Review Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 403 - 427, 01.05.2022



  • Ababneh, S. (2009). Jordan School as a learning organization: Reality and future. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Jordan University, Amman.
  • Akan, D., & Sezer, Ş. (2014). Relation between the principals’ leadership styles and becoming a learning organization level of the schools. Turkish Journal of Educational Studies, 1(2), 126-151.
  • Bakioğlu, A., & Göktaş, E. (2018). An educational policymaking method: Meta-analysis. Journal of Civilization Educational Research, 1(2), 35-54.
  • Bakioğlu, A., & Özcan, Ş. (2016). Meta analysis. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Balay, R., İpek, C., Demir, K., Titrek, O., Doğan, E., & Elma, C. (2004). Learning organizations. Ankara: Sandal Publishing.
  • Bass, B., & Avolio, B. (2000). Multifactor leadership questionnaire: Technical report. Redwood City, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B. M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), 19-31.
  • Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
  • Bass, B. M. (1998). Transformational leadership: Industrial, military, and educational impact. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bennis, W. G. (1989). Managing the dream: leadership in the 21st century. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2(1), 6-10.
  • Berson, Y., Da’as, R. A., & Waldman, D. A. (2015). How do leaders and their teams bring about organizational learning and outcomes?. Personnel Psychology, 68(1), 79-108.
  • Bil, E. (2018). Ortaöğretim okullarının öğrenen örgüt, örgütsel güven ve iş doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Bryant, A. (2020). Personal mastery-definition and importance to learning. Empowerment motivation self-efficacy self-leadership.
  • Bolden, R. (2004). What is Leadership? Exeter: Centre for Leadership Studies.
  • Borenstein, M., Hedges, L.V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein H. (2013). Meta-Analize giriş (S. Dinçer, çev.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. NY: Harper and Row.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The web of life. London: HarperCollins.
  • Celep, C. (2004). Dönüşümsel liderlik. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research methods in education (7. bs.). New York: Routledge.
  • Clarke, P. (2000). Learning schools, learning systems. New York and London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Cooper, H., Hedges, L. V., & Valentine, J. C. (Eds.). (2019). The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Çelik, V. (2012). Educational leadership (6th edition). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Denison, D. R., & Mishra, A. K. (1995). Toward a theory of organizational culture and effectiveness. Organization Science, 6(2), 204-223.
  • Dinçer, S. (2014). Applied meta-analysis in educational sciences. Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Field, A. P., & Gillett, R. (2010). How to do a meta-analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63(3), 665-694.
  • Fiol, C. M., & Lyles, M. A. (1985). Organizational learning. The Academy of Management Review, 10(4), 803-813.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a culture of change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Garcia-Morales, V. J., Lopez-Martin, F. J., & Llamas-Sánchez, R. (2006). Strategic factors and barriers for promoting educational organizational learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(4), 478-502.
  • Garvin, D.A. (1993). Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78-91.
  • Garvin, D. A., Edmondson, A. C., & Gino, F. (2008). Is yours a learning organization? Harvard Business Review, 86(3), 109-116.
  • Goh, S. C. (1998). Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks. Advanced Management Journal. 63(2), 15-22.
  • Hallinger, P. (2003). Leading educational change: Reflections on the practice of instructional and transformational leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(3), 329-52.
  • Hallinger, P. (2011). Leadership for learning: Lessons from 40 years of empirical research. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(2), 125-142.
  • Hallinger, P., Piyaman, P., & Viseshsiri, P. (2017). Assessing the effects of LCL on teacher professional learning in Thailand. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 464–476.
  • Hamzah, M., Yakop, F. M., Nordin, N. M., & Rahman, S. (2011). School as learning organisation: The role of principal’s transformational leadership in promoting teacher engagement. World Applied Sciences, 14, 58-63.
  • Higgins, J. P. T., & Thompson, S. G. (2002). Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 21, 1539-1558.
  • Hoch, J. E., Bommer, W. H., Dulebohn, J. H., & Wu, D. (2018). Do ethical, authentic, and servant leadership explain variance above and beyond transformational leadership? A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 44(2), 501-529.
