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Sağlıklı Bireylerde Depresyona Yatkınlık Durumunun Postüre Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 24, 2746 - 2763, 30.04.2020


Çalışmanın amacı, sağlıklı bireylerde depresyona yatkınlık durumunun postür bozukluğuna etkisini araştırmak ve cinsiyete göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini incelemekti. Sağlıklı bireylerin depresyona yatkınlık durumları Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ)’i kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Postür analizleri ise deneyimli fizyoterapist tarafından önden (anterior), yandan (lateral) ve arkadan (posterior) olmak üzere üç yönden değerlendirildi. Çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü 151 sağlıklı kişi BDÖ’den aldıkları puana göre 2 gruba ayrıldı. BDÖ>10 olan katılımcılar depresyona yatkın grup, Grup I (n=79); BDÖ<10 olan katılımcılar normal olan bireyler, Grup II (n=72) olarak ayrıldı. Grup I’deki bireylerde; Başın lateral fleksiyonu (p=0,01), pes planus (p=0,03), başın anterior tilti (p=0,04), omuz protraksiyonu (p=0,02), kifotik duruş (p=0,02), lomber lordoz artışı (p=0,03) ve skapula alatanın (p=0,02) Grup II’deki bireylere göre anlamlı derecede sık görüldüğü saptandı. Grup I’de yer alan kadınlarda başın lateral fleksiyonu (p=0,04), sağ omuz düşüklüğü (p=0,022), omuz protraksiyonu (p=0,01), kifotik duruş (p=0,003) ve skapula alata (p=0,01) gibi postüral bozukluklar Grup II’de yer alan kadınlara göre istatistiksel olarak daha sık olduğu saptandı. Grup I’de yer alan erkeklerde ise sadece pes planus (p=0,04) Grup II’de yer alan erkeklere göre istatistiksel olarak daha sıktı. Çalışmamızda elde edilen bulgulara göre sağlıklı bireylerde depresyona yatkınlık durumunun bireylerde başın anterior tilti, başın lateral fleksiyonu, omuz protraksiyonu, kifotik duruş, skapula alata ve pes planus gibi postüral bozuklukların daha sık görülmesine neden olmaktadır. Depresyona yatkınlık durumunun kadınlarda erkeklere göre daha fazla postüral sapmalara neden olduğu görüldü.


