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“Sürdürülebilir” bilgisayar destekli dil öğrenimi (BDDÖ) hedefine ulaşma çabasında lisans seviyesinde verilecek bir BDDÖ ders müfredatının geliştirilmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 2054 - 2075, 29.12.2024


“Sürdürülebilir” Bilgisayar Destekli Dil Öğrenimi (BDDÖ) arayışında, bu çalışma, lisans düzeyinde bir BDDÖ ders müfredatı sunmaktadır. Teknolojinin eğitimdeki vazgeçilmez rolüne odaklanan bu müfredat, gelecekteki dil öğretmenlerine teknolojiyi etkili ve sürdürülebilir bir şekilde öğretim uygulamalarına entegre etmeleri için gerekli beceri ve tutumları kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ders, teorik bilgi ile pratik uygulamayı dengeleyen iki yarıya (teorik ve pratik) ayrılmıştır. Teorik ilk yarıda, BDDÖ ve öğrenme teorileri arasındaki bağlantı, dil öğretmenleri için teknoloji standartları, dijital materyal geliştirme ve değerlendirme gibi konular ele alınmaktadır. Pratiğe yönelik ikinci yarı, yabancı dil içeriğini sunmak için kullanılabilecek teknolojileri keşfetmeye ve farklı bağlamlarda dil becerilerini öğretmek için teknolojinin uygunluğunu değerlendirmeye odaklanmaktadır. Ders müfredatının ilk uygulaması, katılımcılar arasında işbirliği ve eleştirel analizin önemini ortaya koymuştur. Sonuç olarak, bu yönleri geliştirmek ve sürekli pedagojik innovasyon kültürünü teşvik etmek için müfredatta bazı düzenlemeler yapılmıştır. Bu müfredat aracılığıyla, çalışma, BDDÖ'nün normalleşmesi ve sürdürülebilirliği önündeki engellerin aşılmasına katkıda bulunarak dil eğitiminin kalitesini artırmayı hedeflemektedir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışmada herhangi yeni bir veri toplanmadığından etik kurul izni alınmasını gerektirecek bir durum oluşmamıştır.


  • Arnold, N., & Ducate, L. (2015). Contextualized views of practices and competencies in CALL teacher education research. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 1–9.
  • Bax, S. (2003). CALL—past, present and future. System, 31(1), 13–28.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: report of the World Commission on environment and development. United Nations Commission 4.
  • Bostancioglu, A. (2017). Teknolojinin dil öğretiminde kullanımı: lisans seviyesinde verilen bir bilgisayar destekli dil öğretimi dersinden yapılan çıkarımlar. Turkish Studies, 12(6), 89-102.
  • Bostancioglu, A., & Handley, Z. (2018). Developing and validating a questionnaire for evaluating the EFL ‘Total PACKage’: technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for English as a foreign language (EFL). Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31(5–6), 572–598.
  • Cesur, K., Yılmaz, T. S., Börekci, R., & Can, E. (2022). Suggested syllabus content for computer assisted language learning course in English language teaching programs. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26 (3), 795-810.
  • Chambers, A., & Bax, S. (2006). Making CALL work: towards normalisation. System, 34(4), 465-479.
  • Chao, C. -C. (2015). Rethinking transfer: learning from CALL teacher education as consequential transition. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 102–118.
  • Chapelle, C. A. (2003). English language learning and technology: Lectures on applied linguistics in the age of information and communication technology. John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Chapelle, C. A., & Jamieson, J. (2008). Tips for teaching with CALL: Practical approaches to computer-assisted language learning. Pearson Education ESL.
  • Colpaert, J. (2006). Toward an ontological approach in goal-oriented language courseware design and its implications for technology-independent content structuring. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 19(2–3), 109–127.
  • Colpaert, J. (2016). Big content in an educational engineering approach. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 7(1), 1-14. Available at
  • Egbert, J. (2005). CALL essentials: principles and practice in CALL classrooms. TESOL Press.
  • Egbert, J., Paulus, T. M., & Nakamichi, Y. (2002). The impact of CALL instruction on classroom computer use: a foundation for rethinking technology in teacher education. Language Learning & Technology, 6(3), 108–126.
  • Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2010). Teacher technology change: how knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), 255-284.
  • Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T., Sadik, O., Sendurur, E., & Sendurur, P. (2012). Teacher beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical relationship. Computers & Education, 59(2), 423-435.
  • Garrett, N. (2009). Computer-assisted language learning trends and issues revisited: integrating innovation. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 719-740.
  • Gibson, J. J. (1977). The theory of affordances. In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing: toward an ecological psychology, Erlbaum, pp. 67–82.
  • Gimeno-Sanz, A., Levy, M., Blin, F. & Barr, D. (2016). WorldCALL Sustainability and computer-assisted language learning. Bloomsbury
  • Graham, C. R. (2011). Theoretical considerations for understanding technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 57(3), 1953-1960.
  • Guichon N., Hauck M. (2011). Editorial: Teacher education research in CALL and CMC: more in demand than ever. ReCALL. 23(3),187-199.
  • Hampel, R., & Stickler, U. (2012). The use of videoconferencing to support multimodal interaction in an online language classroom. ReCALL, 24(2):116-137.
  • Handley, Z. L., & Wang, H. (2023). What do the measures of utterance fluency employed in automatic speech evaluation (ASE) tell us about oral proficiency? Language Assessment Quarterly, 21(1), 3–32.
  • Healey, D., Hegelheimer, V., Hubbard, P., Ioannou, S., Kessler, G., Ware; P. (2008). TESOL technology standards framework. Available at:
  • Hubbard, P. (2008). CALL and the future of language teacher education. CALICO Journal, 25(2), 175–188.
  • Hubbard, P. (2009). General introduction. In P. Hubbard (Ed.), Computer assisted language learning: critical concepts in linguistics. Routledge, pp. 1-20
  • Hubbard, P. & Levy, M. (2006). Teacher education in CALL, John Benjamins Publishing
  • ISTE. (2017). ISTE standards for educators. Retrieved from
  • Kennedy, C. & Levy, M. (2009). Sustainability and computer-assisted language learning: factors for success in a context of change. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(5), 445-463,
  • Kessler, G. & Hubbard, P. (2017). Language teacher education and technology. In (eds.) C. A. Chapelle & S. Sauro, The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning, Jon Wiley and Sons, pp. 278-292
  • Kessler, G. (2006). Assessing CALL teacher training: what are we doing and what could we do better? In P. Hubbard & M. Levy (eds), Teacher education in CALL. John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 23-44
  • Kessler, G. (2010). When they talk about CALL: discourse in a required CALL class? CALICO Journal, 27(2), 376–392.
  • Kessler, G. (2013). Collaborative language learning in co-constructed participatory culture. CALICO Journal, 30(3), 307-322.
  • Lee, M. (2009). How can 3D virtual worlds be used to support collaborative learning? An analysis of cases from the literature, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 5(1), 149-158
  • Levy, M. (1997). Computer-assisted language learning: context and conceptualization. Oxford University Press.
  • Levy, M., & Stockwell, G. (2006). CALL dimensions: options and issues in computer-assisted language learning. Routledge.
  • Lin, C.-H., Warschauer, M., & Blake, R. (2016). Language learning through social networks: perceptions and reality. Language Learning & Technology, 20(1), 124-147.
  • Loveless, A. (2011). Technology, pedagogy and education: reflections on the accomplishment of what teachers know, do and believe in a digital age. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 20(3), 301–16,
  • McDonough, J., & Shaw, C. (2003). Materials and methods in ELT: a teacher's guide. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: a framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017–1054.
  • Motteram, G., Slaouti, D., & Onat-Stelma, Z. (2013). Second language teacher education in CALL: an alignment of practice and theory. In J. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer- assisted language learning, Bloomsbury, pp. 55 – 71.
  • Murray, D. E., & McPherson, P. (2005). Navigating to read; reading to navigate. NCELTR.
  • Murray, L., & Barnes, A. (1998). Beyond the "wow" factor: evaluating multimedia language learning software from a pedagogical viewpoint. System, 26(2), 249-259.
