Lifelong Learning Center Trainers: What Are Their Perceived Curriculum Literacy and Digital Technology Usage Levels?
Year 2024,
Volume: 11 Issue: 6, 56 - 74, 01.11.2024
Hazal Sedef Erik
M. Betül Yılmaz
Education and training are crucial components of society's ever-changing nature, and having a strong understanding of curriculum literacy is necessary for trainers in adult education to successfully execute curriculum. Similarly, effective use and integration of digital technologies into educational settings is a necessary skill for trainers. These competencies are critical for K-12 and higher education educators, as well as for adult education trainers who guide the learning process in line with their assigned program. In this study, we have investigated the relationship between trainers' perceived competence in curricular literacy (CL) and their use of digital technologies in education (DTUE). This study employed a descriptive survey methodology to gather data from a total of 628 individuals. The average age of the participants was 41.7 years, and they were all employed at a lifelong learning institution in Türkiye. MANOVA and correlation analysis were executed. We examined whether there were any differences in the trainers' perceived CL and DTUE levels based on the specified variables. The results revealed a positive and weak correlation between trainers' perceived curriculum literacy levels and their use of digital technology. Also, the trainers without prior formal pedagogical training had significantly lower scores in CL and DTUE compared to the trainers who had either graduated from the Faculty of Education or earned a pedagogical formation certificate.
Ethical Statement
This study received approval from the Yildiz Technical University, Social and Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee on January 12, 2022.
- AECT (2023). AECT Definition for Educational Technology.
- Akbulut, Y. (2010). Sosyal bilimlerde SPSS uygulamaları [SPSS applications in social sciences]. İstanbul: İdeal Kültür Publishing.
- Akınoğlu, O., & Doğan, S. (2012). Eğitimde program geliştirme alanına yeni bir kavram önerisi: Program okuryazarlığı [A new concept proposal for curriculum development in education: Program literacy]. 21th National Congress of Educational Sciences, 12-14 September, İstanbul.
- Akyıldız, S. (2020). A conceptual analysis of curriculum literacy concept: A study of scale development. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (73), 315-332.
- Alkış Küçükaydın, M. (2022). Digital pedagogical competencies and motivational access to digital technologies of primary school teachers during the pandemic process. Journal of National Education, 51 (235), 2651-2668.
- Aslan, S. (2018). The Curriculum Literacy Level of Secondary School Teachers. (Master’s thesis, Hacettepe University). URL:
- Aslan, S. (2019). An analysis of prospective teachers' curriculum literacy levels in terms of reading and writing. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), 973-979.
- Avar Vayvay, N. (2020). An analysis of the relationship between preschool teachers' educational philosophies and their curriculum literacy levels. (Master's thesis, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University). URL:
- Aytekin, E., Erik, H. S., & Yılmaz, M. B. (in press). The scale for adult education trainers' digital technology use levels: a validity and reliability study. Education and Information Technology.
- Barut, C., & Gündoğdu, K. (2023). The relationship between curriculum literacy levels and critical thinking tendencies of teachers. Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty, 18(37), 198-217.
- Berkant, H. G., & Mansuroğlu, C. (2023). The investigation of teachers’ curriculum literacy and reflective thinking tendencies. Ahi Evran University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 9 (1), 97-116.
- Bolat, Y. (2017). Concept of curriculum literacy and curriculum literacy scale. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(18).121-138.
- Bolat, Y. (2021). Eğitim Programı Okuryazarlığı, Eğitim Programı Okuryazarlığını Açıklama, Keşfetme ve Anlama [Curriculum Literacy, Explaining, Exploring and Understanding Curriculum Literacy]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Sosyal Bilimler Için Veri Analizi El Kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Can, A. (2016). SPSS İle Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi (4 b.) [Quantitative data analysis in scientific research process with SPSS, 4th edition]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Creswell, J. W. (2017). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th Edition, Sage, Newbury Park.
- Çetinkaya, S., & Tabak, S. (2019). Curriculum literacy competencies of prospective teachers. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 38(1), 296-309.
