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Endüstri 5.0'a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2024, , 745 - 760, 01.11.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yeni sanayileşen ülkelerin siber güvenlik düzeylerini derinlemesine değerlendirerek, bu ülkelerin Endüstri 5.0'a geçişlerini güvenli bir biçimde gerçekleştirmelerine yönelik içgörüler sunmaktır. Endüstri 5.0, kişiselleştirilmiş ürün ve hizmetlerin sürdürülebilir bir biçimde sunulmasını sağlayarak dijital dönüşümde yeni bir aşamayı temsil etmekte, ancak bu süreçte ortaya çıkan siber güvenlik riskleri işletmeler için önemli tehditler oluşturmaktadır. İşletmeler bu risklere karşı gerekli önlemleri alsalar da siber güvenliğin etkin bir şekilde sağlanabilmesi ülkelerin benimsediği politikalarla yakından ilişkilidir. Bu nedene ülkelerin siber güvenliğe ilişkin yaklaşımları, Endüstri 5.0’a geçiş sürecini önemli ölçüde şekillendirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Entropi tabanlı MABAC yöntemiyle yapılan değerlendirme, organizasyonel önlemlerin yeni sanayileşen ülkeler için en kritik siber güvenlik göstergesi olduğunu ve Malezya'nın bu ülkeler arasında siber güvenlik düzeyi bakımından lider konumda olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Ahmed, I., Hossain, N. U. I., Fazio, S. A., Lezzi, M., ve Islam, M. S. (2024). A decision support model for assessing and prioritization of industry 5.0 cybersecurity challenges. Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics, (3), 100018.
  • Altıntaş, F. F. (2022). G7 ülkelerinin siber güvenlik performanslarının analizi: Entropi tabanlı MABAC yöntemi ile bir uygulama. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 263-286.
  • Bustamante, F., Fuertes, W., Tulkeredis, T., ve Ron, M. (2018). Situational status of global cybersecurity and cyber defense according to global indicators. Adaptation of a Model for Ecuador. Rocha, Á., Guarda, T. (Eds), Developments and Advances in Defense and Security (MICRADS 2018) (s. 1-4) içinde. Cham, Springer.
  • Corallo, A., Lazoi, M., Lezzi, M., ve Luperto, A. (2022). Cybersecurity awareness in the context of the industrial internet of things: A systematic literature review. Computers in Industry, (137), 103614.
  • Cotta, W. A. A., Lopes, S. I., ve Vassallo, R. F. (2023). Towards the cognitive factory in industry 5.0: From concept to implementation. Smart Cities, 6(4), 1901-1921.
  • Czeczot, G., Rojek, I., Mikołajewski, D., ve Sangho, B. (2023). AI in IoT management of cybersecurity for industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 purposes. Electronics, 12(18), 3800.
  • Gervasi, R., Barravecchia, F., Mastrogiacomo, L., ve Franceschini, F. (2022). Applications of affective computing in human-robot interaction: state-of-art and challenges for manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 237(6-7), 815-832.
  • Güdek, B. (2023). Endüstriyel dönüşüm ve endüstri 5.0. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(4), 1129-1142.
  • International Telecommunication Union. (2020). Global cybersecurity index.
  • Kumar, S., ve Mallipeddi, R. R. (2022). Impact of cybersecurity on operations and supply chain management: Emerging trends and future research directions. Production and Operations Management, 31(12), 4488-4500.
  • Leng, J., Sha, W., Wang, B., Zheng, P., Zhuang, C., Liu, Q., … Wang, L. (2022). Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 65, 279-295.
  • Li, X., Wang, K., Liu, L., Xin, J., Yang, H., ve Gao, C. (2011). Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal mines. Procedia Engineering, 26, 2085-2091.
  • Longo F, Padovano A, Umbrello S. (2020). Value-oriented and ethical technology engineering in industry 5.0: A human-centric perspective for the design of the factory of the future. Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4182.
  • Lotfi, F. H., ve Fallahnejad, R. (2010). Imprecise shannon’s entropy and multi attribute decision making. Entropy, 12(1), 53-62.
  • Maddikunta, P. K. R., Pham, Q. V., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T. R., ... Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 26, 100257.
  • Odebade, A. T., ve Benkhelifa, E. (2023). A comparative study of national cyber security strategies of ten nations. Computers and Society, 13938.
  • Pamučar, D., ve Ćirović, G. (2015). The selection of transport and handling resources in logistics centers using multi-attributive border approximation area comparison (MABAC). Expert Systems with Applications, 42(6), 3016-3028.
  • Peter, A. S. (2017). Cyber resilience preparedness of Africa’s top-12 emerging economies. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 17, 49-59.
  • Raja Santhi, A., ve Muthuswamy, P. (2023). Industry 5.0 or industry 4.0S? Introduction to industry 4.0 and a peek into the prospective industry 5.0 technologies. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 17(2), 947-979.
  • Rajabion, L. (2023). Industry 5.0 and cyber crime security threats. Bakkar, M.N. ve McKay E. (Ed.), In Advanced Research and Real-World Applications of Industry 5.0 İçinde (s.66-76) IGI Global.
  • Maisikeli, S. (2023). UAE Cybersecurity perception and risk assessments compared to other developed nations. 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT) (s.432-439) içinde. San Jose, CA, USA: İEE.
  • Sverko, M., Grbac, T., ve Mikuc, M. (2022). Scada systems with focus on continuous manufacturing and steel industry: A survey on architectures, standards, challenges and industry 5.0. Ieee Access, 10, 109395-109430.
  • Vevera, A. V., Cîrnu, C. E., ve Rădulescu, C. Z. (2022). O abordare multi-criterialӑ pentru calculul unui indicator complex de Securitate Cibernetică și Dezvoltare Digitalӑ. Romanian Journal of Information Technology & Automatic Control/Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică, 32(4).
  • Wu, J., Sun, J., Liang, L., ve Zha, Y. (2011). Determination of weights for ultimate cross efficiency using shannon entropy. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5162-5165.
  • Yarovenko, H., Kuzmenko, O., ve Stumpo, M. (2020). Strategy for determining country ranking by level of cybersecurity. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 4(3), 124-137.
  • Zhang, H., Gu, C.l., Gu, L.W., ve Zhang, Y. (2011). The evaluation of tourism destination competitiveness by TOPSIS & information entropy – A Case in the yangtze river delta of China. Tourism Management, 32(2), 443-451.