  • Hsiao, H. C., & Chang, J. C. (2011). The role of organizational learning in transformational leadership and organizational innovation. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(4), 621-631.
  • Jacobson, S. (2011). Leadership effects on student achievement and sustained school success. The International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), 33-44.
  • Jason, M. H. (2000). The role of the principal as transformational leader in a multicultural learning community. High School Journal, 83(3), 1-9.
  • Kareem, J. (2016). The influence of leadership in building a learning organization. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(1), 7-18.
  • Koçel, T. (2005). Business Management. Istanbul: Arıkan Publishing.
  • Kofman, F., & Senge, P. M. (1993). Communities of commitment: The heart of learning organizations. Organizational Dynamics, 22(2), 5-23.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2006). Liderlik uygulamalarının içsel okul değişkenleri ile öğrenci çıktı değişkenlerine etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 48(48), 503-529.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2008). A study of relationship between leadership styles on the characterictics of learning organizations in Turkish public schools. Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 53(53), 75-98.
  • Köybaşı Şemin, F. (2020). The relationship between transformational leadership and organizational learning in educational organizations: A meta-analysis study. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. Advance online publication.
  • Kruse, K. (2013). What is leadership? Forbes. Retireved from
  • Kurland, H., Peretz, H., & Hertz‐Lazarowitz, R. (2010). Leadership style and organizational learning: The mediate effect of school vision. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(1), 7-30.
  • Lei, D., Slocum, J. W., & Pitts, R. A. (1999). Designing organizations for competitive advantage: the power of unlearning and learning. Organizational Dynamics, 27(3), 24-38.
  • Leithwood, K. (1994). Leadership for school restructuring. Educational Administration Quarterly, 30(4), 498-518.
  • Leithwood, K. A., & Sleegers, P. (2006) Transformational school leadership: Introduction. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 17(2), 143-144.
  • Lewis, S., & Clarke, M. (2001). Forest plots: Trying to see the wood and the trees. British Medical Journal, 322, 1479-1480.
  • Lipshitz, R., Popper, M., & Friedman, V. J. (2002). A multifacet model of organizational learning. The journal of applied behavioral science, 38(1), 78-98.
  • Lunenburg, F. C., & Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Educational administration: Concepts and practices (6th ed.). London: Sage.
  • Manshadi, M. D., Ebrahimi, F. P., & Abdi, H. M. (2014). A study of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational learning. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(1), 12-20.
  • Marsick, V. J., & Watkins, K. E. (1997). Lessons from informal and incidental learning. Management learning: Integrating perspectives in theory and practice, 295-311.
  • Matthews, P., & Lewis, P. (2009). How do school leaders successfully lead learning?. School leaders report. London: National College for School Leadership.
  • Middlewood, D. P. R., & Beer, J. (2005). Creating learning school. London: Paul Chapman Publish.
  • Mulford, B., & Silins, H. (2003). Leadership for organisational learning and improved student outcomes—What do we know?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 175-195.
  • Nordin, N., & Kasbon, H. (2013). A study on leadership behaviour and organizational learning in higher learning institutions. GSE e-journal of education, 1, 125-134.
  • OECD (2016). What makes a school a learning organisation? A guide for policy makers, school leaders and teachers. OECD-UNICEF Report.
  • Papazoglou, A., & Koutouzis, M. (2017). Leadership for transforming Greek schools into learning organizations. In 26th ENIRDELM Conference 14-17 September 2017 (pp.21-35). Krakow: Jagiellonian University.
  • Pedler, M., Burgoyn, J., & Boydell, T. (1991). The learning company a strategy for sustainable development ( London: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R. (2000). Installing mechanisms and instilling values: the role of leaders in organizational learning. The Learning Organization, 7(3), 135-145. Rashid, R. A., & Mansor, M. (2018). The influence of organizational learning on teacher leadership. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 1254-1267.
  • Senge, P. M. (1990). The discipline. London: Century Business.
  • Senge, P. M. (2011). Beşinci disiplin [The fifth discipline]. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Senge, P. M. (2014). The fifth discipline fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. Redfern, New South Wales: Currency.
  • Senge, P., Roberts, C., Ross, R.B., Smith, B. J., & Kleiner, A. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook. New York: Doubleday.
