Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 232 - 247, 22.10.2017
Deniz Karagöz Yüncü
Yeliz Mert Kantar
Semra Günay Aktaş
Hakan Sezerel
Bu çalışmada, turist çekicilikleri ve turist akışı arasındaki ilişkiler
mekansal bağımlılığa dayalı olarak incelenerek farklı bir yaklaşımla
oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada Bursa, Eskişehir ve Bilecik bölgesinde yer alan 39
ilçede turist çekicilikleri ve yerli/yabancı turistlerin geceleme sayılarına
ilişkin ikincil veriler kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için içerik analizi,
haritalama analizi, Local ve Global Moran’s I otokorelasyon istatistikleri,
klasik regresyon ve mekansal hata modelleri kullanılmıştır. Turist çekiclikleri
ve turist akışı arasındaki ilişkiler incelendiğinden yabancı turist akışının
modellenmesinde mekansal hata modellerinin klasik regresyon modelinden daha iyi
sonuçlar verdiği belirlenmiştir. Mekansal hata modeli bulgularına göre, yerli
ve yabancı turist akışı ile kültürel çekicilikler arasında anlamlı ilişkiler
tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanısıra yabancı turist akışı ve tarihi çekicilikler
arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Çalışmada mekansal modellerin turizm
araştırmalarında kullanımı ve çalışma bulgularının destinasyon yönetimi uygulamaları
- • Alhemoud, A.M. and Armstrong, E.G., (1996). Image of Tourism Attractions in Kuwait. Journal of Travel Research, 34(4), ss:73-76.
- • Anselin, L., (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
- • Anselin, L., (2010). Thirty Years of Spatial Econometrics. Papers in Regional Science, 89(1), ss:3-25.
- • Aranburu, I., Plaza, B., and Estaban, M., (2016). Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban Destinations: Does Space Matter?. Sustainability, 8(8), ss:699-706.
- • Baloğlu, S. and Brinberg, D., (1997). Affective images of tourism destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 35(4), ss:11-15.
- • BEBKA, (2016). Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency Offical Site. http://www.bebka.org.tr/site-sayfa-16-bilecik.html?dUserLangAydi=2 Erişim tarihi: 05.04.2016.
- • Brayley, R.E., (1990). An Analysis of Destination Attractiveness and The Use of Psychographics and Demographics in Segmentation of The Within-State Tourism Market (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.
- • Broekel, T. and Alfken, C., (2015). Gone with The Wind? The Impact of Wind Turbines on Tourism Demand. Energy Policy, 86, ss:506-519.
- • Burkart, A.J. and Medlik, S., (1974). Tourism: Past, Present and Future. William Heinemann Ltd.
- • Chadefaud, M., (1981). Lourdes: Un p´elerinage. Aix-en-Provence: une Ville Edisud.
- • Chhetri, A., Arrowsmith, C., Chhetri, P., and Corcoran, J., (2013). Mapping Spatial Tourism and Hospitality Employment Clusters: An Application of Spatial Autocorrelation. Tourism Analysis, 18, ss:559-573.
- • Cooper, C.P., (1981). Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Tourist Behavior. Regional Studies, 15, ss:359–371.
- • Debbage, K.G., (1991). Spatial Behaviour in a Bahamian Resort. Annals of Tourism Research, 18, ss:251–268.
- • Deller, S., (2010). Rural Poverty, Tourism and Spatial Heterogeneity. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), ss:180-205.
- • Durak, S., Tupal Yeke, S., and Vural Arslan, T., (2016). Significance of Cultural Heritage Preservation in Sustainable Cultural Tourism: Muradiye Complex in Bursa, Turkey. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(4), ss:1-12.
- • Edwards, E., Griffin, T., and Hayllar, B., (2008). Urban Tourism Research: Developing an Agenda. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(4), ss:1032-1052.
- • Ferrario, F.F., (1979). The Evaluation of Tourist Resources: An Applied Methodology. Journal of Travel Research, 17(3), ss:18-22.
- • Formica, S. and Uysal, M., (2006). Destination Attractiveness based on Supply and Demand Evaluations: An Analytical Framework. Journal of Travel Research, 44, ss:418-430.
- • Gearing, C.E., Swart, W., and Var, T., (1974). Establishing a Measure of Touristic Attractiveness. Journal of Travel Research, 12, ss:1-8.