Cybersecurity in the Transition to Industry 5.0: A Study on Newly Industrializing Countries

Yıl 2024, , 745 - 760, 01.11.2024


The aim of this study is to provide insights for newly industrialized countries to safely transition to Industry 5.0 by conducting an in-depth evaluation of their cybersecurity levels. Industry 5.0 represents a new stage in digital transformation by enabling the sustainable delivery of personalized products and services; however, the cybersecurity risks that arise during this process pose significant threats to businesses. Although companies take necessary precautions against these risks, the effective provision of cybersecurity is closely related to the policies adopted by countries. For this reason, countries' approaches to cybersecurity significantly shape the transition to Industry 5.0. In this context, the evaluation conducted using the Entropy-based MABAC method revealed that organizational is the most critical cybersecurity indicators for newly industrialized countries, and Malaysia holds a leading position among these countries in terms of cybersecurity levels.


  • Ahmed, I., Hossain, N. U. I., Fazio, S. A., Lezzi, M., ve Islam, M. S. (2024). A decision support model for assessing and prioritization of industry 5.0 cybersecurity challenges. Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics, (3), 100018.
  • Altıntaş, F. F. (2022). G7 ülkelerinin siber güvenlik performanslarının analizi: Entropi tabanlı MABAC yöntemi ile bir uygulama. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 263-286.
  • Bustamante, F., Fuertes, W., Tulkeredis, T., ve Ron, M. (2018). Situational status of global cybersecurity and cyber defense according to global indicators. Adaptation of a Model for Ecuador. Rocha, Á., Guarda, T. (Eds), Developments and Advances in Defense and Security (MICRADS 2018) (s. 1-4) içinde. Cham, Springer.
  • Corallo, A., Lazoi, M., Lezzi, M., ve Luperto, A. (2022). Cybersecurity awareness in the context of the industrial internet of things: A systematic literature review. Computers in Industry, (137), 103614.
  • Cotta, W. A. A., Lopes, S. I., ve Vassallo, R. F. (2023). Towards the cognitive factory in industry 5.0: From concept to implementation. Smart Cities, 6(4), 1901-1921.
  • Czeczot, G., Rojek, I., Mikołajewski, D., ve Sangho, B. (2023). AI in IoT management of cybersecurity for industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 purposes. Electronics, 12(18), 3800.
  • Gervasi, R., Barravecchia, F., Mastrogiacomo, L., ve Franceschini, F. (2022). Applications of affective computing in human-robot interaction: state-of-art and challenges for manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 237(6-7), 815-832.
  • Güdek, B. (2023). Endüstriyel dönüşüm ve endüstri 5.0. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(4), 1129-1142.
  • International Telecommunication Union. (2020). Global cybersecurity index.
  • Kumar, S., ve Mallipeddi, R. R. (2022). Impact of cybersecurity on operations and supply chain management: Emerging trends and future research directions. Production and Operations Management, 31(12), 4488-4500.
  • Leng, J., Sha, W., Wang, B., Zheng, P., Zhuang, C., Liu, Q., … Wang, L. (2022). Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 65, 279-295.
  • Li, X., Wang, K., Liu, L., Xin, J., Yang, H., ve Gao, C. (2011). Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal mines. Procedia Engineering, 26, 2085-2091.
  • Longo F, Padovano A, Umbrello S. (2020). Value-oriented and ethical technology engineering in industry 5.0: A human-centric perspective for the design of the factory of the future. Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4182.
  • Lotfi, F. H., ve Fallahnejad, R. (2010). Imprecise shannon’s entropy and multi attribute decision making. Entropy, 12(1), 53-62.