  • Sergiovanni, T. J. (2001). The principalship: A reflective practice. San Antonio, TX: Trinity Press.
  • Susan, B., & Whiteley, P. (2007). Kusursuz liderlik [Impeccable leadership]. İstanbul: Acar Publishing.
  • Swieringa, J., & Wierdsma, A. F. (1992). Becoming a learning organization: Beyond the learning curve (Vol. 62753). Boston, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Longman Limited.
  • Şen, S. (2019). How to do meta-analysis with SPSS? Harran Education Magazine, 1(2), 1-49.
  • Şen, S., & Yıldırım, İ. (2020). Meta-analysis applications with CMA. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Töremen, F. (2001). Learning school. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Turan, S. (2020). What is leadership? In K. Yılmaz (Ed.), Leadership theory-research-practice (pp. 1-5). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Xie, L. (2018). Leadership and organizational learning culture: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Training and Development. DOI:10.1108/ejtd-06-2018-0056 Watkins, K. E., & Marsick, V. J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization: Lessons in the art and science of systemic change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Wick, C. W., & Leon, L. S. (1995). From ideas to action: creating a learning organization. Human Resource Management, 34(2), 299-311.
  • Woolner, P. (1995). A development model of the learning organization. Toronto: Woolner Associates.
  • Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organization. New Jersey: Pearson.

The Relationship between School Administrators’ Leadership Traits and Learning Schools: A Meta-Analysis Study

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 403 - 427, 01.05.2022


School administrators’ leadership characteristics are crucial in creating a learning school. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership characteristics and the learning school using meta-analysis. For this purpose, individual studies suitable for inclusion criteria were determined. In this context, we examined the studies between the years 2000 and 2020 on the relationship between school administrators’ transformational leadership characteristics and learning schools. Studies including correlation coefficient, t value, and sample size were covered to calculate the effect size required for meta-analysis. A total of 20 effect sizes were included in the 19 studies. In the study, analyses of forest plots, publication bias, heterogeneity, and subgroup tests were performed. The random-effects model conducted in the study determined that the overall effect size was positive and strong. The subgroup analysis showed that the country variable was the source of heterogeneity in effect sizes, while the publication type was not. The study revealed that leadership characteristics are significant predictors of learning school and one of the most critical leadership styles to create a learning school is transformational leadership. Policymakers and practitioners have essential duties in transforming schools into learning schools. Therefore, school administrators who want to turn their schools into learning organizations should always be supported by those who produce education policies.


  • Ababneh, S. (2009). Jordan School as a learning organization: Reality and future. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Jordan University, Amman.
  • Akan, D., & Sezer, Ş. (2014). Relation between the principals’ leadership styles and becoming a learning organization level of the schools. Turkish Journal of Educational Studies, 1(2), 126-151.
  • Bakioğlu, A., & Göktaş, E. (2018). An educational policymaking method: Meta-analysis. Journal of Civilization Educational Research, 1(2), 35-54.
  • Bakioğlu, A., & Özcan, Ş. (2016). Meta analysis. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Balay, R., İpek, C., Demir, K., Titrek, O., Doğan, E., & Elma, C. (2004). Learning organizations. Ankara: Sandal Publishing.
  • Bass, B., & Avolio, B. (2000). Multifactor leadership questionnaire: Technical report. Redwood City, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B. M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), 19-31.
  • Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
  • Bass, B. M. (1998). Transformational leadership: Industrial, military, and educational impact. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bennis, W. G. (1989). Managing the dream: leadership in the 21st century. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2(1), 6-10.
  • Berson, Y., Da’as, R. A., & Waldman, D. A. (2015). How do leaders and their teams bring about organizational learning and outcomes?. Personnel Psychology, 68(1), 79-108.
  • Bil, E. (2018). Ortaöğretim okullarının öğrenen örgüt, örgütsel güven ve iş doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Bryant, A. (2020). Personal mastery-definition and importance to learning. Empowerment motivation self-efficacy self-leadership.
  • Bolden, R. (2004). What is Leadership? Exeter: Centre for Leadership Studies.
