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Bireysel Hızlı Dondurma (IQF) İşleminin Kırmızı Eriklerde Fiziksel Kalite Parametrelerine Etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 23 - 28, 31.12.2022


Gıda endüstrisinde çeşitli işleme ve muhafaza yöntemleri geliştirilmeye devam etse de meyve-sebze alanında özellikle hasat sonrası sezonda yüksek oranlarda kayıplar söz konusudur. Meyve-sebze grubu ürünlerin hızlı bozulmasında en büyük etken bünyelerindeki yüksek (%85-95) su miktarıdır. Suyun modifikasyonunu içeren dondurma teknolojisi, gıdaların kalite, raf ömrü ve dokusal özellikleri üzerinde etkili rol oynar. Bu çalışma kapsamında bireysel hızlı dondurma (IQF) teknolojisinin kırmızı eriklerin fiziksel özelliklerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Örnekler, tüketilebilirliğin önemli kriterlerinden renk, tekstür özellikleri ile; donmuş ürünlerde önemli bir parametre olan su salma açısından incelenmiştir. İşlem boyunca eriklerin merkez noktasına yerleştirilen termokupl ile sıcaklık değeri ölçülerek donma hızı (0,93℃ dk-1) tespit edilmiş, donma grafiği oluşturulmuştur. Örneklerde renk ölçümleri gerçekleştirilerek L*, a*, b* değerleri; bu değerler vasıtasıyla renk değişimi (ΔE) ve renk yoğunluğu (Kroma, C*) hesaplanmıştır. Eriklerde donma işleminin yarattığı mekanik hasarın tespiti işlem öncesi (459,90 gForce) ve sonrası sertlik değerleri (160.05 gForce) sayesinde saptanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda, yüksek besinsel özelliklere rağmen sınırlı hasat süresi, depolama, raf ömrü stabilitesi gibi zorluklara sahip olan kırmızı eriklerde IQF işleminin kullanılabilirliğinin artırılması için fiziksel özelliklerde iyileştirmeler sağlayacak ön işlem ve/veya çözdürme tekniklerinin araştırılmasının geniş fayda sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Arabia, A., Munné-Bosch, S., & Muñoz, P. 2022. Melatonin triggers tissue-specific changes in anthocyanin and hormonal contents during postharvest decay of Angeleno plums. Plant Science, 320, 111287.
  • Aslam, R., Alam, M. S., Kaur, J., Panayampadan, A. S., Dar, O. I., Kothakota, A., & Pandiselvam, R. (2021). Understanding the effects of ultrasound processng on texture and rheological properties of food. Journal of Texture Studies.
  • Bail, A. L. 2004. Freezing processes: physical aspects. Handbook of frozen foods, 1-11.
  • Cabrera-Banegil, M., Rodas, N. L., Losada, M. H. P., Cipollone, F. B., Espino, M. J. M., de la Peña, A. M., & Duran-Meras, I. 2020. Evolution of polyphenols content in plum fruits (Prunus salicina) with harvesting time by second-order excitation-emission fluorescence multivariate calibration. Microchemical Journal, 158, 105299.
  • Chaves, A., & Zaritzky, N. 2018. Cooling and freezing of fruits and fruit products. In Fruit preservation (pp. 127-180). Springer, New York, NY. Cooling and freezing of fruits and fruit products. In Fruit preservation (pp. 127-180). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Dadali, G., Demirhan, E., & Özbek, B. 2007. Color change kinetics of spinach undergoing microwave drying. Drying technology, 25(10), 1713-1723.
  • Demiray, E., & Tülek, Y. 2010. Donmuş muhafaza sırasında meyve ve sebzelerde oluşan kalite değişimleri. Akademik Gıda, 8(2), 36-44.
  • Elik, A., Yanik, D. K., Istanbullu, Y., Guzelsoy, N. A., Yavuz, A., & Gogus, F. 2019. Strategies to reduce post-harvest losses for fruits and vegetables. Strategies, 5(3), 29-39.
