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Mutasyon Islahı Yolu İle Elde Edilen Kiraz Çeşit/Genotiplerinin Çatlama Durumlarının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 34 - 45, 29.12.2021


Kiraz yetiştiriciliğinde, çeşit ve anaç seçimi, iklimsel adaptasyon, düzenli verim, hasat periyodunun genişletilmesi, pazar isteklerine uygun yeni çeşit ıslahı çalışmalarının yeterli olmaması gibi sorunların yanında meyvelerde ekonomik kayıplara neden olan yağmurdan kaynaklanan çatlamaların olması önemli sorunlardan biridir.
Hasat öncesi ve hasat döneminde yağışlar nedeniyle meyvelerin çatlaması kiraz yetiştiriciliğinde önemli bir problemdir. Çatlamış meyvelerin pazar değeri olmadığından önemli gelir kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü’nde yürütülen “Mutasyon ve Melezleme Yolu ile Kendine Verimli ve İhracata Uygun Kiraz Çeşitlerinin Elde Edilmesi” projesi kapsamında elde edilen mutant çeşit adayı kiraz genotiplerinin çatlama durumları belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ele alınan kiraz çeşit ve genotiplerinde çatlama indeksi 22.33 ile 57.40 arasında değişmiştir.


  • Anonim, 2018. Meteroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, Yalova İli Meteorolojik Verileri.
  • Andersen, P.C. and D.G. Richardson., 1982. A Rapid Method To Estimate Fruit Water Status With Special Reference to Rain Cracking of Sweet Cherries. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107:441–444.
  • Balbontin, C., Ayala H. R., Bastias M., Tapia G., Ellena M., C., Yuri J. A., Quero–Garcia J., Rios J. C., Silva H., 2013. Cracking İn Sweet Cherries: A Comprehensive Review From A Physiological, Molecular and Genomic Perspective. Chil. J. Agric. Res. 73, 66–72 (2013). Christensen, J.V., 1972. Cracking in Cherries. III. Determination of Cracking Susceptibility. Acta Agric. Scand., 22: 128–136.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1973. Cracking in cherries IV. Cracking Susceptibility in Relation to Growth Rhythm of the Fruit. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 23; 52–54.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1976. Revnedannelse i Kirsebaer. Tidsskrift fur Planteavl, 80: 289–324.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1994. Causes of The Cracking. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cracking in Cherries, Michigan, USA, 4–9 February. Dept. Hort., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, P.7.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1996. Rain–induced Cracking of Sweet Cherries: Its Causes and Prevention. P. 297–327. In Webster, A.D., and N.E. Looney (Eds.) Cherries: Crop Physiology, Production And Uses. CAB International, London, UK.
  • Christensen, J.V., 2000. Performance in Denmark of 16 European Varieties of Sweet Cherry. Journal of American Pomological Society 54:172–176.
  • Considine J.A., Kriedeman P.E., 1972. Fruit Splitting in Grapes. Determination of the Critical Turgor Pressure. Aust. J. Agric. Res.,13: 17–24.
  • Demirsoy, L., Bilgener Ş., 2000. Meyve Çatlamasına Hassasiyet Bakımından Bazı Kiraz Çeşitlerinin Kütikülar ve Epidermal Özellikleri Üzerine Kimyasal Uygulamalarının Etkileri. T. J. Agric. For., 24: 541–550.
  • Demirsoy, L., Demirsoy H., 2004. The Epidermal Characteristics of Fruit Skin of Some Sweet Cherry Cultivars in Relation to Fruit Cracking. Pak. J. Bot., 36(4): 725–731.
  • Demirtaş, İ., Sarısu H. C., Gür İ., Koçal H., Güneyli A., 2014. Determination of Cracking Resistance and Fruit Quality Parameters of Big Lory and Prime Giant Cherry Cultivars Under the Ecological Conditions of Eğirdir (Isparta). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • Engin, H., Akçal A., 2013. Kiraz Yetiştiriciliği, Lapseki Kirazı. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yayını.
  • FAO, 2021. Food and Agriculture Data.
  • Greco, P., Palasciano, M., Mariani R., Pacifico A., Godini, A., 2005. Susceptibility to Cracking of Thirty Sweet Cherry Cultivars. In V. International Cherry Symposium 795 (pp. 379–382).
  • Greco, P., Palasciano, M., Mariani, R., Pacico, A., Godini, A., 2008. Susceptibility to Cracking of Thirty Sweet Cherry Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae, 795, 379–382.
  • Koumanov, K.,2015. On the Mechanisms of the Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Fruit Cracking: Swelling or Shrinking? Scientia Horticulturae 184:169–170.DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta. 2015.01.002
  • Kertesz, Z.I., Nebel B.R., 1935. Observations on the Cracking of Cherries. Plant Physiol., 10:763–771.
