Effect of Paclobutrazol on Yield and Fruit Quality in Fuji Apple cv.
Yıl 2021,
, 46 - 52, 29.12.2021
Melih Aydınlı
Emel Kaçal
İbrahim Gür
Hakkı Koçal
Bilal Yalçın
Gökhan Öztürk
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Paclobutrazol (PBZ) on the yield and fruit quality on the Fuji/MM106 apple. Four different treatments were performed in the study: 10, 20, 40 ppm and control. PBZ treatments were carried out twice, after petal fall and 25 days after the first treatment. The yield was lowest in the 20 ppm PBZ treatment, but the differences between treatments were insignificant. Fruit weight, fruit diameter, and fruit length were significantly decreased at 40 ppm PBZ. PBZ doses were increased fruit flesh firmness (N), titratable acidity (%) and soluble solids content (%) compared to control. The highest value for flesh firmness and titratable acidity were obtained at 20 ppm treatment, and the amount of total soluable solids at 40 ppm treatment. While the effect of PBZ treatments on the L* value was found to be insignificant, the treatments increased the a* value and decreased the b* value compared to the control.
As a result, it can be said that fruit quality criteria increased with PBZ treatments in Fuji apple cultivar. In order to reach a definite conclusion, the treatments should be repeated for years and should be done to determine the most appropriate spray time.
MAREM, Gudea Crop Science Kimya Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti
- Arakawa O, 1991. Effect of Temperature on Anthocyanin Synthesis in Apple Fruit as Affected by Cultivar, Stage of Fruit Ripening and Bagging. Journal of Horticultural Science 66: 763-768.
- Ban Y, Kondo S, Ubi BE, Honda C, Bessho H, Moriguchi T, 2009. UDP-sugar biosynthetic pathway: contribution to cyanidin 3-galactoside biosynthesis in apple skin. Planta 230(5): 871-881.
- Barrett JE, 2001. Mechanisms of action. In: Tips on regulating growth of floriculture crops. Ball Publishing, 32-47, Batavia.
- Bonany J, Brugger C, Buehler A, Carbó J, Codarin S, Donati F, Schoorl F, 2014. Preference Mapping of Apple Varieties in Europe. Food Quality and Preference 32: 317-329.
- Bound SA, 2005. The impact of selected orchard management practices on apple (Malus domestica L.) fruit quality. University of Tasmania, PhD Thesis, 190, Hobart.
- Burondkar MM, Rajan S, Upreti KK, Reddy YTN, Singh VK, Sabale SN, Naik MM, Ngade PM, Saxena P, 2013. Advancing Alphonso mango harvest season in lateritic rockysoils of Konkan region through manipulation in time of paclobutrazol application. Journal of Applied Horticulture 15: 178-182.
- Christov C, Tsvetkov I, Kovachev V, 1995. Use of paclobutrazol to control vegetative growth and improve fruiting efficiency of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Bulgarian Journal of Plant Pysiology 21: 64-71.
- Corollaro ML, 2014. Sensory and Instrumental Profiling of Apples: A New Tool For Quality Assessment. PhD Dissertation, Università di Bologna, 174p, Bologna, Italy.
- Davis TD, Curry EA, 1991. Chemical regulation of vegetative growth. Criticial Reviews in Plant Sciences 10: 151-88.
- Desta B, Amare G, 2021. Paclobutrazol as a plant growth regulator. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 8(1): 1-15.
- Elfying DC, Lougheed EC, Chu CL, Cline RA, 1990. Effects of diaminozide, paclobutrazol and uniconazole treatment on “McInthosh” apples at harvest and following storage. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 115: 750-756.
- EL-Khoreiby AM, Unrath CR, Lehman LJ, 1990. Paclobutrazol spray timing influences apple tree growth. HortScience 25(3): 310-312.
- Fletcher R, Gilley A, Sankhla N, Davis T, 2000. Triazoles as plant growth regulators and stress protectants. Horticultural Reviews 24: 55-137.
- Giovinazzo R, Souza-Machado V, Hartz TK, 2001. Paclobutrazol responses with processing tomato in France. Acta Horticulturae 542: 355-358.
- Greene DW, 1986. Effect of paclobutrazol and analogs on growth, yield, fruit quality, and storage potential of ‘Delicious’ apples. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 111(31): 328-332.
