Segmental Solunum İçin Giyilebilir Bir Telerehabilitasyon Sisteminin Tasarımı, Geliştirilmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi
Yıl 2025,
Fatma Betül Derdiyok
Kasım Serbest
Bu çalışmada, solunum sistemi hastalığı olan kişilerde segmental solunum egzersizleriyle hastaların desteklenmesi; kullanımı kolay, bireysel kullanıma olanak sağlayan bir cihaz tasarlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Mühendislik tasarımı ve rehabilitasyon mühendisliği tasarım yaklaşımlarına uygun olarak telerehabilitasyon ile entegre bir cihaz tasarımı hedeflenmektedir. Kavramsal tasarım kapsamında, tasarım için bir gereksinim listesi oluşturulmuştur. Cihazın fonksiyonel yapıları ve çözüm prensipleri belirlenmiştir. Tasarım çeşitleri oluşturulmuş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Nihai çözüm varyantının yapıları ve tasarımın 3 boyutlu çizimleri oluşturulmuştur. Tasarımımız telerehabilitasyon uygulaması sayesinde hastaların solunum kapasitesini artırabilecek ve ev ortamında rehabilitasyona katkı sağlayabilecek etkin ve uygun donanıma sahiptir.
- [1] Taşkın H. Analyzing the effects of inspiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength and diaphragm thickness in intensive care patients with mechanical ventilator [dissertation]. Pamukkale (Tr): Pamukkale University at Pamukkale; (2020).
- [2] Csepregi É, Gyurcsik Z, Veres-Balajti I, et al. Effects of classical breathing exercises on posture, spinal and chest mobility among female university students compared to currently popular training programs. Int. J. of Environ. Res. and Public Health. 19(6): 3728., (2022).
- [3] Welch JF, Kipp S, Sheel AW. Respiratory muscles during exercise: mechanics, energetics, and fatigue. Curr. Opin. in Physiol.;10: 102-109., (2019).
- [4] Lahham A, Holland AE. The need for expanding pulmonary rehabilitation services. Life.;11(11):, (2021).
- [5] Yohannes AM, Connolly MJ. Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes in the UK: a national representative survey. Clin. Rehabil.;18(4): 444-449., (2004).
- [6] Milner SC, Boruff JT, Beaurepaire C, et al. Rate of, and barriers and enablers to, pulmonary rehabilitation referral in COPD: a systematic scoping review. Respir. Med.;137: 103-114., (2018).
- [7] Lahham A, McDonald CF, Mahal A, et al. Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD: a qualitative study reporting the patient perspective. Chronic Resp. Dis.;15(2):123-130., (2018).
- [8] Loubet M, Goujon L, Barthod C, editors. Recording breathing volumes with magnetic motion sensors, dedicated to COPD during the CPT session. Proceeding of the 3rd Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability; Taiwan, Tainan. IEEE; (2021).
- [9] Puranik KA, Kanthi M, editors. Wearable Device for Yogic Breathing. Proceeding of the Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence; United Arab Emirates, Dubai. IEEE; (2019).
- [10] Choi KY, Lee J, ElHaouij N, Picard R, Ishii H. Aspire: clippable, mobile pneumatic-haptic device for breathing rate regulation via personalizable tactile feedback. Poster session presented at: ACM|CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Japan, Yokohama (2021).
- [11] Tsaknaki V, Cotton K, Karpashevich P, Sanches P, editors. “Feeling the Sensor Feeling you”: A Soma Design Exploration on Sensing Non-habitual Breathing. Proceeding of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Yokohama, Japan. New York (USA): ACM; (2021).
- [12] Dietz HG, invertor; Pneumatic breathing belt sensor with minimum space maintaining tapes. United States Patent US4602643. (1986).
- [13] Verheem JB, inventor. Timer for breathing exercises. United States Patent US20040224822A1. (2004).
- [14] Murphy M, inventor. Relaxation inducing apparatus. United States Patent US20070203433A1. (2007).
- [15] Wasnick MS, inventor. Deep breathing training device. United States Patent US20080142004A1. (2008).
- [16] Baruers A, inventor. System and method for guiding breathing exercises. World Intellectual Property Organization Internal Publication WO2008139380A2. (2008).
- [17] Amurthur B, Bly MJ, Libbus I et al, inventors. Adherent device for respiratory monitoring and sleep disordered breathing. World Intellectual Property Organization Internal Publication WO2009036327A1. (2009).