  • FAO, 2013. Food Wastage Footprint (Project). (2013). Food wastage footprint: impacts on natural resources: summary report. Food & Agriculture Org.
  • FAO. 2021. World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Yearbook 2021. Rome.
  • Fellows, P.J. 2022. Chapter 21 – Freezing. In Food Processing Technology (Fifth Edition), In Woodhead Publishing Series in
  • Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Editor(s): P.J. Fellows, 585-618, ISBN 9780323857376,
  • Jha, P. K., Chevallier, S., Xanthakis, E., Jury, V., & Le-Bail, A. 2020. Effect of innovative microwave assisted freezing (MAF) on the quality attributes of apples and potatoes. Food chemistry, 309, 125594.
  • Kamiloğlu, S. 2019. Bireysel Hızlı Dondurma İşlemi Basamaklarının Granny Smith Elmaların Polifenol İçeriği ve Antioksidan Kapasitesine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 17(1), 38-46.
  • Koç, M., Devseren, E., Yılmaz, T., Petmez, B., Okut, D., & Kaymak-Ertekin, F. 2018. Farklı dondurma ve çözündürme yöntemleri ile ön işlem uygulamalarının mandalina ve çilekte kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 43(3), 370-383.
  • Murathan, Z. T., Arslan, M., & Erbil, N. 2020. Analyzing biological properties of some plum genotypes grown in Turkey. International Journal of Fruit Science, 20(sup3), S1729-S1740.
  • Nida, S., Moses, J. A., & Anandharamakrishnan, C. 2021. Isochoric Freezing and Its Emerging Applications in Food Preservation. Food Engineering Reviews, 13(4), 812-821.
  • Peano, C., Giuggioli, N. R., Girgenti, V., Palma, A., D'Aquino, S., & Sottile, F. (2017). Effect of palletized MAP storage on the quality and nutritional compounds of the Japanese Plum cv. Angeleno (Prunus salicina Lindl.). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(2), e12786.
  • Pilar Cano, M., Fuster, C., & Antonia Marín, M. 1993. Freezing preservation of four Spanish kiwi fruit cultivars (Actinidia chinensis, Planch): chemical aspects. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung, 196(2), 142-146.
  • Porat, R., Lichter, A., Terry, L. A., Harker, R., & Buzby, J. 2018. Postharvest losses of fruit and vegetables during retail and in consumers’ homes: Quantifications, causes, and means of prevention. Postharvest biology and technology, 139, 135-149.
  • Silva, C. L., Gonçalves, E. M., & Brandao, T. R. 2008. Freezing of fruits and vegetables. Frozen food science and technology, 165.
  • Skrede, G. 2019. 6 Fruits. In Freezing effects on food quality (pp. 183-245). CRC Press.
  • SPSS 24.0, 2015. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Chicago, IL, USA: IBM.
  • Thakur, A. K., Pan, R. S., Sıngh, I. S., & Shambhu, V. B. (2022). Influence of blanching and frozen storage on quality characteristics of vegetable soybean (Glycine max). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(4), 480-4.
  • Venning, J. A., Burns, D. J. W., Hoskin, K. M., Nguyen, T., & Stec, M. G. H. (1989). Factors influencing the stability of frozen kiwifruit pulp. Journal of Food Science, 54(2), 396-400.
  • Wu, J., Jia, X., & Fan, K. 2022. Recent advances in the improvement of freezing time and physicochemical quality of frozen fruits and vegetables by ultrasound application. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 57(6), 3352-3360.
  • Zhu, Z., Chen, Z., Zhou, Q., Sun, D. W., Chen, H., Zhao, Y., ... & Pan, H. 2018. Freezing efficiency and quality attributes as affected by voids in plant tissues during ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11(9), 1615-1626.

