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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 23 - 46, 29.03.2023


Roma İmparatorluğu sınırları içerisinde, öncelikle başkent Roma olmak üzere, merkezi veya taşra olsun birbirinden görkemli ve şatafatlı anıtsal mimari ile donatılmış çok sayıda kent vardır. Bu kentlerin hemen hemen hepsinde yer alan ve doğrudan Roma mimari karakteri taşıyan anıtsal yapı tipi ise hamamlardır. Bu yapılar, genelde İmparatorluk tipi (Thermae) ve halk tipi (Balnae) olarak iki grupta tasnif edilirler. Bu tasnif Roma kent hamamları için kullanılan genel uygulamadır. Smintheion’un ise bir kent değil kutsal alan olması ve özellikle Anadolu’da bulunması, barındırdığı hamamlarından dolayı geleneksel Roma anlayışından farklı düşünülebilir. Fakat Smintheion hamamları da planlama ve teknik ölçütler açısından geleneği takip ederler. Çünkü Smintheion hamamları planlama şekli ve tipi, yapı malzemeleri ve metotları, ısıtma sistemleri, mekan içi süslemeleri ve su donatımı ile geleneksel hamamların birer kopyası gibidir. Bu bağlamda Smintheion hamamları genel anlamda geleneksel Roma hamamları tipolojisine uyarlar. Dikkat çeken yanları ise plan ve teknik açıdan İtalya’nın Pompeii hamamlarından doğrudan etkilenmiş olmasıdır. Her iki örneğin Apollon Smintheus Tapınağı’nın bir parçası gibi tapınağın yakınında yer alması ve Anadolu kent hamamları ile karşılaştırılınca boyutları bakımından küçük olmaları ile dikkat çekerler. Plandaki bazı farklılıklara ek olarak Büyük hamam girişinde yer alan heykel kaideleri ve apodyterium işlevi de gören büyük bir salon gibi sıra dışı mekanlar açısından ise kendilerine özgüdür. Bu iki hamamın asıl vurgulanması gereken yönü ve diğer geleneksel “kent hamamlarından” ayıran özellikleri ise Anadolu’da özel inşa edilmiş, (termal örnekler hariç) örneği pek bilinmeyen “kutsal alan hamamları” olmalarıdır. Bu iki hamama "Batı Hamamı" olarak adlandırılan, henüz kazısı yapılmamış fakat yapılan sondajlarla MS 2-3.yüzyıla ait olduğu saptanan Roma hamamı da eklenmelidir. Her üç hamam ve su depoları ile birlikte Smintheion bir nevi termal-şifa merkezini andırmaktadır.


  • Aller 1998 Aller, T.J., Roman Healing Spas in Italy, A Study in Design and Function, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), University of Alberta, Edmonton.
  • Brooner 1971 Brooner, O., “Paul and the Pagan Cults at Isthmia”, The Harvard Theological Review, 64.2/3, 169-187.
  • Brödner 1983 Brödner, E., The Römischen Thermen und das Antike Badewesen: eine kulturhistorische Betrachtung, Darmstadt.
  • Çelikbaş – Oyarçin 2015 Çelikbaş E. – Oyarçin K., “Parion Yamaç Hamamı”, Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 3, No 4, 61-85.
  • Delaine 1999a DeLaine, J., “Bathing and Society”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 7-16.
  • Delaine 1999b DeLaine, J., “Benefactions and urban renewal: bath buildings in Roman Italy”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 67-74.
  • Fagan 1996 Fagan, G.G., “Sergius Orata: Inventor of the Hypocaust?”, Phoenix, 50, 56-66.
  • Fagan 1999 Fagan, G.G., Bathing in Public in the Roman World, Michigan.
  • Fagan 2006 Fagan, G.G., “Bathing for Health with Celsus and Pliny the Elder”, The Classical Quarterly, 56.1, 190-207.
  • Fagan 2011 Fagan, G.G., “Socializing at the Baths”, The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, (ed. M. Peachin), Oxford, 358-373.
  • Falconieri 1669 Falconieri, O., Inscriptiones Athleticae, Rome.
  • Farrington 1987 Farrington, A., “Imperial Bath Buildings in South-West Asia Minor”, Roman Architecture in the Greek World (eds. S. Macready – F.H. Thompson), London, 50-59.
