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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 741 - 765, 29.12.2016


The integrated reporting framework associates the organization’s performance with corporate governance and sustainability and also it
determines the scope of the proposed reporting. In this sense, the value created by the organization in the future has to be reported as a result of the activities to be carried out in the frame of the identified and targeted business model. That kind of reporting necessitates considering the combination of both nonfinancial and financial information. Integrated reporting has not yet had a general accepted application area. In this study, we tried to define systematically what is stated by the principle point of view put forward in the frame of integrated reporting. Accordingly this study, especially for potential practitioners, reveals a roadmap related with the implementation of integrated reporting.


  • Adams, S., J. Fries ve R. Simnett. 2011. “The Journey Toward Integrated Reporting”, Accountants Digest, 558.
  • Blundell-Wignall, A. ve P. Atkinson. 2009. “Origins of the financial crisis and requirements for reform’ Journal of Asian Economics, Issue 20.
  • Bushman, R.M. ve A.J Smith. 2003. “Transparency, Financial Accounting Information, and Corporate Governance”, Economic Policy Review, 9(1).
  • Chesbrough, H. ve R.S. Rosenbloom. 2002. “The Role Of The Business Model in Capturing Value From Innovation: Evindence From Xerox Corporation’s Technology Spin-Off Companies”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3).
  • Clarkson, P., Y. Li ve G. Richardson. 2004. “The Market Valuation of Environmental Expenditures by Pulp and Paper Companies”, The Accounting Review, 70.
  • Cohen, J., L L. Holder-Webb, L. Nath ve D. Wood. 2012. “Corporate Reporting on Nonfinancial Leading Indicators of Economic Performance and Sustainability”, Accounting Horizons, 26.
  • Coleman, J. S. 1988. “Social Capital in The Creation Of Human Capital”, American Journal Of Sociology, 94.
  • Edvinsson, L. ve P. Sullivan. 1996. “Developing A Model For Managing İntellectual Capital”, European Management Journal, 14(4).
  • Ekins, P., S. Simon, L. Deutch, C. Folk ve R. De Groot. 2003. “A Framework for the Practical Application of the Concepts of Critical Natural Capital and Strong Sustainability”, Ecological Economics, 44(2-3).
  • Frias-Aceituno, J.V., L. Rodríguez-Ariza1 ve I.M. Sánchez. 2014. “Explanatory Factors of Integrated Sustainability and Financial Reporting”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 23.
  • Grossman, S. ve O. Hart. 1982. “Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives”, In: J.J. McCall. (Ed.), The Economics of Information and Uncertainty, University of Chicago Press, Chicago:IL.
  • Hart, O. 1993. “Theories of optimal capital Structure: A Managerial Discretion Perspective”, In: Blair, M. (Ed.), The Deal Decade: What Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts Mean for Corporate Governance, Brookings Institution, Washington: D.C.
  • Hart, O. ve J., Moore. 1995. “Debt and Seniority: An Analysis of the Role of Hard Claims in Constraining Management”, American Economic Review, 85.
  • Heckman, J. J. 2000. “Policies To Foster Human Capital”, Research in Economics, 54(1).
  • Holder-Webb, L., J. Cohen, L. Nath ve D. Wood (2008), ‘A Survey of Governance Disclosures Among U.S. Firms’, Journal of Business Ethics December, 83(3).
  • Holder-Webb, L., J. Cohen, L. Nath ve D. Wood. 2009. “The Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Among U.S Firms”, Journal of Business Ethics, 84(4).
  • IIRC (2013a). “Integrated reporting: The IIRC, International Integrated Reporting Council”. (Erişim Tarihi:15.05.2016).
  • IIRC (2013b). “Consultation Draft of the International <IR>Framework”. (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2016).
  • Jensen, M. 1986. “Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance and Takeovers”, American Economic Review, 76.
  • Jensen, M. ve W. Meckling. 1976. “Theory Of The Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs, And Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics, 3.
  • Johnson, S., P. Boone, A. Breach ve E. Friedman. 2000. “Corporate Governance In The Asian Financial Crisis”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58.
  • La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer ve R. Vishny. 2000. “Investor Protection And Corporate Governance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58(1–2).
  • Mincer, J. 1958. “Investment in Human Capital And Personal Income Distribution”, The Journal Of Political Economy, 4.
  • Nahapiet, J. ve S. Ghoshal. 1998. “Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Organizational Advantage”, Academy of Management Review, 23(2).
  • Schultz, T. W. 1961. “Investment in Human Capital”, The American Economic Review, 51(1).
  • Simnett, R., A. Vanstraelen ve W. F. Chua. 2009. “Assurance on Sustainability Reports: An International Comparison”, The Accounting Review, 84.
  • Stulz, R. 1990. “Managerial Discretion and Optimal Financing Policies”, Journal of Financial Economics, 26.
  • Teece, D.J. 1982. “Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3(1).
  • Tunç, M. 1998. “Kalkınmada İnsan Sermayesi: İç Getiri Oranı Yaklaşımı ve Türkiye Uygulaması”, D.E.Ü.İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 13(1).


