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Yıl 2024, , 253 - 265, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı cari işsizlik oranını ayrıştırarak doğal işsizlik oranlarının tespit edilmesidir. Bu kapsamda seçili gelişmekte olan ülkeler 2001-2022 dönemi stokastik sınır yaklaşımı kullanılarak ampirik olarak incelenmektedir. İktisadi teori cari işsizlik oranını friksiyonel, yapısal ve konjonktürel işsizliğin toplamı olarak ayrıştırmaktadır. Ayrıca teorik yaklaşımlar friksiyonel işsizlik ve yapısal işsizliğin toplamının doğal işsizlik (NRU) olarak adlandırılan bir denge işsizlik kavramına karşılık geldiğini de ifade etmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle bu çalışmada friksiyonel (geçiçi) işsizlik oranı sıfır kabul edilerek, cari işsizlik oranı doğal işsizlik oranı ve konjonktürel işsizlik oranı olarak ikiye ayrıştırılmaktadır. İşsizliğin bileşenlerini elde ederken literatür kullanılan en yaygın yöntem tek değişkenli istatistiksel filtreler olmaktadır. Bu filtrelerin başında şüphesiz HP filtresi gelmektedir. Çalışmada, tek değişkenli istatistiksel filtre sonucunda hesaplanan doğal işsizlik oranının stokastik sınır yaklaşımı sonucu ulaşılan değerlere kıyasla daha yüksek olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Doğal işsizlik değerlerinin literatürde tahmin edilenden düşük olması, konjonktürel işsizliğin daha önce düşünülenden daha yüksek olabileceğini göstermektedir. Bu durumda politika yapıcılara aktif para ve maliye politikalarının uygulanması açısından daha geniş bir alan oluşturmaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışmanın, özgün bir çalışma olduğunu; çalışmanın hazırlık, veri toplama, analiz ve bilgilerin sunumu olmak üzere tüm aşamalarından bilimsel etik ilke ve kurallarına uygun davrandığımı beyan ederim.