  • Farrington 1995 Farrington, A., The Roman Baths of Lycia, An Architectural Study, Ankara.
  • Frisch 1975 Frisch, P., Die Inschriften von Ilion, Bonn.
  • Ginouvès 1998 Ginouvès, R., Dictionnaire Methodique De L’Architecture Grecque et Romaine III: espaces architecturaux, bâtiments et ensembles, Rome.
  • Grabar 1973 Grabar, O., The Formation of Islamic Art, Connecticut.
  • Gros 1996 Gros, P., L’Architecture romaine du début du IIIe siècle av. J.-C à la fin du Haut-Empire. I, Les Monuments publicus, Paris.
  • Guhl – Koner 1896 Guhl, E. – Koner, W., The Life of the Greeks and Romans, Described from Antique Monuments, London.
  • Heinz 1983 Heinz, W., Römische Thermen: Badewesen und Badeluxus in Römischen Reich, München.
  • Heinz 1993 Heinz, W., Baden, Salben und Heilen in der römischen Antike, Basel.
  • Keil 1910 Keil, J., “Forschungen in Erythrae I”, ÖJH, 13, 70-79.
  • Kaplan 2013 Kaplan, D., “Smintheion Roma Hamamı”, Apollon Smintheus’un İzinde, (eds. A.C. Özgünel – N. Özgünel), İstanbul, 81-100.
  • Kaplan 2014 Kaplan, D. “Smintheion Roma Hamamı Isıtma Sistemi”, Höyük, 6, 7-33.
  • Kaplan 2015 Kaplan, D., “Roman Baths and Related Structures,” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (Ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 65-92.
  • Kaplan et. al. 2022 Kaplan, D. – Koçyiğit, O. – Özhan, T. – Yavşan, Ç. – Yavuz, O., “2019-2020 Yılı Smintheion-Gülpınar Kazı ve Onarım Çalışmaları (40-41.Yıl)”, 2019-2020 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları, 1, 529-544.
  • Krencker 1929 Krencker, D., Die Trierer Kaiserthermen, Augsburg.
  • Laurence et. al. 2011 Laurence R., – Cleary, S.E., – Sears, G., The City in the Roman West c. 250 BC - c. AD 250, Cambridge.
  • Laurence 2012 Laurence, K.A, Roman Infrastructural Changes to Greek Sanctuaries and Games: Panhellenism in the Roman Empire, Formations of New Identities, Michigan.
  • Levick 1967 Levick, B., Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford.
  • MacDonald 1986 MacDonald, W.L., The Architecture of the Roman Empire II, An Urban Appraisal, Yale.
  • Madsen 2002 Madsen, J., “The Romanization of the Greek elite in Achaia, Asia and Bithynia: Greek Resistance or Regional Discrepancies?”, Orbis terrarum: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Geographie der Alten Welt, 8, 87-114.
  • Manderscheid 2009 Manderscheid, H., Dulcissima aequora: Wasserbewirtschaftung und Hydrotechnik der Terme suburbane in Pompeii, Leuven.
  • Maréchal 2015 Maréchal, S., “Lauacrum: just another Word for baths? How the terminology of baths may have reflected changes in bathing habits”, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Historie, 93, 139-178.
  • Mitchell 1993 Mitchell, S., Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, Oxford.
  • Netzer 1999 Netzer, E., “Herodian bath-houses”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 46-55.
  • Nielsen 1993 Nielsen, I., Thermae et Balnae; The Architectural and Cultural History of Roman Public Baths, Aarhus.
  • Nielsen 1999 Nielsen, I., “Early provincial baths and thier relations to early Italic baths”, Roman Bath and Bathing, (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 35-43.
  • Özgünel 2009 Özgünel, C., “Eine römische Thermenanlage am Smintheion”, Zurück zum Gegenstand, Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler, Band II, Langenweißbach, 515-520.
  • Özgünel 2013 Özgünel, A. C., “İlyada Destanı Işığında Apollon Smintheus Tapınağı,” Apollon Smintheus’un İzinde, (eds. A.C. Özgünel – N. Özgünel), İstanbul, 29-76.
  • Özgünel 2015 Özgünel, A.C., “The Temple of Apollo Smintheus and the Iliad” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 17-63.