- • Gunn, C.A., (1972). Vacationscape: Designing Tourist Regions. Washington: Taylor & Francis.
- • Gunn, C.A., (1988). Vacationscape: Designing tourist regions. (İkinci baskı), New York: Van Nostrand.
- • Günay Aktaş, S., Yüncü, D., and Kantar, Y.M., (2017). Spatial Distribution of Occupancy Rate in The Hospitality Sector in Turkey according to International and Domestic Tourist Arrivals. İçinde Ed.: Saufi A., Andilolo I., Othman N., and Lew, A. Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destination (ss:367-376). Singapore: Springer.
- • Jansen-Verbeke, M., (1985). Inner City Leisure Resources. Leisure Studies, 4(2), ss:141-157.
- • Krippendorff, K., (2004). Reliability in Content Analysis. Some Common Misconceptions and Recommendations. Human Communication Research, 30(3), ss:411–433.
- • Kreisel, W.A., (2012). Some Thoughts on The Future Research on Leisure and Tourism Geography. Current Issues in Tourism, 15(4), ss:397-403.
- • Leiper, N., (1990). Tourist Attraction Systems. Annals of Tourism Research, 17, ss:379-81.
- • Lew, A.A., (1987). A Framework of Tourist Attraction Research. Annals of Tourism Research, 14(4), ss:553-575.
- • Li, M., Fang, L., Huang, X., and Goh, C., (2015). A Spatial–Temporal Analysis of Hotels in Urban Tourism Destination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, ss:34-43.
- • Li, H.Y., Chen, J.L., Li, G., and Goh, C., (2016). Tourism and Regional Income Inequality: Evidence from China. Annals of Tourism Research, 58, ss:81-99.
- • Lin, C.H., Morais, D.B., and Hou, J.S., (2003). Case Study of The Relationship between Socio-Economic Equality and Spatial Distribution of Tourist Sites in Taiwan: An Application of Geographic Information Systems (Rapor No. NE-317). Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-317. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
- • Lu, S., Zhang, J., and Zhang, H., (2011). Spatial Differential Features of Inbound Tourists in Jiangsu, China. 19. Uluslararası Geoinformatics Konferansı (ss:1374-1377). Shanghai, China. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5980861/ Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2016.
- • Lundberg, D., (1985). The Tourist Business. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
- • Luo, J.M., Qiu, H., and Lam, C.F., (2016) Urbanization Impacts on Regional Tourism Development: A Case Study in China. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(3), ss:282-295.
- • Ma, T., Hong, T., and Zhang, H., (2015). Tourism Spatial Spillover Effects and Urban Economic Growth. Journal of Business Research, 68(1), ss:74-80.
- • MacCannell, D., (1976). The Tourist: A New Theory of The Leisure Class. New York: Schocken Books.
- • Montanari, A. and Muscara, C., (1995). Evaluating Tourist Flows in Historic Cities: The Case of Venice. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geographie, 86, ss:80-87.
- • Moran, P.A.P., (1950). Notes on Continuous Stochastic Phenomena. Biometrika, 37(1/2), ss:17-23.
- • Naude, W. and Saayman, A., (2005). Determinants of Tourist Arrivals in Africa: A Panel Data Regression Analysis. Tourism Economics, 11, 3, ss:365-391.
- • Paci, R. and Marrocu, E. (2014). Tourism and Regional Growth in Europe. Papers in Regional Science, 93(1), ss:25-50.
• Potter, W.J. and Levine-Donnerstein, D., (1999). Rethinking Validity and Reliability in Content Analysis. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 27(3), ss:258-284.
- • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, (2015). Konaklama İstatistikleri. http://yigm.kulturturizm.gov.tr/TR,9857/isletme-belgeli-tesisler.html Erişim tarihi: 24.06.2016.
- • Ritchie, B.J.R. and Zins, M., (1978). Culture as a Determinant of The Attractiveness of a Tourist Region. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(2), ss:252-67.
- • Salazar, J.P., Chang, S., and Girard, T.C., (2001). Visitor Sharing among Country Attractions and Hotels. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 8(1/2), ss:33-43.
- • Santos, G.E.O., (2016). An Efficient Method for Modelling Tourists' Length of Stay. Tourism Economics, 22(6), ss:1367-1379.
- • Schmidt, C., (1979). The Guided Tour. Urban Life, 7(4), ss:441-467.