- Dağ, Ş. (2021). Investigation of the curriculum literacy and Teaching motivations of teachers. (Master's thesis, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University). URL:
- Demir, E., & Toraman, Ç. (2021). Teachers' levels of curriculum literacy. Trakya Journal of Education, 11(3), 1516-1528.
- Duman, A. (2007). Yetişkin Eğitimi [Adult Education]. Ütopya Publishing, 2nd ed.
- Erdamar, F. S. (2020). The analysis of primary school teachers' curriculum literacy perceptions and primary school administrators' perceptions of teachers' curriculum literacy skills in the context of progressive philosophy. (Master’s thesis, Fırat University).
- Erdem, C., & Eğmir, E. (2018). Prospective teachers’ levels of curriculum literacy. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(2), 123-138.
- Fidan, M., & Cura Yeleğen, H. (2022). An investigation of Teachers’ Digital Competencies in Terms of Various Variables and Their Needs for Digital Competence. Ege Journal of Education, 23(2), 150-170.
- Gömleksiz, M. N., & Erdem, Ş. (2018). Perceptions of prospective teachers enrolled at education faculty and pedagogical formation course towards curriculum literacy. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 73. 509-529.
- Güneş, F., & Deveci T. (2022). Yetişkin Eğitimi ve Hayat Boyu Öğrenme [Adult Education and Lifelong Learning]. Ankara: PEGEM Academy Publication, 10th ed.
- Güngör Demir, S. (2023). Research of Pre-service Teachers' Program Literacy Levels and Metaphorical Perceptions of the Curriculum. (Master’s thesis, Pamukkale University). URL:
- Kalaycı, N. (2009). Methods Used in the Evaluation Process of Faculty Members’ Teaching Performance in Higher Education Institutions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 15 (60), 625-656. URL:
- Kahraman, A. (2020). Examination of private school teachers' levels of educational program literacy, epistemological beliefs, and individual innovativeness (Master's thesis, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. URL:
- Kahramanoğlu, R. (2019). A Study on teachers' levels of curriculum literacy. Journal of International Social Research, 12(65), 827-840.
- Karasar, N. (2000). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi [Scientific Research Method]. Ankara: NOBEL Publishing.
- Kasapoğlu, K. (2020) Perceived curriculum literacy scale for teachers: a scale development and validation study. İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 21(2), 963-977.
- Keskin, A. (2020). Determining the perceptions of teachers’ instructional program literacy levels (PhD thesis, Hacettepe University) URL:
- Keskin, A., & Korkmaz, H. (2021). Development of Teachers’ Curriculum Literacy Perception Scale. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 19(2), 857-884.
- Kızılaslan Tunçer, B. (2019). Study on development of “education program success test” for the preservice teacher. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 15 (Special Issue 1), 49-58. URL:
- Knowles, M. S. (1984). The adult learner (3rd ed.). Houston, TX: Gulf.
- Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)?. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 60-70.
- Köşker, C., & Çelikkaya, T. (2023). Investigation of Digital Literacy Skill Levels of Social Studies Preservice Teacher. Ahi Evran University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 9(2), 402-419.
- Kuyubaşıoğlu, R. M. (2019). Investigation of teacher's education program literacy qualifications. (Master’s thesis, Mersin University). URL:
- Labbo, L. D., Reinking, D., & McKenna, M. C. (1998). Technology and literacy education in the next century: Exploring the connection between work and schooling. Peabody Journal of Education, 73(3-4), 273-289.
- MoNE, 2022. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Öğretim Programı Okuryazarlığı Öğretmen Rehber Kitabı [Ministry of National Education Curriculum Literacy Teacher's Guidebook]. URL:
- Okçabol, R. (2006). Halk eğitimi:(yetişkin eğitimi) [Public education: (adult education)]. Ütopya Publishing.
- Okçabol, R. (2009). Eğitim bilimlerine giriş [Introduction to educational sciences]. Ütopya Publishing.
- Ozudogru, F. (2022). Analysis of the factors predicting curriculum literacy of preservice teachers. Research in Pedagogy, 12(1), 112-126.