- Greene DW, 1991. Reduced Rates and Multiple Sprays of Paclobutrazol Control Growth and Improve Fruit Quality of “Delicious” Apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 116(5): 807-812.
- Hampson CR, Quamme HA, MacDonald RA, Lane WD, Lapins KO, 2000. Silken, Creston and Chinook: Three New Apples from Canada. Acta Horticulturae 538: 711-714.
- Jain SK, Sing R, Misra KK, 2002. Effect of paclobutrazol on growth, yield and fruit quality of lemon (Citrus limon). The Indian Journal Agricultural Science 72: 488-490.
- Johnson DS, Legge AP, 1985. Effects of preharvest agronomic factors on the storage quality of fruit. Report of East Malling Research Station 108-109.
- Jones KM, Bound SA, Miller P, 1998. Crop regulation of pome fruit in Australia.
- Kaçal E, 2011. Bitki Gelişimini Düzenleyiciler. İçinde: Elma Kültürü. Adım Ofset, 393-410, Konya.
- Kaçal E, Öztürk G, Gür İ, Aydınlı M, Koçal H, Altındal M, Yıldırım AN, 2019. Crop Load Management with Blossom Thinners in ’Redchief’ Apple and Their Effects on Fruit Mineral Composition. Erwerbs-Obstbau 61: 231-236.
- Kaçal E, Seymen T, Öztürk G, 2017. Elmada Çeşit Eğilimleri. Tarım Türk, Ocak-Şubat Sayı: 63, sayfa 50-52.
- Kaşka N, Kargı SP, 2007. Meyve Ağaçları Fizyolojisi: Büyüme ve Gelişme. Nobel Kitabevleri, 243, Antalya.
- Khurshid T, McNeil DL, Trought MCT, Hill GD, 1997a. The response of young ‘Braeburn’and ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ apple trees growing under an ultra-high density planting system to soil-applied paclobutrazol: II. Effect on fruit quality at harvest and during storeage. Scientia horticulturae 71: 189-196.
- Khurshid T, McNeil DL, Trought MCT, Hill GD, 1997b. The response of young ‘Braeburn’and ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ apple trees growing under an ultra-high density planting system to soil-applied paclobutrazol: I. Effect on reproductive and vegetative growth. Scientia horticulturae 72(1): 11-24.
- Kim J, Wilson RL, Case JB, Binder BM, 2012. A comparative study of ethylene growth response kinetics in eudicots and monocots reveals a role for gibberellin in growth inhibition and recovery. Plant Physiology 160: 1567-1580.
- Li XJ, Hou JH, Zhang GL, Liu RS, Yang YG, Hu YX, Lin JX, 2004. Comparison of anthocyanin accumulation and morpho-anatomical features in apple skin during color formation at two habitats. Scientia Horticulturae 99(1): 41-53.
- Marini RP, 1986. Growth and cropping of ‘Red haven’ peach trees following foliar applications of flurprimidol and paclobutrazol. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 111: 849-853.
- Martin D, Lewis TL, Cerny J, 1964. Apple fruit cell numbers in relation to cropping alternation and certain treatments. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 15: 905-919.
- Martin GC, Yoshikawa F, James HL, 1987. Effect of soil application of paclobutrazol on growth, pruning time, flowering, yield and quality of “Flavorerest” peach. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 112(6): 915-921.
- Naira A, Moieza A, Bhat MY, Sharma MK, 2017. Paclobutrazol and summer pruning influences fruit quality of red delicious apple. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 10(3): 349-356.
- Ross JJ, O'neill DP, Wolbang CM, Symons GM, Reid JB, 2002. Auxin-gibberellin interactions and their role in plant growth. Journal of plant growth regulation, 20(4): 336-353.
- Samaan M, Nasser MA, 2020. Effect of Spraying Paclobutrazol (PP333) on Yield and Fruit Quality of Crimson Seedless Grape. Journal of Plant Production 11: 1031-1034.
- Sha J, Ge S, Zhu Z, Du X, Zhang X, Xu X, Wang F, Chen Q, Tian G, Jiang Y, 2021. Paclobutrazol regulates hormone and carbon-nitrogen nutrition of autumn branches, improves fruit quality and enhances storage nutrition in ‘Fuji’apple. Scientia Horticulturae 282: 110022.
- Singh Z, 2000. Effect of (2RS, 3RS) paclobutrazol on tree vigour, flowering, fruit set and yield in mango. Acta Horticulturae 525: 459-462.
