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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 126 - 135, 21.06.2014


Bu çalışma, 2013 yazında Cirencester kasabası doğal florasındaki otsu bitkiler ve bazı çalılar üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, doğal bitki türlerini sınıflayarak insan yaşamındaki rollerini belirlemektir. Araştırmada 32 familya, 96 cins olmak üzere 126 takson belirlenmiştir. Cins sayılarına göre ilk beş familya; Asteraceae 20 (%21.5), Poaceae 13 (%14.0), Fabaceae 8 (%8.6), Apiaceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae ve Rosaceae 4 (%4.3), Brassicaceae ve Plantaginaceae 3 (%3.2)’dan oluşmuştur. Tür sayılarına göre ilk beş familya; Asteraceae 27 (%21.4), Poaceae 17 (%13.5), Fabaceae 12 (%9.5), Lamiaceae 7 (%5.6) ve Polygonaceae 6 (%4.8)’dan oluşmuştur. Cinsler tür sayısına göre sıralandığında; Circium ve Trifolium 4; Sonchus, Lamium, Poa ve Rumex 3; Chenopodium, Matricaria, Senecio, Sinapis, Vicia, Stachys, Malva, Fumaria, Plantago, Veronica, Alopecurus, Festuca, Lolium ve Urtica 2, diğer cinsler ise 1 türe sahiptir. Durumlarına göre sınıflandırıldığında; 105 adet en az endişe verici bitkiler, 9 nadir ve seyrek bitkiler, 4 zarar görebilir durumdaki bitkiler, 1 endemik ve 1 yakın tehdit altında bitki olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada, yaşam formlarına göre incelenen taksonlar arasında 66 çok yıllık, 42 tek yıllık, 6 iki yıllık, 5 tek yıllık-iki yıllık ve 2 tek yıllık-iki yıllık-çok yıllık bitkiler olduğu saptanmıştır. Kullanım amacı ve durumlarına göre; 103 yabancı ot, 64 tıbbi bitki, 55 zehirli bitki, 28 istilacı bitki, 26 yem bitkisi ve 9 süs bitkisi türü belirlenmiştir.