  • Oppenheimer, T. (2003). The flickering mind: the false promise of technology in the classroom and how learning can be saved. Random House.
  • Peters, M. (2006). Developing computer competencies for pre-service language teachers: is one course enough? In P. Hubbard & M. Levy (Eds.), Teacher education in CALL, John Benjamins, pp. 153–166.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1, On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Reinders, H., & White, C. (2010). The theory and practice of technology in materials development and task design. In N. Harwood (Ed.), English language teaching materials: theory and practice. Cambridge University Press, pp. 58-80
  • Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., & Tondeur, J. (2019). The technology acceptance model (TAM): A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach to explaining teachers’ adoption of digital technology in education. Computers & Education, 128, 13-35.
  • Schmid, E. C. (2017). Teacher education in computer-assisted language learning: a sociocultural and linguistic perspective. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Selwyn, N. (2011). Education and technology: key issues and debates. Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Son, J. B. & Windeatt, S. (2018). Teacher training in computer-assisted language learning: voices of teacher educators. In (eds.) J.B. Son and S. Windeatt, Language teacher education and technology: approaches and practices, Bloomsbury, pp.1-18.
  • Son, J. B. (2018). Teacher development in technology-enhanced language teaching, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Steiss, J., Tate, T., Graham, S., Cruz, J., Hebert, M, Wang, J., Moon, Y., Tseng, W., Warschauer, M., & Olson C. B. (2024). Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback on students' writing. Learning and Instruction, 91,
  • Stockwell, G. (2007). Vocabulary on the move: investigating an intelligent mobile phone-based vocabulary tutor. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(4), 365-383.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2017). Understanding the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(3), 555-575.
  • Ushioda, E. (2013). Motivation and ELT: looking ahead to the future. In G. Motteram (Ed.), Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching (pp. 25-42). British Council.
  • Ward, M. (2016). Factors in sustainable CALL. In A. Gimeno-Sanz, M. Levy, F. Blin, & D. Barr (Eds.), WorldCALL sustainability and computer-assisted language learning (pp. 132–151). Bloomsbury.
  • Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: an overview. Language Teaching, 31(2), 57-71.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wenger, E., White, N., & Smith, J. D. (2009). Digital habitats: stewarding technology for communities. CPsquare.
  • Zhao, Y. (2003). Recent developments in technology and language learning: A literature review and meta-analysis. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 7-27.

In the pursuit of “sustainable” CALL via the development of a computer-assisted language learning course curriculum to be offered at undergraduate level

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 2054 - 2075, 29.12.2024


In the pursuit of sustainable Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), this study presents a CALL course curriculum for undergraduate level. Recognizing the indispensable role of technology in education, the curriculum aims to equip future language teachers with the skills and attitudes necessary for integrating technology into their teaching practices effectively and sustainably. The course is split into two halves as theory and practice, which balances theoretical knowledge with practical application. The theoretical first half covers topics such as the link between CALL and learning theories, technology standards for language teachers, digital materials development, and assessment and evaluation. The practice-oriented second half focuses on exploring technologies to present language content as well as evaluate appropriateness of technology to teach language skills in different contexts. Initial iteration of the course revealed the importance of fostering collaboration and critical analysis among participants. Consequently, adjustments are proposed to enhance these aspects, promoting a community culture of continuous pedagogical innovation. Through this curriculum, the study contributes to overcoming barriers to the normalization and sustainability of CALL, ultimately aiming to improve the quality of language education.


  • Arnold, N., & Ducate, L. (2015). Contextualized views of practices and competencies in CALL teacher education research. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 1–9.
  • Bax, S. (2003). CALL—past, present and future. System, 31(1), 13–28.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our common future: report of the World Commission on environment and development. United Nations Commission 4.
  • Bostancioglu, A. (2017). Teknolojinin dil öğretiminde kullanımı: lisans seviyesinde verilen bir bilgisayar destekli dil öğretimi dersinden yapılan çıkarımlar. Turkish Studies, 12(6), 89-102.
