Almost two decades have passed since the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural
Heritage entered into force in 2003. During this period, many changes and transformations related to the Convention have been made and areas of discussions have been emerged. The actors of the Convention constantly produce information and documents on the implementation, application and development of the Convention. Moreover, they have developed holistic safeguarding strategies -with a solution- oriented approach. One of these areas is related to periodical reporting systems, which is one of the basic principles of the Convention. The Intergovernmental Committee, which is one of the main mechanisms that ensure the healthy functioning of the Convention, reviews the periodic reports submitted by the States Parties every six years and provides feedback. These reports create a good opportunity for countries to review their national implementation dynamics. The actors working within the Convention make changes regarding the operation of the Convention. One of these changes made was the periodic reporting system introduced in 2020. Therefore, in this article, periodical reporting systems that directly affect the implementation of the Convention have been reviewed. First of all, the general features of the reporting system were analyzed, and secondly, how the periodic reporting systems functioned and transformed since the Convention entered into force is discussed. In addition, and evaluation of how the said change and transformation reflect on the national and international arena has also been made. It is shaped around eight thematic areas and twenty-six indicators such as institutional and human capacity, transfer and training, inventory and research, policies, strategies, legislation, the role and reflection of intangible cultural heritage in society, awareness raising, participation of NGOs, groups and individual and international integration. Information about the operation of the new reporting system was given. One of the differences between the new and previous periodic reporting system is that report submissions are regionalized. Latin America and the Caribbean prepared and submitted the first regional report in 2020. Then, in December 2021, the European group, including Türkiye, submitted the regional report. It is expected that the reports delivered regionally will also be productive in terms of international cooperation. All these are discussed in detail in the article, and additionally the holistic safeguarding approaches of this system and its relationship with the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are also brought to the agenda.