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Yıl 2024, , 84 - 105, 31.12.2024


The soaring rise of the information age, the postmodern management approach, the instantaneous state of the era, the speed, and the processing of big data with different methods, and the compulsory of being socially distanced under the conditions of the new normal have granted vital importance to virtualization. The study aims to propose a scale that will determine the virtual management levels of enterprises by transforming traditional management functions into virtual management functions with the contribution of four features: adaptability-flexibility, teamwork, communications-leadership, and strategic vision. In the study, which was conducted with the participation of 265 people working in 45 different sectors and approved by the ethics committee, 4 main features were confirmed by factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the validity of the four-factor structure obtained by exploratory factor analysis.

Etik Beyan

ethics comittee report is attached.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Arslan, A., Cooper, C., Khan, Z., Golgeci, I., & Ali, I., (2022). Artificial intelligence and human workers interaction at team level: a conceptual assessment of the challenges and potential HRM strategies. International Journal of Manpower, 43(1), 75-88.
  • Bakshi, S. & Krishna, S., (2009). "Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Virtuality on Flexibility of Virtual Teams in Software Development Projects" AMCIS 2009 Proceedings.
  • Bangemann M., (1994). Bangemann Report: Europe and the global information society. European Council, 24-25 June, Corfu.
  • Batırlık, S.N., Gencer, Y.G. & Akkucuk, U., (2022). Global Virtual Team Leadership Scale (GVTLS) Development in Multinational Companies. Sustainability 14, 1038. su14021038
  • Bebitoglu M.E., (2003). Sanal Yönetimin İşletme Verimliliği Üzerine Etkisi, Digiturk'te bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,
  • Bebitoglu M.E., (2019). Is Virtual Management Possible? A Research In D-Smart Company. 3 rd International EMI, Entrepreneurship Social Sciences Congress. Lefkosa
  • Benjamin, R. & Wigand, R., (1995). Electronic markets and virtual value chains on the information superhighway. Sloan Management, 36, 62–72.
  • Berger, M., (1996). Making the virtual office a reality. Sales Market Management, SMT Supplement, 18–22.
  • Bezpartochnyi, Maksym (ed.) (2020). Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New Challenges to Society: scientific monograph. Sofia, Bułgaria: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”
  • Brown, M. I., Prewett, M. S., & Grossenbacher, M. A., (2020). Distancing ourselves from geographic dispersion: An examination of perceived virtuality in teams. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 24(3), 168.
  • Buhalis, D., Lin, M.S. and Leung, D., (2023), “Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 701-716, doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-05-2022-0631.
  • Bunce, M., Wright, K., & Scott, M., (2018). “Our newsroom in the cloud”: Slack, virtual newsrooms, and journalistic practice. New Media &Society, 20,3381–3399.
  • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (Eds.). (2006). Virtual Organizations: systems and practices. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Casey, M. A., & Krueger, R. A., (1994). Focus group interviewing. In Measurement of food preferences (pp. 77-96). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  • Chemiakiotis, P., Dekonick, E. A. & Panteli, N., (2013). Creativity and Innovation Management
  • Chesbrough, H. W. & Teece, D. J., (1996). When is virtual virtuous? Organizing for innovation. Harvard Bus. Rev, (Jan.-Feb.), 65–73.
  • Churchill, G. A., (1979), "A Paradigm for Developing Measures of Marketing Constructs," Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (February), 64-73.
  • Colbert, A., Yee, N., & George, G., (2016). The digital workforce and the workplace of the future. Academy of Management Journal, 59, 731–739.
  • DeSanctis, G., & Monge, P., (1998). Communication processes for virtual organizations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 3(4), JCMC347.
  • Dixon, K. R., & Panteli, N., (2010). From virtual teams to virtuality in teams. Human relations, 63(8), 1177-1197.
  • Duan, Y., Edwards, J.S. and Yogesh K Dwivedi, Y.K., (2019). Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data – evolution, challenges and research agenda, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 48, pp.63-71.
  • Feifei S., Huansheng N., Xiaohong Z., Rongyang L., Qiaohui T., Shiming Z., Yuanyuan Z., Yudong G. & Mahmoud D., (2023). A new technology perspective of the Metaverse: Its essence, framework and challenges, Digital Communications and Networks.