  • Beck A.T. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 4(6), 561-71.
  • Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A., ve Brown, G.K. (1996). Beck depression inventory. II. San Antonio Psychological Corporation. 78(2), 490-498.
  • Brink, Y., Crous, L.C., Louw, Q.A., Grimmer-Somers, K., ve Schreve, K. (2009). The association between postural alignment and psychosocial factors to upper quadrant pain in high school students: A prospective study. Manual therapy, 14(6),647-653.
  • Canales, J.Z., Cordás, T.A., Fiquer, J.T., Cavalcante, A.F., ve Moreno, R.A. (2010). Posture and body image in individuals with major depressive disorder: A controlled study. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 32(4), 375-380.
  • Canales, J.Z., Fiquer, J.T., Campos, R.N., Soeiro-de-Souza, M.G.,ve Moreno, R.A. (2017). Investigation of associations between recurrence of major depressive disorder and spinal posture alignment: A quantitative cross-sectional study. Gait & posture, 52, 258-264.
  • Coulson M. (2004). Attributing emotion to static body postures: Recognition accuracy, confusions, and viewpoint dependence. Journal of nonverbal behavior, 28(2), 117-139.
  • Do Rosário, J.L.P. (2014). Photographic analysis of human posture: a literature review. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 18(1), 56-61.
  • Do Rosário J.L.P., Diógenes, M.S.B., Mattei, R., Leite, J.R. (2013). Can sadness alter posture? Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 17(3), 328-331.
  • Ebert, D., Loew, T., Feistel, H., ve Pirner, A. (1996). Dopamine and depression—striatal dopamine D 2 receptor SPECT before and after antidepressant therapy. Psychopharmacology, 126(1), 91-94.
  • Ekman P. (1993). Facial expression and emotion. American psychologist, 48(4), 384.
  • Grammer, K., Fink, B., Oberzaucher, E., Atzmüller, M., Blantar, I., ve Mitteroecker, P. (2004). The representation of self-reported affect in body posture and body posture simulation. Collegium antropologicum. 28(2), 159-173.
  • Hisli, N. (1988). Beck Depresyon Envanterinin gecerliliği üzerine bir çalışma (A study on the validity of Beck Depression Inventory.). Psikoloji Dergisi, 6, 118-122.
  • James, H., Castaneda, L., Miller, M.E., ve Findley, T. (2009). Rolfing structural integration treatment of cervical spine dysfunction. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 13(3), 229-238.
  • Kaya, M., Genç, M., Kaya, B., ve Pehlivan, E. (2007). Tıp fakültesi ve sağlık yüksekokulu öğrencilerinde depresif belir yaygınlığı, stresle başa çıkma tarzları ve etkileyen faktörler. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(2), 137-146.
  • Kendall, F.P., McCreary, E., Provance, P., Rodgers, M., ve Romani, W. (2005). Muscles: Testing and function, with posture and pain (Kendall, Muscles). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Köroğlu E. (2012). Psikiyatride kullanılan klinik ölçekler. Ankara: HYB yayınları.
  • Lemke, M.R., Wendorff, T., Mieth, B., Buhl, K., ve Linnemann, M. (2000). Spatiotemporal gait patterns during over ground locomotion in major depression compared with healthy controls. Journal of psychiatric research, 34(4-5), 277-283.
  • Martinot, M-L.P., Bragulat, V., Artiges, E., et al. (2001). Decreased presynaptic dopamine function in the left caudate of depressed patients with affective flattening and psychomotor retardation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(2), 314-316.
  • McEvoy, M.P., ve Grimmer, K. (2005). Reliability of upright posture measurements in primary school children. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 6(1), 35.
  • Michalak, J., Troje, N.F., Fischer, J., Vollmar, P., Heidenreich, T., ve Schulte, D. (2009). Embodiment of sadness and depression—gait patterns associated with dysphoric mood. Psychosomatic medicine, 71(5), 580-587.
  • Moslehi, M., Saiiari, A., ve Marashiyan, F. (2011). Study of the relationship between Kyphosis, anxiety, depression and aggression of high school boy students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1798-1801.
  • Otman, A., Demirel, H., ve Sade, A. (1995). Tedavi hareketlerin de temel değerlendirme prensipleri. 16. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yuksekokulu Yayınları.14-20.
  • Özdel, L., Bostancı, M., Özdel, O., ve Oğuzhanoğlu, N.K. (2002). Üniversite öğrencilerinde depresif belirtiler ve sosyodemografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 3(3), 155-161.
  • Penha, P.J., João ,S.M.A., Casarotto, R.A., Amino, C.J., ve Penteado, D.C. (2005). Postural assessment of girls between 7 and 10 years of age. Clinics. 60(1), 9-16.
  • Ramezanzade, H., ve Arabnarmi, B. (2011). Relationship of self-esteem with forward head posture and round shoulder. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 3698-3702.
  • Rosario, J.L., Diógenes, M.S.B., Mattei, R., ve Leite, J.R. (2014). Differences and similarities in postural alterations caused by sadness and depression. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 18(4), 540-544.
  • Wallden, M. (2009). The neutral spine principle. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 13(4), 350-361.

Investigation of the Effect of Depression Tendency Status on Posture in Healthy Individuals

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 24, 2746 - 2763, 30.04.2020


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of depression tendency status on posture disorder and to see if it differs according to gender in healthy individuals. Depression tendency statuses of healthy individuals were evaluated by the Beck Depression Scale (BDS). Posture evaluation was performed by experienced physiotherapist from three directions: anterior (anterior), lateral (lateral) and posterior (posterior). A total of 151 healthy people who volunteered to participate in the study were divided into two groups according to the score they got from the BDS. Participants with BDS >10 refer depressed individuals, Group I (n = 79); participants with BDS <10 refer normal individuals, Group II (n = 72). In Group I individuals, anterior tilt of the head (p=0.04), lateral flexion of the head (p=0.01), shoulder protraction (p=0.02), scapula alata (p=0.02), kyphotic posture (p=0.02), increased lumbar lordosis (p=0.03) and pes planus (p=0.03) were found to be significantly more frequent than Group II individuals. Postural disorders such as; lateral flexion of the head (p=0.04), right shoulder depression (p=0.022), shoulder protraction (p=0.01), kyphotic posture (p=0.003) and scapula alata (p=0.01) in women of Group I were found to be statistically more frequent than in women of Group II. In men of Group I, it was found that only pes planus (p=0.04) was statistically more common than in men of Group II. According to the findings obtained in our study, depression tendency status in healthy individuals causes more common postural disorders such as anterior tilt of the head, lateral flexion of the head, shoulder protraction, kyphotic posture, scapula alata and pes planus. It was seen that the depression tendency status caused more postural deviations in women than men.


