Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 112 - 139, 11.04.2016
LEYLA Leblebici Koçer
TUĞBA Delice
Bu araştırma, yeşil reklamlara yönelik tutumların çevresel duyarlılığı etkileyip etkilemediğini ortaya çıkartmak ve bu etki üzerinde önemli olarak düşünülen çevresel kaygı faktörünün de aracılık rolü olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 360 kişiden yüz yüze anket yöntemiyle veriler toplanmıştır. Ankette 5’li Likert ölçeğiyle oluşturulmuş biri yeşil reklamlarla ilgili diğeri çevresel duyarlılık ve çevresel kaygı ile ilgili iki farklı ölçeğe ve cevaplayıcılarla ilgili demografik sorulara yer verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre, çevresel duyarlılıkla yeşil reklamlara yönelik olumlu tutumlar arasında aynı yönlü bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, yeşil reklamlara yönelik olumlu tutumların çevresel duyarlılığı etkilediği ve yeşil reklamlara yönelik tutumlar ile çevresel duyarlılık arasındaki ilişkide çevresel kaygının aracılık rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yeşil reklamlara yönelik olumlu tutum sergileyen tüketicilerin çevreye daha duyarlı oldukları ve bu duyarlılıkta da çevresel kaygının etkisi olduğundan söz edilebilir. İşletmelerin yeşil reklam sunumlarında bu etkiyi göz önünde bulundurarak ürüne ve reklama yönelik pozitif tutum oluşturacak stratejiler belirlemeleri yararlarına olacaktır.
- • Abdul, W.N., and Abustan, I., (2002). Environmental Concern: Between Consumers’ Awareness and Willingness for Attitude Change. Realizing Agenda21: International Conference on Environmental Management: University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, ss:579-590.
- • Ahmad, H., (2009). Factors in Environmental Advertising Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Intention. Proceedings 2nd CBRC, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
- • Aggarwal, P., and Kadyan, A., (2014). Greenwashing: The Darker Side of CSR. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol:4, Issue:3, ss:61-66.
- • Akgün, Ö., Zerenler, M., and Şahin, E., (2013). Green Marketing Perception: A Study on Konya Automotive Supplier Industry. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:4, No:10, ss:758-771.
- • Albayrak, T., Caber, M., Moutinho, L., and Herstein, R., (2011). The Influence of Skepticism on Green Purchase Behavior. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol:2, No:13, ss:189-197.
- • Alibeli, M.A., and Johnson, C., (2009). Environmental Concern: A Cross National Analysis. Journal of International and Cross-Cultural Studies, Vol:3, No:1, ss:1-10.
- • Alnıaçık, Ü., Yılmaz, C. ve Alnıaçık, E., (2010). Reklamlarda Çevreci İddialar ve Reklam Etkililiği: Basılı Reklamlar Üzerinde Deneysel Bir Araştırma. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt:10 Sayı:1, ss:85–106.
- • Altunışık, R., Coşkun R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E.,(2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. 4. Baskı, Sakarya Kitabevi, İstanbul.
- • Baron, M.R., and Kenny, D.A., (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Pernality and Social Psychology, Vol:51, No:6, ss:1173-1182.
- • Bayram, N., (2009). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi. Ezgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
- • Chang, H., Zhang, L., and Xie, G.X., (2015). Message Framing in Green Advertising: The Effect of Construal Level and Consumer Environmental Concern. International Journal of Advertising: The Review of Marketing Communications, Vol:34, No:1, ss:158-176.
- • Che- Tu, J., Feng Kao, T., and Chan Tu,Y., (2013). Influences of Framing Effect and Green Message on Advertising Effect. Social Behavior and Personality, Vol:41, No:7, ss:1083-1098.
- • Chekima, B., Wafa, S.A.,Igau, A., and Chekima, S.,(2015). Determinant Factors of Consumers’ Green Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Environmental Advertising. Asian Social Science; Vol:11, No:10, ss:318-329. Doi:10.5539/ass.v11n10p318.
- • Cherian, J., and Jacob, J., (2012). Green Marketing: A Study of Consumers’ Attitude Towards Environment Friendly Products. Asian Social Science, Vol:8, No: 2, ss:117-126. Doi:10.5539/ass.v8n12p117.
- • Daban, Ş. and Kahyaoğlu, M., (2013). The Relationship Between Teacher Candidates’ Environmentally Responsible Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Green Advertising. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, ss:3046-3051. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.351.
- • Dai, X., Goh, T.T., and Cheng, S., (2014). A Content Analysis of Green Advertising in China. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, ss:1-19. Doi:10.5171/2013.850595.