  • Anonymous, 1999. City of Ann Arbor - Invasive Species List. Maintained by the City Building Department per Chapter 60, Section 5:206(4)(c). (A.D: 09.09.2013)
  • Anonymous, 2002. Plants in New Zealand Poisonous to Children. Manaaki Whenua Press, PO Box 40, Lincoln
  • , New Zealand. (A.D: 05.09.2013)
  • Anonymous, 2004. City of Ann Arbor - Invasive Species List. Maintained by the City Building Department per Chapter 60, Section 5:206(4)(c).
  • list_AnnArborInvasiveSpecies_2004-05-01.pdf (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Anonymous, 2010. Ecological Study (Cirencester). Kingshill Sports Ground, (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Anonymous, 2013. Cirencester Park Estate, Gloucestershire, Case Study 2. Private_Cirencester-ParkEstate.pdf/$file/CaseStudy2_SMcGW ATC_Private_Cirencester-Park-Estate.pdf (A.D. 22.08.2013).
  • Anonymous,. 2013b. The Common Lands of Gloucestershire a Biological Survey.
  • Baser, K.H.C. 2012. Journal of Turkish Pharmacists Association, Vol: 27-28, p. 49-80
  • (A.D: 15.08.2013).
  • Bauder, P. 2013. National Park Service. US Department of the Interior.
  • Blake, S. 2004. Medicinal Plant Names. Sample excerpt.
  • (A.D. 22.08.2013).
  • Bruneton, J. 1999. Toxic Plants, Dangerous to Humans and Animals (1 st edition). Lavoisier Publishing 11, rue Lavoisier, F-5384 Paris cederx 08 France. ISBN: 1-898298-62-9
  • Caddel, J.L., Enis, J.D. 1990. Forage Legumes for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, PSS-2585. /dsweb/Get/Document-1962/PSS-2585web.pdf (A.D. 19.08.2013).
  • Cheffings, C.M., Farrell, L., Dines, T.D., Jones, R.A., Leach, S.J., McKean, D.R., Pearman, D.A., Preston, C.D., Rumsey, F.J., Taylor, I. 2005. Species Status No. 7, the Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain. (A.D. 09.09.2013).
  • Clarke, J., Ginsburg, D., Kelly, C., Tonguc, L. 2007. The Encyclopaedia of Arable Weeds. BASF, The Chemical Company.
  • Cooper, M.R., Johnson, A.W. 1984. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Reference Book 161, Replacing Bulletin 161, ISBN: 0 11 242529 1, London.
  • Cosser, N.D. 1996. Genotype and Systems Interactions on Grain Yield and Quality for Organic Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Production. Royal Agricultural Colege, Department of Agricultural Botany, School of Plant Sciences PhD Thesis, Cirencester, England.
  • Cosser, N.D., Gooding, M.J. 1996. The Impact of Wheat Cultivar, Sowing Date and Grazing on the Weed Seedbank of an Organic Farming System. Aspects of Applied Biology, 47:197-200.
  • Cranston, R., Ralph, D., Wikeem, B. 2002. Field Guide to Noxious and Other Selected Weeds of British Columbia. Fourth Edition. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Donaldson, S., Bowers, G. 1998. Weed Identification and Control Guide, Educational Bulletin-98-01, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Duke, J.A., Bogenschutz-Godwin, M.J., Cellier, J., Duke, P.A.K. 2002. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, Second Edition. CRC handbook of medicinal herbs, ISBN 0-8493-1284-1.
  • (A.D. 03.09.2013).
  • Ebadi, M. 2002. Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine. International Standard Book. ISBN: 0-8493-0743-0, Library of Congress Card Number 2001043781, USA. Edgar Ja, Frahn Jl, Jago Mv. Peterson JE, Smith LW Structure and Toxicity of the Alkaloids of Russian Comfrey (Synphytum X uplandicum Nyman), a Medicinal Herb and Item of Human Diet. Experientia 1980; 36:377-379. (A.D. 23.08.2013).
  • Farrell, L., Squirrell, J., French, G. 2013. Mid Ebudes Vice County 103, Rare Plant Register Version 1.
  • (A.D. 01.09.2013).
  • Flagstad, L, Burns, H.C. 2013. Identification of Non-Native Plants in Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, UAA. (A.D: 30.07.2013).
  • Fitter, R., Fitter, A., Blamey, M. 1974. Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe, First edition. Paperback edition: 0 00-219069-09, William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. London
