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The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus

Yıl 2024, , 309 - 316, 30.09.2024


This article aims to present to the scientific community a dedicative inscription to the God Poseidon in his capacity as Asphaleios -Securer, embedded in one of the churches in Nessebar (Bulgaria)–St. Paraskeva Church. The inscription was found in 2013 during conservation-restoration works in the church. It is published for the first time here, and comments have been made on its connection with earthquakes and seaquakes in Southeastern Europe during so-called Hellenistic Period. The inscription is in the Doric dialect in four lines built in as a spolium on a recess above the altar apse on the church’s southern side in an upside-down position. Based on specific features of palaeography and orthography of the letters, the suggested dating is the second half of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd century BC. The epithet of the god in this inscription–Asphaleios is attested in other Dorian poleis; however, here, it cannot be connected with a temple to Poseidon. It was probably brought to Mesambria on Pontus from somewhere else; as exemplified with similar inscriptions originating from Kallatis (present-day Mangalia, Romania) and Dionysopolis (present-day Balchik, Bulgaria). The epiklesis in the mentioned inscriptions hints at the consequences of the seismic activity during the period comprising roughly the second quarter to the middle of the 3rd century BC that swept across Southeastern Europe and caused severe damage. Therefore, this inscription is another example of Poseidon being worshipped in his capacity of Securer and Earth-Stayer and being recognized as a symbol of hope for ancient people.


  • Boltunova–Knipovich 1962, Boltunova A. I.–Knipovich T. N., “Ocherki Istorii Grecheskogo Lapidarnogo Pis`ma na Bospore”, Numizmatika i epigrafika III, 3-31.
  • Ful 2022, Ful Ş.D., “Kyzikos’ta Poseidon Kültü” Bandırma ve Çevresi Sempozyumu-BCS’21, 30-37.
  • Guidoboniet et al. 1994, Guidoboni, E.–Comastri, A–Traina, G., Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakes in the Mediterranean Area up to the 10th Century. Rome.
  • Gyuzelev 2008, Gyuzelev, M., The West Pontic Coast between Emine Cape and Byzantion during the First Millennium BC. Burgas.
  • Hansen 1957, Hansen, B., Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen. Berlin. IGBR I2 1970, Mihailov, G., Inscriptiones graece in Bulgaria repertae. Sofia.
  • Jessen 1896, Jessen, O., “Asphaleios”, Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, RE II. Stuttgart, 1725.
  • Larfeld 1914, Larfeld, W., Griechische Epigraphik, Munchen.
  • Lazarenko et al. 2010, Lazarenko, I.–Mircheva, E.–Encheva, R.–Sharankov, N., “The Temple of the Pontic Mother of Gods in Dionysopolis” Ancient Sacral Monuments in the Black Sea (eds. E. Petropoulos–Al. Maslennikov), Thessaloniki.
  • Mihailov 2012, Mihailov, G., Klasicheska epigrafika. Sofia. Orachev 2012, Orachev, At. “Prouchvania varhu istoriyata i geografiyata na Levia Pont 2: “Pustata mera” χῶρον ἔρημον na Bizon i dannite za zemetrasni posleditzi po Balgarskoto Chernomorie ot 279/278 i 63 g.” pr. Hr. Izvestia na Narodnia Muzey–Varna XLIV/ LIX (2008), 64–95 (in Bulgarian)./ “Research on the Maritime History and Archaeology of the Left (West) side of the Pont “The Desolate Common” χῶρον ἔρημον of Bizone and the Data about Earthquake Ruination Consequences from 279/278 and 63 BC along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast”,English abstract In: Bulletin de Musée National de Varna, XLIV (LIX), 2008, Varna.
  • Plutarch 1914, Plutarch’s Lives, vol. I. (trans. B. Perrin). London, Accessed 21 February 2024.
  • Rachenov 1932, Rachénov, Al., Églises de Mésemvria. Institut Archéologique Bulgare, Sofia 1932 (Nesebar 20062).
  • Theoklieva-Stoycheva 2019, Theoklieva-Stoycheva, Ev. The Golden Book of Nessebar. Burgas.
  • Ünver 2020. Ünver, G. “A New Honorary Inscription from Knidos”. OLBA XXVIII, Mersin, 463-477. Velkov 2005. Velkov, V. “Inscriptiones antiques de Messambria (1964-1984)”. Nessebre III, Burgas.

Deprem Tanrısı: Pontus Mesambria’da Poseidon Asphaleios’a İthaf Edilen Bir Yazıtla İlgili Çeşitli Hipotezler