  • Özhan 2015 Özhan, T., “New Inscriptions from Smintheion: Dedications, Epigraphs, and Fragments,” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 107-121.
  • Özhan 2016 Özhan, T., “Aleksandreia Troas’ta Agon’lar ve Smintheion’dan Yeni bir yazıt Fragmanı”, Eskiçağ Yazıları 10, AKRON, 13, 257-275.
  • Price 1984 Price, S.R.F., Rituals and Power, The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor, Cambridge.
  • Rebuffat 1991 Rebuffat, R., “Vocabulaire thermal. Documents sur le bain romains”, Les Thermes Romains, Collection de l'École française de Rome 142 Roma: École française de Rome, Rome, 1-34.
  • Remijsen 2011 Remijsen, S., “The So-Calles “Crown-Games”, Terminology and Historical Context of the Ancient Categories for Agons”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrafik, 177, 97-109.
  • Ricci 1891 Ricci, S., “ζνστικη συνοδος e la Curia Athletarum presso S. Pietro in Vincoli”, Bulletino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma, 185-209.
  • Rose 2014 Rose, C.B., The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy, New York.
  • Sourvinou-Inwood 1993 Sourvinou-Inwood, C., “Early Sanctuaries, the eighth century and ritual space, Fragments of a discourse”, Greek Sanctuaries, New Approaches, (eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hägg), London, 1-17.
  • Spanu 2015 Spanu, M., “Opus Caementicium in Asia Minor: Its Introduction and development”, Paradigm and Progeny: Roman Imperial Architecture and Its Legacy, (eds. D. Favro – F.K. Yegül – J. Pinto – G. Metraux), JRA, Suppl. 101, 27-36.
  • Tentea 2015 Tentea, O., “Terminological notes on the Roman baths and their state of research in Roman Dacia”, Bath and Bathing at Alburnus Maior / Baile Romane de la Alburnus Maior (eds. O. Tentea – F. Matei-Popescu), 13-20.
  • Troncoso 2009 Troncoso, V.A., “The Hellenistic Gymnasium and the Pleasures of Paideia”, Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae, 19, 71-84.
  • Yegül 1981 Yegül, F.K., “The small city baths in classical antiquity and a reconstruction study of Lucian’s ‘Baths of Hippias’”, Archeologia Classica, 31, 108-131.
  • Yegül 1993 Yegül, F.K., “The Roman Baths in Isthmia in their Mediterranean Context”, The Corinthia in the Roman Period (ed. T.E. Gregory), JRA, Suppl. 8, 95-113.
  • Yegül 1996 Yegül, F. K., Antik Çağ’da Hamamlar ve Yıkanma, İstanbul.
  • Yegül 2000 Yegül, F.K., “Memory, Metaphor, and Meaning in the Cities of Asia Minor,” Romanization and the City. Creation, Transformations, and Failures (ed. E. Fentreess), JRA, Suppl. 38, 133-153.
  • Yegül 2011 Yegül, F.K., Roma Dünyasında Yıkanma, İstanbul.
  • Yegül 2013 Yegül, F.K., “Development of Baths and Public Bathing during the Roman Republic”, A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic (ed. J.D. Evans), Oxford.
  • Yegül 2015 Yegül, F.K., “Roman Baths in Isthmia and Sanctuary Baths in Greece,” Bridge of the Untiring Sea. The Corinthian Isthmus from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, (eds. E.R. Gebhard – T.E. Gregory), Hesperia, Suppl. 48, 247-269.
  • Yegül 2018 Yegül, F.K., “Introduction: The Importance of the Roman Baths at the Sanctuary of Apollo Smintheus”, The Roman Baths and Related Structures, Smintheion Studies I, Ankara, 1-4.
  • Yılmaz 2013 Yılmaz, A., “Roma Hamamı”, Parion: Antik Troas’ın Parlayan Kenti, (ed. C. Başaran), İstanbul, 57-66.
  • Yılmaz 2022 Yılmaz, A., Parion Roma Hamamları, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
  • Zajac 1999 Zajac, N., “The thermae: a policy of public health or personal legitimation?”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 99-105.