- [18] Dijk EO, Janssen JH, Westerink JHDM et al, inventors. Breathing guidance device and method. World Intellectual Property Organisation, İnternational Published WO2012117376A1. (2012).
- [19] Gavish B, Doron Y, inventor. Apparatus and method for breathing pattern determination using a non-contact microphone. United States Patent Application Publication US20130289431A1. (2013).
- [20] Al Thalab FS, inventor. Wearable acoustic device for monitoring breathing sounds. United States Patent US8663126. (2014).
- [21] Persidsky AM, Ahlund RA, inventor. System and method to monitor, guide, and evaluate breathing, utilizing posture and diaphragm sensor signals United States Patent Application Publication US20150342518A1. (2015).
- [22] Roy JF, Fournier PA, Robillard C, inventor. Wearable respiratory inductance plethysmography device and method for respiratory activity analysis. Brevet Canadien Patent CA2896498C. (2016).
- [23] Dwarika J, inventor. Respiratory disease monitoring wearable apparatus. United States Patent Application Publication US20170071506A1. (2017).
- [24] [Internet]. San Francisco (CA): Josh Constine; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from: , (2022).
- [25] [Internet]. New York (USA): Genevieve Healey; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [26] [Internet]. USA; Prana; [cited 2022 Nov 22] Available from: , (2022).
- [27] [Internet]. Cambridge (UK): Eq lifemonitor; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [28] [Internet]. Colorado (ABD): Zephyr; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from: , (2022).
- [29] [Internet]. Montréal (Canada): Hexoskin; 2013 [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [30] [Internet]. New Jersey (ABD): Resperate; c 2017-2023 [updated 2023 Sept 4; cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [31] Serbest K. ve Eldoğan O., Design, development and evaluation of a new hand exoskeleton for stroke rehabilitation at home. Journal of Polytechnic, 24(1): 305-314, (2021).
- [32] Pahl G, Beitz W, Feldhusen J, et al. London (UK): Springer; (Wallance K, Blessing L, editors. Engineering design – A systematic approach; vol. 3), (2007).
- [33] Serbest K., Çilli M., Yıldız M. Z. ve Eldoğan O., Design of a cable and spring-driven wearable wrist exercise device for stroke rehabilitation. Journal of Polytechnic, 20(4): 953-959, (2017).
- [34] Gomes, M.G., Ogliari, A., Fernandes, R., B., Marques, K.,O. Evaluation of physical models as creative stimuli in conceptual design of products. (Vol. 81,pp 101119). (2022).
- [35] Stafford M, Lin F, Xu W, editors. Flappy breath: A smartphone-based breath exergame. Proceeding of the IEEE First International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies; 2016 June 27-29; Washington, USA. IEEE, (2016).
- [36] Siering, L., Ludden, G. D., Mader, A., et al.Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Design for Engaging Children in Therapy at Home—The Design of a Wearable Breathing Trainer. J. of Personalized Med.;9(2), 27., (2019).
- [37] Kulkarni, K., Nichols, J. H., Armoundas, et al. RespiCo: A novel, flexible, and stand-alone electronic respiratory coaching device. HardwareX.;12: e00335., (2022).
- [38] Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Ge, Q., et al. Exoskeleton Mimics Human Cough for Assisting the Expectoration Capability of SCI Patients. IEEE Tran. on Neural Syst. and Rehabil. Eng.;30, 936-946., (2022).
- [39] Vanegas E, Igual R, Plaza I. Sensing systems for respiration monitoring: A technical systematic review. Sens.;20(18): 5446., (2020).
- [40] Cao D, Zhang Z, Liang H, et al. Application of a wearable physiological monitoring system in pulmonary respiratory rehabilitation research. Proceeding of the11th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics; 2018 Oct 13-15; Beijing, China. IEEE, (2019).
- [41] Karpashevich P, Sanches P, Garrett R, et al. Touching our breathing through shape-change: Monster, organic other, or Twisted Mirror, ACM Trans. on Comput. -Hum. Interact.;29(3): 1–40., (2022).
- [42] Kaimakamis E, Perantoni E, Serasli E, Kilintzis V, Chouvarda I, Cheimariotis GA, Karamitros D, Raptopoulos A, Frerichs I et al, editors. Applying translational medicine by using the welcome remote monitoring system on patients with COPD and comorbidities. Proceeding of the EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI); 2019 May19-22; Chicago, USA. IEEE; (2019).