  • Fitter, R., Fitter, A., Farrer, A. 1992. Grasses Sedges, Rushes and Ferns of Britain and Northern Europe, Collins Pocket Guide, Harper Collins Manufacturing, Glasgow.
  • Galvez, J.I., Black, T.W., Swihart, G.L., Black, C.B. 1998. Biological Diversity Survey of the Flora and Fauna of Fort Monroe and Bethel Reservoir. Assistance. (A.D: 14.08.2013).
  • Hanf, M. 1983. The Arable Weeds of Europe with Their Seedlings and Seeds. BASF, United Kingdom Limited for BASF Aktiengesellschaft, D-6700, Ludwigshafen.
  • Joy, P.P., Thomas, J., Mathew, S., Skaria, B.P. 1998. Medicinal Plants. Kerala Agricultural University Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali, Asamannoor, P.O., Ernakulam District, India.
  • (A.D. 14.08.2013).
  • Karakas, F.P., Karakas, A., Coskun, H., Turker, A.U. 2011. Effects of Common Daisy (Bellis perennis L.) Aqueous Xtracts on Anxiety-Like Behaviour and Spatial Memory Performance in Wistar Albino Rats. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5(11): 1378-1388.
  • Karayel, R. H.Bozoglu. 2012. Ethnobotanical Features of Gediz (Kütahya) District. Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 13-15 September, Tokat, Turkey. pp. 15-20
  • Kathe, W., Honnef, S., Heym, A. 2003. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Konstantinstrasse 110, Germany. (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Kazemi, M., Aran, M., Zamani, S. 2011. Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Iranian Wild Alcea rosea Population Using RAPD. World Applied Sciences Journal, 13(5): 1234-1239.
  • Kir, B., Demiroglu, G., Avcioglu, R., Soya, H. 2010. Effects of Grazing on Some Yield and Quality Traits of a Rotation Pasture Mixture Under Mediterranean Environmental Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15(2): 133-136
  • Kloss, J. 2002. Back to Eden, A Human Interest Story of Health and Restoration To be Found in Herb, Root, and Bark. Revised and Expanded Second Edition. Lotus Press, P.O. Box 325. Twin Lakes, WI 53181 USA.
  • Lacefield, G. 2010. Cool-season Forage Grasses: Tall Fescue,Orchardgrass, Bluegrass and Timothy. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. (A.D:.19.08.2013).
  • Lym, R.G., Travnicek, A.J. 2012. Identification and Control of Invasive and Troublesome Weeds in North Dakota. North Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station Extension Service. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Mackay, A.D., Caradus, J.R., Wewala, S. 1991. Aluminium Tolerance of Forage Species. Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH, 925-930. Kluver Academic Publishers, PLSO AS102. 3438-5_103.pdf#page-2 (A.D. 19.08.2013).
  • Maxted, N., Scholten, M., Codd, R., Ford-Lloyd, B. 2007. Creation and Use of a National Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives. Biological Conservation 140: 142-159.
  • Mukhtar, S., Arshad, M., Basu, S.K., Hassan, F., Ahmed, M., Asif, M. 2012. Influence of Capsule Position on Seed Traits and Oil Content of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Plant Knowledge Journal, 1(2): 52-56.
  • Nowosad, F.S., Swales, D.E.N., Dore, W.G. 1936. The Identification of Certain Native and Naturalized Hay and Pasture Grasses by Their Vegetative Characters. Mc Donald College McGill University Technical Bulletin No. 16.
  • (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Owen, W.R. 2003. Poisonous Plants of Southeast Idaho. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Idaho Falls, Idaho. (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Pilkington, S. 2012. Wiltshire Atlas Updating Project 2011-2019, Information for Surveyors. BSBI Vice-County Recorder, VC7 and VC8, Issue 6: May 2nd 2012. (A.D. 01.09.2013).
  • Pryce, P. 2002. Seven Steps to Managing Your Weeds. A Manuel for Integrated Weed Management in British Colombia. 1st Edition, ISBN 1-55130-023-x. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Pryce, P. 2002b. A Guide to Weeds in British Columbia. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. 1st Edition, ISBN 1-55139-021-3. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Press, J.R. Sutton, D.A., Tebbs, B.R. 1989. Wild Flowers of Britain. The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, Berkeley Squar House, Berkeley Squar, London W1X6AB.
