Research Article
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Promoting Multicultural Learning: An Investigation of Race Representation in Turkish Secondary School EFL Coursebooks

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 5, 125 - 145, 12.09.2024


Globalization has been a transformative force in the world, shaping the way countries interact with one another and impacting a wide range of economic, political, and social factors (Akcaoğlu & Arsal, 2022). In this context, promoting understanding of diversity and inclusion among students is essential which can be effectively cultivated through learning materials. Raising students' awareness of the diverse range of cultures, perspectives, and experiences that exist within the world should be a concern for teachers. Therefore, this study explores the representation of race in four EFL coursebooks prepared for secondary school grades (5-8) published by the Turkish Ministry of National Education. In a qualitative descriptive research design, document analysis was used to analyze the images and written texts. The results revealed that in all four books the target language countries, European nationalities, and white race were predominantly referred to and portrayed. The most diverse coursebook was the 5th grade one in terms of racial representation whereas the 6th grade coursebook was found to include references to only Türkiye. The study suggests revising the coursebooks to promote diversity and inclusivity can be an effective way to cultivate intercultural competence, foster greater empathy and understanding among students, and create more equitable and inclusive learning environments.


  • Adukia, A., Eble, A., Harrison, E., Runesha, H. B., & Szasz, T. (2023). What We Teach About Race and Gender: Representation in Images and Text of Children’s Books. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(4), 2225–2285.
  • Akbana Y. E., & Yavuz, A. (2022). Global issues in a series of EFL textbooks and implications for end-users to promote peace education through teaching English. Journal of Peace Education, 19(3), 373-396.
  • Akcaoğlu, M. Ö., & Arsal, Z. (2022). The Effect of Multicultural Education on Preservice Teachers’ Attitude and Efficacy: Testing Bank’s Content Integration Dimension. Participatory Educational Research (PER), 9 (2), 343-357.
  • Aktoprak, A., Yiğit, P., & Güneyli, A. (2018). Attitudes of primary school teachers toward multicultural education. Quality & Quantity, 52(1–2): 181-194.
  • Alizadeh, A., Mahmoodi, F., & Adib, Y. (2024). Representation of cultural patterns of individualism and collectivism in primary school textbooks. Intercultural Education, Online Volume, 1-26.
  • Altan, M. Z. (2017). Globalization, English Language Teaching & Turkey. International Journal of Languages’ Education, 5(4), 764–776.
  • Alter, G. (2021). Nothing just-is. The depiction of socio-economic (in) justice in ELT coursebooks and its implications for young learners. Kieli, koulutus jayhteiskunta, 12(5), 1-6.
  • Aslan, S., & Aybek, B. (2019). Uygulama örnekleriyle çokkültürlü eğitim ve değerler eğitimi [Multicultural education and values education with examples for implication]. Anı Publishing.
  • Board of Education and Training. (2022). Ortaöğretim Kurumları Haftalık Ders Çizelgeleri [Secondary Education Institutions Weekly Course Schedules]. Retrieved from:
  • Board of Education and Training. (2015). E-müfredat projesi kitap inceleme modülü: Panelist kılavuzu [Coursebook evaluation module of e-curriculum project: Handbook for panellists]. Retrieved from
  • Bon, S., & Chuaychoowong, M. F. L. (2023). Evaluation of the Global English Coursebook Motivate!3: Implication for Pedagogical Material in the Cambodian Context. Theodore Maria School of Arts, Assumption University.
  • Bouzid, H. A. (2017). An evaluation of selected Moroccan ELT textbooks: A standards-based approach perspective. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 7(1). 229.
  • Bowen, N., & Hopper, D. (2022). The representation of race in English language learning coursebooks: Inclusivity and equality in images. TESOL Quarterly, OnlineFirst.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners. SAGE Publication.
  • Brown, S., & Nanguy, C. (2021). Global ELT coursebooks and equalities legislation: A critical study. New York State TESOL Journal, 8(2), 51-62.
  • Canagarajah, A. S. (1999). Resisting linguistic imperialism in English teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Catanzaro, M. (1988). Using qualitative analytical techniques. In P. Woods & M. Catanzaro (Eds.), Nursing research: Theory and practice (pp. 437–456). C.V. Mosby Company.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay-Çetinkaya, Ş. (2022). (Inter)cultural elements and representations in English language coursebooks. In H. Çelik & S. Çelik (Eds.), Coursebook evaluation in English as a foreign language (EFL) education (pp. 235-272). Vizetek Publishing.
