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Kolşisin ve Tripsin Uygulamalarının Yetişkin Dişi ve Erkek Nil Tilapya Dokularından ve Larvalarından Elde Edilen Metafaz Kromozom Yayılımı Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 113 - 118, 28.12.2024


Birçok alanda olduğu gibi akuakültürde poliploidi, ginogenez ve androgenez gibi farklı biyoteknolojik yöntemlerin sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi için sitogenetik tekniklere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Düzenli dağılmış metafaz kromozom yayılımları elde etmek, sitogenetik teknikler için öncelikli bir gerekliliktir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı kolşisin ve tripsin uygulamalarının, sayılabilir metafaz kromozom yayılımlarının verimi üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla, yetişkin dişi ve erkek Nil tilapyaları solungaç, dalak, böbrek ve kuyruk yüzgeci dokularından ve ayrıca larvalarının tüm vücudundan kromozom preparatları hazırlanmıştır. Önceki çalışmalara göz önüne alındığında, bu çalışma kolşisinin ve tripsinin metafaz kromozom yayılımları üzerindeki etkilerini cinsiyet farklılıkları ve larvalar açısından gösteren ilk sistematik ve kapsamlı çalışmadır. Kromozom preparatlarında “Tripsin (-) Kolşisin (-)”, “Tripsin (-) Kolşisin (+)”, “Tripsin (+) Kolşisin (-)” ve “Tripsin (+) Kolşisin (+)” olmak üzere dört uygulama belirlenmiştir. Kromozom preparatlarının hazırlanmasında, kolşisinin ve tripsinin kullanımları açısından etkileri, metafaz hücrelerinin sayıları belirlenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, uygulamalar arasında tespit edilen metafaz hücrelerindeki farklılıkları ortaya çıkarmak için metafaz indeksi kullanılmıştır. Tüm dokularda en yüksek metafaz indeksi değerleri Tripsin (+) Kolşisin (+) uygulama grubunda bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, dalak ve böbrek dokularında bulunan metafaz indeksi değerleri, solungaç ve yüzgeç dokularında bulunanlardan daha yüksek olduğu saptamıştır. Bu çalışma ayrıca metafaz kromozom dağılımlarının kolşisin veya tripsin uygulamaları olmaksızın da elde edilebileceğini göstermiştir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma Aksaray Üniversitesi Deney Hayvanları Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi 2021/1-3 sayılı kararı ile onaylanmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Bu çalışma Aksaray Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından desteklenen 2021/021 numaralı proje kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir

Proje Numarası

Aksaray University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects (2021/021)


Aksaray Üniversitesi'nden Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öz'e örneklemelerdeki yardımları için teşekkür ederim. Ayrıca yazar, Aksaray Üniversitesi Embriyo Transferi Eğitim Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi'nde floresan mikroskobu altında kesitleri inceleme fırsatı verdiği için Prof. Dr. Tahir Karaşahin'e özellikle teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


