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Sociospatial Segregation and Clustering in Urban Area

Yıl 2024, , 108 - 152, 26.12.2024


In this study, the socio-spatial clustering observed in different cities of many countries with transnational migration and the socio-spatial segregation it creates are evaluated in a theoretical context with their different dimensions. In particular, new immigrants to a city cluster in certain spatial units of the city through common elements such as citizenship, ethnicity or religion. In fact, this clustering action of the immigrant group creates a spatial separation from other residents of the city. Therefore, with this separation, clustered socio-spatial segregation patterns occur in different units of the city. In this study, the socio-spatial clustering or segregation created by social groups of different ethnicity, beliefs or cultural structures in cities was evaluated on the basis of the discussions reflected in the literature, and analyses were put forward as to whether socio-spatial segregation is good or bad. The study also identifies the positive and negative aspects of socio-spatial segregation and discusses the processes behind these preferences of different social groups living in the city.


  • Aksu, G. (2013). Kentsel yoksulluk bağlamında mekânsal ayrışma Tokat Sulusokak örneği (Unpublished master’s thesis). İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı.
  • Alver, K. (2010). Siteril hayatlar: Kentte mekânsal ayrışma ve güvenlikli siteler. Ankara: Hece Yayınları.
  • Arends-Toth, J. V., & Van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2004). Dimension and domains in models of acculturation: Implicit theories of Turkish-Dutch. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28, 19-35.
  • Bali, R. N. (1999). Çılgın kalabalıktan uzak. Birikim, 123, 35-46.
  • Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Minde, T., & Mok, D. (1987). Comparative studies of acculturative stress. International Migration Review, 21, 491-511.
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30, 69-85.
  • Berry, J. W. (1998). Intercultural relations in plural societies. Canadian Psychology, 40(1), 12-21.
  • Berry, J. W. (2001). A psychology of immigration. Journal of Social Issues, 57, 615-631.
  • Berry, J. W. (2006). Contexts of acculturation. In D. L. Sam & J. W. Berry (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology (pp. 27-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Power, S., Young, M., & Bujaki, M. (1989). Acculturation attitudes in plural societies. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 38, 185-206.
  • Berry, J. W., & Sam, D. L. (1997). Acculturation and adaptation. In J. W. Berry, M. H. Segall, & Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı (Eds.), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology: Social behaviour and applications (Vol. 3, pp. 291-326). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Beshers, J. M. (1962). Urban social structure. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Bilgin, N. (2003). Sosyal psikoloji sözlüğü. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Bógus, L. M. M. (2013). Urban segregation: A theoretical approach. Retrieved from;jsessionid=5AEFFC22D66E6309489A899FE0658DB1?doi=
  • Bolt, G., Van Kempen, R., & Van Ham, M. (2008). Minority ethnic groups in policy: The Dutch housing market, spatial segregation, relocation dynamics and housing. Urban Studies, 45(7), 1359-1384.
  • Bolt, G., Özüekren, A. Ş., & Phillips, D. (2010). Linking integration and residential segregation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(2), 169-186.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., Moise, L. C., Perreault, S., & Senecal, S. (1997). Towards an interactive acculturation model: A social psychological approach. International Journal of Psychology, 32, 369-386.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., & Montreuil, A. (2016). Methodological issues related to the host community acculturation scale (HCAS) and the immigrant acculturation scale (IAS): An update. UQAM Working Paper, Département de Psychologie, Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Caldeira, T. P. R. (1996). Fortified enclaves: The new urban segregation. Public Culture, 8(2), 303-328.
  • Castles, S., & Miller, M. J. (2008). Göçler çağı. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Cook, S. (2015). Rural-urban migration and social exclusion among Cambodian youth (Unpublished master’s thesis). Utrecht University.
  • Duncan, O. D., & Lieberson, S. (1959). Ethnic segregation and assimilation. American Journal of Sociology, 64, 364-374.
  • Duncan, O. D., & Duncan, B. (1955). A methodological analysis of segregation indices. American Sociological Review, 20, 207-217.
  • Ellis, M., Wright, R., & Parks, V. (2004). Work together, live apart? Geographies of racial and ethnic segregation at home and at work. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(3), 620-637.
  • Enlil, Z. M. (2003). 1980 sonrası İstanbul’da toplumsal ayrışmanın mekânsal izdüşümleri. Mekân İstanbul, 8, 84-89.
  • Esser, H. (2000). Integration and ethnic stratification: Towards emerging ethnic classes in Europe. Project conclusions, integration and ethnic stratification, ethnic economy and social exclusion, Germany.
  • Faist, T. (2003). Uluslararası göç ve ulusaşırı toplumsal alanlar (Trans. A. Z. Gündoğan-Can Nacar). İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Fielding, A. J. (2004). Class and space: Social segregation in Japanese cities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(1), 64-84.
  • Firidin-Özgür, E. (2006). Sosyal ve mekânsal ayrışma çerçevesinde yeni konutlaşma eğilimleri: Kapalı siteler, İstanbul, Çekmeköy örneği. Planlama, 4.
  • Folch, D. C., & Rey, S. (2014). The centralization index: A measure of local spatial segregation. Papers in Regional Science, 95(3).
  • Göregenli, M., & Karakuş, P. (2014). Göç araştırmalarında mekân boyutu: Kültürel ve mekânsal bütünleşme. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 17(34), 101-115.
  • Grannis, R. (2002). Discussion: Segregation indices and their functional inputs. Sociological Methodology, 32, 69-84.
  • Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G., Watts, M., & Whatmore, S. (2009). The dictionary of human geography (5th ed.). Chichester: Wiley.
  • Hamnet, C., & Cross, D. (1998). Social change, social polarization and income inequality in London, 1979-1993. Geojournal, 46, 39-50.
  • Hancıoğlu, F. (2015). Kentsel mekânda “öteki”nin ayrışması Cihangir örneğinde “LGBT” kimliğin mekânsal ayrışma deneyimi (Unpublished master’s thesis). İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Malatya. Harrison, M., Law, I., & Phillips, D. (2005). Migrants, minorities and housing: Exclusion, discrimination and anti-discrimination in 15 member states of the European Union. Vienna: EUMC.
  • Jürgen, F. (1998). Social inequality, segregation and urban conflict: The case of Hamburg. In S. Musterd & W. Ostendorf (Eds.), Urban segregation and welfare state (pp. 168-190). Routledge
  • Kaya, A. (2014). Türkiye’de göç ve uyum tartışmaları: Geçmişe dönük bir bakış. İdeal Kent Dergisi, 14, 11-28.
  • Kaya, İ. (2013). Coğrafi düşüncede mekân tartışmaları. Possible Düşünme Dergisi, 4, ISSN: 2147-1622.
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  • Knox, P., & Marston, S. A. (2014). Human geography: Places and regions in global context. Essex: Pearson.
  • Knox, P., & Pinch, S. (2010). Urban social geography. London: Pearson Education Ltd.
  • Li, Z., & Wu, F. (2006). Socio-spatial differentiation and residential inequalities in Shanghai: A case study of three neighbourhoods. Housing Studies, 21(5), 695-717.
  • Lin, S., & Gaubatz, P. (2017). Socio-spatial segregation in China and migrants’ everyday life experiences: The case of Wenzhou. Urban Geography, 38(7), 1019-1038.
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  • Navas, M., Garcia, M., Sanchez, J., Rojas, A., Pumares, P., & Fernandez, J. (2005). Relative acculturation extended model. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, 21-37.
  • Navas, M., Fernandez, R., Rojas, A. J., & Garcia, M. C. (2007). Acculturation strategies and attitudes according to the relative acculturation model (RAEM): The perspectives of natives versus immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31, 67-86.
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  • Parekh, B. (2002). Çokkültürlülüğü yeniden düşünmek: Kültürel çeşitlilik ve siyasal teori (Trans. B. Tanrıseven). Ankara: Phoenix Yayınevi.
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Kentsel Mekanda Sosyomekansal Ayrışma ve Kümelenme