  • Maddikunta, P. K. R., Pham, Q. V., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T. R., ... Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 26, 100257.
  • Odebade, A. T., ve Benkhelifa, E. (2023). A comparative study of national cyber security strategies of ten nations. Computers and Society, 13938.
  • Pamučar, D., ve Ćirović, G. (2015). The selection of transport and handling resources in logistics centers using multi-attributive border approximation area comparison (MABAC). Expert Systems with Applications, 42(6), 3016-3028.
  • Peter, A. S. (2017). Cyber resilience preparedness of Africa’s top-12 emerging economies. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 17, 49-59.
  • Raja Santhi, A., ve Muthuswamy, P. (2023). Industry 5.0 or industry 4.0S? Introduction to industry 4.0 and a peek into the prospective industry 5.0 technologies. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 17(2), 947-979.
  • Rajabion, L. (2023). Industry 5.0 and cyber crime security threats. Bakkar, M.N. ve McKay E. (Ed.), In Advanced Research and Real-World Applications of Industry 5.0 İçinde (s.66-76) IGI Global.
  • Maisikeli, S. (2023). UAE Cybersecurity perception and risk assessments compared to other developed nations. 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT) (s.432-439) içinde. San Jose, CA, USA: İEE.
  • Sverko, M., Grbac, T., ve Mikuc, M. (2022). Scada systems with focus on continuous manufacturing and steel industry: A survey on architectures, standards, challenges and industry 5.0. Ieee Access, 10, 109395-109430.
  • Vevera, A. V., Cîrnu, C. E., ve Rădulescu, C. Z. (2022). O abordare multi-criterialӑ pentru calculul unui indicator complex de Securitate Cibernetică și Dezvoltare Digitalӑ. Romanian Journal of Information Technology & Automatic Control/Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică, 32(4).
  • Wu, J., Sun, J., Liang, L., ve Zha, Y. (2011). Determination of weights for ultimate cross efficiency using shannon entropy. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5162-5165.
  • Yarovenko, H., Kuzmenko, O., ve Stumpo, M. (2020). Strategy for determining country ranking by level of cybersecurity. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 4(3), 124-137.
  • Zhang, H., Gu, C.l., Gu, L.W., ve Zhang, Y. (2011). The evaluation of tourism destination competitiveness by TOPSIS & information entropy – A Case in the yangtze river delta of China. Tourism Management, 32(2), 443-451.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Üretim ve Operasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Zafer Duran 0000-0002-7227-4196

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Duran, Z. (2024). Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 25(3), 745-760.
AMA Duran Z. Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Kasım 2024;25(3):745-760. doi:10.17494/ogusbd.1485362
Chicago Duran, Zafer. “Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25, sy. 3 (Kasım 2024): 745-60.
EndNote Duran Z (01 Kasım 2024) Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25 3 745–760.
IEEE Z. Duran, “Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 3, ss. 745–760, 2024, doi: 10.17494/ogusbd.1485362.
ISNAD Duran, Zafer. “Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25/3 (Kasım 2024), 745-760.
JAMA Duran Z. Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2024;25:745–760.
MLA Duran, Zafer. “Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 745-60, doi:10.17494/ogusbd.1485362.
Vancouver Duran Z. Endüstri 5.0’a Geçişte Siber Güvenlik: Yeni Sanayileşen Ülkeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2024;25(3):745-60.

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