The Effect of Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) Process on Physical Quality Parameters of Red Plums

Yıl 2022, , 23 - 28, 31.12.2022


There are increasing losses in the fruit and vegetable industry, especially in the post-harvest season, in spite of various preservation methods. The main factor in the rapid deterioration of fruit and vegetable is the high (85-95%) amount of water in their composition. Freezing technology, which includes the modification of water, has an impact on the quality, shelf life and textural properties of foods. Within the scope of this study, the effect of individual quick freezing (IQF) technology on the physical properties of plums was investigated. Plums were examined in terms of color (L*, a*, b* values, total color change, color intensity), texture characteristics, which are important criteria of consumable; water release, which is an important parameter in frozen products. The freezing rate (0.93℃ min-1) was determined and the freezing graph was created. The mechanical damage caused by freezing was detected by the hardness values (160.05 gForce) before and after the process (459.90 gForce). In conclusion, it is thought that pre- and/or post treatment studies that provides improvements in physical properties to increase the usability of IQF in red plums, which have difficulties such as limited harvest time, shelf life stability despite high nutritional properties.


  • Arabia, A., Munné-Bosch, S., & Muñoz, P. 2022. Melatonin triggers tissue-specific changes in anthocyanin and hormonal contents during postharvest decay of Angeleno plums. Plant Science, 320, 111287.
  • Aslam, R., Alam, M. S., Kaur, J., Panayampadan, A. S., Dar, O. I., Kothakota, A., & Pandiselvam, R. (2021). Understanding the effects of ultrasound processng on texture and rheological properties of food. Journal of Texture Studies.
  • Bail, A. L. 2004. Freezing processes: physical aspects. Handbook of frozen foods, 1-11.
  • Cabrera-Banegil, M., Rodas, N. L., Losada, M. H. P., Cipollone, F. B., Espino, M. J. M., de la Peña, A. M., & Duran-Meras, I. 2020. Evolution of polyphenols content in plum fruits (Prunus salicina) with harvesting time by second-order excitation-emission fluorescence multivariate calibration. Microchemical Journal, 158, 105299.
  • Chaves, A., & Zaritzky, N. 2018. Cooling and freezing of fruits and fruit products. In Fruit preservation (pp. 127-180). Springer, New York, NY. Cooling and freezing of fruits and fruit products. In Fruit preservation (pp. 127-180). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Dadali, G., Demirhan, E., & Özbek, B. 2007. Color change kinetics of spinach undergoing microwave drying. Drying technology, 25(10), 1713-1723.
  • Demiray, E., & Tülek, Y. 2010. Donmuş muhafaza sırasında meyve ve sebzelerde oluşan kalite değişimleri. Akademik Gıda, 8(2), 36-44.
  • Elik, A., Yanik, D. K., Istanbullu, Y., Guzelsoy, N. A., Yavuz, A., & Gogus, F. 2019. Strategies to reduce post-harvest losses for fruits and vegetables. Strategies, 5(3), 29-39.
  • FAO, 2013. Food Wastage Footprint (Project). (2013). Food wastage footprint: impacts on natural resources: summary report. Food & Agriculture Org.
  • FAO. 2021. World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Yearbook 2021. Rome.
  • Fellows, P.J. 2022. Chapter 21 – Freezing. In Food Processing Technology (Fifth Edition), In Woodhead Publishing Series in
  • Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Editor(s): P.J. Fellows, 585-618, ISBN 9780323857376,
  • Jha, P. K., Chevallier, S., Xanthakis, E., Jury, V., & Le-Bail, A. 2020. Effect of innovative microwave assisted freezing (MAF) on the quality attributes of apples and potatoes. Food chemistry, 309, 125594.
  • Kamiloğlu, S. 2019. Bireysel Hızlı Dondurma İşlemi Basamaklarının Granny Smith Elmaların Polifenol İçeriği ve Antioksidan Kapasitesine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 17(1), 38-46.
  • Koç, M., Devseren, E., Yılmaz, T., Petmez, B., Okut, D., & Kaymak-Ertekin, F. 2018. Farklı dondurma ve çözündürme yöntemleri ile ön işlem uygulamalarının mandalina ve çilekte kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Gıda, 43(3), 370-383.
  • Murathan, Z. T., Arslan, M., & Erbil, N. 2020. Analyzing biological properties of some plum genotypes grown in Turkey. International Journal of Fruit Science, 20(sup3), S1729-S1740.
  • Nida, S., Moses, J. A., & Anandharamakrishnan, C. 2021. Isochoric Freezing and Its Emerging Applications in Food Preservation. Food Engineering Reviews, 13(4), 812-821.
  • Peano, C., Giuggioli, N. R., Girgenti, V., Palma, A., D'Aquino, S., & Sottile, F. (2017). Effect of palletized MAP storage on the quality and nutritional compounds of the Japanese Plum cv. Angeleno (Prunus salicina Lindl.). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(2), e12786.
  • Pilar Cano, M., Fuster, C., & Antonia Marín, M. 1993. Freezing preservation of four Spanish kiwi fruit cultivars (Actinidia chinensis, Planch): chemical aspects. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung, 196(2), 142-146.
  • Porat, R., Lichter, A., Terry, L. A., Harker, R., & Buzby, J. 2018. Postharvest losses of fruit and vegetables during retail and in consumers’ homes: Quantifications, causes, and means of prevention. Postharvest biology and technology, 139, 135-149.
  • Silva, C. L., Gonçalves, E. M., & Brandao, T. R. 2008. Freezing of fruits and vegetables. Frozen food science and technology, 165.
  • Skrede, G. 2019. 6 Fruits. In Freezing effects on food quality (pp. 183-245). CRC Press.
  • SPSS 24.0, 2015. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Chicago, IL, USA: IBM.
  • Thakur, A. K., Pan, R. S., Sıngh, I. S., & Shambhu, V. B. (2022). Influence of blanching and frozen storage on quality characteristics of vegetable soybean (Glycine max). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(4), 480-4.
  • Venning, J. A., Burns, D. J. W., Hoskin, K. M., Nguyen, T., & Stec, M. G. H. (1989). Factors influencing the stability of frozen kiwifruit pulp. Journal of Food Science, 54(2), 396-400.
  • Wu, J., Jia, X., & Fan, K. 2022. Recent advances in the improvement of freezing time and physicochemical quality of frozen fruits and vegetables by ultrasound application. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 57(6), 3352-3360.
  • Zhu, Z., Chen, Z., Zhou, Q., Sun, D. W., Chen, H., Zhao, Y., ... & Pan, H. 2018. Freezing efficiency and quality attributes as affected by voids in plant tissues during ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11(9), 1615-1626.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Erdağ Akca 0000-0002-5260-9630

Sermet Can Beylikçi 0000-0002-2619-4961

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

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