  • Charunsri, K. (2019). The Challenges of Implementing Content Language Integrated Learning in Tertiary Education in Thailand: A Review and Implication of Materials. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(4), 125-129.
  • Dahmardeh, M., & Kim, S. D. (2021). An analysis of the representation of cultural content in English coursebooks, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(5), 1388-1407.
  • Deardorff, D. K. (2018). Exploring the Significance of Culture in Leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2018(160), 41-51.
  • Derakhshan, A. (2018). The critical analysis of cultural values in the American English File textbook series. Critical Studies in Texts and Programs in Human Sciences, 18(8), 53-76.
  • Derakhshan, A. (2021). Should textbook images be merely decorative? Cultural representations in the Iranian EFL national textbook from the semiotic approach perspective. Language Teaching Research. 28(1). 79-113.
  • Dinh, T. N., & F. Sharifian. (2017). Vietnamese Cultural Conceptualisations in the Locally Developed English Textbook: A Case Study of ‘Lunar New Year’/‘Tet’. Asian Englishes, 19(2), 148–159.
  • Durand, S. (2021). Rethinking under-represented ethnicities in ELT materials through a critical discourse analysis-oriented model. MEXTESOL Journal, 45(1).
  • Ekici-Yaşar, F. (2017). Cultural intelligence levels of pre-service pre-school teachers and their attitudes towards multicultural education. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(5), 1941-1956.
  • Fakazlı, Ö., & Baytar, I. (2021). İki İngilizce Ders Kitabının Kültürel Unsurlar Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Analizi (Headway ve English File) [A Comparative Analysis of Two English Coursebooks in terms of Cultural Aspects (Headway and English File)]. İnönü University Education Faculty Journal, 22(3), 2259-2276.
  • Farooq, U. (2021). Representation of culture in ELT textbooks: A qualitative study. Journal of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, 2(1).
  • Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. Teachers College Press.
  • Gebregeorgis, M. Y. (2016). Peace values in language textbooks: the case of English for Ethiopia Student Textbook. Journal of Peace Education, 14(1), 54–68.
  • Gomez, S., Strage, A., Knutson-Miller, K., & Garcia-Nevarez, A. (2009). Meeting the need for K-8 teachers for classrooms with culturally and linguistically diverse students: the promise and challenge of early field experiences. Teacher Education Quarterly, 36(4), 119-140.
  • Jenkins, J. (2015). Repositioning English and multilingualism in English as a Lingua Franca. Englishes in Practice, 2(3), 49-85.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Sage publications.
  • Kubota, R. (2021). Critical antiracist pedagogy in ELT, ELT Journal, 75(3), 237-246.
  • Littlejohn, A. (2012). Language teaching materials and the (very) big picture. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 9(1), 283-297. Retrieved from
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1995). Designing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • McAuliffe, M., & Triandafyllidou A. (Eds.) (2021). World Migration Report 2022. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.
  • McConachy, T. (2018). Critically engaging with cultural representations in foreign language textbooks. Intercultural Education, 29(1), 77-88.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2020, November 16). My book is always open: At school, at home, when I am with my teacher, family.
  • MoNE, (2018a). Secondary EFL Teaching Programme. MoNE Publications.
  • MoNE, (2018b). Education vision 2023. MoNE Publications.
  • Morgan, H. (2021). Conducting a Qualitative Document Analysis. The Qualitative Report 27(1), 64-77.
  • Nelson, J. (2019). “I thought Canadians were white!” An Intersectional Gendered Visual Analysis of Race, Nation, Gender, and LGBT+ Representation in ESL/ELL Textbooks. [Master's thesis, University of British Columbia], Vancouver,
  • Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E., & Moules, N. J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to meet the trustworthiness criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1-13.
  • Pennycook, A. (2017). The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pratama, S. Y., Nurkamto, J., & Wijayanto, A. (2021). The Representation of Multicultural Values in National Mandatory English Textbooks Used in Indonesian Secondary Schools. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. 8(1), 472-481.
  • Reid, G., Soler, J., & Wearmouth, J. (2014). Contextualising difficulties in literacy development: exploring politics, culture, ethnicity, and ethics. Routledge.