  • Feitosa, J., & Salas, E., (2020). Today's virtual teams: Adapting lessons learned to the pandemic context. Organizational Dynamics.
  • Ford, R. C., Piccolo, R. F., & Ford, L. R., (2017). Strategies for building effective virtual teams: Trust is key. Business Horizons, 60, 25–34.
  • Gibson, C. B. and Cohen, S. G., (2003). Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness, Jossey-Bass.
  • Gillath, O., Ai, T., Branicky, M.S., Keshmiri, S., Davison, R.B. and Spaulding, R., (2021), “Attachment and trust in artificial intelligence”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 115, 106607.
  • Gilson L. L., Young M. T., Vartiainen M. and Hakonen M., (2014). Journal of Management 41, 1313
  • Grabowski, M. & Roberts, K. H., (1999). Risk mitigation in virtual organizations. Organization Science 10, 6, 704–721.
  • Grabowski, M. & Karlene, R., (2011). High-Reliability Virtual Organizations: Co-Adaptive Technology and Organizational Structures in Tsunami Warning Systems. Le Moyne College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 18, No. 4, Article 19.
  • Grenier, R. & Metes, G., (1995). Going Virtual Moving Your Organization into 21 Century. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Grosser, B. & Baumöl, U., (2017). Organizational Structures for an Implementation of Virtual Teamwork – A Case Study Analysis, Perspectives of Business Informatics Research, Proceedings of 16th International Conference.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., Black, W.C., (1998) - Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ,
  • Hatch, M. J., (1997). Organization Theory, Modern Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  • Hennink, M.; Hutter, I.; Bailey, A., (2011). Qualitative Research Methods; Sage Publications Ltd.: London, UK,
  • Hennink, M.M., (2014) Understanding Focus Group Discussions; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2014.
  • Hosseini, M. R., Zuo, J., Chileshe, N. & Baroudi, B., (2015). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 27 (4) 385
  • Jarvenpaa, S. L. & Leidner, D. E., (1999). Communication and trust in virtual teams. Organization Science 10, 6, 791–815.
  • Jones, G., & George, J., (2009). Contemporary Management (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Kaiser, A., Fahrenbach, F., & Martinez, H., (2021). Creating Shared Visions in Organizations – Taking an Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Perspective. In Tung X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 54rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 5186 - 5195). ScholarSpace University of Hawaii at Manoa.
  • Kilcullen, M., Feitosa, J., & Salas, E., (2021). Insights from the virtual team science: Rapid deployment during COVID-19. Human Factors, 0018720821991678
  • Kirkman, B. L., Rosen, B. E. N. S. O. N., Gibson, C. B., Tesluk, P. E., & McPherson, S. O., (2002, February). Seven challenges to virtual team performance: Lessons from Sabre, Inc. 17th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto, Canada.
  • Kirkman, B. L., Gibson, C. B., & Kim, K., (2012). Across borders and technologies: Advancements in virtual teams research.
  • Krawczyk-Bryłka, B., (2017). Comparative Study Of Traditional And Virtual Teams. Task Quarterly, 21(3), Article 3.
  • Laitinen, K., & Valo, M., (2018). Meanings of communication technology in virtual team settings: Framing technology-related interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 111,12–22
  • Lepsinger, R. & DeRosa, D. M., (2010). Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Learning from Distance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Laudon, K. C. & Laudon. J. P., (2000). Management Information Systems; New Approaches to Organization & Technology. 51th Ed. Prenhall.
  • Lipnack, J. & Stamps, J., (2000). Virtual Teams, People Working Across Boundaries. 2nd Ed., John Wiley, and Sons.
  • Loureiro, S.M.C., Guerreiro, J. and Tussyadiah, L., (2021). Artificial intelligence in business: State of the art and future research agenda, Journal of Business Research, Volume 129, pp. 911-926
  • Mortensen M. & O’Leary M., (2012). Managing a Virtual Team [Online] [Accessed: 27-Mar-2024]
  • Norton, B. & Smith, C., (1997). Understanding the Virtual Organization. New York: Barron's Educational Series.
  • Palmer, J. W. & Speier, C., (1997). A typology of virtual organizations: An empirical study. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems Conference.
  • Perkel, J. M., (2016). How scientists use Slack. Nature, 541,123–124.
