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Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey)

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 41 - 43, 31.12.2013


Bu çalışmada Antalya Körfezi’ndeki dokuz yabancı balık türünün (Equulites klunzingeri, Lagocephalus
sp., Pempheris vanicolensis, Pomadasys incisus, Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus, Sillago sihama, Upeneus
moluccensis ve Upeneus pori) boy-ağırlık ilişkisi hesaplanmıştır. Fanyalı uzatma ağları ile 10 metreden daha sığ
sularda gerçekleştirilen örneklemelerde toplam 293 birey yakalanmıştır. b değeri 2.627 ile 3.479 arasında


  • Bilecenoglu, M. 2010. Alien marine fish of Turkey - an updated review. In: Fish invasions of the Mediterranean-change and renewal. D. Golani & B. Appelbaum-Golani (Eds). Pensoft Publishers. Sofia-Moscow, pp 189-217.
  • Borges, T. C., Olim, S. and Erzini, K. 2003. Weightlength relationships for fish species discarded in commercial fisheries of the Algarve (southern Portugal). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 19, 394-396.
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M. 2009. Length-Weight Relationships of Fishes from Gökova Bay, Turkey (Aegean Sea). Turk J Zool 33: 69–72.
  • Cicek, E., Avsar, D., Yeldan, H., Ozutok, M. 2006. Length-weight relationshipsfor 31 teleost fishes caught by bottom trawl net in the Babadillimani Bight (northeastern Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22: 290-292
  • Erguden, D., Turan, C., Gurlek, M. 2009. Weight-length relationships for 20 Lessepsian fish species caught by bottom trawl on the coast of Iskenderum Bay (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey) Journal of Applied Ichthyology Vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 133-135
  • Garcia, C.B., Duarte, J.O., Sandoval, N., von Schiller, D., Melo, G., Navajas, P. 1998. Length–weight relationships of demersal fishes from the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia, Naga. ICLARM Quart. 21 (3), 30–32.
  • Gokce, G., Cekic, M., Filiz, H. 2010. Length-Weight Relationships of Marine Fishes of Yumurtalık Coast (İskenderun Bay), Turkey. Turk J Zool, 34,101-104.
  • Ismen, A. 2005. Age, Growwth and Reproduction of the Goldband Goatfish, Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855), in Iskenderun Bay, the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 29, 301-309
  • Morey, G., Moranta, J., Massuti, E., Grau, A., Linde, M., Riera, F. and Morales-Nin, B. 2003. Weightlength relationships of littoral to lower slope fishes from the Western Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 62: 89-96.
  • Taşkavak E. ,Bilecenoğlu M. 2001. Length-weight relationships for 18 Lessepsian (Red Sea) immigrant fish species from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey ,Journal of the Marine Biological Association of U.K. ,81 ,5 ,895-896 ,2001 .
  • Tesch, F.W. 1968. Age and Growth in Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwater (Ed. W.E. Ricker), IBP Hand-Book, No: 3, Blackwell, Oxford, p. 93-123.
  • Zenetos A, Gofas S, Verlaque M, Cinar ME, García Raso E, Azzurro E, Bilecenoglu M, Froglia C, Siokou I, Bianchi CN, Morri C, Sfriso A, San Martin G, Giandgrande A, Katagan T, Ballesteros E, Ramos-Espla A, MastrototaroF, Ocana O, Zingone A, Gambi MC, Streftaris N, 2010. Alien species in the Mediterranean by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution. Mediterranean Marine Science, 11, 381-493.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 41 - 43, 31.12.2013