  • Borenstein, M., Hedges, L.V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein H. (2013). Meta-Analize giriş (S. Dinçer, çev.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. NY: Harper and Row.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The web of life. London: HarperCollins.
  • Celep, C. (2004). Dönüşümsel liderlik. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research methods in education (7. bs.). New York: Routledge.
  • Clarke, P. (2000). Learning schools, learning systems. New York and London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Cooper, H., Hedges, L. V., & Valentine, J. C. (Eds.). (2019). The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Çelik, V. (2012). Educational leadership (6th edition). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Denison, D. R., & Mishra, A. K. (1995). Toward a theory of organizational culture and effectiveness. Organization Science, 6(2), 204-223.
  • Dinçer, S. (2014). Applied meta-analysis in educational sciences. Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Field, A. P., & Gillett, R. (2010). How to do a meta-analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63(3), 665-694.
  • Fiol, C. M., & Lyles, M. A. (1985). Organizational learning. The Academy of Management Review, 10(4), 803-813.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a culture of change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Garcia-Morales, V. J., Lopez-Martin, F. J., & Llamas-Sánchez, R. (2006). Strategic factors and barriers for promoting educational organizational learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(4), 478-502.
  • Garvin, D.A. (1993). Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78-91.
  • Garvin, D. A., Edmondson, A. C., & Gino, F. (2008). Is yours a learning organization? Harvard Business Review, 86(3), 109-116.
  • Goh, S. C. (1998). Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks. Advanced Management Journal. 63(2), 15-22.
  • Hallinger, P. (2003). Leading educational change: Reflections on the practice of instructional and transformational leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(3), 329-52.
  • Hallinger, P. (2011). Leadership for learning: Lessons from 40 years of empirical research. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(2), 125-142.
  • Hallinger, P., Piyaman, P., & Viseshsiri, P. (2017). Assessing the effects of LCL on teacher professional learning in Thailand. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 464–476.
  • Hamzah, M., Yakop, F. M., Nordin, N. M., & Rahman, S. (2011). School as learning organisation: The role of principal’s transformational leadership in promoting teacher engagement. World Applied Sciences, 14, 58-63.
  • Higgins, J. P. T., & Thompson, S. G. (2002). Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 21, 1539-1558.
  • Hoch, J. E., Bommer, W. H., Dulebohn, J. H., & Wu, D. (2018). Do ethical, authentic, and servant leadership explain variance above and beyond transformational leadership? A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 44(2), 501-529.
  • Hsiao, H. C., & Chang, J. C. (2011). The role of organizational learning in transformational leadership and organizational innovation. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(4), 621-631.
  • Jacobson, S. (2011). Leadership effects on student achievement and sustained school success. The International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), 33-44.
  • Jason, M. H. (2000). The role of the principal as transformational leader in a multicultural learning community. High School Journal, 83(3), 1-9.
  • Kareem, J. (2016). The influence of leadership in building a learning organization. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(1), 7-18.
  • Koçel, T. (2005). Business Management. Istanbul: Arıkan Publishing.
  • Kofman, F., & Senge, P. M. (1993). Communities of commitment: The heart of learning organizations. Organizational Dynamics, 22(2), 5-23.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2006). Liderlik uygulamalarının içsel okul değişkenleri ile öğrenci çıktı değişkenlerine etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 48(48), 503-529.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2008). A study of relationship between leadership styles on the characterictics of learning organizations in Turkish public schools. Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 53(53), 75-98.
  • Köybaşı Şemin, F. (2020). The relationship between transformational leadership and organizational learning in educational organizations: A meta-analysis study. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. Advance online publication.
  • Kruse, K. (2013). What is leadership? Forbes. Retireved from
  • Kurland, H., Peretz, H., & Hertz‐Lazarowitz, R. (2010). Leadership style and organizational learning: The mediate effect of school vision. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(1), 7-30.
  • Lei, D., Slocum, J. W., & Pitts, R. A. (1999). Designing organizations for competitive advantage: the power of unlearning and learning. Organizational Dynamics, 27(3), 24-38.
  • Leithwood, K. (1994). Leadership for school restructuring. Educational Administration Quarterly, 30(4), 498-518.