  • Aigner, D., Lovell C. K. ve Schmidt, P., (1977). “Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Function Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 6(1), 21-37.
  • Auerbach, A., ve Kotlikoff L., (1995). “Macroeconomics”, South-Western College Publishing.
  • Aysun, U., Bouvet F. ve Hofler R., (2014). “An Alternative Measure of Structural Unemployment”, Economic Modelling, 38, 592-603.
  • Baltagi, B. H., (2014). “Panel Data And Difference-in-Differences Estimation”, Encyclopedia of Health Economics, 425-433.
  • Battese, G. E. ve Coelli T. J., (1992). “Frontier Production Functions, Technical Efficiency and Panel Data: With Application to Paddy Farmers in India”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 3, 153-169.
  • Battese, G. E. ve Coelli T. J., (1995). “A Model For Technical İnefficiency Effects in a Stochastic Frontier Production Function For Panel Data”, Empirical Economics, 20, 325-332.
  • Belottı, F. ve Ilardi, G., (2018). “Consistent Inference İn Fixed-Effects Stochastic Frontier Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 202(2), 161-177.
  • Blanchard, O. J. ve Summers L. H., (1986). “Hysteresis and The European Unemployment Problem”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 1, 15-78.
  • Blanchard, O. ve Fischer S., (1989). Lectures on Macroeconomics. MIT press.
  • Chen, Y. Y., Schmidt P., ve Wang H. J., (2014). “Consistent Estimation of The Fixed Effects Stochastic Frontier Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 181(2), 65-76.
  • Coelli, T., Rahman S. ve Thirtle C. (2003) A Stochastic Frontier Approach to Total Factor Productivity Measurement in Bangladesh Crop Agriculture, 1961–92. Journal Of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies Association, 15(3), 321-333.
  • Cuéllar-Martın, J., Martın-Román Á. L., ve Moral A. (2019). “An Empirical Analysis of Natural and Cyclical Unemployment at the Provincial Level in Spain”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 12, 647-696.
  • Ekinci, R., (2018). “Avrupa Birliği Bankacılık Endüstrisinde Maliyet Etkinliği ve Belirleyenleri: Stokastik Sınır Analizi”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 13(51), 256-266.
  • Greene, W., (2004). “Distinguishing Between Heterogeneity and Inefficiency: Stochastic Frontier Analysis of The World Health Organization's Panel Data on National Health Care Systems”, Health Economics, 13(10), 959-980.
  • Greene, W., (2005). “Fixed and Random Effects in Stochastic Frontier Models”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 23, 7-32.
  • Hahn, F. H., (1980). “Unemployment From a Theoretical Viewpoint”, Economica, 47(187), 285-298.
  • Hahn, J., (1996). “The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Korea: Estimation and Implications”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 22(1), 63-76.
  • Hausman, J. A., (1978). “Specification Tests in Econometrics. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1251-1271. Hodrick, R. J. ve Prescott E. C., (1997). “Postwar us Business Cycles: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 1-16.
  • Johnson, G. E. ve Layard P. R. G., (1986). “The Natural Rate Of Unemployment: Explanation And Policy”, Handbook of Labor Economics, 2, 921-999.
  • Karanassou, M., Sala, H., ve Snower, D. J. (2007). “The Macroeconomics Of The Labor Market: Three Fundamental Views”, Portuguese Economic Journal, 6, 151-180.
  • Karanassou, M., Sala, H., ve Snower, D. J., (2010). Phillips Curves and Unemployment Dynamics: A Critique and a Holistic Perspective. Journal of Economic Surveys, 24(1), 1-51.
  • Kıng, T. B. ve Morley J., (2007). “In Search of The Natural Rate of Unemployment”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(2), 550-564.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. (1990). “Production Frontiers, Panel Data, and Time-Varying Technical Inefficiency”, Journal of Econometrics, 46(1-2), 201-211.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. ve Tsionas E. G., (2006). “Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Functions With Input-Oriented Technical Efficiency”, Journal of Econometrics, 133(1), 71-96.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. ve Hjalmarsson L. (1995). “Labour‐use efficiency in Swedish social insurance offices”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10(1), 33-47.
  • Lawson, L. G., Bruun, J., Coelli, T., Agger, J. F., ve Lund, M., (2004). “Relationships of Efficiency to Reproductive Disorders in Danish Milk Production: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis”, Journal of Dairy Science, 87(1), 212-224.
  • Mankiw, N. G., (1994). Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers.
  • Martín‐Román, Á. L., Cuéllar‐Martín, J., ve Moral, A., (2023). “Natural And Cyclical Unemployment: A Stochastic Frontier Decomposition and Economic Policy İmplications”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 75(1), 5-39.
  • Meeusen, W. ve Van Den Broeck J.,(1977). “Efficiency Estimation from Cobb-Douglas Production Functions With Composed Error”, International Economic Review, 435-444.
  • Mocan, H. N., (1999). "Structural Unemployment, Cyclical Unemployment, and Income Inequality”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 81(1), 122-134.
  • Moosa, I. A., (1997). “A Cross-Country Comparison of Okun's Coefficient”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 24(3), 335-356.
  • Pıtt, M. M. ve Lee L. F., (1981). “The Measurement And Sources of Technical Inefficiency in The Indonesian Weaving Industry”, Journal of Development Economics, 9(1), 43-64.
  • Schmıdt, P. ve Sickles R. C., (1984). Production Frontiers and Panel Data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2(4), 367-374.
  • Stevens, P. A., (2005). “A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Of English and Welsh Universities”, Education Economics, 13(4), 355-374.
  • Tutulmaz, O. ve ŞAHİN, H., (2014). “Türk Havayolu Ulaştırmasının Açılım Dönemine Yönelik Teknik Etkinlik Analizi: Bir Stokastik Sınır Yöntemi Uygulaması”, Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 49-73.
  • Warren JR, R. S., (1991). “The Estimation of Frictional Unemployment: A Stochastic Frontier Approach”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 373-377.