Yıl 2024, , 108 - 152, 26.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, ulusaşırı göçlerle birlikte birçok ülkenin farklı şehirlerinde görülen sosyo-mekânsal kümelenme ve bunun ortaya çıkardığı sosyo-mekânsal ayrışma, farklı boyutlarıyla teorik bağlamda değerlendirilmektedir. Özellikle bir kente yeni gelen göçmenler, hemşerilik, etnisite ya da inanç gibi ortak unsurlar vasıtasıyla kentin belirli mekânsal birimlerinde toplanmak suretiyle kümelenirler. Aslında göçmen grubun bu kümelenme aksiyonu, beraberinde kentin diğer sakinlerinden mekânsal olarak ayrılmayı meydana getirmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu ayrılma ile birlikte kentin farklı birimlerinde, sosyo-mekânsal ayrışma örüntüleri meydana gelmiş oluyor. Bu çalışmada, kentlerde farklı etnisite, inanç ya da kültürel yapıya mensup toplumsal grupların meydana getirdiği sosyo-mekânsal kümelenme ya da ayrışmanın, literatüre yansıyan tartışmalar üzerinden değerlendirmesi yapılmış ve sosyo-mekânsal ayrışmanın iyi mi kötü mü olduğuna ilişkin tahliller ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada ayrıca sosyo-mekânsal ayrışmanın olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri ortaya konulmak suretiyle, kentte yaşayan farklı toplumsal grupların bu tercihlerinin arka planında ne tür süreçlerin rol oynadığı tartışılmaktadır.