  • Bertão, M.R., & Aguiar-Perecin, M.L.R. (2002). Maize somatic chromosome preparation: pretreatments and genotypes for obtention of high index of metaphase accumulation. Caryologia, 55(2): 115-119.
  • Blanco, D.R., L.A.C. Bertollo, R.L. Lui, M.R. Vicari, V.P. Margarido, R.F. Artoni & O. Moreira Filho. (2012). A new technique for obtaining mitotic chromosome spreads from fishes in the field. J. Fish Biol., 81:351-357.
  • Cattin, P.M. & Ferreira, J.T. (1989). A rapid, nonsacrificial chromosome preparation technique for freshwater teleosts. South African Journal of Zoology, 24:76-78.
  • Chourrout, D., & Happe, A., (1986). Improved methods of direct chromosome preparation in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Aquaculture, 52: 255-261.
  • Demirok, N.K. & Ünlü, E., (2001). Karyotypes of Cyprinid fish Capoeta trutta and Capoeta capoeta umbla (Cyprinidae) from the Tigris River. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 25: 389-393.
  • Deng, W., Tsao, S.W., Lucas, J.N., Leung, C.S., & Cheung, A.L. (2003). A new method for improving metaphase chromosome spreading. Cytometry A, 51(1):46-51.
  • Foresti, F., Oliveira, C., & Foresti de Almeida-Toledo, L. (1993). A method for chromosome preparations from large fish specimens using in vitro short-term treatment with colchicine. Experientia, 49: 810-813.
  • Harvey, S., Campos-Ramos, R., Kennedy, D.D., Ezaz, M.T., Bromage, N.R., Griffin, D.K., & Penman, D.J. (2002). Karyotype evolution in tilapia: mitotic and meiotic chromosome analysis of Oreochromis Karongae and O. Niloticus × O. Karongae Hybrids. Genetica 115:169-177.
  • Henegariu, O., Heerema, N.A., Wright, L.L., Brayward, P., Ward, D.C., & Vance G.H. (2001). Improvements in cytogenetic slide preparation: Controlled chromosome spreading, chemical aging and gradual denaturing. Cytometry, 43: 101-109.<101::AID-CYTO1024>3.0.CO;2-8
  • Howe, B., Umrigar, A., & Tsien, F. (2014). Chromosome preparation from cultured cells. J. Vis. Exp., 28(83):e50203.
  • Hussain, M.G., & McAndrew, B.J. (1994). An improved technique for chromosome karyotyping from embryonic and soft tissues of Tilapia and Salmonids. Asian Fisheries Science, 7: 187-190.
  • Moreira-Filho, O., & Bertollo, L.A.C. (1991). Extraction and use of the cephalic kidney for chromosome studies in small fi sh. Braz. J. Genet., 14:1085-1090.
  • Mukti, A.T., Carman, O., Alimuddin, & Zairin Jr, M. (2016). A rapid chromosome preparation technique without metaphase arrest for ploidy determination in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Caryologia, 69(2):175-180.
  • O'Connor, C. (2008). Karyotyping for chromosomal abnormalities. Nature Education 1(1):27.
  • Pope, L.H., Xiong, C., & Marko, J.F. (2006). Proteolysis of mitotic chromosomes induces gradual and anisotropic decondensation correlated with a reduction of elastic modulus and structural sensitivity to rarely cutting restriction enzymes. Mol. Biol. Cell., 17(1):104-113.
  • Pradeep, P.J., Srijaya, T.C., Zain, R.B.M., Papini, A., & Chatterji, A.K. (2011). A simple technique for chromosome preparation from embryonic tissues of teleosts for ploidy verification. Caryologia, 64(2): 235-241.
  • Rieder, C.L., & Palazzo, R.E. (1992). Colcemid and the mitotic cycle. J. Cell Sci., 102(3):387-392.
  • Schneider, C.A., Rasband, W.S., & Eliceiri, K.W. (2012). NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis. Nature Methods, 9(7):671-675.
  • Supiwong, W., Tanomtong, A., Supanuam, P., Seetapan, K., Khakhong, S., & Sanoamuang, L. (2013). Chromosomal Characteristic of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture. Cytologia, 78(1): 9-14.
  • Yamazaki, F., Onazato, H., & Arai, K. (1981). The chopping method for obtaining permanent chromosome preparation from embryos of teleost fishes. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 47(7): 963.

Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 113 - 118, 28.12.2024


Assessment of results of different biotechnological methods in aquaculture such as ploidy, gynogenesis, and androgenesis are needed cytogenetical techniques. Achieving well-distributed metaphase chromosome spreads is a preeminent step for cytogenetical techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of colchicine and trypsin treatments on the yield of countable metaphase chromosome spreads. With this aim, chromosome preparations from gill, spleen, kidney, and caudal fin tissues of adult females and males Nile tilapia, and also whole body of their larvae were carried out. Based on the previous studies reviewed so far, this is the first systematic and extensive study indicated that the effects of colchicine and trypsin on metaphase chromosome spreads regarding gender differences and larvae. In the chromosome preparations, it was designated four treatments as “Trypsin (-) Colchicine (-)”, “Trypsin (-) Colchicine (+)”, “Trypsin (+) Colchicine (-)”, and “Trypsin (+) Colchicine (+)”. Effects of colchicine and trypsin in terms of their usage in chromosome preparations were evaluated by determining the frequencies of metaphase cells. For this purpose, metaphase index were used to reveal differences in detected metaphase cells among the treatments. The highest metaphase index values were calculated in the Trypsin (+) Colchicine (+) treatment group of all tissues. Also, the scores of metaphase index found in spleen and kidney tissues were greater than those found in gill and fin tissues. The present study has also shown that metaphase chromosome spreads could be obtained without colchicine or trypsin treatments.

Etik Beyan

This study was conducted in Aksaray University Experimental Animal Application and Research Center (ASÜ-DEHAM) with the approval number 2021/1-3.

Destekleyen Kurum

This study was financially supported by Aksaray University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects with the project number of 2021/021.

Proje Numarası

Aksaray University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects (2021/021)


The author would like to thank Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öz from Aksaray University for his assistance with the samplings. Also, the author is especially grateful to Prof. Dr. Tahir Karaşahin for the opportunity to examine the sections under the fluorescence microscope at Aksaray University Embryo Transfer Training Application Research Center.