Natural Unemployment And Cyclical Unemployment: Stochastic Frontier Analysis

Yıl 2024, , 253 - 265, 31.12.2024


The main purpose of this study is to determine the natural unemployment rates by decomposing the current unemployment rate. In this context, selected developing countries are empirically examined using the stochastic frontier approach for the period 2001-2022. Economic theory decomposes the current unemployment rate as the sum of frictional, structural, and cyclical unemployment. In addition, theoretical approaches also state that the sum of frictional unemployment and structural unemployment corresponds to an equilibrium unemployment concept called natural unemployment (NRU). From this point, in this study, the frictional (temporary) unemployment rate is assumed to be zero, and the current unemployment rate is decomposed into two: the natural and cyclical unemployment rates. Univariate statistical filters are the most common method used in the literature to obtain unemployment components. The HP filter is undoubtedly the most important of these filters. In the study, it is observed that the natural unemployment rate calculated as a result of the univariate statistical filter is higher than the values obtained due to the stochastic frontier approach. The fact that natural unemployment values are lower than estimated in the literature indicates that cyclical unemployment may be higher than previously thought. In this case, it creates a broader space for policymakers to implement active monetary and fiscal policies.


  • Aigner, D., Lovell C. K. ve Schmidt, P., (1977). “Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Function Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 6(1), 21-37.
  • Auerbach, A., ve Kotlikoff L., (1995). “Macroeconomics”, South-Western College Publishing.
  • Aysun, U., Bouvet F. ve Hofler R., (2014). “An Alternative Measure of Structural Unemployment”, Economic Modelling, 38, 592-603.
  • Baltagi, B. H., (2014). “Panel Data And Difference-in-Differences Estimation”, Encyclopedia of Health Economics, 425-433.
  • Battese, G. E. ve Coelli T. J., (1992). “Frontier Production Functions, Technical Efficiency and Panel Data: With Application to Paddy Farmers in India”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 3, 153-169.
  • Battese, G. E. ve Coelli T. J., (1995). “A Model For Technical İnefficiency Effects in a Stochastic Frontier Production Function For Panel Data”, Empirical Economics, 20, 325-332.
  • Belottı, F. ve Ilardi, G., (2018). “Consistent Inference İn Fixed-Effects Stochastic Frontier Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 202(2), 161-177.
  • Blanchard, O. J. ve Summers L. H., (1986). “Hysteresis and The European Unemployment Problem”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 1, 15-78.
  • Blanchard, O. ve Fischer S., (1989). Lectures on Macroeconomics. MIT press.
  • Chen, Y. Y., Schmidt P., ve Wang H. J., (2014). “Consistent Estimation of The Fixed Effects Stochastic Frontier Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 181(2), 65-76.
  • Coelli, T., Rahman S. ve Thirtle C. (2003) A Stochastic Frontier Approach to Total Factor Productivity Measurement in Bangladesh Crop Agriculture, 1961–92. Journal Of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies Association, 15(3), 321-333.
  • Cuéllar-Martın, J., Martın-Román Á. L., ve Moral A. (2019). “An Empirical Analysis of Natural and Cyclical Unemployment at the Provincial Level in Spain”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 12, 647-696.
  • Ekinci, R., (2018). “Avrupa Birliği Bankacılık Endüstrisinde Maliyet Etkinliği ve Belirleyenleri: Stokastik Sınır Analizi”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 13(51), 256-266.
  • Greene, W., (2004). “Distinguishing Between Heterogeneity and Inefficiency: Stochastic Frontier Analysis of The World Health Organization's Panel Data on National Health Care Systems”, Health Economics, 13(10), 959-980.
  • Greene, W., (2005). “Fixed and Random Effects in Stochastic Frontier Models”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 23, 7-32.