  • Poth, A., & Heimann, C., (2018, September). How to innovate software quality assurance and testing in large enterprises? In European Conference on Software Process Improvement (pp. 437-442). Springer, Cham.
  • Rogers, D. M. A., (1996). The challenge of fifth-generation R&D. Research-Technology Management, 39(4), 33-41.
  • Salter, C., Green, M., Duncan, P., Berre, A., & Torti, C., (2010). Virtual communication, transformational leadership, and implicit leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4, 6-17.
  • Saether, E. A., Eide, A. E., & Bjørgum, Ø., (2021). Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(5), 2382-2395.
  • Scannell, M., Abrams, M. & Mulvihill, M., (2014). The Big Book of Virtual Team Building Games, Wolters Kluwer ABC Pub.
  • Tanaka, N., Winslett, M., Lee, A. J., Yau, D. K., & Bao, F., (2013, February). Insured access: an approach to ad-hoc information sharing for virtual organizations. In Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (pp. 301-308).
  • Thien H., Quoc-Viet P., Xuan-Qui P., Thanh T., Zhu Han & Dong-Seong K., (2023). Artificial intelligence for the metaverse: A survey, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 117, Part A,
  • Travica, B., (2005). Virtual organization and electronic commerce. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for advances in information systems, 36(3), 45-68.
  • Voinov, A., Kolagani, N., McCall, M. K., Glynn, P. D., Kragt, M. E., Ostermann, F. O. & Ramu, P., (2016). Modeling with stakeholders–next generation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 77, 196-220.
  • Wildemeersch, D., & Jütte, W., (2017). Digital the new normal-multiple challenges for the education and learning of adults. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 8(1), 7-20.


Yıl 2024, , 84 - 105, 31.12.2024


Bilgi çağının hızlı yükselişi, postmodern yönetim anlayışı, çağın anlık hali, büyük verinin hızlı ve farklı yöntemlerle işlenmesi ve yeni normal koşullarında sosyal mesafe zorunluluğu, sanallığa yaşamsal önem kazandırmıştır. Bu çalışma, geleneksel yönetim işlevlerinin uyum sağlama-esneklik, ekip çalışması, iletişim-liderlik ve stratejik vizyon özelliklerinin katkısıyla sanal yönetim işlevlerine dönüşeceği öngörüsü uyarınca işletmelerin sanal yönetim düzeylerini belirleyecek bir ölçek önermeyi amaçlamaktadır. 45 farklı sektörde çalışan 265 kişinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen, etik kurul onayı bulunan, araştırmada 4 temel özellik faktör analizi ile doğrulanmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizi ile elde edilen dört faktörlü yapının geçerliliği, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile test edilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Etik kurul Raporu eklenmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Arslan, A., Cooper, C., Khan, Z., Golgeci, I., & Ali, I., (2022). Artificial intelligence and human workers interaction at team level: a conceptual assessment of the challenges and potential HRM strategies. International Journal of Manpower, 43(1), 75-88.
  • Bakshi, S. & Krishna, S., (2009). "Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Virtuality on Flexibility of Virtual Teams in Software Development Projects" AMCIS 2009 Proceedings.
  • Bangemann M., (1994). Bangemann Report: Europe and the global information society. European Council, 24-25 June, Corfu.
  • Batırlık, S.N., Gencer, Y.G. & Akkucuk, U., (2022). Global Virtual Team Leadership Scale (GVTLS) Development in Multinational Companies. Sustainability 14, 1038. su14021038
  • Bebitoglu M.E., (2003). Sanal Yönetimin İşletme Verimliliği Üzerine Etkisi, Digiturk'te bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,
  • Bebitoglu M.E., (2019). Is Virtual Management Possible? A Research In D-Smart Company. 3 rd International EMI, Entrepreneurship Social Sciences Congress. Lefkosa
  • Benjamin, R. & Wigand, R., (1995). Electronic markets and virtual value chains on the information superhighway. Sloan Management, 36, 62–72.
  • Berger, M., (1996). Making the virtual office a reality. Sales Market Management, SMT Supplement, 18–22.