  • Rutter, P. 2011. Stratford Park Bio Diversity and Landscape Action Plan: September 2011-2020.
  • (A.D: 30.08.2013).
  • Quinn, P. 2009. Bristol Docks Estate Wildlife Survey and Assessment. MPEcology. /sites/default/files/documents/transport_and_streets/marine_and_waterway_services/ports_and_harbours/BristolDocksBiodiversity_Dec09.pdf (A.D. 05.09.2013).
  • Razavi, S.M., Zarrini, G., Molavi, G., Ghasemi, G. 2011. Bioactivity of Malva Sylvestris L., a Medicinal Plant from Iran. Iran J Basic Med Sci, 14(6): 574–579.
  • Raal, A., Kaur, H., Orav, A., Arak, E., Kailas, T., Müürisepp, M. 2011. Content and Composition of Essential Oils in Some Asteraceae species. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 60(1): 55-63.
  • Rose, F. 2006. The Wild Flower Key. Published by the Penguin Group, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England.
  • Saglamtimur, T., Tansi, V., Baytekin, H. 1998. Forage Crops Production (in Turkish). Cukurova University Agricultural Faculty, Textbook No. 74, Adana, Turkey.
  • Sawyer, C.A. 2006. Forage Soybeans-A Potantial New Home-Grown Protein Source for Livestock Feed in the UK. Coventry University in Association with The Royal Agricultural College, PhD Thesis, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England.
  • Scherrera, A.M., Motti, R., Weckerle, C.S. 2004. Traditional Plant Use in the Areas of Monte Vesole and Ascea, Cilento National Park (Campania, Southern Italy). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 97: 129-143.
  • Shatnawi, A.A. 2013. Multiplication and Cryopreservation of Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L., Asteraceae). J. Agr. Sci. Tech. 15: 163-173.
  • Sikula, J., Stolfa, V. 1979. A Concise Guide in Colour Grasses. The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London-New York-Sidney-Toronto, Astronaut House, Feltham, Middlesex, England, ISBN: 0 600 34045 7.
  • Smith, G.R., Evers, G.W., Ocumpaugh, W.R., Rouquette, F.M. 2010. Forage Legumes for Texas. Texas AgriLife Research. (A.D. 19.08.2013).
  • Stary, F., Berger, Z. 1983. Poisonous Plants. The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London-New York-Sidney-Toronto, Astronaut House, Feltham, Middlesex, England, ISBN: 0 600 35666 3.
  • Sterry, P. 2006. Collins Complete Guide to British Wild Flowers. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd., 7-85 Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8JB.
  • Tatli, I.I., Akdemir, Z.S. 2006. Traditional Uses and Biological Activities of Verbascum Species. FABAD J. Pharm. Sci., 31:85-96.
  • Undersander, D., Casler, M., Cosgrove, D. 1996. Identifying pasture grasses. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service. (A.D. 9.08.2013).
  • Wills, B.J., Begg, J.S.C. 1994. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. - a Review, and Evaluation of Tall Oat Grass for Dryland and Hawkweed-Affected Country in the South Island. New Zealand Grassland Association, 56: 121-126.
  • Yaldız, G., Yuksek, T., Sekeroglu, N. 2010. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Flora of Rize Province and Their Usage Areas. III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancilik Kongresi 20-22 May, Vol: III, pp. 1100-1114
  • Yan, J., Chu, H., Wang, H.C., Li, J.Q., Sang, T. 2009. Population Genetic Structure of Two Medicago Species Shaped by Distinct Life form, Mating System and Seed Dispersal. Annals of Botany, 103: 825-834.
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  • Woodward, L. 1985. Poisonous Plants a Colour Field Guide. David&Charles (Publishers) Limited, ISBN 0-7153-8628-X.$FILE/rin274.pdf (A.D. 18.08.2013).
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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 126 - 135, 21.06.2014