- [43] Derdiyok FB & Serbest K inventor. Rehabilitation Device for Segmental Respiration. Turkish Patent and Trademark Office 2023/004603. (2023).
Design Development and Evaluation of A Wearable Telerehabilitation System For Segmental Respiratory
Yıl 2025,
Fatma Betül Derdiyok
Kasım Serbest
In this study, it was aimed to support the patients to segmental breathing exercises in people with respiratory system disorders; easy to use, allowing for individual use. It is aimed to design a device integrated with telerehabilitation in accordance with engineering design and rehabilitation engineering design approaches. Within the scope of conceptual design, a list of requirements for the design was created. Functional structures and solution principles of the device were determined. Design variants were created and were evaluated. Structures of the final solution variant and 3D drawings of the design were created. Our design has effective and appropriate equipment that can increase the respiratory capacity of patients and contribute to rehabilitation in the home environment thanks to telerehabilitation application.
- [1] Taşkın H. Analyzing the effects of inspiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength and diaphragm thickness in intensive care patients with mechanical ventilator [dissertation]. Pamukkale (Tr): Pamukkale University at Pamukkale; (2020).
- [2] Csepregi É, Gyurcsik Z, Veres-Balajti I, et al. Effects of classical breathing exercises on posture, spinal and chest mobility among female university students compared to currently popular training programs. Int. J. of Environ. Res. and Public Health. 19(6): 3728., (2022).
- [3] Welch JF, Kipp S, Sheel AW. Respiratory muscles during exercise: mechanics, energetics, and fatigue. Curr. Opin. in Physiol.;10: 102-109., (2019).
- [4] Lahham A, Holland AE. The need for expanding pulmonary rehabilitation services. Life.;11(11):, (2021).
- [5] Yohannes AM, Connolly MJ. Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes in the UK: a national representative survey. Clin. Rehabil.;18(4): 444-449., (2004).
- [6] Milner SC, Boruff JT, Beaurepaire C, et al. Rate of, and barriers and enablers to, pulmonary rehabilitation referral in COPD: a systematic scoping review. Respir. Med.;137: 103-114., (2018).
- [7] Lahham A, McDonald CF, Mahal A, et al. Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD: a qualitative study reporting the patient perspective. Chronic Resp. Dis.;15(2):123-130., (2018).
- [8] Loubet M, Goujon L, Barthod C, editors. Recording breathing volumes with magnetic motion sensors, dedicated to COPD during the CPT session. Proceeding of the 3rd Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability; Taiwan, Tainan. IEEE; (2021).
- [9] Puranik KA, Kanthi M, editors. Wearable Device for Yogic Breathing. Proceeding of the Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence; United Arab Emirates, Dubai. IEEE; (2019).
- [10] Choi KY, Lee J, ElHaouij N, Picard R, Ishii H. Aspire: clippable, mobile pneumatic-haptic device for breathing rate regulation via personalizable tactile feedback. Poster session presented at: ACM|CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Japan, Yokohama (2021).
- [11] Tsaknaki V, Cotton K, Karpashevich P, Sanches P, editors. “Feeling the Sensor Feeling you”: A Soma Design Exploration on Sensing Non-habitual Breathing. Proceeding of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Yokohama, Japan. New York (USA): ACM; (2021).
- [12] Dietz HG, invertor; Pneumatic breathing belt sensor with minimum space maintaining tapes. United States Patent US4602643. (1986).
- [13] Verheem JB, inventor. Timer for breathing exercises. United States Patent US20040224822A1. (2004).
- [14] Murphy M, inventor. Relaxation inducing apparatus. United States Patent US20070203433A1. (2007).
- [15] Wasnick MS, inventor. Deep breathing training device. United States Patent US20080142004A1. (2008).
- [16] Baruers A, inventor. System and method for guiding breathing exercises. World Intellectual Property Organization Internal Publication WO2008139380A2. (2008).
- [17] Amurthur B, Bly MJ, Libbus I et al, inventors. Adherent device for respiratory monitoring and sleep disordered breathing. World Intellectual Property Organization Internal Publication WO2009036327A1. (2009).
- [18] Dijk EO, Janssen JH, Westerink JHDM et al, inventors. Breathing guidance device and method. World Intellectual Property Organisation, İnternational Published WO2012117376A1. (2012).