  • Yılmaz - Yılmaz 2023, Yılmaz A. - Yılmaz Z., "The Roman Bath at Parion: Historical Development and The dating By 14c of Its Reused Phase",Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol 23, No.1, 77-92.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 23 - 46, 29.03.2023


Within the borders of the Roman Empire, primarily Rome, there are many cities, central or rural, each equipped with magnificent and ostentatious monumental architecture. The monumental building type, which is located in almost all of these cities and has a direct Roman architectural character, is the baths. These structures are generally classified into two groups as Imperial type (Thermae) and public (Balnae). This classification is the general practice used for Roman city baths. The fact that Smintheion is not a city but rather a sanctuary that is located in Anatolia can be considered different from the traditional Roman understanding due to its baths. But the Smintheion baths also follow tradition in terms of planning and technical criteria. Because Smintheion baths are like copies of traditional baths with their planning style and type, building materials and methods, heating systems, interior decorations and water equipment. In this context, Smintheion baths generally adapt to the typology of traditional Roman baths. The striking aspects are that it was directly influenced by the Pompeii baths of Italy in terms of plan and technique. Both examples draw attention as they are located near the temple like a part of the Temple of Apollo Smintheus and are small in size when compared to the Anatolian public baths. In addition to some differences in the plan, it is unique in terms of extraordinary spaces such as the statue bases at the entrance of the Great Bath and a large hall that also functions as an apodyterium. The main point of emphasis of these two baths and their distinguishing features from other traditional “public baths” is that they are “sanctuary baths”, which were specially built in Anatolia and examples are not known (except for thermal examples). The Roman bath, which has not been excavated yet, but was determined to belong to the 2nd-3rd century AD by soundings, should be added to these two baths. With all three baths and cisterns, Smintheion resembles a kind of thermal-healing centre.


  • Aller 1998 Aller, T.J., Roman Healing Spas in Italy, A Study in Design and Function, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), University of Alberta, Edmonton.
  • Brooner 1971 Brooner, O., “Paul and the Pagan Cults at Isthmia”, The Harvard Theological Review, 64.2/3, 169-187.
  • Brödner 1983 Brödner, E., The Römischen Thermen und das Antike Badewesen: eine kulturhistorische Betrachtung, Darmstadt.
  • Çelikbaş – Oyarçin 2015 Çelikbaş E. – Oyarçin K., “Parion Yamaç Hamamı”, Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 3, No 4, 61-85.
  • Delaine 1999a DeLaine, J., “Bathing and Society”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 7-16.
  • Delaine 1999b DeLaine, J., “Benefactions and urban renewal: bath buildings in Roman Italy”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 67-74.
  • Fagan 1996 Fagan, G.G., “Sergius Orata: Inventor of the Hypocaust?”, Phoenix, 50, 56-66.
  • Fagan 1999 Fagan, G.G., Bathing in Public in the Roman World, Michigan.
  • Fagan 2006 Fagan, G.G., “Bathing for Health with Celsus and Pliny the Elder”, The Classical Quarterly, 56.1, 190-207.
  • Fagan 2011 Fagan, G.G., “Socializing at the Baths”, The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, (ed. M. Peachin), Oxford, 358-373.
  • Falconieri 1669 Falconieri, O., Inscriptiones Athleticae, Rome.
  • Farrington 1987 Farrington, A., “Imperial Bath Buildings in South-West Asia Minor”, Roman Architecture in the Greek World (eds. S. Macready – F.H. Thompson), London, 50-59.
  • Farrington 1995 Farrington, A., The Roman Baths of Lycia, An Architectural Study, Ankara.
  • Frisch 1975 Frisch, P., Die Inschriften von Ilion, Bonn.
  • Ginouvès 1998 Ginouvès, R., Dictionnaire Methodique De L’Architecture Grecque et Romaine III: espaces architecturaux, bâtiments et ensembles, Rome.
  • Grabar 1973 Grabar, O., The Formation of Islamic Art, Connecticut.
  • Gros 1996 Gros, P., L’Architecture romaine du début du IIIe siècle av. J.-C à la fin du Haut-Empire. I, Les Monuments publicus, Paris.
  • Guhl – Koner 1896 Guhl, E. – Koner, W., The Life of the Greeks and Romans, Described from Antique Monuments, London.
  • Heinz 1983 Heinz, W., Römische Thermen: Badewesen und Badeluxus in Römischen Reich, München.
  • Heinz 1993 Heinz, W., Baden, Salben und Heilen in der römischen Antike, Basel.