  • Leithwood, K. A., & Sleegers, P. (2006) Transformational school leadership: Introduction. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 17(2), 143-144.
  • Lewis, S., & Clarke, M. (2001). Forest plots: Trying to see the wood and the trees. British Medical Journal, 322, 1479-1480.
  • Lipshitz, R., Popper, M., & Friedman, V. J. (2002). A multifacet model of organizational learning. The journal of applied behavioral science, 38(1), 78-98.
  • Lunenburg, F. C., & Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Educational administration: Concepts and practices (6th ed.). London: Sage.
  • Manshadi, M. D., Ebrahimi, F. P., & Abdi, H. M. (2014). A study of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational learning. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(1), 12-20.
  • Marsick, V. J., & Watkins, K. E. (1997). Lessons from informal and incidental learning. Management learning: Integrating perspectives in theory and practice, 295-311.
  • Matthews, P., & Lewis, P. (2009). How do school leaders successfully lead learning?. School leaders report. London: National College for School Leadership.
  • Middlewood, D. P. R., & Beer, J. (2005). Creating learning school. London: Paul Chapman Publish.
  • Mulford, B., & Silins, H. (2003). Leadership for organisational learning and improved student outcomes—What do we know?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 175-195.
  • Nordin, N., & Kasbon, H. (2013). A study on leadership behaviour and organizational learning in higher learning institutions. GSE e-journal of education, 1, 125-134.
  • OECD (2016). What makes a school a learning organisation? A guide for policy makers, school leaders and teachers. OECD-UNICEF Report.
  • Papazoglou, A., & Koutouzis, M. (2017). Leadership for transforming Greek schools into learning organizations. In 26th ENIRDELM Conference 14-17 September 2017 (pp.21-35). Krakow: Jagiellonian University.
  • Pedler, M., Burgoyn, J., & Boydell, T. (1991). The learning company a strategy for sustainable development ( London: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R. (2000). Installing mechanisms and instilling values: the role of leaders in organizational learning. The Learning Organization, 7(3), 135-145. Rashid, R. A., & Mansor, M. (2018). The influence of organizational learning on teacher leadership. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 1254-1267.
  • Senge, P. M. (1990). The discipline. London: Century Business.
  • Senge, P. M. (2011). Beşinci disiplin [The fifth discipline]. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Senge, P. M. (2014). The fifth discipline fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. Redfern, New South Wales: Currency.
  • Senge, P., Roberts, C., Ross, R.B., Smith, B. J., & Kleiner, A. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook. New York: Doubleday.
  • Sergiovanni, T. J. (2001). The principalship: A reflective practice. San Antonio, TX: Trinity Press.
  • Susan, B., & Whiteley, P. (2007). Kusursuz liderlik [Impeccable leadership]. İstanbul: Acar Publishing.
  • Swieringa, J., & Wierdsma, A. F. (1992). Becoming a learning organization: Beyond the learning curve (Vol. 62753). Boston, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Longman Limited.
  • Şen, S. (2019). How to do meta-analysis with SPSS? Harran Education Magazine, 1(2), 1-49.
  • Şen, S., & Yıldırım, İ. (2020). Meta-analysis applications with CMA. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Töremen, F. (2001). Learning school. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Turan, S. (2020). What is leadership? In K. Yılmaz (Ed.), Leadership theory-research-practice (pp. 1-5). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Xie, L. (2018). Leadership and organizational learning culture: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Training and Development. DOI:10.1108/ejtd-06-2018-0056 Watkins, K. E., & Marsick, V. J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization: Lessons in the art and science of systemic change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Wick, C. W., & Leon, L. S. (1995). From ideas to action: creating a learning organization. Human Resource Management, 34(2), 299-311.
  • Woolner, P. (1995). A development model of the learning organization. Toronto: Woolner Associates.
  • Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organization. New Jersey: Pearson.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Müslim Alanoğlu 0000-0003-1828-4593

Songül Karabatak 0000-0002-1303-2429

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Acceptance Date December 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Alanoğlu, M., & Karabatak, S. (2022). The Relationship between School Administrators’ Leadership Traits and Learning Schools: A Meta-Analysis Study. Participatory Educational Research, 9(3), 403-427.