  • Bostancioglu, A., & Handley, Z. (2018). Developing and validating a questionnaire for evaluating the EFL ‘Total PACKage’: technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for English as a foreign language (EFL). Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31(5–6), 572–598.
  • Cesur, K., Yılmaz, T. S., Börekci, R., & Can, E. (2022). Suggested syllabus content for computer assisted language learning course in English language teaching programs. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26 (3), 795-810.
  • Chambers, A., & Bax, S. (2006). Making CALL work: towards normalisation. System, 34(4), 465-479.
  • Chao, C. -C. (2015). Rethinking transfer: learning from CALL teacher education as consequential transition. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 102–118.
  • Chapelle, C. A. (2003). English language learning and technology: Lectures on applied linguistics in the age of information and communication technology. John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Chapelle, C. A., & Jamieson, J. (2008). Tips for teaching with CALL: Practical approaches to computer-assisted language learning. Pearson Education ESL.
  • Colpaert, J. (2006). Toward an ontological approach in goal-oriented language courseware design and its implications for technology-independent content structuring. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 19(2–3), 109–127.
  • Colpaert, J. (2016). Big content in an educational engineering approach. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 7(1), 1-14. Available at
  • Egbert, J. (2005). CALL essentials: principles and practice in CALL classrooms. TESOL Press.
  • Egbert, J., Paulus, T. M., & Nakamichi, Y. (2002). The impact of CALL instruction on classroom computer use: a foundation for rethinking technology in teacher education. Language Learning & Technology, 6(3), 108–126.
  • Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2010). Teacher technology change: how knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), 255-284.
  • Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T., Sadik, O., Sendurur, E., & Sendurur, P. (2012). Teacher beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical relationship. Computers & Education, 59(2), 423-435.
  • Garrett, N. (2009). Computer-assisted language learning trends and issues revisited: integrating innovation. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 719-740.
  • Gibson, J. J. (1977). The theory of affordances. In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing: toward an ecological psychology, Erlbaum, pp. 67–82.
  • Gimeno-Sanz, A., Levy, M., Blin, F. & Barr, D. (2016). WorldCALL Sustainability and computer-assisted language learning. Bloomsbury
  • Graham, C. R. (2011). Theoretical considerations for understanding technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 57(3), 1953-1960.
  • Guichon N., Hauck M. (2011). Editorial: Teacher education research in CALL and CMC: more in demand than ever. ReCALL. 23(3),187-199.
  • Hampel, R., & Stickler, U. (2012). The use of videoconferencing to support multimodal interaction in an online language classroom. ReCALL, 24(2):116-137.
  • Handley, Z. L., & Wang, H. (2023). What do the measures of utterance fluency employed in automatic speech evaluation (ASE) tell us about oral proficiency? Language Assessment Quarterly, 21(1), 3–32.
  • Healey, D., Hegelheimer, V., Hubbard, P., Ioannou, S., Kessler, G., Ware; P. (2008). TESOL technology standards framework. Available at:
  • Hubbard, P. (2008). CALL and the future of language teacher education. CALICO Journal, 25(2), 175–188.
  • Hubbard, P. (2009). General introduction. In P. Hubbard (Ed.), Computer assisted language learning: critical concepts in linguistics. Routledge, pp. 1-20
  • Hubbard, P. & Levy, M. (2006). Teacher education in CALL, John Benjamins Publishing
  • ISTE. (2017). ISTE standards for educators. Retrieved from
  • Kennedy, C. & Levy, M. (2009). Sustainability and computer-assisted language learning: factors for success in a context of change. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(5), 445-463,
  • Kessler, G. & Hubbard, P. (2017). Language teacher education and technology. In (eds.) C. A. Chapelle & S. Sauro, The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning, Jon Wiley and Sons, pp. 278-292
  • Kessler, G. (2006). Assessing CALL teacher training: what are we doing and what could we do better? In P. Hubbard & M. Levy (eds), Teacher education in CALL. John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 23-44
  • Kessler, G. (2010). When they talk about CALL: discourse in a required CALL class? CALICO Journal, 27(2), 376–392.
  • Kessler, G. (2013). Collaborative language learning in co-constructed participatory culture. CALICO Journal, 30(3), 307-322.