  • Keil 1910 Keil, J., “Forschungen in Erythrae I”, ÖJH, 13, 70-79.
  • Kaplan 2013 Kaplan, D., “Smintheion Roma Hamamı”, Apollon Smintheus’un İzinde, (eds. A.C. Özgünel – N. Özgünel), İstanbul, 81-100.
  • Kaplan 2014 Kaplan, D. “Smintheion Roma Hamamı Isıtma Sistemi”, Höyük, 6, 7-33.
  • Kaplan 2015 Kaplan, D., “Roman Baths and Related Structures,” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (Ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 65-92.
  • Kaplan et. al. 2022 Kaplan, D. – Koçyiğit, O. – Özhan, T. – Yavşan, Ç. – Yavuz, O., “2019-2020 Yılı Smintheion-Gülpınar Kazı ve Onarım Çalışmaları (40-41.Yıl)”, 2019-2020 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları, 1, 529-544.
  • Krencker 1929 Krencker, D., Die Trierer Kaiserthermen, Augsburg.
  • Laurence et. al. 2011 Laurence R., – Cleary, S.E., – Sears, G., The City in the Roman West c. 250 BC - c. AD 250, Cambridge.
  • Laurence 2012 Laurence, K.A, Roman Infrastructural Changes to Greek Sanctuaries and Games: Panhellenism in the Roman Empire, Formations of New Identities, Michigan.
  • Levick 1967 Levick, B., Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford.
  • MacDonald 1986 MacDonald, W.L., The Architecture of the Roman Empire II, An Urban Appraisal, Yale.
  • Madsen 2002 Madsen, J., “The Romanization of the Greek elite in Achaia, Asia and Bithynia: Greek Resistance or Regional Discrepancies?”, Orbis terrarum: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Geographie der Alten Welt, 8, 87-114.
  • Manderscheid 2009 Manderscheid, H., Dulcissima aequora: Wasserbewirtschaftung und Hydrotechnik der Terme suburbane in Pompeii, Leuven.
  • Maréchal 2015 Maréchal, S., “Lauacrum: just another Word for baths? How the terminology of baths may have reflected changes in bathing habits”, Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Historie, 93, 139-178.
  • Mitchell 1993 Mitchell, S., Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, Oxford.
  • Netzer 1999 Netzer, E., “Herodian bath-houses”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 46-55.
  • Nielsen 1993 Nielsen, I., Thermae et Balnae; The Architectural and Cultural History of Roman Public Baths, Aarhus.
  • Nielsen 1999 Nielsen, I., “Early provincial baths and thier relations to early Italic baths”, Roman Bath and Bathing, (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 35-43.
  • Özgünel 2009 Özgünel, C., “Eine römische Thermenanlage am Smintheion”, Zurück zum Gegenstand, Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler, Band II, Langenweißbach, 515-520.
  • Özgünel 2013 Özgünel, A. C., “İlyada Destanı Işığında Apollon Smintheus Tapınağı,” Apollon Smintheus’un İzinde, (eds. A.C. Özgünel – N. Özgünel), İstanbul, 29-76.
  • Özgünel 2015 Özgünel, A.C., “The Temple of Apollo Smintheus and the Iliad” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 17-63.
  • Özhan 2015 Özhan, T., “New Inscriptions from Smintheion: Dedications, Epigraphs, and Fragments,” In Search of Apollo Smintheus, (ed. A.C. Özgünel), İstanbul, 107-121.
  • Özhan 2016 Özhan, T., “Aleksandreia Troas’ta Agon’lar ve Smintheion’dan Yeni bir yazıt Fragmanı”, Eskiçağ Yazıları 10, AKRON, 13, 257-275.
  • Price 1984 Price, S.R.F., Rituals and Power, The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor, Cambridge.
  • Rebuffat 1991 Rebuffat, R., “Vocabulaire thermal. Documents sur le bain romains”, Les Thermes Romains, Collection de l'École française de Rome 142 Roma: École française de Rome, Rome, 1-34.
  • Remijsen 2011 Remijsen, S., “The So-Calles “Crown-Games”, Terminology and Historical Context of the Ancient Categories for Agons”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrafik, 177, 97-109.
  • Ricci 1891 Ricci, S., “ζνστικη συνοδος e la Curia Athletarum presso S. Pietro in Vincoli”, Bulletino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma, 185-209.
