Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi hastasında peritonit nedeni olarak Moellerella wisconsensis
Yıl 2022,
, 187 - 189, 01.01.2022
Neslihan Yılmaz
Ahmet Çalışkan
Tülay Becerir
Selçuk Yüksel
Öz: Bu yazıda, böbrek replasman tedavisi olarak sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi (SAPD) ile tedavi edilirken Moellerella wisconsensis'e bağlı peritonit gelişen 16 yaşında bir kız çocuğu sunulmuştur. Moellerella wisconsensis, gram negatif, fakültatif anaerobik bir basildir ve Enterobacteriacea ailesinin bir üyesidir. Doğal yaşam alanı çok iyi bilinmemektedir. Ancak ishal, kolesistit ve bakteriyemili hastalardan izole edilmiştir. Son yıllarda SAPD hastalarında peritonit nedeni olarak beklenmedik bakteriler gözlemlenmektedir ve bu, İngiliz tıp literatüründe CAPD'li bir çocukta Moellerella wisconsensis'e bağlı ilk peritonit olgusudur.
- 1. Çerçioğlu D, Karaköse S, Bal AZ ve ark. Moellerella wisconsensis’e bağlı olarak gelişen periton diyalizi ile ilişkili peritonit olgusu. Ortadogu Tıp Derg 2019; 1: 85-87.
- 2. Chadha V, Schaefer F, Warady B.A. Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections. in: Warady B.A. Schaefer F. Alexander S.R. Pediatric Dialysis, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishers; 2012, pp. 231-256.
- 3. Hickman-Brenner FW, Huntley-Carter GP, Saitoh Y, Steigerwalt AG, Farmer JJ III, Brenner Don J. Moellerella wisconsensis, a new Genus and Species of Enterobacteriaceae found in human stool specimens. J Clin Microbiol 1984; 19: 460-463.
- 4. Cardentey-Reyes A, Jacobs F, Struelens MJ, Rodriguez-Villalobos H. First case of bacteremia caused by Moellerella wisconsensis: case report and a review of the literature. Infection 2009; 37: 544-546.
- 5. Stock I, Falsen E, Wiedemann B. Moellerella Wisconsensis: Identification, Natural Antibiotic Susceptibility and Its Dependency on the Medium Applied. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2003; 45:1-11.
- 6. https://legacy.bd.com/ds/technicalCenter/clsi/clsi-Phoenix_GramNegative_V5.15_V4.31.pdf (Accessed August 31, 2020).
- 7. Marshall AR, Al-Jumaili IJ, Bint AJ. The isolation of Moellerella wisconsensis from stool samples in the UK. J Infect 1986; 12: 31-33.
Moellerella wisconsensis as a cause of peritonitis in a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patient
Yıl 2022,
, 187 - 189, 01.01.2022
Neslihan Yılmaz
Ahmet Çalışkan
Tülay Becerir
Selçuk Yüksel
Abstract: In this article, a 16-year-old girl who developed peritonitis due to Moellerella wisconsensis while being treated by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) as renal replacement therapy is presented. Moellerella wisconsensis is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacillus and a member of the Enterobacteriacea family. Its natural habitat is not well known. However, it has been isolated from patients with diarrhea, cholecystitis and bacteremia. In recent years, unexpected bacteria have been observing as the cause of peritonitis in CAPD patients, and this is the first case of peritonitis due to Moellerella wisconsensis in a child with CAPD in the English medical literature.
- 1. Çerçioğlu D, Karaköse S, Bal AZ ve ark. Moellerella wisconsensis’e bağlı olarak gelişen periton diyalizi ile ilişkili peritonit olgusu. Ortadogu Tıp Derg 2019; 1: 85-87.
- 2. Chadha V, Schaefer F, Warady B.A. Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections. in: Warady B.A. Schaefer F. Alexander S.R. Pediatric Dialysis, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishers; 2012, pp. 231-256.
- 3. Hickman-Brenner FW, Huntley-Carter GP, Saitoh Y, Steigerwalt AG, Farmer JJ III, Brenner Don J. Moellerella wisconsensis, a new Genus and Species of Enterobacteriaceae found in human stool specimens. J Clin Microbiol 1984; 19: 460-463.
- 4. Cardentey-Reyes A, Jacobs F, Struelens MJ, Rodriguez-Villalobos H. First case of bacteremia caused by Moellerella wisconsensis: case report and a review of the literature. Infection 2009; 37: 544-546.
- 5. Stock I, Falsen E, Wiedemann B. Moellerella Wisconsensis: Identification, Natural Antibiotic Susceptibility and Its Dependency on the Medium Applied. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2003; 45:1-11.
- 6. https://legacy.bd.com/ds/technicalCenter/clsi/clsi-Phoenix_GramNegative_V5.15_V4.31.pdf (Accessed August 31, 2020).
- 7. Marshall AR, Al-Jumaili IJ, Bint AJ. The isolation of Moellerella wisconsensis from stool samples in the UK. J Infect 1986; 12: 31-33.