  • Bilecenoglu, M. 2010. Alien marine fish of Turkey - an updated review. In: Fish invasions of the Mediterranean-change and renewal. D. Golani & B. Appelbaum-Golani (Eds). Pensoft Publishers. Sofia-Moscow, pp 189-217.
  • Borges, T. C., Olim, S. and Erzini, K. 2003. Weightlength relationships for fish species discarded in commercial fisheries of the Algarve (southern Portugal). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 19, 394-396.
  • Ceyhan, T., Akyol, O., Erdem, M. 2009. Length-Weight Relationships of Fishes from Gökova Bay, Turkey (Aegean Sea). Turk J Zool 33: 69–72.
  • Cicek, E., Avsar, D., Yeldan, H., Ozutok, M. 2006. Length-weight relationshipsfor 31 teleost fishes caught by bottom trawl net in the Babadillimani Bight (northeastern Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22: 290-292
  • Erguden, D., Turan, C., Gurlek, M. 2009. Weight-length relationships for 20 Lessepsian fish species caught by bottom trawl on the coast of Iskenderum Bay (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey) Journal of Applied Ichthyology Vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 133-135
  • Garcia, C.B., Duarte, J.O., Sandoval, N., von Schiller, D., Melo, G., Navajas, P. 1998. Length–weight relationships of demersal fishes from the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia, Naga. ICLARM Quart. 21 (3), 30–32.
  • Gokce, G., Cekic, M., Filiz, H. 2010. Length-Weight Relationships of Marine Fishes of Yumurtalık Coast (İskenderun Bay), Turkey. Turk J Zool, 34,101-104.
  • Ismen, A. 2005. Age, Growwth and Reproduction of the Goldband Goatfish, Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855), in Iskenderun Bay, the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 29, 301-309
  • Morey, G., Moranta, J., Massuti, E., Grau, A., Linde, M., Riera, F. and Morales-Nin, B. 2003. Weightlength relationships of littoral to lower slope fishes from the Western Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 62: 89-96.
  • Taşkavak E. ,Bilecenoğlu M. 2001. Length-weight relationships for 18 Lessepsian (Red Sea) immigrant fish species from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey ,Journal of the Marine Biological Association of U.K. ,81 ,5 ,895-896 ,2001 .
  • Tesch, F.W. 1968. Age and Growth in Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwater (Ed. W.E. Ricker), IBP Hand-Book, No: 3, Blackwell, Oxford, p. 93-123.
  • Zenetos A, Gofas S, Verlaque M, Cinar ME, García Raso E, Azzurro E, Bilecenoglu M, Froglia C, Siokou I, Bianchi CN, Morri C, Sfriso A, San Martin G, Giandgrande A, Katagan T, Ballesteros E, Ramos-Espla A, MastrototaroF, Ocana O, Zingone A, Gambi MC, Streftaris N, 2010. Alien species in the Mediterranean by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution. Mediterranean Marine Science, 11, 381-493.
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştırmalar

Cenkmen Ramazan Beğburs

Turhan Kebapçıoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2013
Kabul Tarihi 31 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Beğburs, C. R., & Kebapçıoğlu, T. (2013). Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 41-43.
AMA Beğburs CR, Kebapçıoğlu T. Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. Ocak 2013;1(2):41-43.
Chicago Beğburs, Cenkmen Ramazan, ve Turhan Kebapçıoğlu. “Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey)”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1, sy. 2 (Ocak 2013): 41-43.
EndNote Beğburs CR, Kebapçıoğlu T (01 Ocak 2013) Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1 2 41–43.
IEEE C. R. Beğburs ve T. Kebapçıoğlu, “Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey)”, Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 41–43, 2013.
ISNAD Beğburs, Cenkmen Ramazan - Kebapçıoğlu, Turhan. “Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey)”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1/2 (Ocak 2013), 41-43.
JAMA Beğburs CR, Kebapçıoğlu T. Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;1:41–43.
MLA Beğburs, Cenkmen Ramazan ve Turhan Kebapçıoğlu. “Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey)”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 41-43.
Vancouver Beğburs CR, Kebapçıoğlu T. Length-Weight Relationships for Alien Fish Species Caught by Demersal Trammel Nets in the Gulf of Antalya (NE Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;1(2):41-3.

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