- • Dagher, G.K., Itani, O. and Kassar, A.N., (2015). The Impact of Environment Concern and Attitude on GreenPurchasing Behavior: Gender as The Moderator. Contemporary Management Research., Vol:11, No:2, ss:179-206. doi:10.7903/cmr.13625.
- • DaneshPajouh, H., DaneshPajouh, H., and Kamyar, S., (2013). Green Advertising in Approach to Environmental Protection (Case Study: Iranian Society). International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol:7, No:11, ss:725-733.
- • Dande, R., (2012). The Rise of Green Advertising, J Mass Communication & Journalism, Vol:2, No:10, ss:1-4.
- • Dikmen, G.Ö., (2010). Consumer Responses to Green Advertising in Turkey. Istanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Yıl:9 Sayı:17, ss:119-134.
- • Gürbüz, E., Akın, M., and Karabağ, Ö., (2012). Content Analysis of “Green” Claims in Advertisements. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:31, No:1, ss:58-66.
- • Gopalakrishnan, S., and Muruganandam, D., (2013). A Micro Analysis on Dissect of Consumer’s to Procure Green Products, Life Science Journal, Vol:10, Sayı:2, ss:1028-1032.
- • Haytko, D.L., and Matulich, E., (2008). Green Advertising and Environmentally Responsible Consumer Behaviors: Linkages Examined. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Vol:1, ss:2-11.
- • Hindol, R., (2012). Environmental Advertising and its Effects on Consumer Purchasing Patterns in West Bengal, India. Research Journal of Management Sciences, Vol:1, No:4, ss:16-20.
- • Ishaswini and Datta, S.K., (2011). Pro-Environmental Concern Influencing Green Buying:A Study on Indian Consumers. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol:6, No:6, ss:124-133. Doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n6p124.
- • Joshi, Y., andRahman, Z., (2015). Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour and Future Research Directions. International Strategic Management Review. Vol:3, ss:128–143. doi:10.1016/j.ism.2015.04.001.
- • Junior, S.S.B., Silva, D., Gabriel ,M.L.D.S., and Braga, W.R.O., (2015). The Effect of Environmental Concern on Purchase of Green Products in Retail. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol:170, ss:99-108. Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.019.
- • Kabadayı, E.T., Dursun, İ., Alan, A.K., and Tuğer, A.T., (2015). Green Purchase Intention of Young Turkish Consumers: Effects of Consumer’s Guilt, Self-monitoring and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol:207, ss:165-174. Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.167.
- • Kalafatis, S.P., Pollard, M., East, R., and Tsogas, M.H. (1999). Green Marketing and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Cross-market Examination. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:16, No:5, ss:441-460.
- • Karaca, Ş., (2013). Tüketicilerin Yeşil Ürünlere İlişkin Tutumlarının İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Ege Akademik Bakış. Cilt:13, Sayı:1, ss:99-111.
- • Katait, S.K. and Gülhane, K., (2015). Consumer Behaviour Towards Green Marketing. International Journal for Administration in Management, Commerce and Economics, ss:206-213.
- • Kaufmann, H.R., Panni, M.F.A.K., and Orphanidou, Y., (2012). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Amfiteatru Economic, Vol:XIV, No:31, ss:50-69.
- • Kırtak,, Erişim Tarihi: 20.02.2016.
- • Kim, Y., and Choi, S.M., (2005). Antecedents of Green Purchase Behavior: an Examination of Collectivism. Environmental Concern, and PCE, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol:32, ss:592-599.
- • Kong, W., Harun, A., Sulong, R.S., and Lily, J., (2014). The Influence of Consumers’ Perception of Green Products On Green Purchase Intention, International Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol:4, No:8 ss:924-939.
- • Kükrer, Ö., (2012). Tüketicilerin Çevresel Sorumluluklarının Yeşil Reklamlara Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi: Eskişehir Örneği. Journal of Yasar University, Vol:26, No:7, ss:4505-4525.
- • Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N., Palihawadana, D., and Hultman, M., (2011). Evaluating the Green Advertising Practices of International Firms: A Trend Analysis. International Marketing Review, Vol:28, No:1, ss:6-33. Doi:10.1108/02651331111107080.
- • Li-Ming, A.K., and Wai, T.B., (2013). Exploring Consumers’ Green Purchase Behaviour Towards Online Green Advertising. Centre for Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Management. The Macrotheme Review Vol:2, No:7, Sunway University Business School, Malaysia, ss:60-81.
- • Ling Lin, Y., and Wen Lin, H., (2015). The Benefits and Values of Green Lifestyle Consumers. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol:7, No:1, ss:24-38.
- • Ling, C.Y., (2013). Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Green Products: An Investigation of the Drivers and Moderating Variable. Elixir Marketing Mgmt. 57A, ss:14503-14509. Doi:10.5539/ijms.v7n1p24.