  • Lee, M. (2009). How can 3D virtual worlds be used to support collaborative learning? An analysis of cases from the literature, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 5(1), 149-158
  • Levy, M. (1997). Computer-assisted language learning: context and conceptualization. Oxford University Press.
  • Levy, M., & Stockwell, G. (2006). CALL dimensions: options and issues in computer-assisted language learning. Routledge.
  • Lin, C.-H., Warschauer, M., & Blake, R. (2016). Language learning through social networks: perceptions and reality. Language Learning & Technology, 20(1), 124-147.
  • Loveless, A. (2011). Technology, pedagogy and education: reflections on the accomplishment of what teachers know, do and believe in a digital age. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 20(3), 301–16,
  • McDonough, J., & Shaw, C. (2003). Materials and methods in ELT: a teacher's guide. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: a framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017–1054.
  • Motteram, G., Slaouti, D., & Onat-Stelma, Z. (2013). Second language teacher education in CALL: an alignment of practice and theory. In J. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer- assisted language learning, Bloomsbury, pp. 55 – 71.
  • Murray, D. E., & McPherson, P. (2005). Navigating to read; reading to navigate. NCELTR.
  • Murray, L., & Barnes, A. (1998). Beyond the "wow" factor: evaluating multimedia language learning software from a pedagogical viewpoint. System, 26(2), 249-259.
  • Oppenheimer, T. (2003). The flickering mind: the false promise of technology in the classroom and how learning can be saved. Random House.
  • Peters, M. (2006). Developing computer competencies for pre-service language teachers: is one course enough? In P. Hubbard & M. Levy (Eds.), Teacher education in CALL, John Benjamins, pp. 153–166.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1, On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Reinders, H., & White, C. (2010). The theory and practice of technology in materials development and task design. In N. Harwood (Ed.), English language teaching materials: theory and practice. Cambridge University Press, pp. 58-80
  • Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., & Tondeur, J. (2019). The technology acceptance model (TAM): A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach to explaining teachers’ adoption of digital technology in education. Computers & Education, 128, 13-35.
  • Schmid, E. C. (2017). Teacher education in computer-assisted language learning: a sociocultural and linguistic perspective. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Selwyn, N. (2011). Education and technology: key issues and debates. Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Son, J. B. & Windeatt, S. (2018). Teacher training in computer-assisted language learning: voices of teacher educators. In (eds.) J.B. Son and S. Windeatt, Language teacher education and technology: approaches and practices, Bloomsbury, pp.1-18.
  • Son, J. B. (2018). Teacher development in technology-enhanced language teaching, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Steiss, J., Tate, T., Graham, S., Cruz, J., Hebert, M, Wang, J., Moon, Y., Tseng, W., Warschauer, M., & Olson C. B. (2024). Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback on students' writing. Learning and Instruction, 91,
  • Stockwell, G. (2007). Vocabulary on the move: investigating an intelligent mobile phone-based vocabulary tutor. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(4), 365-383.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2017). Understanding the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(3), 555-575.
  • Ushioda, E. (2013). Motivation and ELT: looking ahead to the future. In G. Motteram (Ed.), Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching (pp. 25-42). British Council.
  • Ward, M. (2016). Factors in sustainable CALL. In A. Gimeno-Sanz, M. Levy, F. Blin, & D. Barr (Eds.), WorldCALL sustainability and computer-assisted language learning (pp. 132–151). Bloomsbury.
  • Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: an overview. Language Teaching, 31(2), 57-71.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wenger, E., White, N., & Smith, J. D. (2009). Digital habitats: stewarding technology for communities. CPsquare.
  • Zhao, Y. (2003). Recent developments in technology and language learning: A literature review and meta-analysis. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 7-27.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İkinci Bir Dil Olarak İngilizce, Öğretim Teknolojileri

Ali Bostancıoğlu 0000-0002-3901-857X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Bostancıoğlu, A. (2024). In the pursuit of “sustainable” CALL via the development of a computer-assisted language learning course curriculum to be offered at undergraduate level. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 14(4), 2054-2075.