  • Bertão, M.R., & Aguiar-Perecin, M.L.R. (2002). Maize somatic chromosome preparation: pretreatments and genotypes for obtention of high index of metaphase accumulation. Caryologia, 55(2): 115-119.
  • Blanco, D.R., L.A.C. Bertollo, R.L. Lui, M.R. Vicari, V.P. Margarido, R.F. Artoni & O. Moreira Filho. (2012). A new technique for obtaining mitotic chromosome spreads from fishes in the field. J. Fish Biol., 81:351-357.
  • Cattin, P.M. & Ferreira, J.T. (1989). A rapid, nonsacrificial chromosome preparation technique for freshwater teleosts. South African Journal of Zoology, 24:76-78.
  • Chourrout, D., & Happe, A., (1986). Improved methods of direct chromosome preparation in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Aquaculture, 52: 255-261.
  • Demirok, N.K. & Ünlü, E., (2001). Karyotypes of Cyprinid fish Capoeta trutta and Capoeta capoeta umbla (Cyprinidae) from the Tigris River. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 25: 389-393.
  • Deng, W., Tsao, S.W., Lucas, J.N., Leung, C.S., & Cheung, A.L. (2003). A new method for improving metaphase chromosome spreading. Cytometry A, 51(1):46-51.
  • Foresti, F., Oliveira, C., & Foresti de Almeida-Toledo, L. (1993). A method for chromosome preparations from large fish specimens using in vitro short-term treatment with colchicine. Experientia, 49: 810-813.
  • Harvey, S., Campos-Ramos, R., Kennedy, D.D., Ezaz, M.T., Bromage, N.R., Griffin, D.K., & Penman, D.J. (2002). Karyotype evolution in tilapia: mitotic and meiotic chromosome analysis of Oreochromis Karongae and O. Niloticus × O. Karongae Hybrids. Genetica 115:169-177.
  • Henegariu, O., Heerema, N.A., Wright, L.L., Brayward, P., Ward, D.C., & Vance G.H. (2001). Improvements in cytogenetic slide preparation: Controlled chromosome spreading, chemical aging and gradual denaturing. Cytometry, 43: 101-109.<101::AID-CYTO1024>3.0.CO;2-8
  • Howe, B., Umrigar, A., & Tsien, F. (2014). Chromosome preparation from cultured cells. J. Vis. Exp., 28(83):e50203.
  • Hussain, M.G., & McAndrew, B.J. (1994). An improved technique for chromosome karyotyping from embryonic and soft tissues of Tilapia and Salmonids. Asian Fisheries Science, 7: 187-190.
  • Moreira-Filho, O., & Bertollo, L.A.C. (1991). Extraction and use of the cephalic kidney for chromosome studies in small fi sh. Braz. J. Genet., 14:1085-1090.
  • Mukti, A.T., Carman, O., Alimuddin, & Zairin Jr, M. (2016). A rapid chromosome preparation technique without metaphase arrest for ploidy determination in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Caryologia, 69(2):175-180.
  • O'Connor, C. (2008). Karyotyping for chromosomal abnormalities. Nature Education 1(1):27.
  • Pope, L.H., Xiong, C., & Marko, J.F. (2006). Proteolysis of mitotic chromosomes induces gradual and anisotropic decondensation correlated with a reduction of elastic modulus and structural sensitivity to rarely cutting restriction enzymes. Mol. Biol. Cell., 17(1):104-113.
  • Pradeep, P.J., Srijaya, T.C., Zain, R.B.M., Papini, A., & Chatterji, A.K. (2011). A simple technique for chromosome preparation from embryonic tissues of teleosts for ploidy verification. Caryologia, 64(2): 235-241.
  • Rieder, C.L., & Palazzo, R.E. (1992). Colcemid and the mitotic cycle. J. Cell Sci., 102(3):387-392.
  • Schneider, C.A., Rasband, W.S., & Eliceiri, K.W. (2012). NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis. Nature Methods, 9(7):671-675.
  • Supiwong, W., Tanomtong, A., Supanuam, P., Seetapan, K., Khakhong, S., & Sanoamuang, L. (2013). Chromosomal Characteristic of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mitotic and Meiotic Cell Division by T-Lymphocyte Cell Culture. Cytologia, 78(1): 9-14.
  • Yamazaki, F., Onazato, H., & Arai, K. (1981). The chopping method for obtaining permanent chromosome preparation from embryos of teleost fishes. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 47(7): 963.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sucul Kültür ve Balıkçılık (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırmalar

Burak Evren İnanan 0000-0002-2888-8457

Proje Numarası Aksaray University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects (2021/021)
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA İnanan, B. E. (2024). Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 113-118.
AMA İnanan BE. Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 2024;10(3):113-118. doi:10.58626/menba.1538957
Chicago İnanan, Burak Evren. “Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 10, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 113-18.
EndNote İnanan BE (01 Aralık 2024) Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 10 3 113–118.
IEEE B. E. İnanan, “Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia”, Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 113–118, 2024, doi: 10.58626/menba.1538957.
ISNAD İnanan, Burak Evren. “Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 10/3 (Aralık 2024), 113-118.
JAMA İnanan BE. Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;10:113–118.
MLA İnanan, Burak Evren. “Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 113-8, doi:10.58626/menba.1538957.
Vancouver İnanan BE. Effects of Colchicine and Trypsin Treatments on Metaphase Chromosome Spreading from Larvae and Different Tissues of Adult Female and Male Nile Tilapia. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;10(3):113-8.

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