Yıl 2021,
, 539 - 567, 31.12.2021
Oktay Koç
Cihan Necmi Günal
- ARC (2013). Innovation in the Public Sector: State-of-the-Art Report . ARC Group: Sofia
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Kamu Sektöründe Yenilikçilik: Literatür Araştırmasına Dayalı Bir Değerlendirme
Yıl 2021,
, 539 - 567, 31.12.2021
Oktay Koç
Cihan Necmi Günal
Yenilikçilik yeni veya farklı olanı uygulama kapasitesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Özel sektör için literatürde oldukça geniş bir yer bulan bu kavramın kamu yönetimi açısından detaylı bir incelemesinin yeterince yapılmadığı ifade edilebilir. Yeni dönemde ortaya çıkan kamu değeri veya para için değer gibi veyahut yeni kamu yönetimi sonrası gibi kavram ve uygulamalar, bir noktada yenilik kadar yenilikçilik açısından da kamu yönetiminin sorumluluk üstlenmesini gerekli kılmaktadır. Yenilikçilik, kamu sektörü örgütleri tarafından anlaşılması ve uygulanması özellikle zor kavramlardan ve niteliklerden biriymiş gibi de görünmektedir. Bu nedenle mevcut çalışma, yenilikçiliğin bir yandan yenilik temelinde etraflı bir takdimini yaparken, bir yandan da bir araştırma gündemi oluşturma bakımından mesafe almaya yönelmiştir. Bu kapsamda yenilikçiliğin kavramsal karşılıkları, onu teşvik eden ve engelleyen etmenler ile ölçülmesi gibi konularda literatür incelemesine dayalı olarak etraflı enformasyon sunulmuştur.
- ARC (2013). Innovation in the Public Sector: State-of-the-Art Report . ARC Group: Sofia
- Bartos, S. (2003). “Creating and Sustaining Innovation". Australian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 62(1). ss. 9-14
- Bason C. (2010). Leading Public Sector Innovation: Co-creating for a Better Society. Policy Press: Bristol
- Birleşmiş Milletler/UN (2012). Innovations in the Public Sector. https://publicadministration.un.org/publications/content/PDFs/E-Library%20Archives/2005%20Innovations%20in%20the%20Public%20Sector%20Compendium%20of%20Best%20Practices.pdf (12/04/2020)
- Bloch, C. (2011). Measuring public innovation in the Nordic countries (MEPIN).
- www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:707193/FULLTEXT01.pdf (05/04/2020)
- Borins S.(2001). ”Encouraging innovation in the public sector.” Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 2(3). s. 310-319.
- Borins, S. (2002). Leadership and innovation in the public sector. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.
- Brettel, M., Chomik, C., ve Flatten, T. C. (2015). How organizational culture influences innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk‐taking: Fostering entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs. Journal of small business management, 53(4), 868-885.
- Casanueva, C. ve Gallego, Á. (2010). Social capital and individual innovativeness in university research networks. Innovation, 12(1), 105-117.
- Chang, S. C., Chiang, C. Y., Chu, C. Y. ve Wang, Y. B. (2006). The study of social capital, organizational learning, innovativeness, intellectual capital, and performance. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning.
- Crespell, P. J. (2007). Organizational climate and innovativeness in the forest products industry. https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/downloads/3f462765v (14/06/2021).
- Cubuk S.B.E., Karkin N. ve Yavuz N. (2019). “Public sector innovativeness and public values through information and communication technologies”. dg.o 2019: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. June 2019. ss. 353–361. https://doi.org/10.1145/3325112.3325215
- Currie G., Humphreys M., Ucbasaran D. ve McManus S. (2008). “Entrepreneurial Leadership in the English Public Sector: Paradox or Possibility?”. Public Administration. Vol: 86(4). Pp. 987-1008
- Damanpour F., ve Schneider M. (2009). “Characteristics of innovation and innovation adoption in public organizations: Assessing the role of managers”. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Vol: 19. ss. 495-522.
- Dai, L., Maksimov, V., Gilbert, B. A. ve Fernhaber, S. A. (2014). Entrepreneurial orientation and international scope: The differential roles of innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(4), 511-524.
- De Vries H., Bekkers V. ve Tummers L. (2015). “Innovation in the Public Sector: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda”. Public Administration. ss. 1-21
- Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V. ve Blanc, T. A. (2013). Public administration: An action orientation. Cengage Learning.
- Denhardt, R. B. (2014). Theories of public organization. Cengage Learning.
- Deshpandé, R. ve Farley, J. U. (2004). Organizational culture, market orientation, innovativeness, and firm performance: an international research odyssey. International Journal of research in Marketing, 21(1), 3-22.
- Diefenbach, F. E. (2011). Entrepreneurship in the public sector. In Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector (pp. 31-64). Gabler.
- Dolfsma, W. ve Van der Velde, G. (2014). Industry innovativeness, firm size, and entrepreneurship: Schumpeter Mark III?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 24(4), 713-736.
- Europen Commission (AB Komisyonu). (2020). European Innovation Scoreboard https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/policy/innovation/scoreboards_en . (15/05/2021).
- European Commission. (2003). Innobarometer 2002: innovative European business managers build on skills and dynamic markets.
https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_03_373. (15/04/2020).
- Feiock R. C. ve West J. P. (1993). “Testing Competing Explanations For Policy Adoption: Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Programs.” Political Research Quarterly Vol:46(2). ss. 399-419.
- Feller I. (1981). “Public-sector Innovation as “Conspicuous Consumption””. Policy Analysis. Vol: 7(1). ss. 1–20.
- Ferrari, F. (2019). Does too much love hinder innovation? Family involvement and firms’ innovativeness in family-owned Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). European Journal of Family Business, 9(2), 115-127.
- Ferraris A., Santoro G. ve Pellicelli C.A. (2020). “”Openness” of public governments in smart cities: removing the barriers for innovation and entrepreneurship”. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-020-00651-4
- Fuglsang, L. (2010). Bricolage and invisible innovation in public service innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics. 1(5), 67-87.
- Gadot V.A. , Shoham A., Schwabasky N. ve Ruvio A. (2005). “Public Sector Innovation for the Managerial and the Post- Managerial Era: Promises And Realities in a Globalizing Public Administration”. International Public Management Journal. Vol: 8(1), ss. 57-81
- Gadot E. V-., Shoham A., Ruvio A. ve Schwabsky N. (2006). Report on the Publin surveys . Publin Report No. D17. Oslo: NIFU STEP. www.aviana.com/step/publin/reports/d17wp3survey.pdf (05/04/2020)
- Garcia R. ve Calantone R. (2002). “A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review”. The Journal of Product Innovation Management Vol: 19. ss. 110-132
- Gray V. (1973). “Innovation in the States: A Diffusion Study”. The American Political Science Review. Vol: 67(4). s. 1174-1185
- Grady O.D. (1992). “Promoting innovations in the public sector”. Public Productivity and Management Review. Vol: XVI(2). ss. 157-171
- Green L., Howells J., Miles I. (2001). Services and Innovation: Dynamics of Service Innovation in the European Union. Final Report. PREST and CRIC University of Manchester
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