- Orhan, A., & Tekin, İ. (2019). Investigation of English Instructors’ Technology Efficacy and Their Attitude Towards Technology Use in Class. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of the Faculty of Education (49), 81-101. URL:
- Öçal, F. N. (2017). Perceptions of digital literacy competence related to primary school teacher and parents themselves with their children. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University) Ankara. URL:
- Özkan, R. (2011). The relationship between social structures, values and education. Kastamonu Education Journal, 19(1), 333-344.
- Özkul, A. E. ve Girginer, N. (2002). Technology and Effectiveness in Distance Education. Sakarya University Journal of Faculty of Education, 3.
- Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step-by-step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. London: McGraw-Hill, Open University Press.
- Sarıca, R. (2021). A Study on Teachers’ Curriculum Literacy. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 22(1), 132-170.
- Sarıgöz, O., & Bolat, Y. (2018). Examination of the competencies of the preservice teachers studying at the education faculties about the educational program literacy. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 10(9), 103-110.
- Shayestehnia, P., Shafizadeh, H., & Soleimani, N. (2023). Validation of the school-society connection model in Iran. Iranian Evolutionary Educational Psychology Journal, 5(2), 294-305.
- Steiner, D., Magee, J., Jensen, B., & Button, J. (2018). Curriculum literacy in schools of education? The hole at the center of American teacher preparation.
- Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Süral, S., & Dedebali, N. C. (2018). A study of curriculum literacy and information literacy levels of teacher candidates in department of social sciences education. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 303-317.
- Şad, S. N., & Nalçacı, Ö. İ. (2015). Prospective teachers’ perceived competencies about integrating information and communication technologies into education. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 11(1), 177-197 URL:
- Şınego, S.G., & Çakmak, M. (2021). Examination of Education Program Literacy Levels of Teachers. The Journal of Kesit Academy, 7 (27), 233-256. URL:
- Tukey, J. W. (1949). Comparing individual means in the analyses of variance. Biometrics, 5, 99-114.
- Turgut, G. & Başarmak, U. (2019). A Review of technology integration competencies of secondary school teachers according to various variables. Turkish Journal of Academic Publications (TAY Journal), 3 (2), 51- 66.
- UNESCO (2016). Recommendation Adult Learning and Education. France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and UIL.
- Yar Yıldırım, V. (2021). The impact of teacher idealism on curriculum literacy: The role of believing in education as a mediator variable. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2), 1548-1563. Retrieved from
- Yıldırım, İ. (2019). Development of Curriculum Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Harran Education Journal, 4(2), 1-28.
- Yılmaz, G., & Kahramanoğlu, R. (2021). Examining The Relationship Between Curriculum Literacy Levels, Curriculum Orientations and Curriculum Fidelity Levels of Teachers, Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Research, 5(10), 178-187. URL:
- Yontar, A. (2019). gital Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 815-824.
Year 2024,
Volume: 11 Issue: 6, 56 - 74, 01.11.2024
Hazal Sedef Erik
M. Betül Yılmaz
- AECT (2023). AECT Definition for Educational Technology.
- Akbulut, Y. (2010). Sosyal bilimlerde SPSS uygulamaları [SPSS applications in social sciences]. İstanbul: İdeal Kültür Publishing.
- Akınoğlu, O., & Doğan, S. (2012). Eğitimde program geliştirme alanına yeni bir kavram önerisi: Program okuryazarlığı [A new concept proposal for curriculum development in education: Program literacy]. 21th National Congress of Educational Sciences, 12-14 September, İstanbul.
- Akyıldız, S. (2020). A conceptual analysis of curriculum literacy concept: A study of scale development. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (73), 315-332.
- Alkış Küçükaydın, M. (2022). Digital pedagogical competencies and motivational access to digital technologies of primary school teachers during the pandemic process. Journal of National Education, 51 (235), 2651-2668.
- Aslan, S. (2018). The Curriculum Literacy Level of Secondary School Teachers. (Master’s thesis, Hacettepe University). URL:
- Aslan, S. (2019). An analysis of prospective teachers' curriculum literacy levels in terms of reading and writing. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), 973-979.
- Avar Vayvay, N. (2020). An analysis of the relationship between preschool teachers' educational philosophies and their curriculum literacy levels. (Master's thesis, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University). URL:
- Aytekin, E., Erik, H. S., & Yılmaz, M. B. (in press). The scale for adult education trainers' digital technology use levels: a validity and reliability study. Education and Information Technology.