This study was carried out to survey wild flora (on herbaceaus plants and some shrubs) around the town of Cirencester in the summer of 2013. The purpose of the study was to categorise wild species and provide a review of the most frequent plants available based on their role in the human environment. In the survey, 32 families, 96 genuses and a total of 126 species were identified. According to number of genus, the top 5 families were Asteraceae 20 genus (21.5%), Poaceae 13 (14.0%), Fabaceae 8 (8.6%), Apiaceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae and Rosaceae 4 (4.3%) and Brassicaceae and Plantaginaceae 3 (3.2%). According to number of species, top 5 families were Asteraceae 27 (21.4%), Poaceae 17 (13.5%), Fabaceae 12 (9.5%), Lamiaceae 7 (5.6%) and Polygonaceae 6 (4.8%). Genuses were ranked according to number of species: Circium and Trifolium 4; Sonchus, Lamium, Poa and Rumex 3; Chenopodium, Matricaria, Senecio, Sinapis, Vicia, Stachys, Malva, Fumaria, Plantago, Veronica, Alopecurus, Festuca, Lolium and Urtica 2, and other genus have 1 species. Grouped according to their status 105 least concern plants, 9 rare and scarce plants, 4 vulnerable plants, 1 endemic plant and 1 near threatened plant were determined. According to life-style, the survey determined that among all of the identified taxa there were 66 perennial, 42 annual, 6 biennial, 5 annual-biennial, 5 biennial-perennial and 2 annual-biennial-perennial. Ranking species in terms of purpose and status identified 103 weeds, 64 medicinal plants, 55 poisonous plant, 28 invasive plants, 26 forage crops and 9 ornamental plants.


