrity analysis of ceramics machined by wire EDM using different trim cut technologies, Procedia CIRP, 87: 251–256, 2020.
  • 14. V. Singh, K. Kumar, P. Katyal, Experimental ınvestigation on surface ıntegrity and wear behavior of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy under rough and trim cut modes of wire electrical discharge machining, JMEPEG, 30: 66–76, 2021.
  • 15. L. Li, Y.B. Guo, X.T. Wei, W. Li, Surface integrity characteristics in wire-EDM of inconel 718 at different discharge energy, Procedia CIRP, 6: 220-225, 2013.
  • 16. S. P. Arikatla, K. T. Mannan, A. Krishnaiah, Surface ıntegrity characteristics in wire electrical discharge machining of titanium alloy during main cut and trim cuts, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4: 1500–1509, 2017.
  • 17. J.F. Liu, L. Li, Y.B. Guo, Surface integrity evolution from main cut mode to finish trim cutmode in W-EDM of shape memory alloy, Applied Surface Science, 308: 253–260, 2014.
  • 18. L. Li, X.T. Wei, Z.Y. Li, Surface integrity evolution and machining efficiency analysis ofW-EDM of nickel-based alloy, Applied Surface Science, 313: 138–143, 2014.
  • 19. C. Cao, X. Zhang, X. Zha, C. Dong, Surface integrity of tool steels multi-cut by wire electrical discharge machining, Procedia Engineering, 81: 1945–1951, 2014.
  • 20. G. Selvakumar, K. Bravilin Jiju, S. Sarkar, S. Mitra, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 83: 791–803, 2016.
  • 21. V. Kumar, V. Kumar, K.K. Jangra, An experimental investigation and statistical modelling for trim cutting operation in WEDM of Nimonic-90, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 6: 351–364, 2015.
  • 22. V. Kumara, K.K. Jangra, V. Kumar, An experimental study on trim cutting operation using metal powder mixed dielectric in WEDM of Nimonic-90, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 7: 135–146, 2016.
  • 23. İ. Demir, T. Kıvak, Ş. Şirin, AISI 329 dubleks paslanmaz çeliğin frezelenmesinde farklı surfaktan katkılı CuO nanoakışkanların performans değerlendirmesi, Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 3(2): 9-21, 2022.
  • 24. M. Altın Karataş, Inconel 718'in tel erozyon ile işlenmesinde yüzey pürüzlülüğünün Taguchi tabanlı gri ilişkisel analiz yöntemi ile çok kriterli optimizasyonu, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(4): 516-532, 2022.

Optimization of Surface Roughness Using Multiple-Cut Method in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining

Yıl 2023, , 155 - 166, 30.12.2023


The trim cut process in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is considered as a possible solution to improve surface properties and geometric accuracy by removing a small amount of chip from the surface obtained after main cut process. In this work, the effects of cutting parameters on the mean surface roughness (Ra), quadratic mean roughness (Rq) and maximum roughness (Rz) criteria formed during the cutting of SAE 1080 carbon steel on the WEDM machine were investigated. Control factors were determined as the machine variables pulse duration (Ton), table feed speed (TS) and pulse interval (Toff). Experiments were performed based on the Taguchi L9 orthogonal sequence. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to define the impact levels of control factors on the Ra, Rq and Rz roughness criteria. Additionally, parameter optimization was performed using the “smallest is best” approach for main cutting and final cutting applications. Based on the ANOVA outcomes, it was detected that the most influence cutting parameter on the considered surface roughness criteria was the pulse duration in the main cut and trim cut. As a result of the study, it was seen that an average improvement of 21.5%, 10.5% and 12.5% was achieved for Ra, Rq and Rz, respectively, in the trim cut process compared to the main cut process.