  • Bezpartochnyi, Maksym (ed.) (2020). Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New Challenges to Society: scientific monograph. Sofia, Bułgaria: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”
  • Brown, M. I., Prewett, M. S., & Grossenbacher, M. A., (2020). Distancing ourselves from geographic dispersion: An examination of perceived virtuality in teams. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 24(3), 168.
  • Buhalis, D., Lin, M.S. and Leung, D., (2023), “Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 701-716, doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-05-2022-0631.
  • Bunce, M., Wright, K., & Scott, M., (2018). “Our newsroom in the cloud”: Slack, virtual newsrooms, and journalistic practice. New Media &Society, 20,3381–3399.
  • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (Eds.). (2006). Virtual Organizations: systems and practices. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Casey, M. A., & Krueger, R. A., (1994). Focus group interviewing. In Measurement of food preferences (pp. 77-96). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  • Chemiakiotis, P., Dekonick, E. A. & Panteli, N., (2013). Creativity and Innovation Management
  • Chesbrough, H. W. & Teece, D. J., (1996). When is virtual virtuous? Organizing for innovation. Harvard Bus. Rev, (Jan.-Feb.), 65–73.
  • Churchill, G. A., (1979), "A Paradigm for Developing Measures of Marketing Constructs," Journal of Marketing Research, 16 (February), 64-73.
  • Colbert, A., Yee, N., & George, G., (2016). The digital workforce and the workplace of the future. Academy of Management Journal, 59, 731–739.
  • DeSanctis, G., & Monge, P., (1998). Communication processes for virtual organizations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 3(4), JCMC347.
  • Dixon, K. R., & Panteli, N., (2010). From virtual teams to virtuality in teams. Human relations, 63(8), 1177-1197.
  • Duan, Y., Edwards, J.S. and Yogesh K Dwivedi, Y.K., (2019). Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data – evolution, challenges and research agenda, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 48, pp.63-71.
  • Feifei S., Huansheng N., Xiaohong Z., Rongyang L., Qiaohui T., Shiming Z., Yuanyuan Z., Yudong G. & Mahmoud D., (2023). A new technology perspective of the Metaverse: Its essence, framework and challenges, Digital Communications and Networks.
  • Feitosa, J., & Salas, E., (2020). Today's virtual teams: Adapting lessons learned to the pandemic context. Organizational Dynamics.
  • Ford, R. C., Piccolo, R. F., & Ford, L. R., (2017). Strategies for building effective virtual teams: Trust is key. Business Horizons, 60, 25–34.
  • Gibson, C. B. and Cohen, S. G., (2003). Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness, Jossey-Bass.
  • Gillath, O., Ai, T., Branicky, M.S., Keshmiri, S., Davison, R.B. and Spaulding, R., (2021), “Attachment and trust in artificial intelligence”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 115, 106607.
  • Gilson L. L., Young M. T., Vartiainen M. and Hakonen M., (2014). Journal of Management 41, 1313
  • Grabowski, M. & Roberts, K. H., (1999). Risk mitigation in virtual organizations. Organization Science 10, 6, 704–721.
  • Grabowski, M. & Karlene, R., (2011). High-Reliability Virtual Organizations: Co-Adaptive Technology and Organizational Structures in Tsunami Warning Systems. Le Moyne College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 18, No. 4, Article 19.
  • Grenier, R. & Metes, G., (1995). Going Virtual Moving Your Organization into 21 Century. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Grosser, B. & Baumöl, U., (2017). Organizational Structures for an Implementation of Virtual Teamwork – A Case Study Analysis, Perspectives of Business Informatics Research, Proceedings of 16th International Conference.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., Black, W.C., (1998) - Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ,
  • Hatch, M. J., (1997). Organization Theory, Modern Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  • Hennink, M.; Hutter, I.; Bailey, A., (2011). Qualitative Research Methods; Sage Publications Ltd.: London, UK,
  • Hennink, M.M., (2014) Understanding Focus Group Discussions; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2014.
  • Hosseini, M. R., Zuo, J., Chileshe, N. & Baroudi, B., (2015). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 27 (4) 385
  • Jarvenpaa, S. L. & Leidner, D. E., (1999). Communication and trust in virtual teams. Organization Science 10, 6, 791–815.