  • Hahn, F. H., (1980). “Unemployment From a Theoretical Viewpoint”, Economica, 47(187), 285-298.
  • Hahn, J., (1996). “The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Korea: Estimation and Implications”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 22(1), 63-76.
  • Hausman, J. A., (1978). “Specification Tests in Econometrics. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1251-1271. Hodrick, R. J. ve Prescott E. C., (1997). “Postwar us Business Cycles: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 1-16.
  • Johnson, G. E. ve Layard P. R. G., (1986). “The Natural Rate Of Unemployment: Explanation And Policy”, Handbook of Labor Economics, 2, 921-999.
  • Karanassou, M., Sala, H., ve Snower, D. J. (2007). “The Macroeconomics Of The Labor Market: Three Fundamental Views”, Portuguese Economic Journal, 6, 151-180.
  • Karanassou, M., Sala, H., ve Snower, D. J., (2010). Phillips Curves and Unemployment Dynamics: A Critique and a Holistic Perspective. Journal of Economic Surveys, 24(1), 1-51.
  • Kıng, T. B. ve Morley J., (2007). “In Search of The Natural Rate of Unemployment”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(2), 550-564.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. (1990). “Production Frontiers, Panel Data, and Time-Varying Technical Inefficiency”, Journal of Econometrics, 46(1-2), 201-211.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. ve Tsionas E. G., (2006). “Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Functions With Input-Oriented Technical Efficiency”, Journal of Econometrics, 133(1), 71-96.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C. ve Hjalmarsson L. (1995). “Labour‐use efficiency in Swedish social insurance offices”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10(1), 33-47.
  • Lawson, L. G., Bruun, J., Coelli, T., Agger, J. F., ve Lund, M., (2004). “Relationships of Efficiency to Reproductive Disorders in Danish Milk Production: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis”, Journal of Dairy Science, 87(1), 212-224.
  • Mankiw, N. G., (1994). Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers.
  • Martín‐Román, Á. L., Cuéllar‐Martín, J., ve Moral, A., (2023). “Natural And Cyclical Unemployment: A Stochastic Frontier Decomposition and Economic Policy İmplications”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 75(1), 5-39.
  • Meeusen, W. ve Van Den Broeck J.,(1977). “Efficiency Estimation from Cobb-Douglas Production Functions With Composed Error”, International Economic Review, 435-444.
  • Mocan, H. N., (1999). "Structural Unemployment, Cyclical Unemployment, and Income Inequality”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 81(1), 122-134.
  • Moosa, I. A., (1997). “A Cross-Country Comparison of Okun's Coefficient”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 24(3), 335-356.
  • Pıtt, M. M. ve Lee L. F., (1981). “The Measurement And Sources of Technical Inefficiency in The Indonesian Weaving Industry”, Journal of Development Economics, 9(1), 43-64.
  • Schmıdt, P. ve Sickles R. C., (1984). Production Frontiers and Panel Data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2(4), 367-374.
  • Stevens, P. A., (2005). “A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Of English and Welsh Universities”, Education Economics, 13(4), 355-374.
  • Tutulmaz, O. ve ŞAHİN, H., (2014). “Türk Havayolu Ulaştırmasının Açılım Dönemine Yönelik Teknik Etkinlik Analizi: Bir Stokastik Sınır Yöntemi Uygulaması”, Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 49-73.
  • Warren JR, R. S., (1991). “The Estimation of Frictional Unemployment: A Stochastic Frontier Approach”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 373-377.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Büyüme, İktisat Teorisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ümit Koç 0000-0003-4360-1853

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, Ü. (2024). DOĞAL İŞSİZLİK VE KONJONKTÜREL İŞSİZLİK STOKASTİK SINIR ANALİZİ. Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(Özel Sayı), 253-265.

Nişantaşı Üniversitesi kurumsal yayınıdır.