- • Mainieri, T., Barnett, E.G., Valdero, T.R., Unipan, J.B., and Oskamp, S., (1997). Green Buying: The Influence of Environmental Concern on Consumer Behavior. The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol: 137, No:2, ss:189-204. Doi:10.1080/00224549709595430.
- • Masouleh, S.A., Koochaksaraei, H.M., Saaedi, N., and Mousavian, S.I., (2013). Investigation on Selected Factors (Demographic and Psychological) on Ecological Conscious Consumer Behavior. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol:3, No:5, ss:622-630.
- • McCloskey, J. and Maddock, S., (1994). Environmental Management: Its Role in Corporate Strategy. Management Decision, Vol:32, No:1, ss:27-32.
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Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 112 - 139, 11.04.2016
LEYLA Leblebici Koçer
TUĞBA Delice
- • Abdul, W.N., and Abustan, I., (2002). Environmental Concern: Between Consumers’ Awareness and Willingness for Attitude Change. Realizing Agenda21: International Conference on Environmental Management: University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, ss:579-590.
- • Ahmad, H., (2009). Factors in Environmental Advertising Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Intention. Proceedings 2nd CBRC, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
- • Aggarwal, P., and Kadyan, A., (2014). Greenwashing: The Darker Side of CSR. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol:4, Issue:3, ss:61-66.
- • Akgün, Ö., Zerenler, M., and Şahin, E., (2013). Green Marketing Perception: A Study on Konya Automotive Supplier Industry. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:4, No:10, ss:758-771.
- • Albayrak, T., Caber, M., Moutinho, L., and Herstein, R., (2011). The Influence of Skepticism on Green Purchase Behavior. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol:2, No:13, ss:189-197.
- • Alibeli, M.A., and Johnson, C., (2009). Environmental Concern: A Cross National Analysis. Journal of International and Cross-Cultural Studies, Vol:3, No:1, ss:1-10.
- • Alnıaçık, Ü., Yılmaz, C. ve Alnıaçık, E., (2010). Reklamlarda Çevreci İddialar ve Reklam Etkililiği: Basılı Reklamlar Üzerinde Deneysel Bir Araştırma. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt:10 Sayı:1, ss:85–106.
- • Altunışık, R., Coşkun R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E.,(2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. 4. Baskı, Sakarya Kitabevi, İstanbul.
- • Baron, M.R., and Kenny, D.A., (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Pernality and Social Psychology, Vol:51, No:6, ss:1173-1182.
- • Bayram, N., (2009). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi. Ezgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
- • Chang, H., Zhang, L., and Xie, G.X., (2015). Message Framing in Green Advertising: The Effect of Construal Level and Consumer Environmental Concern. International Journal of Advertising: The Review of Marketing Communications, Vol:34, No:1, ss:158-176.
- • Che- Tu, J., Feng Kao, T., and Chan Tu,Y., (2013). Influences of Framing Effect and Green Message on Advertising Effect. Social Behavior and Personality, Vol:41, No:7, ss:1083-1098.
- • Chekima, B., Wafa, S.A.,Igau, A., and Chekima, S.,(2015). Determinant Factors of Consumers’ Green Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Environmental Advertising. Asian Social Science; Vol:11, No:10, ss:318-329. Doi:10.5539/ass.v11n10p318.
- • Cherian, J., and Jacob, J., (2012). Green Marketing: A Study of Consumers’ Attitude Towards Environment Friendly Products. Asian Social Science, Vol:8, No: 2, ss:117-126. Doi:10.5539/ass.v8n12p117.
- • Daban, Ş. and Kahyaoğlu, M., (2013). The Relationship Between Teacher Candidates’ Environmentally Responsible Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Green Advertising. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, ss:3046-3051. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.351.
- • Dai, X., Goh, T.T., and Cheng, S., (2014). A Content Analysis of Green Advertising in China. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, ss:1-19. Doi:10.5171/2013.850595.
- • Dagher, G.K., Itani, O. and Kassar, A.N., (2015). The Impact of Environment Concern and Attitude on GreenPurchasing Behavior: Gender as The Moderator. Contemporary Management Research., Vol:11, No:2, ss:179-206. doi:10.7903/cmr.13625.
- • DaneshPajouh, H., DaneshPajouh, H., and Kamyar, S., (2013). Green Advertising in Approach to Environmental Protection (Case Study: Iranian Society). International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol:7, No:11, ss:725-733.
- • Dande, R., (2012). The Rise of Green Advertising, J Mass Communication & Journalism, Vol:2, No:10, ss:1-4.