  • Sarıçoban, A., & Kırmızı, Ö. (2020). An analysis of Turkish EFL coursebooks in terms of Intercultural communicative elements, International Journal of Curriculum, and Instruction, 12(2), 226-244.
  • Selvi, A. F., & Kocaman, C. (2021). (Mis-/under-) Representations of gender and sexuality in locally produced ELT materials. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 20(2), 118-133.
  • Setyono, B., & Widodo, H. P. (2019). The representation of multicultural values in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture-Endorsed EFL textbook: a critical discourse analysis. Intercultural Education, 30(4), 383-397.
  • Shin, J., Eslami, Z. R., & Chen, W. C. (2011) Presentation of local and international culture in current international English-language teaching textbooks, Language, Culture and Curriculum, 24(3), 253-268.
  • Song, H. (2013). Deconstruction of Cultural Dominance in Korean EFL Textbooks. Intercultural Education, 24(4), 382-390.
  • Su, Y.C. (2016). The International Status of English for Intercultural Understanding in Taiwan’s High School EFL Textbooks. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(3), 1-19.
  • Tajeddin, Z., & Pakzadian, M. (2020). Representation of inner, outer, and expanding circle varieties and cultures in global ELT textbooks. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 5(1), 1-15.
  • Tajeddin, Z., & Teimournezhad, S. (2015). Exploring the Hidden Agenda in the Representation of Culture in International and Localised ELT Textbooks. The Language Learning Journal, 43(2), 180-193.
  • The National Association for Multicultural Education. (2023). Definitions of Multicultural Education. Retrieved from:
  • TUIK. (2023). Uluslararası Göç İstatistikleri, 2021 [International Immigration Statistics, 2021]. Retrieved from'ye%20g%C3%B6%C3%A7,ini%20ise%20yabanc%C4%B1%20uyruklular%20olu%C5%9Fturdu.
  • UNESCO. (2022), Higher education global data report (Summary). A contribution to the World Higher Education Conference, 18-20 May 2022.
  • UNESCO, UNICEF, The World Bank, & OECD. (2021). What’s next? Lessons on Education Recovery: Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved from:
  • UNICEF. (2022). Documentation of Educational Intervention for Syrian Children under Temporary Protection in Turkey. Retrieved from:
  • Widodo, H. P., Wood, A., & Gupta, D. (Eds.). (2017). Asian English language classrooms: Where theory and practice meet. Routledge.
  • Yamada, M. (2011). Awareness of racial and ethnic diversity in Japanese junior high schools’ English language textbooks. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 8(3), 289-312.
Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 5, 125 - 145, 12.09.2024



  • Adukia, A., Eble, A., Harrison, E., Runesha, H. B., & Szasz, T. (2023). What We Teach About Race and Gender: Representation in Images and Text of Children’s Books. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(4), 2225–2285.
  • Akbana Y. E., & Yavuz, A. (2022). Global issues in a series of EFL textbooks and implications for end-users to promote peace education through teaching English. Journal of Peace Education, 19(3), 373-396.
  • Akcaoğlu, M. Ö., & Arsal, Z. (2022). The Effect of Multicultural Education on Preservice Teachers’ Attitude and Efficacy: Testing Bank’s Content Integration Dimension. Participatory Educational Research (PER), 9 (2), 343-357.
  • Aktoprak, A., Yiğit, P., & Güneyli, A. (2018). Attitudes of primary school teachers toward multicultural education. Quality & Quantity, 52(1–2): 181-194.
  • Alizadeh, A., Mahmoodi, F., & Adib, Y. (2024). Representation of cultural patterns of individualism and collectivism in primary school textbooks. Intercultural Education, Online Volume, 1-26.
  • Altan, M. Z. (2017). Globalization, English Language Teaching & Turkey. International Journal of Languages’ Education, 5(4), 764–776.
  • Alter, G. (2021). Nothing just-is. The depiction of socio-economic (in) justice in ELT coursebooks and its implications for young learners. Kieli, koulutus jayhteiskunta, 12(5), 1-6.
  • Aslan, S., & Aybek, B. (2019). Uygulama örnekleriyle çokkültürlü eğitim ve değerler eğitimi [Multicultural education and values education with examples for implication]. Anı Publishing.