- Sponsel VM, 1995. The biosynthesis and metabolism of gibberellins in higher plants. In: Davis PJ, editor. Plant hormones: physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. 2nd ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub.
- Steffens GL, Wang SY, Faust M, Byun JK,1985. Growth, carbohydrate, and mineral element status of shoot and spur leaves and fruit of 'Spartan' apple trees treated with paclobutrazol. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 110: 850-855.
- Struve DK, Miller DD, Ferree DC, 1989. Chemical growth retardants increase seed yield in apple trees. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 7(21): 75-79.
- TUİK, 2021. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim tarihi: 19.12.2021. (https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=92&locale=tr)
- WAPA, 2021. The World Apple and Pear Association. Erişim tarihi: 19.12.2021. (http://www.wapa-association.org/asp/page_1.asp?doc_id=447)
- Webster AD, Quinlan JD, Richardson PJ, 1986. The influence of paclobutrazol on growth and cropping of sweet cherry cultivar. The effect of annual soil treatments on the growth and cropping of cultivar ‘early rivers’. Journal of Horticultural Science 61: 471-478.
- Westwood MN, 1995. Temperate-zone pomology, physiology and culture, Third Edition. Timber Press, ISBN-0-8819-2253-6, 523p. Portland, Oregon.
- Yeshitela T, Robbertse PJ, Stassen PJC, 2004. Paclobutrazol suppressed vegetative growth and improved yield as well as fruit quality of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango (Mangifera indica) in Ethiopia. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 32(3): 281-293.
- Zhang S, Zhang D, Fan S, Du L, Shen Y, Xing L, Li Y, Ma J, Han M, 2016. Effect of exogenous GA3 and its inhibitor paclobutrazol on floral formation, endogenous hormones, and flowering-associated genes in ‘Fuji’apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 107: 178-186.
Paclobutrazol’un Fuji Elma Çeşidinde Verim ve Meyve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi
Yıl 2021,
, 46 - 52, 29.12.2021
Melih Aydınlı
Emel Kaçal
İbrahim Gür
Hakkı Koçal
Bilal Yalçın
Gökhan Öztürk
Bu çalışmanın amacını, Paclobutrazol (PBZ)’un Fuji elma çeşidinde verim ve meyve kalitesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada 10, 20 ve 40 ppm PBZ ile kontrol olmak üzere 4 uygulama yer almıştır. PBZ uygulamaları, taç yapraklar döküldükten hemen sonra ve 1. uygulamadan 25 gün sonra olmak üzere iki kez yapılmıştır. PBZ uygulamaları verimi etkilememekle birlikte en düşük verim 20 ppm PBZ uygulamasında elde edilmiştir. Meyve ağırlığı ve meyve eni 40 ppm PBZ dozunda, meyve boyu ise 20 ppm ve 40 ppm uygulamalarında önemli derecede azalış göstermiştir. PBZ dozları, meyve eti sertliği (N), titre edilebilir asitlik (%) ve suda çözünebilir kuru madde (%) oranını kontrole göre arttırmıştır. Meyve eti sertliği ve titre edilebilir asitlik oranı için en yüksek değerler 20 ppm uygulamasında, SÇKM miktarı ise 40 ppm uygulamasında elde edilmiştir. PBZ uygulamalarının L* değeri üzerine etkisi önemsiz bulunurken, uygulamalar a* değerini arttırmış, b* değerini ise kontrol uygulamasına göre azaltmıştır.
Sonuç olarak Fuji elma çeşidinde PBZ uygulamaları ile meyve kalite kriterlerinin arttığı söylenebilir. Kesin kanıya varmak adına uygulamaların yıl tekrarlamalı ve en uygun uygulama zamanını belirlemeye yönelik olarak yapılması gerekmektedir.
- Arakawa O, 1991. Effect of Temperature on Anthocyanin Synthesis in Apple Fruit as Affected by Cultivar, Stage of Fruit Ripening and Bagging. Journal of Horticultural Science 66: 763-768.
- Ban Y, Kondo S, Ubi BE, Honda C, Bessho H, Moriguchi T, 2009. UDP-sugar biosynthetic pathway: contribution to cyanidin 3-galactoside biosynthesis in apple skin. Planta 230(5): 871-881.
