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Denetim Kalitesi Göstergeleri Ve Bir Model Önerisi: Borsa İstanbul Örneği

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 125 - 155, 18.02.2023


Bu çalışma ile denetim kalitesi göstergeleri ve bir denetim kalitesi çerçevesi oluşturulup oluşturulamayacağı incelenmiştir. Genel kabul görmüş bir denetim kalitesi tanımının olmaması nedeniyle, denetim kalitesinin nasıl tanımlanacağı ve ölçüleceği tartışmaları akademisyenlerin ve düzenleyicilerin gündeminde yer almaktadır. Türkiye’deki literatürde yer alan çalışmalar bütüncül bir yaklaşım yerine denetim kalitesini bir açıdan ele alırken ya da yatırımcılar, denetim komiteleri ve denetçiler gibi paydaşların denetim kalitesi algısını ölçerken; herhangi bir düzenleyici kurum tarafından denetim kalitesi çerçevesi oluşturulmak üzere yürütülen denetim kalitesi göstergeleri projesi bulunmamaktadır. Borsa İstanbul’da İmalat sektöründe 2016 ve 2020 yılları arasında yer alan halka açık işletmelerden oluşan panel veriye ait analizin F- testi sonuçları, önerilen denetim kalitesi göstergeleri modelinin bir bütün olarak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Analiz sonuçları, sorumlu ortak, etik ve bağımsızlık eğitim saati ve müşteri işletme büyüklüğü göstergelerinin denetim kalitesi (kar kalitesi) ile arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ampirik sonuçlar teori ile tutarlı olduğu için, denetim kalitesini etkileyen muhtemel göstergelerin tümü önerilen denetim kalitesi modeline dahil edilmiştir. Düzenleyiciler, denetçiler, denetim komiteleri ve yatırımcılar için potansiyel ilgi alanını oluşturacak olan analiz bulguları, Türkiye'de bir denetim kalitesi projesi oluşturmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Albersmann, B. T. & Quick, R. (2020). The impact of audit quality indicators on the timeliness of goodwill impairments: Evidence from the German setting. Abacus, 56(1), 66-103.
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  • Chen, Y. S., Chang, B. G. & Lee, C. C. (2008). The association between continuing professional education and financial performance of public accounting firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(9), 1720-1737.
  • Chen, Y. S., Yang, C. C. & Yang, Y. F. (2020). Higher academic qualifications, professional training and operating performance of audit firms. Sustainability, 12(3), 1254.
  • Choi, J. H, Kim, C. F., Kim, J-B & Zang, Y. (2010). Audit office size, audit quality, and audit pricing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 29(1), 73-97. DOI: 10.2308/aud.2010.29.1.73
  • Craswell, A. T., Francis, J. R. & Taylor, S. L. (1995). Auditor brand name reputations and industry specializations. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20, 297- 322.
  • DeAngelo, L. E. (1981a). Auditor size and audit quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(3), 183-199.
  • DeAngelo, L. E. (1981b). Auditor independence, ’low balling’, and disclosure regulation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(2), 113–127.
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  • DeFond, M. L. & Lennox, C. S. (2011). The effect of SOX on small auditor exits and audit quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 52(1), 21-40.
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  • DeFond, M. L., Raghunandan, K. & Subramanyam, K. R. (2002). Do non–audit service fees impair auditor independence? Evidence from going concern audit opinions. Journal of Accounting Research, 40(4), 1247-1274.
  • DeFond, M. & Zhang, J. (2014). A review of archival auditing research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2–3), 275–326. 09.002
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  • GAO. (2003). Public Accounting Firms: Required study on the potential effects of mandatory audit firm rotation. GAO-04-216. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office. Web: adresinden 22 Kasım 2019’da alınmıştır.
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Audit Quality Indicators And A Proposed Model: Evidence From Borsa İstanbul