  • Board of Education and Training. (2022). Ortaöğretim Kurumları Haftalık Ders Çizelgeleri [Secondary Education Institutions Weekly Course Schedules]. Retrieved from:
  • Board of Education and Training. (2015). E-müfredat projesi kitap inceleme modülü: Panelist kılavuzu [Coursebook evaluation module of e-curriculum project: Handbook for panellists]. Retrieved from
  • Bon, S., & Chuaychoowong, M. F. L. (2023). Evaluation of the Global English Coursebook Motivate!3: Implication for Pedagogical Material in the Cambodian Context. Theodore Maria School of Arts, Assumption University.
  • Bouzid, H. A. (2017). An evaluation of selected Moroccan ELT textbooks: A standards-based approach perspective. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 7(1). 229.
  • Bowen, N., & Hopper, D. (2022). The representation of race in English language learning coursebooks: Inclusivity and equality in images. TESOL Quarterly, OnlineFirst.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners. SAGE Publication.
  • Brown, S., & Nanguy, C. (2021). Global ELT coursebooks and equalities legislation: A critical study. New York State TESOL Journal, 8(2), 51-62.
  • Canagarajah, A. S. (1999). Resisting linguistic imperialism in English teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Catanzaro, M. (1988). Using qualitative analytical techniques. In P. Woods & M. Catanzaro (Eds.), Nursing research: Theory and practice (pp. 437–456). C.V. Mosby Company.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay-Çetinkaya, Ş. (2022). (Inter)cultural elements and representations in English language coursebooks. In H. Çelik & S. Çelik (Eds.), Coursebook evaluation in English as a foreign language (EFL) education (pp. 235-272). Vizetek Publishing.
  • Charunsri, K. (2019). The Challenges of Implementing Content Language Integrated Learning in Tertiary Education in Thailand: A Review and Implication of Materials. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(4), 125-129.
  • Dahmardeh, M., & Kim, S. D. (2021). An analysis of the representation of cultural content in English coursebooks, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(5), 1388-1407.
  • Deardorff, D. K. (2018). Exploring the Significance of Culture in Leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2018(160), 41-51.
  • Derakhshan, A. (2018). The critical analysis of cultural values in the American English File textbook series. Critical Studies in Texts and Programs in Human Sciences, 18(8), 53-76.
  • Derakhshan, A. (2021). Should textbook images be merely decorative? Cultural representations in the Iranian EFL national textbook from the semiotic approach perspective. Language Teaching Research. 28(1). 79-113.
  • Dinh, T. N., & F. Sharifian. (2017). Vietnamese Cultural Conceptualisations in the Locally Developed English Textbook: A Case Study of ‘Lunar New Year’/‘Tet’. Asian Englishes, 19(2), 148–159.
  • Durand, S. (2021). Rethinking under-represented ethnicities in ELT materials through a critical discourse analysis-oriented model. MEXTESOL Journal, 45(1).
  • Ekici-Yaşar, F. (2017). Cultural intelligence levels of pre-service pre-school teachers and their attitudes towards multicultural education. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(5), 1941-1956.
  • Fakazlı, Ö., & Baytar, I. (2021). İki İngilizce Ders Kitabının Kültürel Unsurlar Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Analizi (Headway ve English File) [A Comparative Analysis of Two English Coursebooks in terms of Cultural Aspects (Headway and English File)]. İnönü University Education Faculty Journal, 22(3), 2259-2276.
  • Farooq, U. (2021). Representation of culture in ELT textbooks: A qualitative study. Journal of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, 2(1).
  • Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. Teachers College Press.
  • Gebregeorgis, M. Y. (2016). Peace values in language textbooks: the case of English for Ethiopia Student Textbook. Journal of Peace Education, 14(1), 54–68.
  • Gomez, S., Strage, A., Knutson-Miller, K., & Garcia-Nevarez, A. (2009). Meeting the need for K-8 teachers for classrooms with culturally and linguistically diverse students: the promise and challenge of early field experiences. Teacher Education Quarterly, 36(4), 119-140.
  • Jenkins, J. (2015). Repositioning English and multilingualism in English as a Lingua Franca. Englishes in Practice, 2(3), 49-85.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology. Sage publications.
  • Kubota, R. (2021). Critical antiracist pedagogy in ELT, ELT Journal, 75(3), 237-246.
  • Littlejohn, A. (2012). Language teaching materials and the (very) big picture. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 9(1), 283-297. Retrieved from
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1995). Designing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • McAuliffe, M., & Triandafyllidou A. (Eds.) (2021). World Migration Report 2022. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.
