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Social Cognitive Supervision Model: A Review

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 534 - 543, 30.09.2025


This article aims to examine the supervision process, which plays a significant role in counselor education, through the Social Cognitive Supervision Model and to explain the model in detail. Supervision is considered a critical process for counseling candidates to develop their professional identity and skills. The social cognitive supervision model is based on Bandura's Social Cognitive Learning Theory and emphasizes the central role of self-efficacy beliefs in this process. Self-efficacy refers to candidates' belief in their ability to effectively provide counseling services in the future and is a key factor for successful learning. The article explains the key elements of the social cognitive supervision model through the triadic reciprocal causation model: individual factors, behaviors, and the environment. Individual factors include candidates' self-efficacy beliefs, cognitive, and affective processes during supervision. Environmental factors involve interactions with supervisors and clients. Supervisors' roles in providing feedback, modeling, and social persuasion are crucial to candidates' professional development. In conclusion, this article present the social cognitive supervision model as a model that contributes to the development of counseling candidates' skills and self-efficacy while supporting future empirical studies.

Etik Beyan

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  • Bandura A (1977) Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev, 84:191-215.
  • Bandura A (1988) Self-regulation of motivation and action through goal systems. In Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and Motivation (Eds H Vernon, HB Gordon, NF Nico):37-61. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands.
  • Bandura A (1989) Human agency in social cognitive theory. Am Psychol, 44:1175-1184.
  • Bandura A, National Inst of Mental Health (1986) Social Foundations of Thought and Action. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura A (1982) Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. Am Psychol, 37:122-147.
  • Barbee PW, Scherer D, Combs DC (2003) Prepracticum service‐learning: Examining the relationship with counselor self‐efficacy and anxiety. Couns Educ Superv, 43:108-119.
  • Barnes KL (2004) Applying self‐efficacy theory to counselor training and supervision: A comparison of two approaches. Couns Educ Superv, 44:56-69.
  • Bernard JM, Goodyear RK (2014) Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, 5th ed. Essex, Pearson Education.
  • Borders LD, Bernard JM, Dye HA, Fong ML, Henderson P, Nance DW (1991) Curriculum guide for training counseling supervisors: Rationale, development, and implementation. Couns Educ Superv, 31:58-80.
  • Borders LD, Brown LL (2005) The New Handbook of Counseling Supervision, 2nd ed. New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Bowman JT, Giesen JM (1982) Predicting ratings of counselor trainee empathy with self-report anxiety and measures of skin conductance. Couns Educ Superv. 22:154-161.
  • Campbell LF (2000). Mentoring and functions in supervision. Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, 4-8 August 2000, Washington, DC.
  • Corey G, Haynes R, Moulton P, Muratori M (2010) Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. Virginia, American Counseling Association.
  • Daniels JA, Larson LM (2001) The impact of performance feedback on counseling self‐efficacy and counselor anxiety. Couns Educ Superv, 41:120-130.
  • Dodge J (1982) Reducing supervisee anxiety: A cognitive‐behavioral approach. Couns Educ Superv, 22:55-60.
  • Erkan-Atik Z, Arıcı F, Ergene T (2014) Süpervizyon modelleri ve modellere ilişkin değerlendirmeler. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(42):305-317.
