Research Article
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The effect of project-based arduino educational robot applications on students' computational thinking skills and their perception of Basic Stem skill levels

Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 1 - 14, 01.12.2019


aim of this study is to investigate the effects of project-based arduino
educational robot applications on students' computational thinking skills and
their perception of Stem skill levels. The study group consists of 6th grade
students from 2 different secondary schools from Turkey. Within the scope of
the research, classes were assigned to experimental and control groups
neutrally. There are 15 students in the control group and 18 students in the
experimental group. The experimental study continued for 11 weeks in both
groups. In the experimental group, project-based arduino educational robot
applications were applied in classes whereas in the control group, project
development activities were carried out with block based programming tool. The
research data were collected by using the computer-based skill level scale (α =
0.809) and the Basic STEM Skill Levels scale (α = 940). The mean, standard
deviation, minimum, and maximum, Mann-Withney U tests were used for independent
measurements and the associated measurements were performed on the collected
data. At the end of the research, it was determined that activities based on
block based robotic programming tool did not have a significant effect on both
students' total scores of Stem skills and scores related to factors, but when
computational thinking skills were analyzed, it was found that they contributed
significantly more than the total score and problem solving factor based on
block based programming tool.

Supporting Institution

Amasya University

Project Number

SEB-BAP 18-0166.