  • Rose 2014 Rose, C.B., The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy, New York.
  • Sourvinou-Inwood 1993 Sourvinou-Inwood, C., “Early Sanctuaries, the eighth century and ritual space, Fragments of a discourse”, Greek Sanctuaries, New Approaches, (eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hägg), London, 1-17.
  • Spanu 2015 Spanu, M., “Opus Caementicium in Asia Minor: Its Introduction and development”, Paradigm and Progeny: Roman Imperial Architecture and Its Legacy, (eds. D. Favro – F.K. Yegül – J. Pinto – G. Metraux), JRA, Suppl. 101, 27-36.
  • Tentea 2015 Tentea, O., “Terminological notes on the Roman baths and their state of research in Roman Dacia”, Bath and Bathing at Alburnus Maior / Baile Romane de la Alburnus Maior (eds. O. Tentea – F. Matei-Popescu), 13-20.
  • Troncoso 2009 Troncoso, V.A., “The Hellenistic Gymnasium and the Pleasures of Paideia”, Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae, 19, 71-84.
  • Yegül 1981 Yegül, F.K., “The small city baths in classical antiquity and a reconstruction study of Lucian’s ‘Baths of Hippias’”, Archeologia Classica, 31, 108-131.
  • Yegül 1993 Yegül, F.K., “The Roman Baths in Isthmia in their Mediterranean Context”, The Corinthia in the Roman Period (ed. T.E. Gregory), JRA, Suppl. 8, 95-113.
  • Yegül 1996 Yegül, F. K., Antik Çağ’da Hamamlar ve Yıkanma, İstanbul.
  • Yegül 2000 Yegül, F.K., “Memory, Metaphor, and Meaning in the Cities of Asia Minor,” Romanization and the City. Creation, Transformations, and Failures (ed. E. Fentreess), JRA, Suppl. 38, 133-153.
  • Yegül 2011 Yegül, F.K., Roma Dünyasında Yıkanma, İstanbul.
  • Yegül 2013 Yegül, F.K., “Development of Baths and Public Bathing during the Roman Republic”, A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic (ed. J.D. Evans), Oxford.
  • Yegül 2015 Yegül, F.K., “Roman Baths in Isthmia and Sanctuary Baths in Greece,” Bridge of the Untiring Sea. The Corinthian Isthmus from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, (eds. E.R. Gebhard – T.E. Gregory), Hesperia, Suppl. 48, 247-269.
  • Yegül 2018 Yegül, F.K., “Introduction: The Importance of the Roman Baths at the Sanctuary of Apollo Smintheus”, The Roman Baths and Related Structures, Smintheion Studies I, Ankara, 1-4.
  • Yılmaz 2013 Yılmaz, A., “Roma Hamamı”, Parion: Antik Troas’ın Parlayan Kenti, (ed. C. Başaran), İstanbul, 57-66.
  • Yılmaz 2022 Yılmaz, A., Parion Roma Hamamları, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
  • Zajac 1999 Zajac, N., “The thermae: a policy of public health or personal legitimation?”, Roman Bath and Bathing (eds. J. DeLaine – D.E. Jonston), Portsmouth, 99-105.
  • Yılmaz - Yılmaz 2023, Yılmaz A. - Yılmaz Z., "The Roman Bath at Parion: Historical Development and The dating By 14c of Its Reused Phase",Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol 23, No.1, 77-92.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Davut Kaplan 0000-0002-5690-1639

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster



PROPONTICA Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. (CC BY NC)
Dergimize yalnızca Prehistorya, Protohistorya, Klasik Arkeoloji, Sualtı Arkeolojisi, Eski Çağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri, Eskiçağ Tarihi, Erken Hristiyanlık ve Bizans Sanatı ile Prehistorik Çağlardan Geç Antik Çağ sonuna kadar olan zaman dilimini konu alan; Numismatik, Antropoloji, Arkeometri ve Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma ve Onarım alanlarından yayın kabulü yapılmaktadır. Diğer alanlardan gönderilen yayınlar değerlendirmeye alınmamaktadır.

Yayımcı: Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Rektörlük Binası Kurupelit Kampüsü, 55139 Atakum / SAMSUN
0 (362) 312 19 19

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