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Ketamin ve Esketaminin Tedaviye Dirençli Depresyonda Bilişsel İşlevler Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 493 - 506, 30.09.2025


Majör depresif bozukluk, yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkileyen ve bilişsel bozulmalara yol açarak iş, eğitim ve sosyal yaşamda ciddi aksaklıklara neden olan bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Tedaviye dirençli depresyon, en az iki farklı antidepresan ilacın yeterli süre ve dozda kullanımına rağmen depresyon belirtilerinde iyileşme sağlanamaması durumudur. Mevcut farmakolojik yaklaşımlar, tedaviye dirençli depresyon hastalarının yarısında yetersiz kalmakta ve bu ilaçların bilişsel bozulmalar üzerindeki etkileri sınırlı kalmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, yeni ve etkili tedavi yöntemlerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı, tedaviye dirençli depresyon hastalarının tedavisinde kullanılan ketamin ve esketaminin bilişsel fonksiyonlar üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Bu bağlamda gerekli alan yazın incelenmiş ve güncel çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir. Randomize kontrollü çalışmaların sonuçları, ketaminin tedaviye dirençli depresyon tedavisinde etkili olduğunu ve belirli bilişsel alanlarda iyileşme sağlayabileceğini göstermektedir. Özellikle 0.5 mg/kg ketamin infüzyonuna yanıt veren hastalarda görsel bellek, işleme hızı, çalışma belleği ve dikkat gibi bilişsel işlevlerde anlamlı iyileşmeler kaydedilmiştir. Ancak, uzun süreli ketamin kullanımının mekânsal işlem belleği üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olabileceği belirtilmiştir. Esketamin ise NMDA reseptör antagonisti olarak hızlı ve etkili antidepresan sonuçlar elde etmiş, bilişsel işlevlerde stabilite veya iyileşme sağlamıştır. Ayrıca, intranazal uygulanabilirliği de pratik bir avantaj sunmaktadır. Ancak, yüksek dozda esketamin kullanımının nörotoksik etkiler ve bilişsel işlevler üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratabileceğine dair bulgular vardır. Her iki ilacın da depresyon semptomları ve bilişsel işlevler üzerindeki etkileri doz, kullanım süresi ve uygulama sıklığına bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, ketamin ve esketaminin tedaviye dirençli depresyon tedavisinde ve bilişsel semptomların düzelmesinde önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğu görülmekle birlikte, uzun vadeli etkiler ve güvenilirlik konusunda daha fazla araştırma gerekmektedir.


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  • Al-Harbi KS (2012) Treatment-resistant depression: therapeutic trends, challenges, and future directions. Patient Prefer Adherence, 6:369-388.
  • Araújo-de-Freitas L, Santos-Lima C, Mendonça-Filho E, Vieira F, França RJ, Magnavita G et al. (2021) Neurocognitive aspects of ketamine and esketamine on subjects with treatment-resistant depression: a comparative, randomized and double-blind study. Psychiatry Res, 303:114058.
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  • Canuso CM, Singh JB, Fedgchin M, Alphs L, Lane R, Lim P et al. (2018) Efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine for the rapid reduction of symptoms of depression and suicidality in patients at imminent risk for suicide: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Am J Psychiatry, 175:620-630.
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  • Ceban F, Rosenblat JD, Kratiuk K. Lee Y, Rodrigues NB, Gill H et al. (2021). Prevention and management of common adverse effects of ketamine and esketamine in patients with mood disorders. CNS Drugs, 35:925-934.
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  • De Jager JE, Boesjes R, Roelandt GH, Koliaki I, Sommer IE, Schoevers RA et al. (2024). Shared effects of electroconvulsive shocks and ketamine on neuroplasticity: A systematic review of animal models of depression. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 164:105796.
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Effects of Ketamine and Esketamine on Cognitive Functions in Treatment-Resistant Depression

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 493 - 506, 30.09.2025


Major depressive disorder is a public health issue that negatively impacts quality of life and leads to cognitive impairments, causing significant disruptions in work, education, and social life. Treatment-resistant depression is defined as the failure to achieve improvement in depressive symptoms despite the use of at least two different antidepressant medications at adequate doses and durations. Current pharmacological approaches are inadequate for about half of treatment-resistant depression patients, and the effects of these medications on cognitive impairments are limited. Therefore, there is a need for new and effective treatment methods. This review aims to evaluate the effects of ketamine and esketamine on cognitive functions in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression patients. Relevant literature has been reviewed and recent studies have been evaluated. The results of randomized controlled trials indicate that ketamine is effective in treating treatment-resistant depression and can improve specific cognitive domains. Significant improvements in cognitive functions such as visual memory, processing speed, working memory, and attention have been recorded in patients responding to 0.5 mg/kg ketamine infusion. However, long-term use of ketamine may have negative effects on spatial working memory. Esketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, has shown rapid and effective antidepressant outcomes, providing stability or improvement in cognitive functions. Additionally, its intranasal administration offers practical advantages. However, findings suggest that high doses of esketamine may have neurotoxic effects and negatively impact cognitive functions. The effects of both drugs on depressive symptoms and cognitive functions vary depending on dose, duration of use, and frequency of administration. In conclusion, while ketamine and esketamine show significant potential in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression and improvement of cognitive symptoms, further research is needed regarding their long-term effects and safety.


  • Acevedo J, Siegel JA (2022) Neurobiological, behavioral, and cognitive effects of ketamine in adolescents: a review of human and pre-clinical research. Behav Brain Res, 435:114049.
  • Al-Harbi KS (2012) Treatment-resistant depression: therapeutic trends, challenges, and future directions. Patient Prefer Adherence, 6:369-388.
  • Araújo-de-Freitas L, Santos-Lima C, Mendonça-Filho E, Vieira F, França RJ, Magnavita G et al. (2021) Neurocognitive aspects of ketamine and esketamine on subjects with treatment-resistant depression: a comparative, randomized and double-blind study. Psychiatry Res, 303:114058.
  • Autry AE, Adachi M, Nosyreva E, Na ES, Los MF, Cheng PF et al. (2011) NMDA receptor blockade at rest triggers rapid behavioural antidepressant responses. Nature, 475:91-95.
  • Autry AE, Monteggia LM (2012). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neuropsychiatric disorders. Pharmacol Rev, 64:238-258.
  • Biringer E, Rongve A, Lund A (2009) A review of modern antidepressants' effects on neurocognitive function. Curr Psychiatry Rev, 5:164-174.
  • Bortolato B, Carvalho AF, Soczynska JK, Perini GI, McIntyre RS (2015) The involvement of TNF-α in cognitive dysfunction associated with major depressive disorder: an opportunity for domain specific treatments. Curr Neuropharmacol, 13:558-576.
  • Bortolato B, F Carvalho A, S McIntyre R (2014) Cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder: a state-of-the-art clinical review. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 13:1804-1818.
  • Bschor T, Adli M (2008) Treatment of depressive disorders. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 105:782-792.
  • Canuso CM, Singh JB, Fedgchin M, Alphs L, Lane R, Lim P et al. (2018) Efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine for the rapid reduction of symptoms of depression and suicidality in patients at imminent risk for suicide: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Am J Psychiatry, 175:620-630.
  • Catalina-Romero C, Calvo-Bonacho E (2017) Depression and cardiovascular disease: time for clinical trials. Atherosclerosis, 257:250-252.
  • Ceban F, Rosenblat JD, Kratiuk K. Lee Y, Rodrigues NB, Gill H et al. (2021). Prevention and management of common adverse effects of ketamine and esketamine in patients with mood disorders. CNS Drugs, 35:925-934.
  • Chan CY, Lee AM, Koh YW, Lam SK, Lee CP, Leung KY (2020) Associations of body dissatisfaction with anxiety and depression in the pregnancy and postpartum periods: A longitudinal study. J Affect Disord, 263:582-592.
  • Chen MH, Li CT, Lin WC, Hong CJ, Tu PC, Bai YM et al. (2018) Cognitive function of patients with treatment-resistant depression after a single low dose of ketamine infusion. J Affect Disord, 241:1-7.
  • Conway CR, George MS, Sackeim HA (2017) Toward an evidence-based, operational definition of treatment-resistant depression: when enough is enough. JAMA Psychiatry, 74:9-10.
  • Dale E, Bang-Andersen B, Sanchez C (2015) Emerging mechanisms and treatments for depression beyond SSRIs and SNRIs. Biochem Pharmacol, 95:81-97.
  • Daly EJ, Trivedi MH, Janik A, Li H, Zhang Y, Li X et al. (2019) Efficacy of esketamine nasal spray plus oral antidepressant treatment for relapse prevention in patients with treatment-resistant depression: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 76:893-903.
  • De Jager JE, Boesjes R, Roelandt GH, Koliaki I, Sommer IE, Schoevers RA et al. (2024). Shared effects of electroconvulsive shocks and ketamine on neuroplasticity: A systematic review of animal models of depression. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 164:105796.
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Toplam 93 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bilişsel Sinirbilim , Klinik Nöropsikoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Mahir Mutlu 0000-0001-6260-7295

Çağrı Öven 0000-0002-4103-9185

Bilge Sena Kurt 0000-0003-4098-3083

Emre Sunay 0000-0003-1641-4577

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Mutlu M, Öven Ç, Kurt BS, Sunay E. Effects of Ketamine and Esketamine on Cognitive Functions in Treatment-Resistant Depression. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2025;17(3):493-506. doi:10.18863/pgy.1524106

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.