  • Akgündüz, D., Aydeniz, M., Çakmakçı, G., Çavaş, B., Çorlu, M., Öner, T., & Özdemir, S. (2015). A report on STEM Education in Turkey: A provisional agenda or a necessity? İstanbul: İstanbul Aydın University STEM Center.
  • Altunel, M. (2019). STEM Education and Turkey: Opportunities and Risks, Available at: [, Retieved: 10.03.2019.]
  • Atmatzidou, S., & Demetriadis, S. (2016). Advancing students’ computational thinking skills through educational robotics: A study on age and gender relevant differences. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 661-670.
  • Benitti, F. B. V. (2012). Exploring the educational potential of robotics in schools: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 58(3), 978-988.
  • Carbonaro, M., Rex, M., & Chambers, J. (2004). Using LEGO robotics in a project-based learning environment. The Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 6(1).
  • Chaudhary, V., Agrawal, V., Sureka, P., & Sureka, A. (2016, December). An experience report on teaching programming and computational thinking to elementary level children using lego robotics education kit. In 2016 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 38-41). IEEE.
  • Chen, G., Shen, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Jiang, S., Huang, X., & Eltoukhy, M. (2017). Assessing elementary students’ computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming. Computers & Education, 109, 162-175.
  • Ching, Y. H., Yang, D., Wang, S., Baek, Y., Swanson, S., & Chittoori, B. (2019). Elementary School Student Development of STEM Attitudes and Perceived Learning in a STEM Integrated Robotics Curriculum. TechTrends, 1-12.
  • Demirkol, Z. (2016). Çocuklar için kodlama [Coding for kids], İstanbul: Pusula Pub.
  • Erol, O. (2015). The Effect of Scratch Programming Programming on Motivation and Achievement of Information Technology Teachers. (PhD. Thesis), Anadolu University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Ersoy, H., Madran, R. O., & Gülbahar, Y. (2011). Proposing a model for teaching programming languages: robot programming. Academic Informatics Conference.
  • Gelman, R., & Brenneman, K. (2004). Science learning pathways for young children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (Special Issue on Early Learning in Math and Science), 19(1), 150–158.
  • Genç, Z. & Karakuş, S. (2011). Learning through design: using scratch in instructional computer games design. 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium. Elazığ
  • Gomes, A., & Mendes, A. J. (2007, September). Learning to program-difficulties and solutions. In International Conference on Engineering Education–ICEE (Vol. 2007).
  • Fidan, U., & Yalçın, Y. (2012). Lego Nxt Training Kit. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences, 12(1), 1-8.
  • Karabak, D. ve Güneş, A. (2013). Curriculum Proposal for First Class Secondary School Students in The Field of Software Development. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2(3), 163-169.
  • Kaucic, B., & Asic, T. (2011). Improving introductory programming with Scratch?. In MIPRO, 2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention (pp. 1095-1100).
  • Kert, S. B., & Uğraş, T. (2009). Simplicity and fun in programming: Scratch examples. In The First International Congress of Educational Research, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., Çakır, R., ve Özden, M. Y. (2015). Computational thinking levels scale (ctls) adaptation for secondary school level. Gazi Journal of Education Sciences, 1(2), 67-86.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., Çakır, R., Uğur Erdoğmuş, F. & Öner, F. (In press). Secondary School Students’ Basic STEM Skill Levels according to their Self-Perceptions: A Scale Adaptation Study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
  • Lahtinen, E., Ahoniemi, T. ve Salo, A. (2007). Effectiveness of integrating program visualizations to a programming course. Proceedings of the 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, 195- 198. Koli, Finland.
  • Leonard, J., Buss, A., Gamboa, R. ve ark. J Sci Educ Technol (2016) 25: 860. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2015). CT Leadership toolkit. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: toolkit.pdf?sfvrsn=4, Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2019.]
  • Ministry of Education (MEB). (2018). Information technology and software course curriculum (5th and 6th grade secondary schools). Available at: [Çevrim-içi:şim%20Teknolojileri%20ve%20Yazılım%205-6.%20Sınıflar.pdf, Retrieved: 08.05.2019.]
  • Ministry of Education (MEB). (2018). The 6th Grade ITS lesson Teacher's Guide.
  • Nedzad M, & Yasmeen H (2001) Challenges in teaching Java technology. Challenges Informing Clients A Transdiscipl Approach 365–371
  • Noble, J. (2013).Building a LEGO-based Robotics Platform for a 3 rd Grade Classroom, Doctoral dissertation, Tufts University.
  • Numanoğlu, M., & Keser, H. (2017Robot Usage in Programmıng Teachıng - Mbot ExampleBartin University Journal of Faculty of Education, 6(2), 497-515.
  • Özden, M. Y. (2015). Computational thinking. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: computational-thinking-bilgisayarca.html, Erişim Tarihi: 06.03.2019.]
  • Roberts, A. (2012). A Justification for STEM education. technology and engineering teachere. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: 12roberts.pdf /, Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2019.]
  • Sarıtepeci, M., & Durak, H. (2017). Analyzing the effect of block and robotic coding activities on computational thinking in programming education. Educational research and practice, 490-501.
  • Saygıner, Ş. (2017) Effects Of Block-based Visual And Text-based Programming Instruction On Achievement, Logical Thinking And Motivation. (Master Thesis) Hacettepe University, Institute of Educational Science.
  • Somyürek, S. (2014). Gaining the Attention of Generation Z in Learning Process: Augmented Reality. Educational technology, Theory and Practic. 4(1), 63-80.
  • Dündar, F., Şahinkayası, Y., & Şahinkayası, H. (2017). Perceptions of Lower Level EFL Students on Corpus-based Grammar Learning. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(34).
  • Şimşek, E. (2018). The effect of robotics and scratch applications on students' computational thinking skills and academic achievement in programming teaching. (Master Thesis). 19 Mayıs University, Institute of Educational Sciecne.
  • Tüzün, H. (2007). Programming 2.0: the use of innovative Internet technologies in programming education. Academic Informatics Conference Kütahya: Dumlupinar University.
  • Unfried, A., Faber, M., Stanhope, D. S., & Wiebe, E. (2015). The development and validation of a measure of student attitudes toward science, technology, engineering, and math (S-STEM). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(7), 622-639.
  • Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33-35.
  • Wing, J. M. (2014). Computational thinking benefits society. 40th Anniversary Blog of Social Issues in Computing, 2014.
  • Yenilmez, K. & Balbağ, M. Z. (2016). The Stem Attitudes of Prospective Science and Middle School Mathematics Teachers. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching.5(4), 301- 307.
  • Yiğit, M. F. (2016). Visual programming environment and the impact of teaching on students ' attitudes towards computer programming and programming. (Master Thesis). 19 Mayıs University Institute of Educational Science
  • Yuen, T., Boecking, M., Stone, J., Tiger, E. P., Gomez, A., Guillen, A., & Arreguin, A. (2014). Group tasks, activities, dynamics, and interactions in collaborative robotics projects with elementary and middle school children. Journal of STEM Education, 15(1).
Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 1 - 14, 01.12.2019


Project Number

SEB-BAP 18-0166.