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 125 - 155, 18.02.2023


In this study, it is examined whether and how the potential audit quality indicators constitute an audit quality framework. Since there is no generally accepted audit quality definition, the debate on how to define and measure audit quality remain on the agenda of both academicians and regulators. While existing research in Turkey approaches one aspect of audit quality (instead of holistic approach) or surveys perception of stakeholders such as investors, audit committees and auditors, there is no existing audit quality project in order to construct an audit quality framework by any Turkish regulatory body. Based on the panel data obtained from Borsa Istanbul Manufacturing Sector between 2016 and 2020, the empirical findings suggest that the overall F-test of the proposed audit quality model is statistically significant. The results also indicate that the relation between audit partner tenure, ethics and independence training hours and client size indicators and audit quality (earnings quality) are statistically significant. Since the empirical results are consistent with the theory, all possible indicators that will affect audit quality are included to the proposed audit quality model. Our findings highlight the importance of establishing an audit quality project in Turkey. The findings are of potential interest to regulators, professionals, audit committees and investors.


  • Albersmann, B. T. & Quick, R. (2020). The impact of audit quality indicators on the timeliness of goodwill impairments: Evidence from the German setting. Abacus, 56(1), 66-103.
  • Ashbaugh, H., LaFond, R. & Mayhew, B. W. (2003). Do nonaudit services compromise auditor independence? Further evidence. The Accounting Review, 78(3), 611-639.
  • Asthana, S. C. & Boone, J. P. (2012). Abnormal audit fee and audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 31(3), 1-22.
  • Balsam, S., Krishnan, J. & Yang, J. S. (2003). Auditor industry specialization and earnings quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 22(2), 71-97.
  • Baltagi, B. H. & Baltagi, B. H. (2021). Econometric analysis of panel data. 6. Baskı, İsviçre: Springer Nature.
  • Becker, C. L., DeFond, M. L., Jiambalvo, J. & Subramanyam, K. R. (1998). The effect of audit quality on earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research, 15(1), 1–24.
  • Behn, K. B., Choi, J. H. & Kang, T. (2008). Audit quality and properties of analyst earnings forecasts. The Accounting Review, 83(2), 327–349.
  • Bell, T. B., Causholli, M. & Knechel, W. R. (2015). Audit firm tenure, non‐audit services, and internal assessments of audit quality. Journal of Accounting Research, 53(3), 461-509.
  • Boone, J. P., Khurana, I. K. & Raman, K. K. (2010). Do the Big 4 and the second-tier firms provide audits of similar quality?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 29(4), 330-352.
  • Caramanis, C. & Lennox, C. (2008). Audit effort and earnings management. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 45, 116–138, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacceco.2007.05.002
  • Carcello, J. V. & Nagy, A. (2004b). Audit firm tenure and fraudulent financial reporting. Auditing: A Journal of Theory & Practice, 23(2), 55-69.
  • Carcello, J. V. & Nagy, A. L. (2004a). Client size, auditor specialization and fraudulent financial reporting. Managerial Auditing Journal, 19(5), 651-668.
  • Carcello, J. V., Hermanson, D. R., Neal, T. L. & Riley, R. A. (2002). Board characteristics and audit fees. Contemporary Accounting Research, 19(3), 365–384.
  • Carcello, J. V., Hollingsworth, C. & Mastrolia, S. A. (2011). The effect of PCAOB inspections on Big 4 audit quality. Research in Accounting Regulation, 23(2), 85-96.
  • Carey, P. & Simnett, R. (2006). Audit partner tenure and audit quality. The Accounting Review, 81(3), 653-676.
  • Carson, E. (2009). Industry specialization by global audit firm networks. The Accounting Review, 84(2), 355-382.
  • Chan, D. K. & Wong, K. P. (2002). Scope of auditors’ liability, audit quality, and capital investment. Review of Accounting Studies, 7(1), 97–122. 983614986
  • Chang, X., Dasgupta, S. & Hikiry, G. (2009). The effect of auditor quality on financing decisions. The Accounting Review, 84(4), 1085–1117. 1085
  • Che, L., Langli, J. C. & Svanström, T. (2018). Education, experience, and audit effort. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(3), 91-115.