- [19] Gavish B, Doron Y, inventor. Apparatus and method for breathing pattern determination using a non-contact microphone. United States Patent Application Publication US20130289431A1. (2013).
- [20] Al Thalab FS, inventor. Wearable acoustic device for monitoring breathing sounds. United States Patent US8663126. (2014).
- [21] Persidsky AM, Ahlund RA, inventor. System and method to monitor, guide, and evaluate breathing, utilizing posture and diaphragm sensor signals United States Patent Application Publication US20150342518A1. (2015).
- [22] Roy JF, Fournier PA, Robillard C, inventor. Wearable respiratory inductance plethysmography device and method for respiratory activity analysis. Brevet Canadien Patent CA2896498C. (2016).
- [23] Dwarika J, inventor. Respiratory disease monitoring wearable apparatus. United States Patent Application Publication US20170071506A1. (2017).
- [24] [Internet]. San Francisco (CA): Josh Constine; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from: , (2022).
- [25] [Internet]. New York (USA): Genevieve Healey; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [26] [Internet]. USA; Prana; [cited 2022 Nov 22] Available from: , (2022).
- [27] [Internet]. Cambridge (UK): Eq lifemonitor; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [28] [Internet]. Colorado (ABD): Zephyr; [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from: , (2022).
- [29] [Internet]. Montréal (Canada): Hexoskin; 2013 [cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [30] [Internet]. New Jersey (ABD): Resperate; c 2017-2023 [updated 2023 Sept 4; cited 2022 Nov 22]. Available from:, (2022).
- [31] Serbest K. ve Eldoğan O., Design, development and evaluation of a new hand exoskeleton for stroke rehabilitation at home. Journal of Polytechnic, 24(1): 305-314, (2021).
- [32] Pahl G, Beitz W, Feldhusen J, et al. London (UK): Springer; (Wallance K, Blessing L, editors. Engineering design – A systematic approach; vol. 3), (2007).
- [33] Serbest K., Çilli M., Yıldız M. Z. ve Eldoğan O., Design of a cable and spring-driven wearable wrist exercise device for stroke rehabilitation. Journal of Polytechnic, 20(4): 953-959, (2017).
- [34] Gomes, M.G., Ogliari, A., Fernandes, R., B., Marques, K.,O. Evaluation of physical models as creative stimuli in conceptual design of products. (Vol. 81,pp 101119). (2022).
- [35] Stafford M, Lin F, Xu W, editors. Flappy breath: A smartphone-based breath exergame. Proceeding of the IEEE First International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies; 2016 June 27-29; Washington, USA. IEEE, (2016).
- [36] Siering, L., Ludden, G. D., Mader, A., et al.Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Design for Engaging Children in Therapy at Home—The Design of a Wearable Breathing Trainer. J. of Personalized Med.;9(2), 27., (2019).
- [37] Kulkarni, K., Nichols, J. H., Armoundas, et al. RespiCo: A novel, flexible, and stand-alone electronic respiratory coaching device. HardwareX.;12: e00335., (2022).
- [38] Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Ge, Q., et al. Exoskeleton Mimics Human Cough for Assisting the Expectoration Capability of SCI Patients. IEEE Tran. on Neural Syst. and Rehabil. Eng.;30, 936-946., (2022).
- [39] Vanegas E, Igual R, Plaza I. Sensing systems for respiration monitoring: A technical systematic review. Sens.;20(18): 5446., (2020).
- [40] Cao D, Zhang Z, Liang H, et al. Application of a wearable physiological monitoring system in pulmonary respiratory rehabilitation research. Proceeding of the11th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics; 2018 Oct 13-15; Beijing, China. IEEE, (2019).
- [41] Karpashevich P, Sanches P, Garrett R, et al. Touching our breathing through shape-change: Monster, organic other, or Twisted Mirror, ACM Trans. on Comput. -Hum. Interact.;29(3): 1–40., (2022).
- [42] Kaimakamis E, Perantoni E, Serasli E, Kilintzis V, Chouvarda I, Cheimariotis GA, Karamitros D, Raptopoulos A, Frerichs I et al, editors. Applying translational medicine by using the welcome remote monitoring system on patients with COPD and comorbidities. Proceeding of the EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI); 2019 May19-22; Chicago, USA. IEEE; (2019).
- [43] Derdiyok FB & Serbest K inventor. Rehabilitation Device for Segmental Respiration. Turkish Patent and Trademark Office 2023/004603. (2023).