  • Beck A.T. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 4(6), 561-71.
  • Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A., ve Brown, G.K. (1996). Beck depression inventory. II. San Antonio Psychological Corporation. 78(2), 490-498.
  • Brink, Y., Crous, L.C., Louw, Q.A., Grimmer-Somers, K., ve Schreve, K. (2009). The association between postural alignment and psychosocial factors to upper quadrant pain in high school students: A prospective study. Manual therapy, 14(6),647-653.
  • Canales, J.Z., Cordás, T.A., Fiquer, J.T., Cavalcante, A.F., ve Moreno, R.A. (2010). Posture and body image in individuals with major depressive disorder: A controlled study. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 32(4), 375-380.
  • Canales, J.Z., Fiquer, J.T., Campos, R.N., Soeiro-de-Souza, M.G.,ve Moreno, R.A. (2017). Investigation of associations between recurrence of major depressive disorder and spinal posture alignment: A quantitative cross-sectional study. Gait & posture, 52, 258-264.
  • Coulson M. (2004). Attributing emotion to static body postures: Recognition accuracy, confusions, and viewpoint dependence. Journal of nonverbal behavior, 28(2), 117-139.
  • Do Rosário, J.L.P. (2014). Photographic analysis of human posture: a literature review. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 18(1), 56-61.
  • Do Rosário J.L.P., Diógenes, M.S.B., Mattei, R., Leite, J.R. (2013). Can sadness alter posture? Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 17(3), 328-331.
  • Ebert, D., Loew, T., Feistel, H., ve Pirner, A. (1996). Dopamine and depression—striatal dopamine D 2 receptor SPECT before and after antidepressant therapy. Psychopharmacology, 126(1), 91-94.
  • Ekman P. (1993). Facial expression and emotion. American psychologist, 48(4), 384.
  • Grammer, K., Fink, B., Oberzaucher, E., Atzmüller, M., Blantar, I., ve Mitteroecker, P. (2004). The representation of self-reported affect in body posture and body posture simulation. Collegium antropologicum. 28(2), 159-173.
  • Hisli, N. (1988). Beck Depresyon Envanterinin gecerliliği üzerine bir çalışma (A study on the validity of Beck Depression Inventory.). Psikoloji Dergisi, 6, 118-122.
  • James, H., Castaneda, L., Miller, M.E., ve Findley, T. (2009). Rolfing structural integration treatment of cervical spine dysfunction. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 13(3), 229-238.
  • Kaya, M., Genç, M., Kaya, B., ve Pehlivan, E. (2007). Tıp fakültesi ve sağlık yüksekokulu öğrencilerinde depresif belir yaygınlığı, stresle başa çıkma tarzları ve etkileyen faktörler. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(2), 137-146.
  • Kendall, F.P., McCreary, E., Provance, P., Rodgers, M., ve Romani, W. (2005). Muscles: Testing and function, with posture and pain (Kendall, Muscles). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Köroğlu E. (2012). Psikiyatride kullanılan klinik ölçekler. Ankara: HYB yayınları.
  • Lemke, M.R., Wendorff, T., Mieth, B., Buhl, K., ve Linnemann, M. (2000). Spatiotemporal gait patterns during over ground locomotion in major depression compared with healthy controls. Journal of psychiatric research, 34(4-5), 277-283.
  • Martinot, M-L.P., Bragulat, V., Artiges, E., et al. (2001). Decreased presynaptic dopamine function in the left caudate of depressed patients with affective flattening and psychomotor retardation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(2), 314-316.
  • McEvoy, M.P., ve Grimmer, K. (2005). Reliability of upright posture measurements in primary school children. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 6(1), 35.
  • Michalak, J., Troje, N.F., Fischer, J., Vollmar, P., Heidenreich, T., ve Schulte, D. (2009). Embodiment of sadness and depression—gait patterns associated with dysphoric mood. Psychosomatic medicine, 71(5), 580-587.
  • Moslehi, M., Saiiari, A., ve Marashiyan, F. (2011). Study of the relationship between Kyphosis, anxiety, depression and aggression of high school boy students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1798-1801.
  • Otman, A., Demirel, H., ve Sade, A. (1995). Tedavi hareketlerin de temel değerlendirme prensipleri. 16. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yuksekokulu Yayınları.14-20.
  • Özdel, L., Bostancı, M., Özdel, O., ve Oğuzhanoğlu, N.K. (2002). Üniversite öğrencilerinde depresif belirtiler ve sosyodemografik özelliklerle ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 3(3), 155-161.
  • Penha, P.J., João ,S.M.A., Casarotto, R.A., Amino, C.J., ve Penteado, D.C. (2005). Postural assessment of girls between 7 and 10 years of age. Clinics. 60(1), 9-16.
  • Ramezanzade, H., ve Arabnarmi, B. (2011). Relationship of self-esteem with forward head posture and round shoulder. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 3698-3702.
  • Rosario, J.L., Diógenes, M.S.B., Mattei, R., ve Leite, J.R. (2014). Differences and similarities in postural alterations caused by sadness and depression. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 18(4), 540-544.
  • Wallden, M. (2009). The neutral spine principle. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 13(4), 350-361.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdurrahim Yıldız 0000-0002-6049-0705

Rüstem Mustafaoğlu 0000-0001-7030-0787

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 27 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, A., & Mustafaoğlu, R. (2020). Sağlıklı Bireylerde Depresyona Yatkınlık Durumunun Postüre Etkisinin İncelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 15(24), 2746-2763.