  • Eryılmaz A, Mutlu T (2018) Gelişimsel kapsamli süpervizyon modeline ilişkin psikolojik danişman adaylarinin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17:123-141.
  • Frantz TG (1993) Learning from anxiety: A transtheoretical dimension of supervision and its administration. Clin Superv, 10:29-55.
  • French JR (1959) The bases of social power. In Studies in Social Power (Eds D Cartwright):150-167. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
  • Goodyear RK, Guzzardo CR (2000) Psychotherapy supervision and training. In Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 3rd ed. (Eds SD Brown, RW Lent):83–108. New York, Wiley.
  • Hill CE, Baumann E, Shafran N, Gupta S, Morrison A, Rojas AEP et al. (2015) Is training effective? A study of counseling psychology doctoral trainees in a psychodynamic/interpersonal training clinic. J Couns Psychol, 62:184-201.
  • Holloway EL (1987) Developmental models of supervision: Is it development? Prof Psychol Res Pr, 18:209-216.
  • Holloway EL (1995) Clinical Supervision: A Systems Approach. London, Sage.
  • Johnson E, Baker SB, Kopala M, Kiselica MS, Thompson EC (1989). Counseling self-efficacy and counseling competence in prepracticum training. Couns Educ Superv, 2:205–218.
  • Kraiger K, Ford JK, Salas E (1993) Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. J Appl Psychol, 78:311-328.
  • Lambert MJ, Hawkins EJ (2001) Using information about patient progress in supervision: Are outcomes enhanced? Aust Psychol, 36:131-138.
  • Larson LM, Daniels JA (1998) Review of the counseling self-efficacy literature. Couns Psychol, 26:179-218.
  • Larson LM, Suzuki LA, Gillespie KN, Potenza MT, Bechtel MA, Toulouse AL (1992) Development and validation of the counseling self-estimate inventory. J Couns Psychol, 39:105-120.
  • Leddick GR, Bernard JM (1980). The history of supervision: A critical review. Couns Educ Superv, 19:186-196.
  • Lemons S, Lanning WE (1979) Value system similarity and the supervisory relationship. Couns Educ Superv, 19:13-19.
  • Lent RW, Brown SD, Hackett G (1994) Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. J Vocat Behav, 45:79-122.
  • Liddle BJ (1996) Therapist sexual orientation, gender, and counseling practices as they relate to ratings on helpfulness by gay and lesbian clients. J Couns Psychol, 43:394-401.
  • Lohani G, Sharma P (2023) Effect of clinical supervision on self-awareness and self-efficacy of psychotherapists and counselors: A systematic review. Psychol Serv, 20:291–299.
  • Meydan B (2015) Bireyle psikolojik danışma uygulamasında Mikro Beceri Süpervizyon Modeli’nin etkililiğinin incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(43):55-68.
  • Mitchell DN, Ebersole DB, Martin LE (2022). Addressing supervisee anxiety during COVID-19: Applying models of supervision. J Couns Prep Superv, 15:25.
  • Motley V, Reese MK, Campos P (2014) Evaluating corrective feedback self-efficacy changes among counselor educators and site supervisors. Couns Educ Superv, 53:34-46.
  • Rogers JL, Luke M, Gilbridge DD, Goodrich KM (2019). Supervisee attachment, cognitive distortions, and difficulty with corrective feedback. Couns Educ Superv, 58:18-32.
  • Schauer AH, Seymour WR, Geen RG (1985). Effects of observation and evaluation on anxiety in beginning counselors: A social facilitation analysis. J Couns Dev, 63:279-285.
  • Siviş-Çetinkaya R, Karaırmak Ö (2012) Psikolojik danışman eğitiminde süpervizyon. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(37):107-121.
  • Strong SR (1968) Counseling: An interpersonal influence process. J Couns Psychol, 15:215-224.
  • Yılmaz O, Acar NV (2015) Psikolojik danışman eğitiminde süpervizyonun önemi ve grupla psikolojik danışmadaki rolü. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15:342-356.