  • Anonymous, 1999. City of Ann Arbor - Invasive Species List. Maintained by the City Building Department per Chapter 60, Section 5:206(4)(c). (A.D: 09.09.2013)
  • Anonymous, 2002. Plants in New Zealand Poisonous to Children. Manaaki Whenua Press, PO Box 40, Lincoln
  • , New Zealand. (A.D: 05.09.2013)
  • Anonymous, 2004. City of Ann Arbor - Invasive Species List. Maintained by the City Building Department per Chapter 60, Section 5:206(4)(c).
  • list_AnnArborInvasiveSpecies_2004-05-01.pdf (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Anonymous, 2010. Ecological Study (Cirencester). Kingshill Sports Ground, (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Anonymous, 2013. Cirencester Park Estate, Gloucestershire, Case Study 2. Private_Cirencester-ParkEstate.pdf/$file/CaseStudy2_SMcGW ATC_Private_Cirencester-Park-Estate.pdf (A.D. 22.08.2013).
  • Anonymous,. 2013b. The Common Lands of Gloucestershire a Biological Survey.
  • Baser, K.H.C. 2012. Journal of Turkish Pharmacists Association, Vol: 27-28, p. 49-80
  • (A.D: 15.08.2013).
  • Bauder, P. 2013. National Park Service. US Department of the Interior.
  • Blake, S. 2004. Medicinal Plant Names. Sample excerpt.
  • (A.D. 22.08.2013).
  • Bruneton, J. 1999. Toxic Plants, Dangerous to Humans and Animals (1 st edition). Lavoisier Publishing 11, rue Lavoisier, F-5384 Paris cederx 08 France. ISBN: 1-898298-62-9
  • Caddel, J.L., Enis, J.D. 1990. Forage Legumes for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, PSS-2585. /dsweb/Get/Document-1962/PSS-2585web.pdf (A.D. 19.08.2013).
  • Cheffings, C.M., Farrell, L., Dines, T.D., Jones, R.A., Leach, S.J., McKean, D.R., Pearman, D.A., Preston, C.D., Rumsey, F.J., Taylor, I. 2005. Species Status No. 7, the Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain. (A.D. 09.09.2013).
  • Clarke, J., Ginsburg, D., Kelly, C., Tonguc, L. 2007. The Encyclopaedia of Arable Weeds. BASF, The Chemical Company.
  • Cooper, M.R., Johnson, A.W. 1984. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Reference Book 161, Replacing Bulletin 161, ISBN: 0 11 242529 1, London.
  • Cosser, N.D. 1996. Genotype and Systems Interactions on Grain Yield and Quality for Organic Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Production. Royal Agricultural Colege, Department of Agricultural Botany, School of Plant Sciences PhD Thesis, Cirencester, England.
  • Cosser, N.D., Gooding, M.J. 1996. The Impact of Wheat Cultivar, Sowing Date and Grazing on the Weed Seedbank of an Organic Farming System. Aspects of Applied Biology, 47:197-200.
  • Cranston, R., Ralph, D., Wikeem, B. 2002. Field Guide to Noxious and Other Selected Weeds of British Columbia. Fourth Edition. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Donaldson, S., Bowers, G. 1998. Weed Identification and Control Guide, Educational Bulletin-98-01, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Duke, J.A., Bogenschutz-Godwin, M.J., Cellier, J., Duke, P.A.K. 2002. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, Second Edition. CRC handbook of medicinal herbs, ISBN 0-8493-1284-1.
  • (A.D. 03.09.2013).
  • Ebadi, M. 2002. Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine. International Standard Book. ISBN: 0-8493-0743-0, Library of Congress Card Number 2001043781, USA. Edgar Ja, Frahn Jl, Jago Mv. Peterson JE, Smith LW Structure and Toxicity of the Alkaloids of Russian Comfrey (Synphytum X uplandicum Nyman), a Medicinal Herb and Item of Human Diet. Experientia 1980; 36:377-379. (A.D. 23.08.2013).
  • Farrell, L., Squirrell, J., French, G. 2013. Mid Ebudes Vice County 103, Rare Plant Register Version 1.
  • (A.D. 01.09.2013).
  • Flagstad, L, Burns, H.C. 2013. Identification of Non-Native Plants in Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, UAA. (A.D: 30.07.2013).
  • Fitter, R., Fitter, A., Blamey, M. 1974. Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe, First edition. Paperback edition: 0 00-219069-09, William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. London
  • Fitter, R., Fitter, A., Farrer, A. 1992. Grasses Sedges, Rushes and Ferns of Britain and Northern Europe, Collins Pocket Guide, Harper Collins Manufacturing, Glasgow.
  • Galvez, J.I., Black, T.W., Swihart, G.L., Black, C.B. 1998. Biological Diversity Survey of the Flora and Fauna of Fort Monroe and Bethel Reservoir. Assistance. (A.D: 14.08.2013).
  • Hanf, M. 1983. The Arable Weeds of Europe with Their Seedlings and Seeds. BASF, United Kingdom Limited for BASF Aktiengesellschaft, D-6700, Ludwigshafen.
  • Joy, P.P., Thomas, J., Mathew, S., Skaria, B.P. 1998. Medicinal Plants. Kerala Agricultural University Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali, Asamannoor, P.O., Ernakulam District, India.
  • (A.D. 14.08.2013).
  • Karakas, F.P., Karakas, A., Coskun, H., Turker, A.U. 2011. Effects of Common Daisy (Bellis perennis L.) Aqueous Xtracts on Anxiety-Like Behaviour and Spatial Memory Performance in Wistar Albino Rats. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5(11): 1378-1388.
  • Karayel, R. H.Bozoglu. 2012. Ethnobotanical Features of Gediz (Kütahya) District. Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 13-15 September, Tokat, Turkey. pp. 15-20
