Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation with Applications is an international research journal, that publishes top-level original research and review papers on mathematical modeling, theoretical analysis with applications, experimental observation, and numerical simulation, for more accurate description, better prediction or novel application, of nonlinear phenomena in science and engineering. It offers a proper venue for …
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The similarity percentage must be less than 30% without bibliography.
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The journal appears in 4 numbers per year (March, June, September and December) and has been published since September 2021.
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Research Article
Towards a viable control strategy for a model describing the dynamics of corruptionResearch Article
Optimizing shellfish aquaculture in nitrogen and fisheries managementResearch Article
Bifurcation analysis of an additional food-provided predator-prey system with anti-predator behaviorResearch Article
A Comprehensive Study of Monkeypox Disease through Fractional Mathematical ModelingResearch Article
Numerical Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Model of Pulsatile and Non-Newtonian Blood Flow in a Carotid Artery with Local OcclusionResearch Article
Economic Resilience in the Face of Pandemic: A Holistic Mathematical Analysis of Pandemic in IndiaResearch Article
Fractional-order model of the post-disaster period: Study on the Earthquakes in TurkeyResearch Article
Effect of chaos on the performance of spider wasp meta-heuristic optimization algorithm for high-dimensional optimization problemsResearch Article
Dynamics of a Stochastic SEIQR Model: Stationary Distribution and Disease Extinction with Quarantine MeasuresResearch Article
Global dynamics and sensitivity analysis of a diabetic population model with two-time delaysIt is a great pleasure for us to announce that Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation with Applications (MMNSA) has received its first CiteScore of 13.0 and CiteScoreTracker of 15.2 based on the Journal Citation Reports from SCOPUS, 2023. View full source details here.
We would like to express our gratitude to the editorial team, reviewers, authors, and readers who have made great contributions to this success.