  • Jones, G., & George, J., (2009). Contemporary Management (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Kaiser, A., Fahrenbach, F., & Martinez, H., (2021). Creating Shared Visions in Organizations – Taking an Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Perspective. In Tung X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 54rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 5186 - 5195). ScholarSpace University of Hawaii at Manoa.
  • Kilcullen, M., Feitosa, J., & Salas, E., (2021). Insights from the virtual team science: Rapid deployment during COVID-19. Human Factors, 0018720821991678
  • Kirkman, B. L., Rosen, B. E. N. S. O. N., Gibson, C. B., Tesluk, P. E., & McPherson, S. O., (2002, February). Seven challenges to virtual team performance: Lessons from Sabre, Inc. 17th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto, Canada.
  • Kirkman, B. L., Gibson, C. B., & Kim, K., (2012). Across borders and technologies: Advancements in virtual teams research.
  • Krawczyk-Bryłka, B., (2017). Comparative Study Of Traditional And Virtual Teams. Task Quarterly, 21(3), Article 3.
  • Laitinen, K., & Valo, M., (2018). Meanings of communication technology in virtual team settings: Framing technology-related interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 111,12–22
  • Lepsinger, R. & DeRosa, D. M., (2010). Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Learning from Distance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Laudon, K. C. & Laudon. J. P., (2000). Management Information Systems; New Approaches to Organization & Technology. 51th Ed. Prenhall.
  • Lipnack, J. & Stamps, J., (2000). Virtual Teams, People Working Across Boundaries. 2nd Ed., John Wiley, and Sons.
  • Loureiro, S.M.C., Guerreiro, J. and Tussyadiah, L., (2021). Artificial intelligence in business: State of the art and future research agenda, Journal of Business Research, Volume 129, pp. 911-926
  • Mortensen M. & O’Leary M., (2012). Managing a Virtual Team [Online] [Accessed: 27-Mar-2024]
  • Norton, B. & Smith, C., (1997). Understanding the Virtual Organization. New York: Barron's Educational Series.
  • Palmer, J. W. & Speier, C., (1997). A typology of virtual organizations: An empirical study. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems Conference.
  • Perkel, J. M., (2016). How scientists use Slack. Nature, 541,123–124.
  • Poth, A., & Heimann, C., (2018, September). How to innovate software quality assurance and testing in large enterprises? In European Conference on Software Process Improvement (pp. 437-442). Springer, Cham.
  • Rogers, D. M. A., (1996). The challenge of fifth-generation R&D. Research-Technology Management, 39(4), 33-41.
  • Salter, C., Green, M., Duncan, P., Berre, A., & Torti, C., (2010). Virtual communication, transformational leadership, and implicit leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4, 6-17.
  • Saether, E. A., Eide, A. E., & Bjørgum, Ø., (2021). Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(5), 2382-2395.
  • Scannell, M., Abrams, M. & Mulvihill, M., (2014). The Big Book of Virtual Team Building Games, Wolters Kluwer ABC Pub.
  • Tanaka, N., Winslett, M., Lee, A. J., Yau, D. K., & Bao, F., (2013, February). Insured access: an approach to ad-hoc information sharing for virtual organizations. In Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (pp. 301-308).
  • Thien H., Quoc-Viet P., Xuan-Qui P., Thanh T., Zhu Han & Dong-Seong K., (2023). Artificial intelligence for the metaverse: A survey, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 117, Part A,
  • Travica, B., (2005). Virtual organization and electronic commerce. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for advances in information systems, 36(3), 45-68.
  • Voinov, A., Kolagani, N., McCall, M. K., Glynn, P. D., Kragt, M. E., Ostermann, F. O. & Ramu, P., (2016). Modeling with stakeholders–next generation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 77, 196-220.
  • Wildemeersch, D., & Jütte, W., (2017). Digital the new normal-multiple challenges for the education and learning of adults. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 8(1), 7-20.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri, Operasyon Stratejisi, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Teorisi, Strateji
Bölüm Makaleler

Meriç Esat Bebitoğlu 0000-0001-5013-913X

Proje Numarası YOk
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Bebitoğlu, M. E. (2024). SCALE FOR DETERMINING THE VIRTUAL MANAGEMENT LEVEL OF AN ENTERPRISE. Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(Özel Sayı), 84-105.

Nişantaşı Üniversitesi kurumsal yayınıdır.