Sosyal Bilişsel Süpervizyon Modeli: Bir Gözden Geçirme

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 534 - 543, 30.09.2025


Bu makalede psikolojik danışman eğitiminde önemli bir yer tutan süpervizyon sürecini, Sosyal Bilişsel Süpervizyon Modeli üzerinden incelemek ve modeli detaylı bir şekilde açıklamak amaçlanmıştır. Süpervizyon, psikolojik danışman adaylarının mesleki kimlik kazanmaları ve mesleki becerilerini geliştirmeleri için kritik bir süreç olarak kabul edilmektedir. Sosyal bilişsel süpervizyon modeli, Bandura'nın Sosyal Bilişsel Öğrenme Kuramına dayanmakta ve psikolojik danışman adaylarının öz-yetkinlik inançlarının bu süreçteki merkezi rolünü vurgulamaktadır. Öz-yetkinlik, adayların gelecekte danışma hizmetlerini etkin bir şekilde yürütebileceklerine dair inançlarını ifade eder ve başarılı bir öğrenme süreci için kilit bir unsurdur. Bu makale kapsamında sosyal bilişsel süpervizyon modelinin temel unsurları üçlü karşılıklı nedensellik modeli çerçevesinde açıklanmıştır: bireysel etmenler, davranışlar ve çevre. Bireysel etmenler, adayların süpervizyon süreçlerindeki öz-yetkinlik inançlarını, bilişsel ve duyuşsal süreçlerini etkileyen unsurları kapsar. Çevresel faktörler ise süpervizör ve danışan etkileşimlerini içerir. Süpervizörün geri bildirim sağlama, model olma ve sosyal ikna işlevleri adayların mesleki gelişiminde güçlü bir role sahiptir. Sonuç olarak, bu makalede, psikolojik danışman adaylarının mesleki becerilerini ve öz-yetkinliklerini geliştirme sürecine katkı sağlayan bir süpervizyon modeli olarak sosyal bilişsel süpervizyon modelini açıklanarak sonraki ampirik çalışmaları desteklenmesi hedeflenmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Derleme makaleleri için etik kurul gerekli olmadığı için belge yüklenmemiştir.


