Cystic Hygroma of The Chest Wall: A Rare Location
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 30 - 35, 18.01.2021
Hüseyin Gümüş
Halil Kazanasmaz
Osman Hakan Kocaman
Halil Aslan
Cystic hygroma, a congenital lymphatic malformation, is mostly localized to the cervical region and more rarely on the chest wall. Herein, we present a case with a cystic hygroma that was diagnosed immediately after birth and started mainly from the axillary region and extending to the anterior wall of the thorax, in the light of the literature.
- Fleischer, A.C., Manning, F.A., Jeanty, P., and Romero, R., (1996). Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 5th ed. London: Appleton – Lange, pp:393-4.
- Kibar, A.E., Çakır, B.Ç. ve Tiryaki, T., (2005). Göğüs Duvarında Kistik Higroma: Nadir Bir Yerleşim Yeri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 40:241-3.
- Parker, G., Harnsberger, H., and Smoker, W., (1991). The Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spaces. Semin US CT MR; 12:257- 273.
- Charabi, B., Bretlau, P., Bille, M., and Holmelund, M., (2000). Cystic Hygroma of Head and Neck – a long-term follow-up of 44 Cases. Acta Otolaryngol, 543:248-50.
- Zadvinskis, D.P, Benson, M.T., and Kerr, H.H., (1992). Congenital Malformations of the Cervicothoracic Lymphatic System: Embryology and Pathogenesis. Radio Graphics, 12:1175-89.
- Fisher, R., Partington, A., and Dykes, E., (1996). Cystic Hygroma: Comparison Between Prenatal and Postnatal Diagnosis. J Pediatr Surg, 31:473-6.
- Emery, P.J., Bailey, C.M., and Evans, J.N.G., (1984). Cystic Hygroma of the Head and Neck. J Laryngol Otol, 98:613-9.
- Kennedy, T.L., Whitaker, M., and Pellitteri, P., (2001). Cystic hygroma/lympangioma: A Rational Approach to Management. Laryngoscope, 111:1929-37.
- Brumfield, C.G., Wenstro, K.D., Davis, R.O., Owen, J., and Cosper, P., (1996). Second–trimester Cystic Hygroma: Prognosis of Septated and Nonseptated Lesions. Obstet Gynecol, 88:979-82.
- Öztürk, A., Sırmatel, Ö. ve Gültekin, E., (2002). Dev Kistik Higroma: Prenatal Tanı Ve Bulgular. Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji, 8:407-409.
- Molitch, H.I., Unger, E.C., Witte, C.L., and Van Sonnenberg, E., (1995). Percutaneous Sclerotherapy of Lymphangiomas. Radiology, 194(2):343–7.
- Katsuno, S., Ezawa, S., and Minemura, T., (1999). Excision of Cervical Cystic Lymphangioma Using Injection of Hydrocolloid Dental Impression Material. A Technical Case Report. IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg, 28(4):295–6.
- Ricciardelli, E.J. and Richardson, M.A., (1991). Cervicofacial Cystic Hygroma: Patterns of Recurrence and Management of the Difficult Case. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 117(5):546-553.
- Chen, C.P., Chern, S.R., and Chang, C.L., (2000). Prenatal Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of X Chromosome Polysomy 49, XXXXY. Prenat Diagn, 20(9):754-757.
- Kennedy, T.L., Whitaker, M., Pellitteri, P., and Wood, W.E., (2001). Cystic Hygroma/lymphangioma: a Rational Approach to Management. The Laryngoscope, 111(11):1929-1937.
- Crosfeld, J.T., Weber, T.R., and Vane, D.W., (1982). One-stage Resection for Massive Cervico-Mediastinal Hygroma. Surgery 92(4):693–9.
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 30 - 35, 18.01.2021
Hüseyin Gümüş
Halil Kazanasmaz
Osman Hakan Kocaman
Halil Aslan
- Fleischer, A.C., Manning, F.A., Jeanty, P., and Romero, R., (1996). Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 5th ed. London: Appleton – Lange, pp:393-4.
- Kibar, A.E., Çakır, B.Ç. ve Tiryaki, T., (2005). Göğüs Duvarında Kistik Higroma: Nadir Bir Yerleşim Yeri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 40:241-3.
- Parker, G., Harnsberger, H., and Smoker, W., (1991). The Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spaces. Semin US CT MR; 12:257- 273.
- Charabi, B., Bretlau, P., Bille, M., and Holmelund, M., (2000). Cystic Hygroma of Head and Neck – a long-term follow-up of 44 Cases. Acta Otolaryngol, 543:248-50.
- Zadvinskis, D.P, Benson, M.T., and Kerr, H.H., (1992). Congenital Malformations of the Cervicothoracic Lymphatic System: Embryology and Pathogenesis. Radio Graphics, 12:1175-89.
- Fisher, R., Partington, A., and Dykes, E., (1996). Cystic Hygroma: Comparison Between Prenatal and Postnatal Diagnosis. J Pediatr Surg, 31:473-6.
- Emery, P.J., Bailey, C.M., and Evans, J.N.G., (1984). Cystic Hygroma of the Head and Neck. J Laryngol Otol, 98:613-9.
- Kennedy, T.L., Whitaker, M., and Pellitteri, P., (2001). Cystic hygroma/lympangioma: A Rational Approach to Management. Laryngoscope, 111:1929-37.
- Brumfield, C.G., Wenstro, K.D., Davis, R.O., Owen, J., and Cosper, P., (1996). Second–trimester Cystic Hygroma: Prognosis of Septated and Nonseptated Lesions. Obstet Gynecol, 88:979-82.
- Öztürk, A., Sırmatel, Ö. ve Gültekin, E., (2002). Dev Kistik Higroma: Prenatal Tanı Ve Bulgular. Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji, 8:407-409.
- Molitch, H.I., Unger, E.C., Witte, C.L., and Van Sonnenberg, E., (1995). Percutaneous Sclerotherapy of Lymphangiomas. Radiology, 194(2):343–7.
- Katsuno, S., Ezawa, S., and Minemura, T., (1999). Excision of Cervical Cystic Lymphangioma Using Injection of Hydrocolloid Dental Impression Material. A Technical Case Report. IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg, 28(4):295–6.
- Ricciardelli, E.J. and Richardson, M.A., (1991). Cervicofacial Cystic Hygroma: Patterns of Recurrence and Management of the Difficult Case. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 117(5):546-553.
- Chen, C.P., Chern, S.R., and Chang, C.L., (2000). Prenatal Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of X Chromosome Polysomy 49, XXXXY. Prenat Diagn, 20(9):754-757.
- Kennedy, T.L., Whitaker, M., Pellitteri, P., and Wood, W.E., (2001). Cystic Hygroma/lymphangioma: a Rational Approach to Management. The Laryngoscope, 111(11):1929-1937.
- Crosfeld, J.T., Weber, T.R., and Vane, D.W., (1982). One-stage Resection for Massive Cervico-Mediastinal Hygroma. Surgery 92(4):693–9.