- • Shih, D., (1986). VALS as a Tool Of Tourism Market Research: The Pennsylvania Experience. Journal of Travel Research, 24(4), ss:2-11.
- • Shi, B., Zhao, J., and Chen, P., (2016). Exploring Urban Tourism Crowding in Shanghai via Crowdsourcing Geospatial Data. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(11), ss:1186-1209.
- • Shoval, N. and Raveh, A., (2004). Categorization of Tourist Attractions and The Modelling of Tourist Cities: Based on The Co-Plot Method of Multivariate Analysis. Tourism Management, 25(6), ss:741-750.
- • Smith, S.L.J., (1994). The Tourism Product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), ss:582-595.
- • Tokay Argan, M., (2016). Eskişehir, Turkey as a Crossroads for Leisure, Travel and Entertainment. Cities, 56, ss:74-84.
- • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUIK), (2014). Seçilmiş Göstergelerle Bursa-2013. Ankara: TUIK, Yayın No: 4210.
- • Van Berkel, D.B., Munroe, D.K., and Gallemore, C., (2014). Spatial Analysis of Land Suitability, Hot-Tub Cabins and Forest Tourism in Appalachian Ohio. Applied Geography, 54, ss:139-148.
- • Vural Arslan, T., (2015). Developing A Strategic Approach for Managing Sustainable Revitalisation in World Heritage Sites: Historical Bazaar and Khans District, Bursa-Turkey. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 9(1), ss:289-304.
- • Wu, C.L. and Carson, D., (2008). Spatial and Temporal Tourist Dispersal Analysis in Multiple Destination Travel. Journal of Travel Research, 46, ss:311-317.
- • Xing-Zhu, Y. and Qun, W., (2014). Exploratory Space–Time Analysis of Inbound Tourism Flows to China Cities. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(3), ss:303-312.
- • Yang, C.H., Lin, H.L., and Han, C.C., (2010). Analysis of International Tourist Arrivals in China: The Role of World Heritage Sites. Tourism Management, 31(6), ss:827–837.
- • Yang, Y. and Fik, T., (2014). Spatial Effects in Regional Tourism Growth. Annals of Tourism Research, 46, ss:144-162.
- • Yang, Z., Lu, S., and Jin, X., (2011). Tourism Spatial Association Analysis Based on GIS Technology for the Cities in Anhui of China. 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics (ss. 208-212), Shanghai, China. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5980861/Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2016.
- • Yüncü D., Günay S., and Kantar Y.M., (2017). Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Turkey. İçinde Saufi A., Andilolo I., Othman N. ve Lew, A. (Ed.) Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations (ss:353-365). Singapore: Springer.
- • Zhang, Y., Xu, J-H., and Zhuang, P., (2011). The Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Chinese Cities. Tourism Geographies, 13(1), ss:75-90.
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 232 - 247, 22.10.2017
Deniz Karagöz Yüncü
Yeliz Mert Kantar
Semra Günay Aktaş
Hakan Sezerel
- • Alhemoud, A.M. and Armstrong, E.G., (1996). Image of Tourism Attractions in Kuwait. Journal of Travel Research, 34(4), ss:73-76.
- • Anselin, L., (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
- • Anselin, L., (2010). Thirty Years of Spatial Econometrics. Papers in Regional Science, 89(1), ss:3-25.
- • Aranburu, I., Plaza, B., and Estaban, M., (2016). Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban Destinations: Does Space Matter?. Sustainability, 8(8), ss:699-706.
- • Baloğlu, S. and Brinberg, D., (1997). Affective images of tourism destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 35(4), ss:11-15.
- • BEBKA, (2016). Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency Offical Site. http://www.bebka.org.tr/site-sayfa-16-bilecik.html?dUserLangAydi=2 Erişim tarihi: 05.04.2016.
- • Brayley, R.E., (1990). An Analysis of Destination Attractiveness and The Use of Psychographics and Demographics in Segmentation of The Within-State Tourism Market (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.
- • Broekel, T. and Alfken, C., (2015). Gone with The Wind? The Impact of Wind Turbines on Tourism Demand. Energy Policy, 86, ss:506-519.
- • Burkart, A.J. and Medlik, S., (1974). Tourism: Past, Present and Future. William Heinemann Ltd.
- • Chadefaud, M., (1981). Lourdes: Un p´elerinage. Aix-en-Provence: une Ville Edisud.