  • Knoche, M., Peschel S., 2006. Water on the Surface Aggravates Microscopic Cracking of the Sweet Cherry Fruit Cuticle. J. Amer. Soc.Hort. Sci. 131:192–200.
  • Knoche M., Winkler A., 2017. Rain–Induced Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Cab International 2017. Cherries: Botany, Prodaction and Uses. Chapter 7, p: 140–165.
  • Lane W.D., Meheriuk M., McKenzie D.L., 2000. Agriculture and Agri–Food Canada, Pacific Agri–Food Research Centre, Summerland, B.C., V0H 1Z0, Canada Hortsience 35(2):239–242.
  • Measham P.F., Bound A., Gracie J., Wilson S.J., 2009. Incidence and Type of Cracking in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) are Affected by Genotype and Season. Crop & Pasture Science 60:1002–1008.
  • Measham P.F., Gracie A.J., Wilson S.J., Bound S.A., 2010. Vascular Flow of Water Induces Side Cracking in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Advances in Horticultural Science 24:243–248.
  • Measham P.F., Gracie A.J., Wilson S.J., Bound S.A., 2014. Acta Horticulturae 1020(1020):217–222 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1020.31.
  • Milatovic D., Durovic D., 2010. Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars to Rain Induced Fruit Cracking. Journal of Pomology, 44, 171‡172 (2010) 115‡121
  • Milatović D., Đurović D., Đorđević B., 2011. Rain Induced Fruıt Cracking of Sweet Cherries and Methods of Its Prevention. Radovi sa XXVI Savetovanja Unapređenje Proizvodnje Voća i Grožđa, Vol. 17. br.5. UDC:634.23+622.248.5:631.576+632
  • Moing A., Renaud C.H., Christmann H., Foulihau L.X, Tauzin Y., Zanetto A., 2004. Is There a Relation Between Changes in Osmolarity of Cherry Fruit Flesh or Skin and Fruit Cracking Susceptibility? Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 129:635–641.
  • Peschel, S., Knoche. M., 2005. Characterization of Microcracks in the Cuticle of Developing Sweet Cherry Fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.130:487–495.
  • Quero–Garcia, J., Lezzoni A. F., Lang G. A., 2017. Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses. CAB International. • ISBN: 978 1 78064 837 8.
  • Roser, I. 1996. Investigations on Cracking Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars. Acta Hort. 410:331–337.
  • Sawada, E. 1931. Studies on the Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Agric. And Hort. 6, 865–92.
  • Sekse, L. 1987. Fruit Cracking in Norwegian Grown Sweet Cherries. Acta Agr. Scand. 37:325–328.
  • Sekse, L.,1995. Cuticular Fracturing in Fruits of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Resulting from Chancing Soil Water Contents. J.Hort. Sci. 70(4):631–635.
  • Sekse, L. 1998. Fruit Cracking Mechanism in Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium L.)–A Revıew. Acta Hort., 468: 637–648.
  • Sekse l. 2005. Fruit Cracking in Sweet Cherries an Integrated Approach. Acta Hort. 667,p. 471–474.
  • Simon, G. 2006. Review on Rain Induced Fruit Cracking of Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium L.), Its Causes and the Possibilities of Prevention. International Journal of Horticultural Science 2006, 12 (3): 27–35 Agroinform Publishing House, Budapest, Printed in Hungary ISSN 1585–0404.
  • Stojanovic,M., Kulina M., Milatovic D., Alic–Dzanovic Z., 2013. Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars to Rain Induced Fruit Cracking in the Region of Sarajevo Dol: 10.7251/Agren1302179s.
  • UİB, 2021. Uludağ İhracatçılar Birliği Bülteni..
  • Winkler A., Knoche M.,2018. Predicting Osmotic Potential from Measurements of Refractive Index in Cherries, Grapes and Plums. Plos ONE 13(11):E0207626 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207626.
  • Verner, L., Blodgett E.C., 1931. Physiological studies of the Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Univ., Idaho Bull., 184: 14.
  • Vercammen, J., Vanrykel T., Daele G., 2008. Cracking of Sweet Cherries: Past Tense? Acta Horticulturae 795(795):463–468 2008 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.795.70.
  • Webster, A.D., Cline J.A.. 1994. Cherries Cracking the problem. Grower, 121(22): 14–15.
  • Winkler, A., Ossenbrink M., Knoche M., 2015. Malic Acid Promotes Cracking of Sweet Cherry Fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 140:280–287
  • Yamamoto, T., Kudo M., Watanabe S., 1990. Fruit Cracking and Characteristics af Fruit Thickening in ‘Satonishiki’ Cherry. Journal Japanese Soc. Hort. Sci., 59(2): 325–332. (Received For Publication 16 March 2004)
  • Yamamoto, T., Sugai E., Niida T., 1996. Interrelationship Between the Characteristics of Fruit Growth and Cracking Susceptibility in Apple and Sweet Cherry Cultivars. J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 64:787–799.