  • Akgündüz, D., Aydeniz, M., Çakmakçı, G., Çavaş, B., Çorlu, M., Öner, T., & Özdemir, S. (2015). A report on STEM Education in Turkey: A provisional agenda or a necessity? İstanbul: İstanbul Aydın University STEM Center.
  • Altunel, M. (2019). STEM Education and Turkey: Opportunities and Risks, Available at: [, Retieved: 10.03.2019.]
  • Atmatzidou, S., & Demetriadis, S. (2016). Advancing students’ computational thinking skills through educational robotics: A study on age and gender relevant differences. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 661-670.
  • Benitti, F. B. V. (2012). Exploring the educational potential of robotics in schools: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 58(3), 978-988.
  • Carbonaro, M., Rex, M., & Chambers, J. (2004). Using LEGO robotics in a project-based learning environment. The Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 6(1).
  • Chaudhary, V., Agrawal, V., Sureka, P., & Sureka, A. (2016, December). An experience report on teaching programming and computational thinking to elementary level children using lego robotics education kit. In 2016 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 38-41). IEEE.
  • Chen, G., Shen, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Jiang, S., Huang, X., & Eltoukhy, M. (2017). Assessing elementary students’ computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming. Computers & Education, 109, 162-175.
  • Ching, Y. H., Yang, D., Wang, S., Baek, Y., Swanson, S., & Chittoori, B. (2019). Elementary School Student Development of STEM Attitudes and Perceived Learning in a STEM Integrated Robotics Curriculum. TechTrends, 1-12.
  • Demirkol, Z. (2016). Çocuklar için kodlama [Coding for kids], İstanbul: Pusula Pub.
  • Erol, O. (2015). The Effect of Scratch Programming Programming on Motivation and Achievement of Information Technology Teachers. (PhD. Thesis), Anadolu University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Ersoy, H., Madran, R. O., & Gülbahar, Y. (2011). Proposing a model for teaching programming languages: robot programming. Academic Informatics Conference.
  • Gelman, R., & Brenneman, K. (2004). Science learning pathways for young children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (Special Issue on Early Learning in Math and Science), 19(1), 150–158.
  • Genç, Z. & Karakuş, S. (2011). Learning through design: using scratch in instructional computer games design. 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium. Elazığ
  • Gomes, A., & Mendes, A. J. (2007, September). Learning to program-difficulties and solutions. In International Conference on Engineering Education–ICEE (Vol. 2007).
  • Fidan, U., & Yalçın, Y. (2012). Lego Nxt Training Kit. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences, 12(1), 1-8.
  • Karabak, D. ve Güneş, A. (2013). Curriculum Proposal for First Class Secondary School Students in The Field of Software Development. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2(3), 163-169.
  • Kaucic, B., & Asic, T. (2011). Improving introductory programming with Scratch?. In MIPRO, 2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention (pp. 1095-1100).
  • Kert, S. B., & Uğraş, T. (2009). Simplicity and fun in programming: Scratch examples. In The First International Congress of Educational Research, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., Çakır, R., ve Özden, M. Y. (2015). Computational thinking levels scale (ctls) adaptation for secondary school level. Gazi Journal of Education Sciences, 1(2), 67-86.
  • Korkmaz, Ö., Çakır, R., Uğur Erdoğmuş, F. & Öner, F. (In press). Secondary School Students’ Basic STEM Skill Levels according to their Self-Perceptions: A Scale Adaptation Study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
  • Lahtinen, E., Ahoniemi, T. ve Salo, A. (2007). Effectiveness of integrating program visualizations to a programming course. Proceedings of the 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, 195- 198. Koli, Finland.
  • Leonard, J., Buss, A., Gamboa, R. ve ark. J Sci Educ Technol (2016) 25: 860. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2015). CT Leadership toolkit. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: toolkit.pdf?sfvrsn=4, Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2019.]