- • Chhetri, A., Arrowsmith, C., Chhetri, P., and Corcoran, J., (2013). Mapping Spatial Tourism and Hospitality Employment Clusters: An Application of Spatial Autocorrelation. Tourism Analysis, 18, ss:559-573.
- • Cooper, C.P., (1981). Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Tourist Behavior. Regional Studies, 15, ss:359–371.
- • Debbage, K.G., (1991). Spatial Behaviour in a Bahamian Resort. Annals of Tourism Research, 18, ss:251–268.
- • Deller, S., (2010). Rural Poverty, Tourism and Spatial Heterogeneity. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), ss:180-205.
- • Durak, S., Tupal Yeke, S., and Vural Arslan, T., (2016). Significance of Cultural Heritage Preservation in Sustainable Cultural Tourism: Muradiye Complex in Bursa, Turkey. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(4), ss:1-12.
- • Edwards, E., Griffin, T., and Hayllar, B., (2008). Urban Tourism Research: Developing an Agenda. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(4), ss:1032-1052.
- • Ferrario, F.F., (1979). The Evaluation of Tourist Resources: An Applied Methodology. Journal of Travel Research, 17(3), ss:18-22.
- • Formica, S. and Uysal, M., (2006). Destination Attractiveness based on Supply and Demand Evaluations: An Analytical Framework. Journal of Travel Research, 44, ss:418-430.
- • Gearing, C.E., Swart, W., and Var, T., (1974). Establishing a Measure of Touristic Attractiveness. Journal of Travel Research, 12, ss:1-8.
- • Gunn, C.A., (1972). Vacationscape: Designing Tourist Regions. Washington: Taylor & Francis.
- • Gunn, C.A., (1988). Vacationscape: Designing tourist regions. (İkinci baskı), New York: Van Nostrand.
- • Günay Aktaş, S., Yüncü, D., and Kantar, Y.M., (2017). Spatial Distribution of Occupancy Rate in The Hospitality Sector in Turkey according to International and Domestic Tourist Arrivals. İçinde Ed.: Saufi A., Andilolo I., Othman N., and Lew, A. Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destination (ss:367-376). Singapore: Springer.
- • Jansen-Verbeke, M., (1985). Inner City Leisure Resources. Leisure Studies, 4(2), ss:141-157.
- • Krippendorff, K., (2004). Reliability in Content Analysis. Some Common Misconceptions and Recommendations. Human Communication Research, 30(3), ss:411–433.
- • Kreisel, W.A., (2012). Some Thoughts on The Future Research on Leisure and Tourism Geography. Current Issues in Tourism, 15(4), ss:397-403.
- • Leiper, N., (1990). Tourist Attraction Systems. Annals of Tourism Research, 17, ss:379-81.
- • Lew, A.A., (1987). A Framework of Tourist Attraction Research. Annals of Tourism Research, 14(4), ss:553-575.
- • Li, M., Fang, L., Huang, X., and Goh, C., (2015). A Spatial–Temporal Analysis of Hotels in Urban Tourism Destination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, ss:34-43.
- • Li, H.Y., Chen, J.L., Li, G., and Goh, C., (2016). Tourism and Regional Income Inequality: Evidence from China. Annals of Tourism Research, 58, ss:81-99.
- • Lin, C.H., Morais, D.B., and Hou, J.S., (2003). Case Study of The Relationship between Socio-Economic Equality and Spatial Distribution of Tourist Sites in Taiwan: An Application of Geographic Information Systems (Rapor No. NE-317). Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-317. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
- • Lu, S., Zhang, J., and Zhang, H., (2011). Spatial Differential Features of Inbound Tourists in Jiangsu, China. 19. Uluslararası Geoinformatics Konferansı (ss:1374-1377). Shanghai, China. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5980861/ Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2016.
- • Lundberg, D., (1985). The Tourist Business. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
- • Luo, J.M., Qiu, H., and Lam, C.F., (2016) Urbanization Impacts on Regional Tourism Development: A Case Study in China. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(3), ss:282-295.
- • Ma, T., Hong, T., and Zhang, H., (2015). Tourism Spatial Spillover Effects and Urban Economic Growth. Journal of Business Research, 68(1), ss:74-80.
- • MacCannell, D., (1976). The Tourist: A New Theory of The Leisure Class. New York: Schocken Books.
