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Yıl 2015, , 34 - 38, 07.04.2015


One of the important factors for Mobile IP version 6 (MIPv6) is to ensure a seamless handover while a Mobile Node (MN) maintain active communication. A seamless handover can be realized by reducing or finishing the latency times during movement detection, a new address configuration and binding update procedures which have been defined in MIPv6 protocol clearly. However, MIPv6 handover process is a very complex due to Layer 2 (L2) and Layer 3 (L3) operations, and this drawback can cause significant performance degradation in macro mobility or real-time communications mainly. L3 handover is the most important factor to MIPv6 handover process because a major proportion of the total handover latency occurs in this stage. On the other hand, L2 handover results in the less latency than L3 handover.  However, the researches on L2 handover also has an important place in literature because the events during L2 handover can trigger L3 handover in advance.  By this way, seamless handover techniques have been realized. L2 approach is faster than L3 based solutions. Nevertheless, these methods are also limited to L2 handover latency. In this paper, we analyzed the L2 latency in MIPv6 handover using OMNeT++ simulator. These analyses will show the each components of the L2 handover latency separately.


  • Huang, H., and Ma, J., "IPv6 - future approval networking", IC on Communication Technology Proceedings, 2000.
  • Han, Y. H., JinHyeock, C., and Hwang, S. H., "Reactive Handover Optimization in IPv6-Based Mobile Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 24, no. 9, pp. 1758-1772, 2006.
  • Loshin, P., "IPv6: Theory, Protocol, and Practice", Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, pp. 291-298.
  • Puttonen, J., Viinikainen, A., Sulander, M., and Hamalainen, T., "Performance evaluation of the flow-based fast handover method for Mobile IPv6 network", IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004.
  • Vassiliou, V. and Zinonos, Z., "An Analysis of the Handover Latency Components in Mobile IPv6", Journal of Internet Engineering, Vol 3, no. 1, pp. 230-240, 2009.
  • Park, J. T., Chun, S. M., Choi, J. H., and Lee, S. M., "Simple Mobility Management Protocol for Global Seamless Handover", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference , 2012.
  • Lu, H., Zhou, X., and Hong, P., "Improving the Performance of Fast Handovers in Mobile Ipv6", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2007.
  • Anne, W., Gouzhi, W., and Benoit, G., "Improving Mobile Ipv6 Handover in Wireless Network with E-HCF", 68th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008.
  • Kang, J. E., Kum, D. W., Li, Y., and Cho, Y. Z., "Seamless Handover Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6", IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2008.
  • Jung, H. Y., Soliman, H. , Koh, S. J., and Lee, J. Y., "Fast Handover for Hierarchical MIPv6 (F-HMIPv6)", 2005.
  • Hanh, N. V., Ro, S., and Ryu, J., "Simplified Fast Handover in Mobile IPv6 Networks", Computer Communications, Vol 31, no. 15, pp. 3594-3603, 2008.
  • Cho, Y. H., Oh, K. Y., and Park, J. T. , "Intelligent Mobile Ipv6 Handover with Multiple Pre-Registrations and Late Tunneling", 3rd IC on Communication Systems Software and Middleware and Workshops, 2008.
  • Alnas, M., Abuhamoud, N., and Laias, E. , "Evaluation of L2 Trigger Impact on Fast Mobile IPv6 Handover", IJ on Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol 4, no. 7, pp. 62-66, 2014.
  • Kim, Y. S., Kwon, D. H., Kyung, J. B. and Suh, Y. J., "Performance Comparision of Mobile Ipv6 and Fast Handovers for Mobile Ipv6 over Wireless LANs", 62th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005.
  • Dunmore, M., "Mobile IPv6 Handovers: Performance Analysis and Evaluation" IST-2001-32603, 6net, 2005.
  • Montavont, N., and Noel, T., "Anticipated handover over IEEE 802.11 networks", IEEE IC on Wireless And Mobile Computing, Networking And Communications, 2005.
  • Kim, D. P., and Koh, S. J., "Analysis of Handover Latency for Mobile IPv6 and MSCTP", IEEE IC on Communications Workshops, 2008.
  • Carmona Murillo, J., Gonzalez-Sanchez J. J., and Guerroro-Robledo, I., "Handover Performance Analysis in Mobile Ipv6. A Contribution to Fast Detection Movement", Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, 2008.
  • "OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator" [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13.3.2015].
  • "MIPv6 Simulation Model", [Online]. Available: /ausstattung/xmipv6.html. [Accessed: 16.3.2015].
  • Johnson, D., Perkins, C., and Arkko, J., "RFC 3775 - Mobility Support in IPv6", 2004, [Online]. Available: https://tools [Accessed: 20.3.2015].


Yıl 2015, , 34 - 38, 07.04.2015


Bir Mobil Düğüm (Mobile Node - MN) aktif iletişimi sürdürürken pürüzsüz bir hücre geçişi sağlamak Mobil IP sürüm 6 (MIPv6) için en önemli etkenlerden birisidir. Pürüzsüz bir hücre geçişi, MIPv6 protokolünde açıkça tanımlanan hareketliliğin tespit edilmesi, yeni bir adresin yapılandırılması ve bağlama güncellemesi işlemleri sırasındaki gecikme sürelerinin azaltılması ya da sonlandırılması ile gerçekleştirilebilir. Ancak, MIPv6 hücre geçişi süreci Katman2 (Layer2- L2) ve Katman-3 (Layer 3 – L3) işlemleri nedeniyle oldukça karmaşıktır ve bu dezavantaj özellikle makro hareketlilikte ve gerçek zamanlı iletişimde performansta önemli derecede azalmaya neden olur. L3 hücre geçişi MIPv6 hücre geçişinin en önemli faktörüdür çünkü toplam hücre geçişi gecikmesinin büyük bir bölümü bu aşamada meydana gelir. Diğer taraftan, L2 hücre geçişişi L3 hücre geçişine göre çok daha az kayıp ile sonuçlanır. Ancak, L2 hücre geçişi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar da literatürde önemli yer tutmaktadır. Çünkü L2 hücre geçişi sırasında gerçekleşen olaylar L3 hücre geçişini önceden tetikleyebilmektedir. Bu sayede, pürüzsüz hücre geçişi teknikleri bu şekilde gerçekleştirilmektedir. L2 yaklaşımı L3 tabanlı çözümlere göre çok daha hızlıdır. Buna rağmen bu yöntemlerde L2 hücre geçişi gecikmesi kadar sınırlıdırlar. Bu makalede, biz MIPv6 hücre geçişindeki L2 gecikmelerini OMNeT++ benzetim ortamını kullanarak analiz ettik. Bu analizler, L2 hücre geçişi gecikmelerinin bileşenlerini ayrı ayrı gösterecektir


  • Huang, H., and Ma, J., "IPv6 - future approval networking", IC on Communication Technology Proceedings, 2000.
  • Han, Y. H., JinHyeock, C., and Hwang, S. H., "Reactive Handover Optimization in IPv6-Based Mobile Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 24, no. 9, pp. 1758-1772, 2006.
  • Loshin, P., "IPv6: Theory, Protocol, and Practice", Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, pp. 291-298.
  • Puttonen, J., Viinikainen, A., Sulander, M., and Hamalainen, T., "Performance evaluation of the flow-based fast handover method for Mobile IPv6 network", IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004.
  • Vassiliou, V. and Zinonos, Z., "An Analysis of the Handover Latency Components in Mobile IPv6", Journal of Internet Engineering, Vol 3, no. 1, pp. 230-240, 2009.
  • Park, J. T., Chun, S. M., Choi, J. H., and Lee, S. M., "Simple Mobility Management Protocol for Global Seamless Handover", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference , 2012.
  • Lu, H., Zhou, X., and Hong, P., "Improving the Performance of Fast Handovers in Mobile Ipv6", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2007.
  • Anne, W., Gouzhi, W., and Benoit, G., "Improving Mobile Ipv6 Handover in Wireless Network with E-HCF", 68th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008.
  • Kang, J. E., Kum, D. W., Li, Y., and Cho, Y. Z., "Seamless Handover Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6", IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2008.
  • Jung, H. Y., Soliman, H. , Koh, S. J., and Lee, J. Y., "Fast Handover for Hierarchical MIPv6 (F-HMIPv6)", 2005.
  • Hanh, N. V., Ro, S., and Ryu, J., "Simplified Fast Handover in Mobile IPv6 Networks", Computer Communications, Vol 31, no. 15, pp. 3594-3603, 2008.
  • Cho, Y. H., Oh, K. Y., and Park, J. T. , "Intelligent Mobile Ipv6 Handover with Multiple Pre-Registrations and Late Tunneling", 3rd IC on Communication Systems Software and Middleware and Workshops, 2008.
  • Alnas, M., Abuhamoud, N., and Laias, E. , "Evaluation of L2 Trigger Impact on Fast Mobile IPv6 Handover", IJ on Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol 4, no. 7, pp. 62-66, 2014.
  • Kim, Y. S., Kwon, D. H., Kyung, J. B. and Suh, Y. J., "Performance Comparision of Mobile Ipv6 and Fast Handovers for Mobile Ipv6 over Wireless LANs", 62th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005.
  • Dunmore, M., "Mobile IPv6 Handovers: Performance Analysis and Evaluation" IST-2001-32603, 6net, 2005.
  • Montavont, N., and Noel, T., "Anticipated handover over IEEE 802.11 networks", IEEE IC on Wireless And Mobile Computing, Networking And Communications, 2005.
  • Kim, D. P., and Koh, S. J., "Analysis of Handover Latency for Mobile IPv6 and MSCTP", IEEE IC on Communications Workshops, 2008.
  • Carmona Murillo, J., Gonzalez-Sanchez J. J., and Guerroro-Robledo, I., "Handover Performance Analysis in Mobile Ipv6. A Contribution to Fast Detection Movement", Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, 2008.
  • "OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator" [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13.3.2015].
  • "MIPv6 Simulation Model", [Online]. Available: /ausstattung/xmipv6.html. [Accessed: 16.3.2015].
  • Johnson, D., Perkins, C., and Arkko, J., "RFC 3775 - Mobility Support in IPv6", 2004, [Online]. Available: https://tools [Accessed: 20.3.2015].
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Gürcan Çetin

Aydın Çetin

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetin, G., & Çetin, A. (2015). THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 34-38.
AMA Çetin G, Çetin A. THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL. MJST. Nisan 2015;1(1):34-38. doi:10.22531/muglajsci.209997
Chicago Çetin, Gürcan, ve Aydın Çetin. “THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 1, sy. 1 (Nisan 2015): 34-38.
EndNote Çetin G, Çetin A (01 Nisan 2015) THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 1 1 34–38.
IEEE G. Çetin ve A. Çetin, “THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL”, MJST, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 34–38, 2015, doi: 10.22531/muglajsci.209997.
ISNAD Çetin, Gürcan - Çetin, Aydın. “THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology 1/1 (Nisan 2015), 34-38.
MLA Çetin, Gürcan ve Aydın Çetin. “THE ANALYSIS OF LAYER-2 HANDOVER PERFORMANCE FOR MOBILE IPV6 USING OMNeT++ SIMULATION TOOL”. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, c. 1, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 34-38, doi:10.22531/muglajsci.209997.

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