- Barrett JE, 2001. Mechanisms of action. In: Tips on regulating growth of floriculture crops. Ball Publishing, 32-47, Batavia.
- Bonany J, Brugger C, Buehler A, Carbó J, Codarin S, Donati F, Schoorl F, 2014. Preference Mapping of Apple Varieties in Europe. Food Quality and Preference 32: 317-329.
- Bound SA, 2005. The impact of selected orchard management practices on apple (Malus domestica L.) fruit quality. University of Tasmania, PhD Thesis, 190, Hobart.
- Burondkar MM, Rajan S, Upreti KK, Reddy YTN, Singh VK, Sabale SN, Naik MM, Ngade PM, Saxena P, 2013. Advancing Alphonso mango harvest season in lateritic rockysoils of Konkan region through manipulation in time of paclobutrazol application. Journal of Applied Horticulture 15: 178-182.
- Christov C, Tsvetkov I, Kovachev V, 1995. Use of paclobutrazol to control vegetative growth and improve fruiting efficiency of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Bulgarian Journal of Plant Pysiology 21: 64-71.
- Corollaro ML, 2014. Sensory and Instrumental Profiling of Apples: A New Tool For Quality Assessment. PhD Dissertation, Università di Bologna, 174p, Bologna, Italy.
- Davis TD, Curry EA, 1991. Chemical regulation of vegetative growth. Criticial Reviews in Plant Sciences 10: 151-88.
- Desta B, Amare G, 2021. Paclobutrazol as a plant growth regulator. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 8(1): 1-15.
- Elfying DC, Lougheed EC, Chu CL, Cline RA, 1990. Effects of diaminozide, paclobutrazol and uniconazole treatment on “McInthosh” apples at harvest and following storage. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 115: 750-756.
- EL-Khoreiby AM, Unrath CR, Lehman LJ, 1990. Paclobutrazol spray timing influences apple tree growth. HortScience 25(3): 310-312.
- Fletcher R, Gilley A, Sankhla N, Davis T, 2000. Triazoles as plant growth regulators and stress protectants. Horticultural Reviews 24: 55-137.
- Giovinazzo R, Souza-Machado V, Hartz TK, 2001. Paclobutrazol responses with processing tomato in France. Acta Horticulturae 542: 355-358.
- Greene DW, 1986. Effect of paclobutrazol and analogs on growth, yield, fruit quality, and storage potential of ‘Delicious’ apples. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 111(31): 328-332.
- Greene DW, 1991. Reduced Rates and Multiple Sprays of Paclobutrazol Control Growth and Improve Fruit Quality of “Delicious” Apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 116(5): 807-812.
- Hampson CR, Quamme HA, MacDonald RA, Lane WD, Lapins KO, 2000. Silken, Creston and Chinook: Three New Apples from Canada. Acta Horticulturae 538: 711-714.
- Jain SK, Sing R, Misra KK, 2002. Effect of paclobutrazol on growth, yield and fruit quality of lemon (Citrus limon). The Indian Journal Agricultural Science 72: 488-490.
- Johnson DS, Legge AP, 1985. Effects of preharvest agronomic factors on the storage quality of fruit. Report of East Malling Research Station 108-109.
- Jones KM, Bound SA, Miller P, 1998. Crop regulation of pome fruit in Australia.
- Kaçal E, 2011. Bitki Gelişimini Düzenleyiciler. İçinde: Elma Kültürü. Adım Ofset, 393-410, Konya.
- Kaçal E, Öztürk G, Gür İ, Aydınlı M, Koçal H, Altındal M, Yıldırım AN, 2019. Crop Load Management with Blossom Thinners in ’Redchief’ Apple and Their Effects on Fruit Mineral Composition. Erwerbs-Obstbau 61: 231-236.
- Kaçal E, Seymen T, Öztürk G, 2017. Elmada Çeşit Eğilimleri. Tarım Türk, Ocak-Şubat Sayı: 63, sayfa 50-52.
- Kaşka N, Kargı SP, 2007. Meyve Ağaçları Fizyolojisi: Büyüme ve Gelişme. Nobel Kitabevleri, 243, Antalya.
- Khurshid T, McNeil DL, Trought MCT, Hill GD, 1997a. The response of young ‘Braeburn’and ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ apple trees growing under an ultra-high density planting system to soil-applied paclobutrazol: II. Effect on fruit quality at harvest and during storeage. Scientia horticulturae 71: 189-196.