  • Aksu, G. (2013). Kentsel yoksulluk bağlamında mekânsal ayrışma Tokat Sulusokak örneği (Unpublished master’s thesis). İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı.
  • Alver, K. (2010). Siteril hayatlar: Kentte mekânsal ayrışma ve güvenlikli siteler. Ankara: Hece Yayınları.
  • Arends-Toth, J. V., & Van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2004). Dimension and domains in models of acculturation: Implicit theories of Turkish-Dutch. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28, 19-35.
  • Bali, R. N. (1999). Çılgın kalabalıktan uzak. Birikim, 123, 35-46.
  • Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Minde, T., & Mok, D. (1987). Comparative studies of acculturative stress. International Migration Review, 21, 491-511.
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30, 69-85.
  • Berry, J. W. (1998). Intercultural relations in plural societies. Canadian Psychology, 40(1), 12-21.
  • Berry, J. W. (2001). A psychology of immigration. Journal of Social Issues, 57, 615-631.
  • Berry, J. W. (2006). Contexts of acculturation. In D. L. Sam & J. W. Berry (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology (pp. 27-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Power, S., Young, M., & Bujaki, M. (1989). Acculturation attitudes in plural societies. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 38, 185-206.
  • Berry, J. W., & Sam, D. L. (1997). Acculturation and adaptation. In J. W. Berry, M. H. Segall, & Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı (Eds.), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology: Social behaviour and applications (Vol. 3, pp. 291-326). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Beshers, J. M. (1962). Urban social structure. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Bilgin, N. (2003). Sosyal psikoloji sözlüğü. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Bógus, L. M. M. (2013). Urban segregation: A theoretical approach. Retrieved from;jsessionid=5AEFFC22D66E6309489A899FE0658DB1?doi=
  • Bolt, G., Van Kempen, R., & Van Ham, M. (2008). Minority ethnic groups in policy: The Dutch housing market, spatial segregation, relocation dynamics and housing. Urban Studies, 45(7), 1359-1384.
  • Bolt, G., Özüekren, A. Ş., & Phillips, D. (2010). Linking integration and residential segregation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(2), 169-186.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., Moise, L. C., Perreault, S., & Senecal, S. (1997). Towards an interactive acculturation model: A social psychological approach. International Journal of Psychology, 32, 369-386.
  • Bourhis, R. Y., & Montreuil, A. (2016). Methodological issues related to the host community acculturation scale (HCAS) and the immigrant acculturation scale (IAS): An update. UQAM Working Paper, Département de Psychologie, Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Caldeira, T. P. R. (1996). Fortified enclaves: The new urban segregation. Public Culture, 8(2), 303-328.
  • Castles, S., & Miller, M. J. (2008). Göçler çağı. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Cook, S. (2015). Rural-urban migration and social exclusion among Cambodian youth (Unpublished master’s thesis). Utrecht University.
  • Duncan, O. D., & Lieberson, S. (1959). Ethnic segregation and assimilation. American Journal of Sociology, 64, 364-374.
  • Duncan, O. D., & Duncan, B. (1955). A methodological analysis of segregation indices. American Sociological Review, 20, 207-217.
  • Ellis, M., Wright, R., & Parks, V. (2004). Work together, live apart? Geographies of racial and ethnic segregation at home and at work. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(3), 620-637.
  • Enlil, Z. M. (2003). 1980 sonrası İstanbul’da toplumsal ayrışmanın mekânsal izdüşümleri. Mekân İstanbul, 8, 84-89.
  • Esser, H. (2000). Integration and ethnic stratification: Towards emerging ethnic classes in Europe. Project conclusions, integration and ethnic stratification, ethnic economy and social exclusion, Germany.
  • Faist, T. (2003). Uluslararası göç ve ulusaşırı toplumsal alanlar (Trans. A. Z. Gündoğan-Can Nacar). İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Fielding, A. J. (2004). Class and space: Social segregation in Japanese cities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(1), 64-84.
  • Firidin-Özgür, E. (2006). Sosyal ve mekânsal ayrışma çerçevesinde yeni konutlaşma eğilimleri: Kapalı siteler, İstanbul, Çekmeköy örneği. Planlama, 4.
  • Folch, D. C., & Rey, S. (2014). The centralization index: A measure of local spatial segregation. Papers in Regional Science, 95(3).
  • Göregenli, M., & Karakuş, P. (2014). Göç araştırmalarında mekân boyutu: Kültürel ve mekânsal bütünleşme. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 17(34), 101-115.