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 741 - 765, 29.12.2016


Entegre raporlama çerçevesi, kuruluşun performansını kurumsal yönetim ve sürdürülebilirlik ile ilişkilendirmekte, ilkesel olarak önerilen raporlamanın kapsamını belirlemektedir. Bu bağlamda kuruluşun gelecekte yaratacağı değer, tanımlanan ve hedeflenen iş modeli çerçevesinde yürütülecek faaliyetlerin bir sonucu olarak raporlanmalıdır. Bu tür bir raporlama ise hem finansal olmayan hem de finansal bilgilerin bir arada dikkate alınmasını gerektirmektedir. Entegre raporlama henüz genel kabul edilmiş bir uygulama alanına sahip değildir. Bu çalışmada, entegre raporlama çerçevesinde ortaya konulan ilkesel bakış açısının ne ifade ettiği sistematik olarak tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dolayısıyla, akademisyenler haricinde özellikle potansiyel uygulayıcılar açısında bu çalışma, entegre raporlamanın ne şekilde yapılabileceğine ilişkin olarak bir yol haritası ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Adams, S., J. Fries ve R. Simnett. 2011. “The Journey Toward Integrated Reporting”, Accountants Digest, 558.
  • Blundell-Wignall, A. ve P. Atkinson. 2009. “Origins of the financial crisis and requirements for reform’ Journal of Asian Economics, Issue 20.
  • Bushman, R.M. ve A.J Smith. 2003. “Transparency, Financial Accounting Information, and Corporate Governance”, Economic Policy Review, 9(1).
  • Chesbrough, H. ve R.S. Rosenbloom. 2002. “The Role Of The Business Model in Capturing Value From Innovation: Evindence From Xerox Corporation’s Technology Spin-Off Companies”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3).
  • Clarkson, P., Y. Li ve G. Richardson. 2004. “The Market Valuation of Environmental Expenditures by Pulp and Paper Companies”, The Accounting Review, 70.
  • Cohen, J., L L. Holder-Webb, L. Nath ve D. Wood. 2012. “Corporate Reporting on Nonfinancial Leading Indicators of Economic Performance and Sustainability”, Accounting Horizons, 26.
  • Coleman, J. S. 1988. “Social Capital in The Creation Of Human Capital”, American Journal Of Sociology, 94.
  • Edvinsson, L. ve P. Sullivan. 1996. “Developing A Model For Managing İntellectual Capital”, European Management Journal, 14(4).
  • Ekins, P., S. Simon, L. Deutch, C. Folk ve R. De Groot. 2003. “A Framework for the Practical Application of the Concepts of Critical Natural Capital and Strong Sustainability”, Ecological Economics, 44(2-3).
  • Frias-Aceituno, J.V., L. Rodríguez-Ariza1 ve I.M. Sánchez. 2014. “Explanatory Factors of Integrated Sustainability and Financial Reporting”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 23.
  • Grossman, S. ve O. Hart. 1982. “Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives”, In: J.J. McCall. (Ed.), The Economics of Information and Uncertainty, University of Chicago Press, Chicago:IL.
  • Hart, O. 1993. “Theories of optimal capital Structure: A Managerial Discretion Perspective”, In: Blair, M. (Ed.), The Deal Decade: What Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts Mean for Corporate Governance, Brookings Institution, Washington: D.C.
  • Hart, O. ve J., Moore. 1995. “Debt and Seniority: An Analysis of the Role of Hard Claims in Constraining Management”, American Economic Review, 85.
  • Heckman, J. J. 2000. “Policies To Foster Human Capital”, Research in Economics, 54(1).
  • Holder-Webb, L., J. Cohen, L. Nath ve D. Wood (2008), ‘A Survey of Governance Disclosures Among U.S. Firms’, Journal of Business Ethics December, 83(3).
  • Holder-Webb, L., J. Cohen, L. Nath ve D. Wood. 2009. “The Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Among U.S Firms”, Journal of Business Ethics, 84(4).
  • IIRC (2013a). “Integrated reporting: The IIRC, International Integrated Reporting Council”. (Erişim Tarihi:15.05.2016).
  • IIRC (2013b). “Consultation Draft of the International <IR>Framework”. (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2016).
  • Jensen, M. 1986. “Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance and Takeovers”, American Economic Review, 76.
  • Jensen, M. ve W. Meckling. 1976. “Theory Of The Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs, And Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics, 3.
  • Johnson, S., P. Boone, A. Breach ve E. Friedman. 2000. “Corporate Governance In The Asian Financial Crisis”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58.
  • La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer ve R. Vishny. 2000. “Investor Protection And Corporate Governance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58(1–2).
  • Mincer, J. 1958. “Investment in Human Capital And Personal Income Distribution”, The Journal Of Political Economy, 4.
  • Nahapiet, J. ve S. Ghoshal. 1998. “Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Organizational Advantage”, Academy of Management Review, 23(2).
  • Schultz, T. W. 1961. “Investment in Human Capital”, The American Economic Review, 51(1).
  • Simnett, R., A. Vanstraelen ve W. F. Chua. 2009. “Assurance on Sustainability Reports: An International Comparison”, The Accounting Review, 84.
  • Stulz, R. 1990. “Managerial Discretion and Optimal Financing Policies”, Journal of Financial Economics, 26.
  • Teece, D.J. 1982. “Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3(1).
  • Tunç, M. 1998. “Kalkınmada İnsan Sermayesi: İç Getiri Oranı Yaklaşımı ve Türkiye Uygulaması”, D.E.Ü.İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 13(1).
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Soner Gökten