- • Dikmen, G.Ö., (2010). Consumer Responses to Green Advertising in Turkey. Istanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Yıl:9 Sayı:17, ss:119-134.
- • Gürbüz, E., Akın, M., and Karabağ, Ö., (2012). Content Analysis of “Green” Claims in Advertisements. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:31, No:1, ss:58-66.
- • Gopalakrishnan, S., and Muruganandam, D., (2013). A Micro Analysis on Dissect of Consumer’s to Procure Green Products, Life Science Journal, Vol:10, Sayı:2, ss:1028-1032.
- • Haytko, D.L., and Matulich, E., (2008). Green Advertising and Environmentally Responsible Consumer Behaviors: Linkages Examined. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Vol:1, ss:2-11.
- • Hindol, R., (2012). Environmental Advertising and its Effects on Consumer Purchasing Patterns in West Bengal, India. Research Journal of Management Sciences, Vol:1, No:4, ss:16-20.
- • Ishaswini and Datta, S.K., (2011). Pro-Environmental Concern Influencing Green Buying:A Study on Indian Consumers. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol:6, No:6, ss:124-133. Doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n6p124.
- • Joshi, Y., andRahman, Z., (2015). Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour and Future Research Directions. International Strategic Management Review. Vol:3, ss:128–143. doi:10.1016/j.ism.2015.04.001.
- • Junior, S.S.B., Silva, D., Gabriel ,M.L.D.S., and Braga, W.R.O., (2015). The Effect of Environmental Concern on Purchase of Green Products in Retail. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol:170, ss:99-108. Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.019.
- • Kabadayı, E.T., Dursun, İ., Alan, A.K., and Tuğer, A.T., (2015). Green Purchase Intention of Young Turkish Consumers: Effects of Consumer’s Guilt, Self-monitoring and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol:207, ss:165-174. Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.167.
- • Kalafatis, S.P., Pollard, M., East, R., and Tsogas, M.H. (1999). Green Marketing and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Cross-market Examination. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:16, No:5, ss:441-460.
- • Karaca, Ş., (2013). Tüketicilerin Yeşil Ürünlere İlişkin Tutumlarının İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Ege Akademik Bakış. Cilt:13, Sayı:1, ss:99-111.
- • Katait, S.K. and Gülhane, K., (2015). Consumer Behaviour Towards Green Marketing. International Journal for Administration in Management, Commerce and Economics, ss:206-213.
- • Kaufmann, H.R., Panni, M.F.A.K., and Orphanidou, Y., (2012). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Amfiteatru Economic, Vol:XIV, No:31, ss:50-69.
- • Kırtak,, Erişim Tarihi: 20.02.2016.
- • Kim, Y., and Choi, S.M., (2005). Antecedents of Green Purchase Behavior: an Examination of Collectivism. Environmental Concern, and PCE, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol:32, ss:592-599.
- • Kong, W., Harun, A., Sulong, R.S., and Lily, J., (2014). The Influence of Consumers’ Perception of Green Products On Green Purchase Intention, International Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol:4, No:8 ss:924-939.
- • Kükrer, Ö., (2012). Tüketicilerin Çevresel Sorumluluklarının Yeşil Reklamlara Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi: Eskişehir Örneği. Journal of Yasar University, Vol:26, No:7, ss:4505-4525.
- • Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N., Palihawadana, D., and Hultman, M., (2011). Evaluating the Green Advertising Practices of International Firms: A Trend Analysis. International Marketing Review, Vol:28, No:1, ss:6-33. Doi:10.1108/02651331111107080.
- • Li-Ming, A.K., and Wai, T.B., (2013). Exploring Consumers’ Green Purchase Behaviour Towards Online Green Advertising. Centre for Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Management. The Macrotheme Review Vol:2, No:7, Sunway University Business School, Malaysia, ss:60-81.
- • Ling Lin, Y., and Wen Lin, H., (2015). The Benefits and Values of Green Lifestyle Consumers. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol:7, No:1, ss:24-38.
- • Ling, C.Y., (2013). Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Green Products: An Investigation of the Drivers and Moderating Variable. Elixir Marketing Mgmt. 57A, ss:14503-14509. Doi:10.5539/ijms.v7n1p24.
- • Mainieri, T., Barnett, E.G., Valdero, T.R., Unipan, J.B., and Oskamp, S., (1997). Green Buying: The Influence of Environmental Concern on Consumer Behavior. The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol: 137, No:2, ss:189-204. Doi:10.1080/00224549709595430.
- • Masouleh, S.A., Koochaksaraei, H.M., Saaedi, N., and Mousavian, S.I., (2013). Investigation on Selected Factors (Demographic and Psychological) on Ecological Conscious Consumer Behavior. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol:3, No:5, ss:622-630.
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