  • Chen, C. Y., Lin, C. J. & Lin, Y. C. (2008). Audit partner tenure, audit firm tenure, and discretionary accruals: Does long auditor tenure impair earnings quality?. Contemporary Accounting Research, 25(2), 415-445.
  • Chen, Y. S., Chang, B. G. & Lee, C. C. (2008). The association between continuing professional education and financial performance of public accounting firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(9), 1720-1737.
  • Chen, Y. S., Yang, C. C. & Yang, Y. F. (2020). Higher academic qualifications, professional training and operating performance of audit firms. Sustainability, 12(3), 1254.
  • Choi, J. H, Kim, C. F., Kim, J-B & Zang, Y. (2010). Audit office size, audit quality, and audit pricing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 29(1), 73-97. DOI: 10.2308/aud.2010.29.1.73
  • Craswell, A. T., Francis, J. R. & Taylor, S. L. (1995). Auditor brand name reputations and industry specializations. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20, 297- 322.
  • DeAngelo, L. E. (1981a). Auditor size and audit quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(3), 183-199.
  • DeAngelo, L. E. (1981b). Auditor independence, ’low balling’, and disclosure regulation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3(2), 113–127.
  • DeAngelo, L. E. (1986). Accounting numbers as market valuation substitutes: A study of management buyouts of public stockholders. The Accounting Review, 61(3), 400-420.
  • DeFond, M. L. & Lennox, C. S. (2011). The effect of SOX on small auditor exits and audit quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 52(1), 21-40.
  • DeFond, M. L., Francis, J. R. & Wong, T. J. (2000). Auditor industry specialization and market segmentation: Evidence from Hong Kong. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 19(1), 49-66.
  • DeFond, M. L., Raghunandan, K. & Subramanyam, K. R. (2002). Do non–audit service fees impair auditor independence? Evidence from going concern audit opinions. Journal of Accounting Research, 40(4), 1247-1274.
  • DeFond, M. & Zhang, J. (2014). A review of archival auditing research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2–3), 275–326. 09.002
  • Detzen, D. & Gold, A. (2021). The different shades of audit quality: A review of the academic literature. Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 95(1/2), 5-15.
  • Francis, J. R. (2004). What Do We Know About Audit Quality?. The British Accounting Review, 36(4), 345-368.
  • Francis, J. R. (2022). Going Big, Going Small: A Perspective on Strategies for Researching Audit Quality. The British Accounting Review,
  • Francis, J. R. & Yu, M. D. (2009). Big 4 office size and audit quality. The Accounting Review, 84(5), 1521-1552.
  • Francis, J. R., Maydew, E. L. & Sparks, H. C. (1999). The Role of Big 6 Auditors in the Credible Reporting of Accruals. Auditing: A Journal of Practice& Theory. 18(2), 17-34.
  • GAO. (2003). Public Accounting Firms: Required study on the potential effects of mandatory audit firm rotation. GAO-04-216. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office. Web: adresinden 22 Kasım 2019’da alınmıştır.
  • Gaynor, L. M., Kelton, A. S., Mercer, M. & Yohn, T. L. (2016). Understanding the relation between financial reporting quality and audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 35(4), 1–22.
  • General Accounting Office (GAO). (2003). Public Accounting Firms: Mandated study on consolidation and competition. GAO-03-864. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office. Web: adresinden 10 Ekim 2019’da alınmıştır.
  • Ghosh, A. & Moon, D. (2005). Auditor tenure and perceptions of audit quality. The Accounting Review, 80(2), 585-612.
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Toplam 94 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Sayı

Zeynep Yaroğlu 0000-0003-3713-9092

Ganite Kurt 0000-0001-6438-2501

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Şubat 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Şubat 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2023
Kabul Tarihi 3 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yaroğlu, Z., & Kurt, G. (2023). Denetim Kalitesi Göstergeleri Ve Bir Model Önerisi: Borsa İstanbul Örneği. Journal of Accounting and Taxation Studies, 16(1), 125-155.

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