Yıl 2024, , 309 - 316, 30.09.2024


Bu makale, Nessebar’daki (Bulgaristan) kiliselerden biri olan Aziz Paraskeva Kilisesi’nde bulunan ve Tanrı Poseidon’a Asphaleios-Koruyucu sıfatıyla ithaf edilen bir yazıtı bilim camiasına sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kilisedeki restorasyon ve konservasyon çalışmaları sırasında 2013 yılında bulunmuştur. Şimdi ilk kez yayınlanmakta ve Helenistik Dönem olarak adlandırılan dönemde Güneydoğu Avrupa’daki depremler ve deniz depremleri ile bağlantılı olarak yorumlanmaktadır. Yazıt, Dor lehçesinde dört satır halinde, kilisenin güney tarafındaki sunak apsisinin üzerindeki bir girintiye spolium olarak baş aşağı yerleştirilmiştir. Harflerin paleografisi ve imlasının belirli özelliklerine dayanan tarihlendirme, M.Ö. 3. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı ile 2. yüzyılın başlarına dayandırılabilir. Bu yazıttaki tanrının sıfatı Asphaleios diğer Dor kentlerinde de görülmektedir, ancak burada Poseidon’a ait bir tapınakla ilişkilendirilmesi mümkün değildir. Büyük olasılıkla Pontus’taki Mesambria’ya başka bir yerden getirilmiştir; Kallatis (bugünkü Mangalia, Romanya) ve Dionysopolis (bugünkü Balçık, Bulgaristan) kökenli benzer yazıt örnekleri verilmektedir. Söz konusu yazıtlardaki epiklesis, kabaca M.Ö. 3. Yüzyılın ikinci çeyreği ile ortasını kapsayan dönemde Güneydoğu Avrupa’yı kasıp kavuran ve burada ciddi hasarlara yol açan sismik faaliyetin sonuçlarına işaret etmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu, Poseidon’a Koruyucu ve Yeryüzü Düzenleyicisi sıfatıyla tapınıldığının ve antik insanlar için bir umut sembolü olarak kabul edildiğinin bir başka örneğidir.


  • Boltunova–Knipovich 1962, Boltunova A. I.–Knipovich T. N., “Ocherki Istorii Grecheskogo Lapidarnogo Pis`ma na Bospore”, Numizmatika i epigrafika III, 3-31.
  • Ful 2022, Ful Ş.D., “Kyzikos’ta Poseidon Kültü” Bandırma ve Çevresi Sempozyumu-BCS’21, 30-37.
  • Guidoboniet et al. 1994, Guidoboni, E.–Comastri, A–Traina, G., Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakes in the Mediterranean Area up to the 10th Century. Rome.
  • Gyuzelev 2008, Gyuzelev, M., The West Pontic Coast between Emine Cape and Byzantion during the First Millennium BC. Burgas.
  • Hansen 1957, Hansen, B., Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen. Berlin. IGBR I2 1970, Mihailov, G., Inscriptiones graece in Bulgaria repertae. Sofia.
  • Jessen 1896, Jessen, O., “Asphaleios”, Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, RE II. Stuttgart, 1725.
  • Larfeld 1914, Larfeld, W., Griechische Epigraphik, Munchen.
  • Lazarenko et al. 2010, Lazarenko, I.–Mircheva, E.–Encheva, R.–Sharankov, N., “The Temple of the Pontic Mother of Gods in Dionysopolis” Ancient Sacral Monuments in the Black Sea (eds. E. Petropoulos–Al. Maslennikov), Thessaloniki.
  • Mihailov 2012, Mihailov, G., Klasicheska epigrafika. Sofia. Orachev 2012, Orachev, At. “Prouchvania varhu istoriyata i geografiyata na Levia Pont 2: “Pustata mera” χῶρον ἔρημον na Bizon i dannite za zemetrasni posleditzi po Balgarskoto Chernomorie ot 279/278 i 63 g.” pr. Hr. Izvestia na Narodnia Muzey–Varna XLIV/ LIX (2008), 64–95 (in Bulgarian)./ “Research on the Maritime History and Archaeology of the Left (West) side of the Pont “The Desolate Common” χῶρον ἔρημον of Bizone and the Data about Earthquake Ruination Consequences from 279/278 and 63 BC along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast”,English abstract In: Bulletin de Musée National de Varna, XLIV (LIX), 2008, Varna.
  • Plutarch 1914, Plutarch’s Lives, vol. I. (trans. B. Perrin). London, Accessed 21 February 2024.
  • Rachenov 1932, Rachénov, Al., Églises de Mésemvria. Institut Archéologique Bulgare, Sofia 1932 (Nesebar 20062).
  • Theoklieva-Stoycheva 2019, Theoklieva-Stoycheva, Ev. The Golden Book of Nessebar. Burgas.
  • Ünver 2020. Ünver, G. “A New Honorary Inscription from Knidos”. OLBA XXVIII, Mersin, 463-477. Velkov 2005. Velkov, V. “Inscriptiones antiques de Messambria (1964-1984)”. Nessebre III, Burgas.
Toplam 13 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji (Diğer), Eskiçağ Tarihi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Martin Gyuzelev

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Gyuzelev, M. (2024). The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus. PROPONTICA, 2(4), 309-316.
AMA Gyuzelev M. The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus. PROPONTICA. Eylül 2024;2(4):309-316. doi:10.56170/propontica.1444437
Chicago Gyuzelev, Martin. “The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus”. PROPONTICA 2, sy. 4 (Eylül 2024): 309-16.
EndNote Gyuzelev M (01 Eylül 2024) The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus. PROPONTICA 2 4 309–316.
IEEE M. Gyuzelev, “The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus”, PROPONTICA, c. 2, sy. 4, ss. 309–316, 2024, doi: 10.56170/propontica.1444437.
ISNAD Gyuzelev, Martin. “The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus”. PROPONTICA 2/4 (Eylül 2024), 309-316.
JAMA Gyuzelev M. The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus. PROPONTICA. 2024;2:309–316.
MLA Gyuzelev, Martin. “The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus”. PROPONTICA, c. 2, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 309-16, doi:10.56170/propontica.1444437.
Vancouver Gyuzelev M. The God of Earthquakes: Several Hypotheses Related to One Dedicatory Inscription to Poseidon Asphaleios From Mesambria on Pontus. PROPONTICA. 2024;2(4):309-16.


PROPONTICA Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. (CC BY NC)
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