- • Montanari, A. and Muscara, C., (1995). Evaluating Tourist Flows in Historic Cities: The Case of Venice. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geographie, 86, ss:80-87.
- • Moran, P.A.P., (1950). Notes on Continuous Stochastic Phenomena. Biometrika, 37(1/2), ss:17-23.
- • Naude, W. and Saayman, A., (2005). Determinants of Tourist Arrivals in Africa: A Panel Data Regression Analysis. Tourism Economics, 11, 3, ss:365-391.
- • Paci, R. and Marrocu, E. (2014). Tourism and Regional Growth in Europe. Papers in Regional Science, 93(1), ss:25-50.
• Potter, W.J. and Levine-Donnerstein, D., (1999). Rethinking Validity and Reliability in Content Analysis. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 27(3), ss:258-284.
- • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, (2015). Konaklama İstatistikleri. http://yigm.kulturturizm.gov.tr/TR,9857/isletme-belgeli-tesisler.html Erişim tarihi: 24.06.2016.
- • Ritchie, B.J.R. and Zins, M., (1978). Culture as a Determinant of The Attractiveness of a Tourist Region. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(2), ss:252-67.
- • Salazar, J.P., Chang, S., and Girard, T.C., (2001). Visitor Sharing among Country Attractions and Hotels. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 8(1/2), ss:33-43.
- • Santos, G.E.O., (2016). An Efficient Method for Modelling Tourists' Length of Stay. Tourism Economics, 22(6), ss:1367-1379.
- • Schmidt, C., (1979). The Guided Tour. Urban Life, 7(4), ss:441-467.
- • Shih, D., (1986). VALS as a Tool Of Tourism Market Research: The Pennsylvania Experience. Journal of Travel Research, 24(4), ss:2-11.
- • Shi, B., Zhao, J., and Chen, P., (2016). Exploring Urban Tourism Crowding in Shanghai via Crowdsourcing Geospatial Data. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(11), ss:1186-1209.
- • Shoval, N. and Raveh, A., (2004). Categorization of Tourist Attractions and The Modelling of Tourist Cities: Based on The Co-Plot Method of Multivariate Analysis. Tourism Management, 25(6), ss:741-750.
- • Smith, S.L.J., (1994). The Tourism Product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), ss:582-595.
- • Tokay Argan, M., (2016). Eskişehir, Turkey as a Crossroads for Leisure, Travel and Entertainment. Cities, 56, ss:74-84.
- • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUIK), (2014). Seçilmiş Göstergelerle Bursa-2013. Ankara: TUIK, Yayın No: 4210.
- • Van Berkel, D.B., Munroe, D.K., and Gallemore, C., (2014). Spatial Analysis of Land Suitability, Hot-Tub Cabins and Forest Tourism in Appalachian Ohio. Applied Geography, 54, ss:139-148.
- • Vural Arslan, T., (2015). Developing A Strategic Approach for Managing Sustainable Revitalisation in World Heritage Sites: Historical Bazaar and Khans District, Bursa-Turkey. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 9(1), ss:289-304.
- • Wu, C.L. and Carson, D., (2008). Spatial and Temporal Tourist Dispersal Analysis in Multiple Destination Travel. Journal of Travel Research, 46, ss:311-317.
- • Xing-Zhu, Y. and Qun, W., (2014). Exploratory Space–Time Analysis of Inbound Tourism Flows to China Cities. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(3), ss:303-312.
- • Yang, C.H., Lin, H.L., and Han, C.C., (2010). Analysis of International Tourist Arrivals in China: The Role of World Heritage Sites. Tourism Management, 31(6), ss:827–837.
- • Yang, Y. and Fik, T., (2014). Spatial Effects in Regional Tourism Growth. Annals of Tourism Research, 46, ss:144-162.
- • Yang, Z., Lu, S., and Jin, X., (2011). Tourism Spatial Association Analysis Based on GIS Technology for the Cities in Anhui of China. 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics (ss. 208-212), Shanghai, China. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5980861/Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2016.
- • Yüncü D., Günay S., and Kantar Y.M., (2017). Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Turkey. İçinde Saufi A., Andilolo I., Othman N. ve Lew, A. (Ed.) Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations (ss:353-365). Singapore: Springer.
- • Zhang, Y., Xu, J-H., and Zhuang, P., (2011). The Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Chinese Cities. Tourism Geographies, 13(1), ss:75-90.