- Khurshid T, McNeil DL, Trought MCT, Hill GD, 1997b. The response of young ‘Braeburn’and ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ apple trees growing under an ultra-high density planting system to soil-applied paclobutrazol: I. Effect on reproductive and vegetative growth. Scientia horticulturae 72(1): 11-24.
- Kim J, Wilson RL, Case JB, Binder BM, 2012. A comparative study of ethylene growth response kinetics in eudicots and monocots reveals a role for gibberellin in growth inhibition and recovery. Plant Physiology 160: 1567-1580.
- Li XJ, Hou JH, Zhang GL, Liu RS, Yang YG, Hu YX, Lin JX, 2004. Comparison of anthocyanin accumulation and morpho-anatomical features in apple skin during color formation at two habitats. Scientia Horticulturae 99(1): 41-53.
- Marini RP, 1986. Growth and cropping of ‘Red haven’ peach trees following foliar applications of flurprimidol and paclobutrazol. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 111: 849-853.
- Martin D, Lewis TL, Cerny J, 1964. Apple fruit cell numbers in relation to cropping alternation and certain treatments. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 15: 905-919.
- Martin GC, Yoshikawa F, James HL, 1987. Effect of soil application of paclobutrazol on growth, pruning time, flowering, yield and quality of “Flavorerest” peach. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 112(6): 915-921.
- Naira A, Moieza A, Bhat MY, Sharma MK, 2017. Paclobutrazol and summer pruning influences fruit quality of red delicious apple. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 10(3): 349-356.
- Ross JJ, O'neill DP, Wolbang CM, Symons GM, Reid JB, 2002. Auxin-gibberellin interactions and their role in plant growth. Journal of plant growth regulation, 20(4): 336-353.
- Samaan M, Nasser MA, 2020. Effect of Spraying Paclobutrazol (PP333) on Yield and Fruit Quality of Crimson Seedless Grape. Journal of Plant Production 11: 1031-1034.
- Sha J, Ge S, Zhu Z, Du X, Zhang X, Xu X, Wang F, Chen Q, Tian G, Jiang Y, 2021. Paclobutrazol regulates hormone and carbon-nitrogen nutrition of autumn branches, improves fruit quality and enhances storage nutrition in ‘Fuji’apple. Scientia Horticulturae 282: 110022.
- Singh Z, 2000. Effect of (2RS, 3RS) paclobutrazol on tree vigour, flowering, fruit set and yield in mango. Acta Horticulturae 525: 459-462.
- Sponsel VM, 1995. The biosynthesis and metabolism of gibberellins in higher plants. In: Davis PJ, editor. Plant hormones: physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. 2nd ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub.
- Steffens GL, Wang SY, Faust M, Byun JK,1985. Growth, carbohydrate, and mineral element status of shoot and spur leaves and fruit of 'Spartan' apple trees treated with paclobutrazol. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 110: 850-855.
- Struve DK, Miller DD, Ferree DC, 1989. Chemical growth retardants increase seed yield in apple trees. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 7(21): 75-79.
- TUİK, 2021. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim tarihi: 19.12.2021. (https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=92&locale=tr)
- WAPA, 2021. The World Apple and Pear Association. Erişim tarihi: 19.12.2021. (http://www.wapa-association.org/asp/page_1.asp?doc_id=447)
- Webster AD, Quinlan JD, Richardson PJ, 1986. The influence of paclobutrazol on growth and cropping of sweet cherry cultivar. The effect of annual soil treatments on the growth and cropping of cultivar ‘early rivers’. Journal of Horticultural Science 61: 471-478.
- Westwood MN, 1995. Temperate-zone pomology, physiology and culture, Third Edition. Timber Press, ISBN-0-8819-2253-6, 523p. Portland, Oregon.
- Yeshitela T, Robbertse PJ, Stassen PJC, 2004. Paclobutrazol suppressed vegetative growth and improved yield as well as fruit quality of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango (Mangifera indica) in Ethiopia. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 32(3): 281-293.
- Zhang S, Zhang D, Fan S, Du L, Shen Y, Xing L, Li Y, Ma J, Han M, 2016. Effect of exogenous GA3 and its inhibitor paclobutrazol on floral formation, endogenous hormones, and flowering-associated genes in ‘Fuji’apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 107: 178-186.