  • McConachy, T. (2018). Critically engaging with cultural representations in foreign language textbooks. Intercultural Education, 29(1), 77-88.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2020, November 16). My book is always open: At school, at home, when I am with my teacher, family.
  • MoNE, (2018a). Secondary EFL Teaching Programme. MoNE Publications.
  • MoNE, (2018b). Education vision 2023. MoNE Publications.
  • Morgan, H. (2021). Conducting a Qualitative Document Analysis. The Qualitative Report 27(1), 64-77.
  • Nelson, J. (2019). “I thought Canadians were white!” An Intersectional Gendered Visual Analysis of Race, Nation, Gender, and LGBT+ Representation in ESL/ELL Textbooks. [Master's thesis, University of British Columbia], Vancouver,
  • Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E., & Moules, N. J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to meet the trustworthiness criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1-13.
  • Pennycook, A. (2017). The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pratama, S. Y., Nurkamto, J., & Wijayanto, A. (2021). The Representation of Multicultural Values in National Mandatory English Textbooks Used in Indonesian Secondary Schools. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. 8(1), 472-481.
  • Reid, G., Soler, J., & Wearmouth, J. (2014). Contextualising difficulties in literacy development: exploring politics, culture, ethnicity, and ethics. Routledge.
  • Sarıçoban, A., & Kırmızı, Ö. (2020). An analysis of Turkish EFL coursebooks in terms of Intercultural communicative elements, International Journal of Curriculum, and Instruction, 12(2), 226-244.
  • Selvi, A. F., & Kocaman, C. (2021). (Mis-/under-) Representations of gender and sexuality in locally produced ELT materials. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 20(2), 118-133.
  • Setyono, B., & Widodo, H. P. (2019). The representation of multicultural values in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture-Endorsed EFL textbook: a critical discourse analysis. Intercultural Education, 30(4), 383-397.
  • Shin, J., Eslami, Z. R., & Chen, W. C. (2011) Presentation of local and international culture in current international English-language teaching textbooks, Language, Culture and Curriculum, 24(3), 253-268.
  • Song, H. (2013). Deconstruction of Cultural Dominance in Korean EFL Textbooks. Intercultural Education, 24(4), 382-390.
  • Su, Y.C. (2016). The International Status of English for Intercultural Understanding in Taiwan’s High School EFL Textbooks. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(3), 1-19.
  • Tajeddin, Z., & Pakzadian, M. (2020). Representation of inner, outer, and expanding circle varieties and cultures in global ELT textbooks. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 5(1), 1-15.
  • Tajeddin, Z., & Teimournezhad, S. (2015). Exploring the Hidden Agenda in the Representation of Culture in International and Localised ELT Textbooks. The Language Learning Journal, 43(2), 180-193.
  • The National Association for Multicultural Education. (2023). Definitions of Multicultural Education. Retrieved from:
  • TUIK. (2023). Uluslararası Göç İstatistikleri, 2021 [International Immigration Statistics, 2021]. Retrieved from'ye%20g%C3%B6%C3%A7,ini%20ise%20yabanc%C4%B1%20uyruklular%20olu%C5%9Fturdu.
  • UNESCO. (2022), Higher education global data report (Summary). A contribution to the World Higher Education Conference, 18-20 May 2022.
  • UNESCO, UNICEF, The World Bank, & OECD. (2021). What’s next? Lessons on Education Recovery: Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved from:
  • UNICEF. (2022). Documentation of Educational Intervention for Syrian Children under Temporary Protection in Turkey. Retrieved from:
  • Widodo, H. P., Wood, A., & Gupta, D. (Eds.). (2017). Asian English language classrooms: Where theory and practice meet. Routledge.
  • Yamada, M. (2011). Awareness of racial and ethnic diversity in Japanese junior high schools’ English language textbooks. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 8(3), 289-312.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects English As A Second Language
Journal Section Research Articles

Gökçe Nur Türkmen 0000-0002-8755-1803

Ece Zehir Topkaya 0000-0001-5364-7551

Early Pub Date September 11, 2024
Publication Date September 12, 2024
Submission Date May 2, 2024
Acceptance Date August 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 5


APA Türkmen, G. N., & Zehir Topkaya, E. (2024). Promoting Multicultural Learning: An Investigation of Race Representation in Turkish Secondary School EFL Coursebooks. Participatory Educational Research, 11(5), 125-145.