Determination of Cracking Conditions of Cherry Varieties/Types Obtained by Hybridization and Mutation Breeding

Yıl 2021, , 34 - 45, 29.12.2021


In Cherry growing; varieties and rootstock selection, climatic adaptation, regular yield, expansion of harvest period, lack of new breeding activities suitable for market demands, as well as problems related to economic losses in fruits caused by rain cracking is one of the important problems.

Cracking of fruits due to precipitation before and during harvest is an important problem in cherry cultivation. Since cracked fruits have no market value, it causes significant income losses. For this reason, the cracking status of the mutant cultivar candidate cherry genotypes obtained within the scope of the project "Obtaining Self-fertile Cherry Varieties Suitable for Export by Mutation and Crossbreeding" carried out at Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute was determined. The cracking index of cherry cultivars and genotypes considered in this study ranged from 22.33 to 57.40.


  • Anonim, 2018. Meteroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, Yalova İli Meteorolojik Verileri.
  • Andersen, P.C. and D.G. Richardson., 1982. A Rapid Method To Estimate Fruit Water Status With Special Reference to Rain Cracking of Sweet Cherries. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107:441–444.
  • Balbontin, C., Ayala H. R., Bastias M., Tapia G., Ellena M., C., Yuri J. A., Quero–Garcia J., Rios J. C., Silva H., 2013. Cracking İn Sweet Cherries: A Comprehensive Review From A Physiological, Molecular and Genomic Perspective. Chil. J. Agric. Res. 73, 66–72 (2013). Christensen, J.V., 1972. Cracking in Cherries. III. Determination of Cracking Susceptibility. Acta Agric. Scand., 22: 128–136.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1973. Cracking in cherries IV. Cracking Susceptibility in Relation to Growth Rhythm of the Fruit. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 23; 52–54.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1976. Revnedannelse i Kirsebaer. Tidsskrift fur Planteavl, 80: 289–324.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1994. Causes of The Cracking. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cracking in Cherries, Michigan, USA, 4–9 February. Dept. Hort., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, P.7.
  • Christensen, J.V., 1996. Rain–induced Cracking of Sweet Cherries: Its Causes and Prevention. P. 297–327. In Webster, A.D., and N.E. Looney (Eds.) Cherries: Crop Physiology, Production And Uses. CAB International, London, UK.
  • Christensen, J.V., 2000. Performance in Denmark of 16 European Varieties of Sweet Cherry. Journal of American Pomological Society 54:172–176.
  • Considine J.A., Kriedeman P.E., 1972. Fruit Splitting in Grapes. Determination of the Critical Turgor Pressure. Aust. J. Agric. Res.,13: 17–24.
  • Demirsoy, L., Bilgener Ş., 2000. Meyve Çatlamasına Hassasiyet Bakımından Bazı Kiraz Çeşitlerinin Kütikülar ve Epidermal Özellikleri Üzerine Kimyasal Uygulamalarının Etkileri. T. J. Agric. For., 24: 541–550.
  • Demirsoy, L., Demirsoy H., 2004. The Epidermal Characteristics of Fruit Skin of Some Sweet Cherry Cultivars in Relation to Fruit Cracking. Pak. J. Bot., 36(4): 725–731.
  • Demirtaş, İ., Sarısu H. C., Gür İ., Koçal H., Güneyli A., 2014. Determination of Cracking Resistance and Fruit Quality Parameters of Big Lory and Prime Giant Cherry Cultivars Under the Ecological Conditions of Eğirdir (Isparta). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • Engin, H., Akçal A., 2013. Kiraz Yetiştiriciliği, Lapseki Kirazı. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yayını.
  • FAO, 2021. Food and Agriculture Data.
  • Greco, P., Palasciano, M., Mariani R., Pacifico A., Godini, A., 2005. Susceptibility to Cracking of Thirty Sweet Cherry Cultivars. In V. International Cherry Symposium 795 (pp. 379–382).
  • Greco, P., Palasciano, M., Mariani, R., Pacico, A., Godini, A., 2008. Susceptibility to Cracking of Thirty Sweet Cherry Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae, 795, 379–382.
  • Koumanov, K.,2015. On the Mechanisms of the Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Fruit Cracking: Swelling or Shrinking? Scientia Horticulturae 184:169–170.DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta. 2015.01.002
  • Kertesz, Z.I., Nebel B.R., 1935. Observations on the Cracking of Cherries. Plant Physiol., 10:763–771.
  • Knoche, M., Peschel S., 2006. Water on the Surface Aggravates Microscopic Cracking of the Sweet Cherry Fruit Cuticle. J. Amer. Soc.Hort. Sci. 131:192–200.