  • Bandura A (1977) Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev, 84:191-215.
  • Bandura A (1988) Self-regulation of motivation and action through goal systems. In Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and Motivation (Eds H Vernon, HB Gordon, NF Nico):37-61. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands.
  • Bandura A (1989) Human agency in social cognitive theory. Am Psychol, 44:1175-1184.
  • Bandura A, National Inst of Mental Health (1986) Social Foundations of Thought and Action. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura A (1982) Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. Am Psychol, 37:122-147.
  • Barbee PW, Scherer D, Combs DC (2003) Prepracticum service‐learning: Examining the relationship with counselor self‐efficacy and anxiety. Couns Educ Superv, 43:108-119.
  • Barnes KL (2004) Applying self‐efficacy theory to counselor training and supervision: A comparison of two approaches. Couns Educ Superv, 44:56-69.
  • Bernard JM, Goodyear RK (2014) Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, 5th ed. Essex, Pearson Education.
  • Borders LD, Bernard JM, Dye HA, Fong ML, Henderson P, Nance DW (1991) Curriculum guide for training counseling supervisors: Rationale, development, and implementation. Couns Educ Superv, 31:58-80.
  • Borders LD, Brown LL (2005) The New Handbook of Counseling Supervision, 2nd ed. New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Bowman JT, Giesen JM (1982) Predicting ratings of counselor trainee empathy with self-report anxiety and measures of skin conductance. Couns Educ Superv. 22:154-161.
  • Campbell LF (2000). Mentoring and functions in supervision. Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, 4-8 August 2000, Washington, DC.
  • Corey G, Haynes R, Moulton P, Muratori M (2010) Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions: A Practical Guide, 2nd ed. Virginia, American Counseling Association.
  • Daniels JA, Larson LM (2001) The impact of performance feedback on counseling self‐efficacy and counselor anxiety. Couns Educ Superv, 41:120-130.
  • Dodge J (1982) Reducing supervisee anxiety: A cognitive‐behavioral approach. Couns Educ Superv, 22:55-60.
  • Erkan-Atik Z, Arıcı F, Ergene T (2014) Süpervizyon modelleri ve modellere ilişkin değerlendirmeler. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(42):305-317.
  • Eryılmaz A, Mutlu T (2018) Gelişimsel kapsamli süpervizyon modeline ilişkin psikolojik danişman adaylarinin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17:123-141.
  • Frantz TG (1993) Learning from anxiety: A transtheoretical dimension of supervision and its administration. Clin Superv, 10:29-55.
  • French JR (1959) The bases of social power. In Studies in Social Power (Eds D Cartwright):150-167. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.
  • Goodyear RK, Guzzardo CR (2000) Psychotherapy supervision and training. In Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 3rd ed. (Eds SD Brown, RW Lent):83–108. New York, Wiley.
  • Hill CE, Baumann E, Shafran N, Gupta S, Morrison A, Rojas AEP et al. (2015) Is training effective? A study of counseling psychology doctoral trainees in a psychodynamic/interpersonal training clinic. J Couns Psychol, 62:184-201.
  • Holloway EL (1987) Developmental models of supervision: Is it development? Prof Psychol Res Pr, 18:209-216.
  • Holloway EL (1995) Clinical Supervision: A Systems Approach. London, Sage.
  • Johnson E, Baker SB, Kopala M, Kiselica MS, Thompson EC (1989). Counseling self-efficacy and counseling competence in prepracticum training. Couns Educ Superv, 2:205–218.
  • Kraiger K, Ford JK, Salas E (1993) Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. J Appl Psychol, 78:311-328.
  • Lambert MJ, Hawkins EJ (2001) Using information about patient progress in supervision: Are outcomes enhanced? Aust Psychol, 36:131-138.
  • Larson LM, Daniels JA (1998) Review of the counseling self-efficacy literature. Couns Psychol, 26:179-218.
  • Larson LM, Suzuki LA, Gillespie KN, Potenza MT, Bechtel MA, Toulouse AL (1992) Development and validation of the counseling self-estimate inventory. J Couns Psychol, 39:105-120.
  • Leddick GR, Bernard JM (1980). The history of supervision: A critical review. Couns Educ Superv, 19:186-196.
  • Lemons S, Lanning WE (1979) Value system similarity and the supervisory relationship. Couns Educ Superv, 19:13-19.
  • Lent RW, Brown SD, Hackett G (1994) Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. J Vocat Behav, 45:79-122.
  • Liddle BJ (1996) Therapist sexual orientation, gender, and counseling practices as they relate to ratings on helpfulness by gay and lesbian clients. J Couns Psychol, 43:394-401.
  • Lohani G, Sharma P (2023) Effect of clinical supervision on self-awareness and self-efficacy of psychotherapists and counselors: A systematic review. Psychol Serv, 20:291–299.
  • Meydan B (2015) Bireyle psikolojik danışma uygulamasında Mikro Beceri Süpervizyon Modeli’nin etkililiğinin incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(43):55-68.
  • Mitchell DN, Ebersole DB, Martin LE (2022). Addressing supervisee anxiety during COVID-19: Applying models of supervision. J Couns Prep Superv, 15:25.
  • Motley V, Reese MK, Campos P (2014) Evaluating corrective feedback self-efficacy changes among counselor educators and site supervisors. Couns Educ Superv, 53:34-46.
  • Rogers JL, Luke M, Gilbridge DD, Goodrich KM (2019). Supervisee attachment, cognitive distortions, and difficulty with corrective feedback. Couns Educ Superv, 58:18-32.
  • Schauer AH, Seymour WR, Geen RG (1985). Effects of observation and evaluation on anxiety in beginning counselors: A social facilitation analysis. J Couns Dev, 63:279-285.
  • Siviş-Çetinkaya R, Karaırmak Ö (2012) Psikolojik danışman eğitiminde süpervizyon. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(37):107-121.
  • Strong SR (1968) Counseling: An interpersonal influence process. J Couns Psychol, 15:215-224.
  • Yılmaz O, Acar NV (2015) Psikolojik danışman eğitiminde süpervizyonun önemi ve grupla psikolojik danışmadaki rolü. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15:342-356.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Duyusal Süreçler, Algı ve Performans, Öğrenme, Motivasyon ve Duygu
Bölüm Derleme

Pınar Aylin Yırtıcı 0000-0003-2215-2761

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Yırtıcı PA. Social Cognitive Supervision Model: A Review. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2025;17(3):534-543. doi:10.18863/pgy.1550952

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