  • Grannis, R. (2002). Discussion: Segregation indices and their functional inputs. Sociological Methodology, 32, 69-84.
  • Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G., Watts, M., & Whatmore, S. (2009). The dictionary of human geography (5th ed.). Chichester: Wiley.
  • Hamnet, C., & Cross, D. (1998). Social change, social polarization and income inequality in London, 1979-1993. Geojournal, 46, 39-50.
  • Hancıoğlu, F. (2015). Kentsel mekânda “öteki”nin ayrışması Cihangir örneğinde “LGBT” kimliğin mekânsal ayrışma deneyimi (Unpublished master’s thesis). İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Malatya. Harrison, M., Law, I., & Phillips, D. (2005). Migrants, minorities and housing: Exclusion, discrimination and anti-discrimination in 15 member states of the European Union. Vienna: EUMC.
  • Jürgen, F. (1998). Social inequality, segregation and urban conflict: The case of Hamburg. In S. Musterd & W. Ostendorf (Eds.), Urban segregation and welfare state (pp. 168-190). Routledge
  • Kaya, A. (2014). Türkiye’de göç ve uyum tartışmaları: Geçmişe dönük bir bakış. İdeal Kent Dergisi, 14, 11-28.
  • Kaya, İ. (2013). Coğrafi düşüncede mekân tartışmaları. Possible Düşünme Dergisi, 4, ISSN: 2147-1622.
  • Kim, U. (1988). Acculturation of Korean immigrants to Canada (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
  • Knox, P., & Marston, S. A. (2014). Human geography: Places and regions in global context. Essex: Pearson.
  • Knox, P., & Pinch, S. (2010). Urban social geography. London: Pearson Education Ltd.
  • Li, Z., & Wu, F. (2006). Socio-spatial differentiation and residential inequalities in Shanghai: A case study of three neighbourhoods. Housing Studies, 21(5), 695-717.
  • Lin, S., & Gaubatz, P. (2017). Socio-spatial segregation in China and migrants’ everyday life experiences: The case of Wenzhou. Urban Geography, 38(7), 1019-1038.
  • Littlewood, P., Glorieux, I., Herkommer, S., & Jönsson, I. (1999). Social exclusion in Europe: Problems and paradigms. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Marcuse, P., & Van Kempen, R. (2000). Globalizing cities: A new spatial order. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Marshall, G. (1999). Sosyoloji sözlüğü. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Massey, D., & Denton, N. A. (1988). The dimensions of residential segregation. Social Forces, 67(2), 281-315. Maydell-Stevens, E., Masgoret, A. M., & Ward, T. (2007). Problems of psychological and sociocultural adaptation among Russian speaking immigrants in New Zealand. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 30, 178-198.
  • Morrill, R. L. (1991). On the measure of geographical segregation. Geography Research Forum, 11, 25–36. Murdie, R. E., & Borgegard, L. E. (1998). Immigration, spatial segregation and housing segmentation of immigrants in metropolitan Stockholm, 1960-95. Urban Studies, 35(10), 1869-1888.
  • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (1998). Urban segregation and the welfare state: Inequality and exclusion in western cities. New York: Routledge.
  • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2009). Residential segregation and integration in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35(9), 1515-1532.
  • Navas, M., Garcia, M., Sanchez, J., Rojas, A., Pumares, P., & Fernandez, J. (2005). Relative acculturation extended model. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, 21-37.
  • Navas, M., Fernandez, R., Rojas, A. J., & Garcia, M. C. (2007). Acculturation strategies and attitudes according to the relative acculturation model (RAEM): The perspectives of natives versus immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31, 67-86.
  • Ogden, P. E., & Winchester, S. W. C. (1975). The residential segregation of provincial migrants in Paris in 1911. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 65, 29-44.
  • Özgür, E. M. (2019). Mülteciler/göçmenler, ikametgâh ayrışması ve bütünleşme: Türk kentleri bağlamında bir değerlendirme. Ege University First International Symposium on Arts and Humanities (EGE-ISAH), International Migration and Migrant Experience Throughout History, İzmir.
  • Parekh, B. (2002). Çokkültürlülüğü yeniden düşünmek: Kültürel çeşitlilik ve siyasal teori (Trans. B. Tanrıseven). Ankara: Phoenix Yayınevi.
  • Park, R. E. (1926). The urban community as a spatial pattern and moral order. In E. W. Burgess (Ed.), Urban community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Peach, C. (1996a). Good segregation, bad segregation. Planning Perspectives, 11(4), 379-398.
  • Peach, C. (1996b). The meaning of segregation. Planning Practice and Research, 11(2), 137-150.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)

Deniz Cengiz 0000-0002-8954-7883

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Cengiz, D. (2024). Sociospatial Segregation and Clustering in Urban Area. Ortadoğu Ve Göç, 14(2), 108-152.