  • Knoche M., Winkler A., 2017. Rain–Induced Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Cab International 2017. Cherries: Botany, Prodaction and Uses. Chapter 7, p: 140–165.
  • Lane W.D., Meheriuk M., McKenzie D.L., 2000. Agriculture and Agri–Food Canada, Pacific Agri–Food Research Centre, Summerland, B.C., V0H 1Z0, Canada Hortsience 35(2):239–242.
  • Measham P.F., Bound A., Gracie J., Wilson S.J., 2009. Incidence and Type of Cracking in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) are Affected by Genotype and Season. Crop & Pasture Science 60:1002–1008.
  • Measham P.F., Gracie A.J., Wilson S.J., Bound S.A., 2010. Vascular Flow of Water Induces Side Cracking in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Advances in Horticultural Science 24:243–248.
  • Measham P.F., Gracie A.J., Wilson S.J., Bound S.A., 2014. Acta Horticulturae 1020(1020):217–222 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1020.31.
  • Milatovic D., Durovic D., 2010. Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars to Rain Induced Fruit Cracking. Journal of Pomology, 44, 171‡172 (2010) 115‡121
  • Milatović D., Đurović D., Đorđević B., 2011. Rain Induced Fruıt Cracking of Sweet Cherries and Methods of Its Prevention. Radovi sa XXVI Savetovanja Unapređenje Proizvodnje Voća i Grožđa, Vol. 17. br.5. UDC:634.23+622.248.5:631.576+632
  • Moing A., Renaud C.H., Christmann H., Foulihau L.X, Tauzin Y., Zanetto A., 2004. Is There a Relation Between Changes in Osmolarity of Cherry Fruit Flesh or Skin and Fruit Cracking Susceptibility? Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 129:635–641.
  • Peschel, S., Knoche. M., 2005. Characterization of Microcracks in the Cuticle of Developing Sweet Cherry Fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.130:487–495.
  • Quero–Garcia, J., Lezzoni A. F., Lang G. A., 2017. Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses. CAB International. • ISBN: 978 1 78064 837 8.
  • Roser, I. 1996. Investigations on Cracking Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars. Acta Hort. 410:331–337.
  • Sawada, E. 1931. Studies on the Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Agric. And Hort. 6, 865–92.
  • Sekse, L. 1987. Fruit Cracking in Norwegian Grown Sweet Cherries. Acta Agr. Scand. 37:325–328.
  • Sekse, L.,1995. Cuticular Fracturing in Fruits of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Resulting from Chancing Soil Water Contents. J.Hort. Sci. 70(4):631–635.
  • Sekse, L. 1998. Fruit Cracking Mechanism in Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium L.)–A Revıew. Acta Hort., 468: 637–648.
  • Sekse l. 2005. Fruit Cracking in Sweet Cherries an Integrated Approach. Acta Hort. 667,p. 471–474.
  • Simon, G. 2006. Review on Rain Induced Fruit Cracking of Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium L.), Its Causes and the Possibilities of Prevention. International Journal of Horticultural Science 2006, 12 (3): 27–35 Agroinform Publishing House, Budapest, Printed in Hungary ISSN 1585–0404.
  • Stojanovic,M., Kulina M., Milatovic D., Alic–Dzanovic Z., 2013. Susceptibility of Sweet Cherry Cultivars to Rain Induced Fruit Cracking in the Region of Sarajevo Dol: 10.7251/Agren1302179s.
  • UİB, 2021. Uludağ İhracatçılar Birliği Bülteni..
  • Winkler A., Knoche M.,2018. Predicting Osmotic Potential from Measurements of Refractive Index in Cherries, Grapes and Plums. Plos ONE 13(11):E0207626 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207626.
  • Verner, L., Blodgett E.C., 1931. Physiological studies of the Cracking of Sweet Cherries. Univ., Idaho Bull., 184: 14.
  • Vercammen, J., Vanrykel T., Daele G., 2008. Cracking of Sweet Cherries: Past Tense? Acta Horticulturae 795(795):463–468 2008 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.795.70.
  • Webster, A.D., Cline J.A.. 1994. Cherries Cracking the problem. Grower, 121(22): 14–15.
  • Winkler, A., Ossenbrink M., Knoche M., 2015. Malic Acid Promotes Cracking of Sweet Cherry Fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 140:280–287
  • Yamamoto, T., Kudo M., Watanabe S., 1990. Fruit Cracking and Characteristics af Fruit Thickening in ‘Satonishiki’ Cherry. Journal Japanese Soc. Hort. Sci., 59(2): 325–332. (Received For Publication 16 March 2004)
  • Yamamoto, T., Sugai E., Niida T., 1996. Interrelationship Between the Characteristics of Fruit Growth and Cracking Susceptibility in Apple and Sweet Cherry Cultivars. J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 64:787–799.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
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