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4

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MBDD, araştırma makalelerine yapılan katkıların adil şekilde tanınmasını sağlamak amacıyla COPE Yazarlık Kılavuzuna uymaktadır ( Yazarlık, hem hak hem de sorumluluk taşır; bu nedenle, listelenen tüm yazarların araştırmaya önemli katkılarda bulunmuş olması gerekmektedir.

Birden fazla yazarlı çalışmalarda, Yazar Katkıları bölümü, sonuç bölümünden sonra ve kaynakçadan önce yer almalıdır. Makalenin hangi bölümlerine hangi yazarın katkı sağladığını belirtmek için yazarların isim baş harfleri ve soyadları kullanılmalıdır. Detaylı bilgiye "Makale Gönderim Kontrol Listesi" düğmesine tıklayarak ulaşılabilir. Ayrıca, yazarlar, yazarlık kriterlerini karşılamayan ancak çalışmaya katkı sağlayan kişileri teşekkür bölümünde belirtebilirler.

Yazarlar araştırmanın tasarım ve uygulanmasında üretilen Yapay Zekâ (YZ) ve YZ destekli araçların kullanımını açıklamak zorundadırlar. Bu tür kullanımlar, makalenin yöntem bölümünde belirtilmelidir. YZ kullanımının belirtilmesi, makalenin yayımlanmasını engellemez; aksine, araştırmanın şeffaf bir şekilde sunulmasını sağlar.