  • Ministry of Education (MEB). (2018). Information technology and software course curriculum (5th and 6th grade secondary schools). Available at: [Çevrim-içi:şim%20Teknolojileri%20ve%20Yazılım%205-6.%20Sınıflar.pdf, Retrieved: 08.05.2019.]
  • Ministry of Education (MEB). (2018). The 6th Grade ITS lesson Teacher's Guide.
  • Nedzad M, & Yasmeen H (2001) Challenges in teaching Java technology. Challenges Informing Clients A Transdiscipl Approach 365–371
  • Noble, J. (2013).Building a LEGO-based Robotics Platform for a 3 rd Grade Classroom, Doctoral dissertation, Tufts University.
  • Numanoğlu, M., & Keser, H. (2017Robot Usage in Programmıng Teachıng - Mbot ExampleBartin University Journal of Faculty of Education, 6(2), 497-515.
  • Özden, M. Y. (2015). Computational thinking. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: computational-thinking-bilgisayarca.html, Erişim Tarihi: 06.03.2019.]
  • Roberts, A. (2012). A Justification for STEM education. technology and engineering teachere. Available at: [Çevrim-içi: 12roberts.pdf /, Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2019.]
  • Sarıtepeci, M., & Durak, H. (2017). Analyzing the effect of block and robotic coding activities on computational thinking in programming education. Educational research and practice, 490-501.
  • Saygıner, Ş. (2017) Effects Of Block-based Visual And Text-based Programming Instruction On Achievement, Logical Thinking And Motivation. (Master Thesis) Hacettepe University, Institute of Educational Science.
  • Somyürek, S. (2014). Gaining the Attention of Generation Z in Learning Process: Augmented Reality. Educational technology, Theory and Practic. 4(1), 63-80.
  • Dündar, F., Şahinkayası, Y., & Şahinkayası, H. (2017). Perceptions of Lower Level EFL Students on Corpus-based Grammar Learning. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(34).
  • Şimşek, E. (2018). The effect of robotics and scratch applications on students' computational thinking skills and academic achievement in programming teaching. (Master Thesis). 19 Mayıs University, Institute of Educational Sciecne.
  • Tüzün, H. (2007). Programming 2.0: the use of innovative Internet technologies in programming education. Academic Informatics Conference Kütahya: Dumlupinar University.
  • Unfried, A., Faber, M., Stanhope, D. S., & Wiebe, E. (2015). The development and validation of a measure of student attitudes toward science, technology, engineering, and math (S-STEM). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(7), 622-639.
  • Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33-35.
  • Wing, J. M. (2014). Computational thinking benefits society. 40th Anniversary Blog of Social Issues in Computing, 2014.
  • Yenilmez, K. & Balbağ, M. Z. (2016). The Stem Attitudes of Prospective Science and Middle School Mathematics Teachers. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching.5(4), 301- 307.
  • Yiğit, M. F. (2016). Visual programming environment and the impact of teaching on students ' attitudes towards computer programming and programming. (Master Thesis). 19 Mayıs University Institute of Educational Science
  • Yuen, T., Boecking, M., Stone, J., Tiger, E. P., Gomez, A., Guillen, A., & Arreguin, A. (2014). Group tasks, activities, dynamics, and interactions in collaborative robotics projects with elementary and middle school children. Journal of STEM Education, 15(1).
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Kübra Karaahmetoğlu This is me

Özgen Korkmaz 0000-0003-4359-5692

Project Number SEB-BAP 18-0166.
Publication Date December 1, 2019
Acceptance Date May 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Karaahmetoğlu, K., & Korkmaz, Ö. (2019). The effect of project-based arduino educational robot applications on students’ computational thinking skills and their perception of Basic Stem skill levels. Participatory Educational Research, 6(2), 1-14.

Cited By

robótica en la formación docente universitaria
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation