Yıl 2020,
, 27 - 31, 30.06.2020
Sercan Yapıcı
Ali Türker
Ferhat Yalgın
- Rilov, G. and Galil, B.S., “Marine bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea – history, distribution and ecology” Biological Invasions in Marine Ecosystem,. Springer, Berlin, 549–576, 2009.
- Zenetos, Α., Gofas, S., Morri, C., Rosso, A., Violanti, D., Gracia-Raso, J.E., Cinar, M.E., Almogi-Labin, A., Ates, E., Azzurro E., Ballesteros, E., Biachi, C.N., Bilecenoglu, M., Gambi, M.C., Giangrande, A., Gravili, C., Hyams-Kaphzan, O., Karachle, P., Katsanevakis, S., Lipej, L., Mastrototaro, F., Mineur, F., Pancucci, M.A., Papadopoulou, M.A., Ramos-Espla, A., Salas, C., San Martin, G., Sfriso, A., Streftaris, M. and Velarque, M., “Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2012. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part 2. Introduction trends and pathways” Mediterranean Marine Science, 13: 328–352, 2012.
- Çınar, M.E., Bilecenoğlu, M., Öztürk, B. and Can, A., “New records of alien species on the Levantine coast of Turkey” Aquatic Invasions, 1(2): 84–90, 2006.
- Öztürk, B., Doğan, A., Bitlis-Bakır, B. and Salman, A., “Marine molluscs of the Turkish coasts: an updated checklist” Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 832-879, 2014.
- Yonow, N., “Sea Slugs of the Red Sea” Pensoft, Sofia Moscow, 2008.
- Rudman, W.B., “Sea Slug Forum” Australian Museum, Sydney. Retrieved from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/pleugran, 2001.
- Zenetos, A., Koutsoumbas, D. and Vardala-Theodorou, E., “Origin and vectors of introduction of exotic molluscs in Greek Waters” Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135(2): 279–286, 2005.
- Çevik, C. and Ergüden, D., “İskenderun Körfezinde Dağilim Gösteren Bazi Opisthobranchia Türleri”, II. Ulusal Malakoloji Kongresi, Adana, Türkiye, 2008.
- Gökoglu, M. and Özgur, E., “First report of Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Chromodorididae) on the Levantine coast of Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean” Aquatic Invasions, 3: 435–437, 2008.
- Yokeş, M.B., Balikçi, Ö., Karhan, Ü.S. and Dalyan, C. “An established population of Chromodoris annulata on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda)” Triton, 19: 12–14, 2009.
- Özcan, T., Ergüden, D., Turan, C. and Çevik, C. “Distribution of alien nudibranch Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Opisthobranch; Chromodorididae) in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey” Biharean Biologist, 4(1): 89–90, 2010.
- Tsiakkiros, L., “Re: Chromodoris annulata from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. http://www.seaslug forum.net/find/23027”, 2010.
- Pasternak, G., Ziv, R., Eyal, G., Shefer, S., Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. and Galil, B.S., “On the population of Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Mollusca: Opistobranchia: Chromodorididae) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel” Aquatic Invasions, 6(1): 91–93, 2011.
- Gat, G., “Flabellina rubrolineata (O’Donoghue) and Phidiana indica (Bergh) (Nudibranchia Aeolidioidea), two new Lessepsian immigrant Eastern Mediterranean” Journal of Molluscan Studies, 59: 120, 1993.
- Yokeş, M.B. and Rudman, W.B., “Lessepsian opisthobranchs from southwestern coast of Turkey; five new records for Mediterranean” Rapport Commission International pour l'exploration scientifique de la Mer Mediterranée, Monaco, 2004a, 37: 557.
- Crocetta, F., Zibrowius, H., Bitar, G., Templado, J. and Oliverio, M., “Biogeographical homogeneity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea - I: the opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Lebanon” Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2): 403–408, 2013.
- Eleftheriou, A., Anagnostopoulou– Visilia, E., Anastasopoulou, E., Ateş, S.A., El. I Bachari, N., Cavas, L., Cevik, C., Ulha, M., Cevik, F., Delos, A.-L., Derici, O.B., Erguden, D., Fragopoulu, N., Giangrande, A., Göksan, T., Gravili, C., Gurlek, M., Hattour, A., Kapiris, K., Kouraklis, P., Lamouti, S., Prato, E., Papa, L., Papantoniou, G., Parlapiano, I., Poursanidis, D., Turan, C. and Yaglioglu, D., “New Mediterranean biodiversity records (December 2011)” Mediterranean Marine Science, 12, 491–508, 2011.
- Kapiris, K., Apostolidis, C., Baldaccini, R., Başusta, N., Bilecenoglu, M., Bitar, G., Bobori, D.C., Boyaci, Y.Ö., Dimitriadis, C., Djurović, M., Dulčić, J., Durucan, F., Gerovasileious, V., Gökoğlu, M., Koutsoubas, D., Lefkaditou, E., Lipej, L., Marković, O., Mavrić, B., Özvarol,Y., Pesic, V., Petriki, O., Siapatisi, A.M., Sini, M., Tibull D. and Tiralongo, F., “New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (April, 2014)” Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(1): 198-212, 2014.
- Okuş, E., Sur, H.İ., Yüksek, A., Yılmaz, İ.N., Aslan-Yılmaz, A., Karhan, S.Ü., Öz, İ., Demirel, N., Taş, S., Altıok, A. Müftüoğlu, A.E., Gazioğlu, C., Yücel, Z.Y., Demir, V., Zeki, S. and Tural, U., “Datça-Bozburun Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesinin Denizsel ve Kıyısal Alanlarının Biyolojik Çeşitliliğinin Tespiti Projesi. Final Raporu” T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Ankara, 2004.
- Yokeş, M.B., “Additions to the Knowledge of Opisthobranchia from Turkey” Triton, 20: 5-19, 2009.
- Yokeş, M.B. and Rudman, W.B., “Türkiye sularında tespit edilen Aeolidiina (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda) türleri; Türkiye için 11 yeni kayıt” 8. Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı; Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2004b, 60–69.
Yıl 2020,
, 27 - 31, 30.06.2020
Sercan Yapıcı
Ali Türker
Ferhat Yalgın
In the present study, native and alien opisthobranch species observed via SCUBA diving along Turkish Aegean coasts have been represented: In the Turkish Aegean coasts, Goniobranchus annulatus was first observed while Luisella babai, Coryphellina rubrolineata, Felimare picta, and Felimida luteorosea were northwardly expanded their distribution.
- Rilov, G. and Galil, B.S., “Marine bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea – history, distribution and ecology” Biological Invasions in Marine Ecosystem,. Springer, Berlin, 549–576, 2009.
- Zenetos, Α., Gofas, S., Morri, C., Rosso, A., Violanti, D., Gracia-Raso, J.E., Cinar, M.E., Almogi-Labin, A., Ates, E., Azzurro E., Ballesteros, E., Biachi, C.N., Bilecenoglu, M., Gambi, M.C., Giangrande, A., Gravili, C., Hyams-Kaphzan, O., Karachle, P., Katsanevakis, S., Lipej, L., Mastrototaro, F., Mineur, F., Pancucci, M.A., Papadopoulou, M.A., Ramos-Espla, A., Salas, C., San Martin, G., Sfriso, A., Streftaris, M. and Velarque, M., “Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2012. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part 2. Introduction trends and pathways” Mediterranean Marine Science, 13: 328–352, 2012.
- Çınar, M.E., Bilecenoğlu, M., Öztürk, B. and Can, A., “New records of alien species on the Levantine coast of Turkey” Aquatic Invasions, 1(2): 84–90, 2006.
- Öztürk, B., Doğan, A., Bitlis-Bakır, B. and Salman, A., “Marine molluscs of the Turkish coasts: an updated checklist” Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 832-879, 2014.
- Yonow, N., “Sea Slugs of the Red Sea” Pensoft, Sofia Moscow, 2008.
- Rudman, W.B., “Sea Slug Forum” Australian Museum, Sydney. Retrieved from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/pleugran, 2001.
- Zenetos, A., Koutsoumbas, D. and Vardala-Theodorou, E., “Origin and vectors of introduction of exotic molluscs in Greek Waters” Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135(2): 279–286, 2005.
- Çevik, C. and Ergüden, D., “İskenderun Körfezinde Dağilim Gösteren Bazi Opisthobranchia Türleri”, II. Ulusal Malakoloji Kongresi, Adana, Türkiye, 2008.
- Gökoglu, M. and Özgur, E., “First report of Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Chromodorididae) on the Levantine coast of Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean” Aquatic Invasions, 3: 435–437, 2008.
- Yokeş, M.B., Balikçi, Ö., Karhan, Ü.S. and Dalyan, C. “An established population of Chromodoris annulata on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda)” Triton, 19: 12–14, 2009.
- Özcan, T., Ergüden, D., Turan, C. and Çevik, C. “Distribution of alien nudibranch Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Opisthobranch; Chromodorididae) in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey” Biharean Biologist, 4(1): 89–90, 2010.
- Tsiakkiros, L., “Re: Chromodoris annulata from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. http://www.seaslug forum.net/find/23027”, 2010.
- Pasternak, G., Ziv, R., Eyal, G., Shefer, S., Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. and Galil, B.S., “On the population of Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Mollusca: Opistobranchia: Chromodorididae) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel” Aquatic Invasions, 6(1): 91–93, 2011.
- Gat, G., “Flabellina rubrolineata (O’Donoghue) and Phidiana indica (Bergh) (Nudibranchia Aeolidioidea), two new Lessepsian immigrant Eastern Mediterranean” Journal of Molluscan Studies, 59: 120, 1993.
- Yokeş, M.B. and Rudman, W.B., “Lessepsian opisthobranchs from southwestern coast of Turkey; five new records for Mediterranean” Rapport Commission International pour l'exploration scientifique de la Mer Mediterranée, Monaco, 2004a, 37: 557.
- Crocetta, F., Zibrowius, H., Bitar, G., Templado, J. and Oliverio, M., “Biogeographical homogeneity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea - I: the opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Lebanon” Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2): 403–408, 2013.
- Eleftheriou, A., Anagnostopoulou– Visilia, E., Anastasopoulou, E., Ateş, S.A., El. I Bachari, N., Cavas, L., Cevik, C., Ulha, M., Cevik, F., Delos, A.-L., Derici, O.B., Erguden, D., Fragopoulu, N., Giangrande, A., Göksan, T., Gravili, C., Gurlek, M., Hattour, A., Kapiris, K., Kouraklis, P., Lamouti, S., Prato, E., Papa, L., Papantoniou, G., Parlapiano, I., Poursanidis, D., Turan, C. and Yaglioglu, D., “New Mediterranean biodiversity records (December 2011)” Mediterranean Marine Science, 12, 491–508, 2011.
- Kapiris, K., Apostolidis, C., Baldaccini, R., Başusta, N., Bilecenoglu, M., Bitar, G., Bobori, D.C., Boyaci, Y.Ö., Dimitriadis, C., Djurović, M., Dulčić, J., Durucan, F., Gerovasileious, V., Gökoğlu, M., Koutsoubas, D., Lefkaditou, E., Lipej, L., Marković, O., Mavrić, B., Özvarol,Y., Pesic, V., Petriki, O., Siapatisi, A.M., Sini, M., Tibull D. and Tiralongo, F., “New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records (April, 2014)” Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(1): 198-212, 2014.
- Okuş, E., Sur, H.İ., Yüksek, A., Yılmaz, İ.N., Aslan-Yılmaz, A., Karhan, S.Ü., Öz, İ., Demirel, N., Taş, S., Altıok, A. Müftüoğlu, A.E., Gazioğlu, C., Yücel, Z.Y., Demir, V., Zeki, S. and Tural, U., “Datça-Bozburun Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesinin Denizsel ve Kıyısal Alanlarının Biyolojik Çeşitliliğinin Tespiti Projesi. Final Raporu” T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Ankara, 2004.
- Yokeş, M.B., “Additions to the Knowledge of Opisthobranchia from Turkey” Triton, 20: 5-19, 2009.
- Yokeş, M.B. and Rudman, W.B., “Türkiye sularında tespit edilen Aeolidiina (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda) türleri; Türkiye için 11 yeni kayıt” 8. Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı; Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2004b, 60–69.