- Barut, C., & Gündoğdu, K. (2023). The relationship between curriculum literacy levels and critical thinking tendencies of teachers. Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty, 18(37), 198-217.
- Berkant, H. G., & Mansuroğlu, C. (2023). The investigation of teachers’ curriculum literacy and reflective thinking tendencies. Ahi Evran University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 9 (1), 97-116.
- Bolat, Y. (2017). Concept of curriculum literacy and curriculum literacy scale. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(18).121-138.
- Bolat, Y. (2021). Eğitim Programı Okuryazarlığı, Eğitim Programı Okuryazarlığını Açıklama, Keşfetme ve Anlama [Curriculum Literacy, Explaining, Exploring and Understanding Curriculum Literacy]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Sosyal Bilimler Için Veri Analizi El Kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Can, A. (2016). SPSS İle Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi (4 b.) [Quantitative data analysis in scientific research process with SPSS, 4th edition]. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing.
- Creswell, J. W. (2017). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th Edition, Sage, Newbury Park.
- Çetinkaya, S., & Tabak, S. (2019). Curriculum literacy competencies of prospective teachers. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 38(1), 296-309.
- Dağ, Ş. (2021). Investigation of the curriculum literacy and Teaching motivations of teachers. (Master's thesis, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University). URL:
- Demir, E., & Toraman, Ç. (2021). Teachers' levels of curriculum literacy. Trakya Journal of Education, 11(3), 1516-1528.
- Duman, A. (2007). Yetişkin Eğitimi [Adult Education]. Ütopya Publishing, 2nd ed.
- Erdamar, F. S. (2020). The analysis of primary school teachers' curriculum literacy perceptions and primary school administrators' perceptions of teachers' curriculum literacy skills in the context of progressive philosophy. (Master’s thesis, Fırat University).
- Erdem, C., & Eğmir, E. (2018). Prospective teachers’ levels of curriculum literacy. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(2), 123-138.
- Fidan, M., & Cura Yeleğen, H. (2022). An investigation of Teachers’ Digital Competencies in Terms of Various Variables and Their Needs for Digital Competence. Ege Journal of Education, 23(2), 150-170.
- Gömleksiz, M. N., & Erdem, Ş. (2018). Perceptions of prospective teachers enrolled at education faculty and pedagogical formation course towards curriculum literacy. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 73. 509-529.
- Güneş, F., & Deveci T. (2022). Yetişkin Eğitimi ve Hayat Boyu Öğrenme [Adult Education and Lifelong Learning]. Ankara: PEGEM Academy Publication, 10th ed.
- Güngör Demir, S. (2023). Research of Pre-service Teachers' Program Literacy Levels and Metaphorical Perceptions of the Curriculum. (Master’s thesis, Pamukkale University). URL:
- Kalaycı, N. (2009). Methods Used in the Evaluation Process of Faculty Members’ Teaching Performance in Higher Education Institutions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 15 (60), 625-656. URL:
- Kahraman, A. (2020). Examination of private school teachers' levels of educational program literacy, epistemological beliefs, and individual innovativeness (Master's thesis, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. URL:
- Kahramanoğlu, R. (2019). A Study on teachers' levels of curriculum literacy. Journal of International Social Research, 12(65), 827-840.
- Karasar, N. (2000). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi [Scientific Research Method]. Ankara: NOBEL Publishing.
- Kasapoğlu, K. (2020) Perceived curriculum literacy scale for teachers: a scale development and validation study. İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 21(2), 963-977.
- Keskin, A. (2020). Determining the perceptions of teachers’ instructional program literacy levels (PhD thesis, Hacettepe University) URL:
- Keskin, A., & Korkmaz, H. (2021). Development of Teachers’ Curriculum Literacy Perception Scale. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 19(2), 857-884.
- Kızılaslan Tunçer, B. (2019). Study on development of “education program success test” for the preservice teacher. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 15 (Special Issue 1), 49-58. URL:
- Knowles, M. S. (1984). The adult learner (3rd ed.). Houston, TX: Gulf.
- Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)?. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 60-70.
- Köşker, C., & Çelikkaya, T. (2023). Investigation of Digital Literacy Skill Levels of Social Studies Preservice Teacher. Ahi Evran University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 9(2), 402-419.
- Kuyubaşıoğlu, R. M. (2019). Investigation of teacher's education program literacy qualifications. (Master’s thesis, Mersin University). URL:
- Labbo, L. D., Reinking, D., & McKenna, M. C. (1998). Technology and literacy education in the next century: Exploring the connection between work and schooling. Peabody Journal of Education, 73(3-4), 273-289.
- MoNE, 2022. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Öğretim Programı Okuryazarlığı Öğretmen Rehber Kitabı [Ministry of National Education Curriculum Literacy Teacher's Guidebook]. URL:
- Okçabol, R. (2006). Halk eğitimi:(yetişkin eğitimi) [Public education: (adult education)]. Ütopya Publishing.
- Okçabol, R. (2009). Eğitim bilimlerine giriş [Introduction to educational sciences]. Ütopya Publishing.
- Ozudogru, F. (2022). Analysis of the factors predicting curriculum literacy of preservice teachers. Research in Pedagogy, 12(1), 112-126.
- Orhan, A., & Tekin, İ. (2019). Investigation of English Instructors’ Technology Efficacy and Their Attitude Towards Technology Use in Class. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of the Faculty of Education (49), 81-101. URL:
- Öçal, F. N. (2017). Perceptions of digital literacy competence related to primary school teacher and parents themselves with their children. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University) Ankara. URL:
- Özkan, R. (2011). The relationship between social structures, values and education. Kastamonu Education Journal, 19(1), 333-344.
- Özkul, A. E. ve Girginer, N. (2002). Technology and Effectiveness in Distance Education. Sakarya University Journal of Faculty of Education, 3.
- Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step-by-step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. London: McGraw-Hill, Open University Press.
- Sarıca, R. (2021). A Study on Teachers’ Curriculum Literacy. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 22(1), 132-170.
- Sarıgöz, O., & Bolat, Y. (2018). Examination of the competencies of the preservice teachers studying at the education faculties about the educational program literacy. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 10(9), 103-110.
- Shayestehnia, P., Shafizadeh, H., & Soleimani, N. (2023). Validation of the school-society connection model in Iran. Iranian Evolutionary Educational Psychology Journal, 5(2), 294-305.
- Steiner, D., Magee, J., Jensen, B., & Button, J. (2018). Curriculum literacy in schools of education? The hole at the center of American teacher preparation.
- Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Süral, S., & Dedebali, N. C. (2018). A study of curriculum literacy and information literacy levels of teacher candidates in department of social sciences education. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 303-317.
- Şad, S. N., & Nalçacı, Ö. İ. (2015). Prospective teachers’ perceived competencies about integrating information and communication technologies into education. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 11(1), 177-197 URL:
- Şınego, S.G., & Çakmak, M. (2021). Examination of Education Program Literacy Levels of Teachers. The Journal of Kesit Academy, 7 (27), 233-256. URL:
- Tukey, J. W. (1949). Comparing individual means in the analyses of variance. Biometrics, 5, 99-114.
- Turgut, G. & Başarmak, U. (2019). A Review of technology integration competencies of secondary school teachers according to various variables. Turkish Journal of Academic Publications (TAY Journal), 3 (2), 51- 66.
- UNESCO (2016). Recommendation Adult Learning and Education. France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and UIL.
- Yar Yıldırım, V. (2021). The impact of teacher idealism on curriculum literacy: The role of believing in education as a mediator variable. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2), 1548-1563. Retrieved from
- Yıldırım, İ. (2019). Development of Curriculum Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Harran Education Journal, 4(2), 1-28.
- Yılmaz, G., & Kahramanoğlu, R. (2021). Examining The Relationship Between Curriculum Literacy Levels, Curriculum Orientations and Curriculum Fidelity Levels of Teachers, Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Research, 5(10), 178-187. URL:
- Yontar, A. (2019). gital Literacy Levels of Teacher Candidates. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 815-824.