  • Kathe, W., Honnef, S., Heym, A. 2003. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Konstantinstrasse 110, Germany. (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Kazemi, M., Aran, M., Zamani, S. 2011. Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Iranian Wild Alcea rosea Population Using RAPD. World Applied Sciences Journal, 13(5): 1234-1239.
  • Kir, B., Demiroglu, G., Avcioglu, R., Soya, H. 2010. Effects of Grazing on Some Yield and Quality Traits of a Rotation Pasture Mixture Under Mediterranean Environmental Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15(2): 133-136
  • Kloss, J. 2002. Back to Eden, A Human Interest Story of Health and Restoration To be Found in Herb, Root, and Bark. Revised and Expanded Second Edition. Lotus Press, P.O. Box 325. Twin Lakes, WI 53181 USA.
  • Lacefield, G. 2010. Cool-season Forage Grasses: Tall Fescue,Orchardgrass, Bluegrass and Timothy. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. (A.D:.19.08.2013).
  • Lym, R.G., Travnicek, A.J. 2012. Identification and Control of Invasive and Troublesome Weeds in North Dakota. North Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station Extension Service. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Mackay, A.D., Caradus, J.R., Wewala, S. 1991. Aluminium Tolerance of Forage Species. Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH, 925-930. Kluver Academic Publishers, PLSO AS102. 3438-5_103.pdf#page-2 (A.D. 19.08.2013).
  • Maxted, N., Scholten, M., Codd, R., Ford-Lloyd, B. 2007. Creation and Use of a National Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives. Biological Conservation 140: 142-159.
  • Mukhtar, S., Arshad, M., Basu, S.K., Hassan, F., Ahmed, M., Asif, M. 2012. Influence of Capsule Position on Seed Traits and Oil Content of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Plant Knowledge Journal, 1(2): 52-56.
  • Nowosad, F.S., Swales, D.E.N., Dore, W.G. 1936. The Identification of Certain Native and Naturalized Hay and Pasture Grasses by Their Vegetative Characters. Mc Donald College McGill University Technical Bulletin No. 16.
  • (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Owen, W.R. 2003. Poisonous Plants of Southeast Idaho. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Idaho Falls, Idaho. (A.D. 20.08.2013).
  • Pilkington, S. 2012. Wiltshire Atlas Updating Project 2011-2019, Information for Surveyors. BSBI Vice-County Recorder, VC7 and VC8, Issue 6: May 2nd 2012. (A.D. 01.09.2013).
  • Pryce, P. 2002. Seven Steps to Managing Your Weeds. A Manuel for Integrated Weed Management in British Colombia. 1st Edition, ISBN 1-55130-023-x. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Pryce, P. 2002b. A Guide to Weeds in British Columbia. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. 1st Edition, ISBN 1-55139-021-3. (A.D. 18.08.2013).
  • Press, J.R. Sutton, D.A., Tebbs, B.R. 1989. Wild Flowers of Britain. The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, Berkeley Squar House, Berkeley Squar, London W1X6AB.
  • Rutter, P. 2011. Stratford Park Bio Diversity and Landscape Action Plan: September 2011-2020.
  • (A.D: 30.08.2013).
  • Quinn, P. 2009. Bristol Docks Estate Wildlife Survey and Assessment. MPEcology. /sites/default/files/documents/transport_and_streets/marine_and_waterway_services/ports_and_harbours/BristolDocksBiodiversity_Dec09.pdf (A.D. 05.09.2013).
  • Razavi, S.M., Zarrini, G., Molavi, G., Ghasemi, G. 2011. Bioactivity of Malva Sylvestris L., a Medicinal Plant from Iran. Iran J Basic Med Sci, 14(6): 574–579.
  • Raal, A., Kaur, H., Orav, A., Arak, E., Kailas, T., Müürisepp, M. 2011. Content and Composition of Essential Oils in Some Asteraceae species. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 60(1): 55-63.
  • Rose, F. 2006. The Wild Flower Key. Published by the Penguin Group, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England.
  • Saglamtimur, T., Tansi, V., Baytekin, H. 1998. Forage Crops Production (in Turkish). Cukurova University Agricultural Faculty, Textbook No. 74, Adana, Turkey.
  • Sawyer, C.A. 2006. Forage Soybeans-A Potantial New Home-Grown Protein Source for Livestock Feed in the UK. Coventry University in Association with The Royal Agricultural College, PhD Thesis, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England.
  • Scherrera, A.M., Motti, R., Weckerle, C.S. 2004. Traditional Plant Use in the Areas of Monte Vesole and Ascea, Cilento National Park (Campania, Southern Italy). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 97: 129-143.
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Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Tarla Bitkileri

Mehmet Basbag

W. Paul Davıes Bu kişi benim

Nicola Cannon Bu kişi benim

Karen Lovera Bu kişi benim

Sema Basbag

Sara Burbı Bu kişi benim

A.v. Vijaya Bashkar Bu kişi benim

Harriet Moyo Bu kişi benim

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Negin Mınaeı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Basbag, M., Davıes, W. P., Cannon, N., Lovera, K., vd. (2014). SOME WILD PLANTS IN THE CIRENCESTER NATURAL FLORA. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(2), 126-135.

Cited By

Online ISSN: 1308-8769