  • 1. A.S.S. Balan, A, Giridharan, A progress review in wire electrical discharge machining process, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 14(2): 4097-4124, 2017.
  • 2. K.T. Chiang, F.P. Chang, Optimization of the WEDM process of particle-reinforced material with multiple performance characteristics using grey relational analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 180: 96–101, 2006.
  • 3. K. Ukey, A.R. Sahu, S.S. Gajghate, A.K. Behera, C. Limbadri, H. Majumder, Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) review on current optimization research trends, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023. 4. R. Vijayakumar, N. Srirangarajalu, M. Santhanakumar, R. Adalarasan, Investigation in μ-WEDM of Inconel 625 superalloy using RSM-CCD technique, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 38(4): 449–460, 2023.
  • 5. A. Johny, C. Thiagarajan, Investigation of surface integrity and it’s optimization on pure titanium using molybdenum wire by reciprocated travelling WEDM A review, Materials Today: Proceedings 33: 2581–2584, 2020.
  • 6. T. Jadam, S. Datta, M. Masanta, Study of surface integrity and machining performance during main/ rough cut and trim/finish cut mode of WEDM on Ti–6Al–4V: effects of wire material, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41: 151, 2019.
  • 7. M. Rehan, S.A. Khan, R. Naveed, M. Usman, S. Anwar, A.Y. AlFaify, C.I. Pruncu, L. Lamberti, Experimental investigation of the influence of wire offset and composition on complex profile WEDM of Ti6Al4V using trim pass strategy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 127: 1209–1224, 2023.
  • 8. M. Usman, K. Ishfaq, M. Rehan, A. Raza, J. Mumtaz, An in depth evaluation of surface characteristics and key machining responses in WEDM of aerospace alloy under varying electric discharge environments, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 124: 2437–2449, 2023.
  • 9. A. Goswami, J. Kumar, Trim cut machining and surface integrity analysis of Nimonic 80A alloy using wire cut EDM, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 20: 175–186, 2017.
  • 10. K.K. Jangra, V. Kumar, V. Kumar, An experimantal and comparative study on rough and trim cutting operation in WEDM of hard to machine materials, Procedia Materials Science, 5: 1603 –1612, 2014.
  • 11. P. Sharma, D. Chakradhar, S. Narendranath, Precision manufacturing of turbine wheel slots by trim-offset approach of WEDM, Precision Engineering, 71: 293–303, 2021.
  • 12. V.K. Rohilla, R. Goyal, A. Kumar, Y.K. Singla, N. Sharma, Surface integrity analysis of surfaces of nickel-based alloys machined with distilled water and aluminium powder-mixed dielectric fluid after WEDM, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 116: 2467–2472, 2021.
  • 13. T. Bergsa, M. Olivier, A. Gommeringer, F. Kern, A. Klink, Surface integrity analysis of ceramics machined by wire EDM using different trim cut technologies, Procedia CIRP, 87: 251–256, 2020.
  • 14. V. Singh, K. Kumar, P. Katyal, Experimental ınvestigation on surface ıntegrity and wear behavior of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy under rough and trim cut modes of wire electrical discharge machining, JMEPEG, 30: 66–76, 2021.
  • 15. L. Li, Y.B. Guo, X.T. Wei, W. Li, Surface integrity characteristics in wire-EDM of inconel 718 at different discharge energy, Procedia CIRP, 6: 220-225, 2013.
  • 16. S. P. Arikatla, K. T. Mannan, A. Krishnaiah, Surface ıntegrity characteristics in wire electrical discharge machining of titanium alloy during main cut and trim cuts, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4: 1500–1509, 2017.
  • 17. J.F. Liu, L. Li, Y.B. Guo, Surface integrity evolution from main cut mode to finish trim cutmode in W-EDM of shape memory alloy, Applied Surface Science, 308: 253–260, 2014.
  • 18. L. Li, X.T. Wei, Z.Y. Li, Surface integrity evolution and machining efficiency analysis ofW-EDM of nickel-based alloy, Applied Surface Science, 313: 138–143, 2014.
  • 19. C. Cao, X. Zhang, X. Zha, C. Dong, Surface integrity of tool steels multi-cut by wire electrical discharge machining, Procedia Engineering, 81: 1945–1951, 2014.
  • 20. G. Selvakumar, K. Bravilin Jiju, S. Sarkar, S. Mitra, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 83: 791–803, 2016.
  • 21. V. Kumar, V. Kumar, K.K. Jangra, An experimental investigation and statistical modelling for trim cutting operation in WEDM of Nimonic-90, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 6: 351–364, 2015.
  • 22. V. Kumara, K.K. Jangra, V. Kumar, An experimental study on trim cutting operation using metal powder mixed dielectric in WEDM of Nimonic-90, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 7: 135–146, 2016.
  • 23. İ. Demir, T. Kıvak, Ş. Şirin, AISI 329 dubleks paslanmaz çeliğin frezelenmesinde farklı surfaktan katkılı CuO nanoakışkanların performans değerlendirmesi, Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 3(2): 9-21, 2022.
  • 24. M. Altın Karataş, Inconel 718'in tel erozyon ile işlenmesinde yüzey pürüzlülüğünün Taguchi tabanlı gri ilişkisel analiz yöntemi ile çok kriterli optimizasyonu, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(4): 516-532, 2022.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Makine Mühendisliğinde Optimizasyon Teknikleri, İmalat Süreçleri ve Teknolojileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Salih Güvercin 0000-0002-9810-6051

Eren Kocaoglu 0009-0002-1213-8624

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 14 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Güvercin, S., & Kocaoglu, E. (2023). Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, 4(3), 155-166.
AMA Güvercin S, Kocaoglu E. Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu. MATECA. Aralık 2023;4(3):155-166. doi:10.52795/mateca.1386132
Chicago Güvercin, Salih, ve Eren Kocaoglu. “Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 4, sy. 3 (Aralık 2023): 155-66.
EndNote Güvercin S, Kocaoglu E (01 Aralık 2023) Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 4 3 155–166.
IEEE S. Güvercin ve E. Kocaoglu, “Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu”, MATECA, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 155–166, 2023, doi: 10.52795/mateca.1386132.
ISNAD Güvercin, Salih - Kocaoglu, Eren. “Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications 4/3 (Aralık 2023), 155-166.
JAMA Güvercin S, Kocaoglu E. Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu. MATECA. 2023;4:155–166.
MLA Güvercin, Salih ve Eren Kocaoglu. “Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu”. Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, c. 4, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 155-66, doi:10.52795/mateca.1386132.
Vancouver Güvercin S, Kocaoglu E. Tel Erozyonla Kesmede Çoklu Kesim Yöntemi Kullanılarak Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Optimizasyonu. MATECA. 2023;4(3):155-66.